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Going green in The Netherlands and Sri Lanka — 29 Comments

  1. I’ve no doubt EUrocrats would love collectivization, but rather than forcing it at the point of a bayonet they’re trying to force it through regulations acting on the market.

  2. Maybe those Dutch farmers can immigrate to the US and become child book reading drag Queens?

    Sens. Sanders (D-grifter) and Warren (D-Cherokee Nation) would approve.

  3. when they say the earth has fever, and we’re the disease, what do you think they are talking about,

  4. This is the warning that should not be ignored. Why does Bill Gates own so much farmland in the US ? It’s over 200,000 acres.

    A hint. It’s uncertain why Gates has invested in so much farmland or how his tracts are currently being used. Cascade did not immediately respond to a phone message Friday, and the company declined to comment to The Land Report “other than to say that Cascade is very supportive of sustainable farming,” the outlet said.

    What the hell is “sustainable farming?” Bill Gates ex-wife has removed her name and money from the Foundation. I guess his Epstein trips were too much for her.

  5. Has Gates ever driven a tractor or unloaded silos filled with grain? I am so sick of these people who want to plan the world from their palaces. VDH has a piece today that calls them the new Antoinettes.

  6. willful destruction. Yes, next question.

    When these “leaders” go hungry they might learn. But somehow they will always have food. Solent Green coming to a Supermarket near you.

  7. “It’s hard to say whether a governmental policy of required Green farming – currently causing problems in The Netherlands and even bigger ones in Sri Lanka – is the result of wishful thinking on the part of the government or whether it’s a desire for willful destruction.” neo

    The governments of The Netherlands and Sri Lanka and the UN are engaged in wishful thinking.

    On the other hand, the Global Elite who hold inordinate influence over all Western and many other governments have bought into the climate change enviromentalist agenda.

    Which at base, posits that human activity itself is a mortal threat to the planet and thus, to the human race’s very survival. That validates as an existential necessity the willful destruction of the means needed to sustain the earth’s population. Population reduction, as WEF’s Elitist members have repeatedly championed is the only rational explanation for creating the conditions that will result in famine.

    “The Dutch government is aiming to cut nitrogen and ammonia emissions by 50% by 2030…”

    Clearly the Dutch gov. has embraced the U.N.’s “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”

  8. Sri Lanka sounds like the anti-Norman Borlaug. “Progressing” its way back to early 20th century of agricultural standards.

    It’s unfortunate that the Dutch have latched onto the terminology of “nitrogen” pollution because they are mixing and confusing at least a couple of very different things. Tailpipe nitrogen emissions that are usually called NOx emissions here are included in the Dutch issues, if I read Neo’s material correctly, and maybe includes N2O which is the only one properly called “nitrous oxide.”

    The NOx is usually NO and NO2 and can create smog. N2O can be part of the normal crop and bacteria growth process although it is accentuated by fertilizers, but it really isn’t a main part of smog creation, I think. N2O or “nitrous” is laughing gas and isn’t really toxic. The NOx’s are relatively reactive and don’t stick around in the atmosphere for that long.

    Then there is ammonia which is toxic and is more of an issue when it enters the land and water.

    The greenies have a long history of overhyping the NOx problem with a goal taking down the whole internal combustion powered machinery sector. The smog issues in places like Los Angeles were mostly cleaned up with a tailpipe regulation of 1 gm/mile of NOx. Now I think the EPA or California’s CARB requires something like 0.02 to 0.03 gm/mile, which greatly lowers fuel efficiency.

    Ammonia, ammonia based fertilizers or other animal waste are the only pollutants that are going to have any effect on the Natura preserves.

  9. The far-left facists will literally kill us if we let them.


    As to Bill Gates farmland ownership, there are more than 14 million acres of farmland in Washington state. I guess he is entitled to a few of those.

    The county I live in here is ranked #1 in the state in terms of crop sales, and 11th in the country, so we certainly rely on farming.

  10. MikeK:

    200,000 acres is 312 sq miles. The land area of Nebraska is 77,421 sq miles. Not all of Nebraska is arable, farmed land, but the again neither is King County WA.

    I’d heard that Xi is buying US farmland too. Not that we should worry about that ….

  11. NPR runs major stories on the Sri Lanka economic crisis and civil revolt every day, but they never mention what factors CAUSED either. They can’t. NPR is thus worthless as a source of objective information.

  12. Ray Van Dune,

    NPR has always been living in ‘an alternate reality’.

    It’s often referred to as “National Palestinian Radio” for a good reason.

  13. I’ve figured out both Gates’ and Xi’s purpose in buying up so much productive US farmland!

    High yield Bug production. Think of the superlative advantages.
    Bugs don’t take up a lot of room so 200,000 acres can yield trillions upon trillions of bugs. Plus, theyre a ‘renewable’ resource!

    Once humanity is ‘persuaded’ to replace meat consumption with “much more nutritious” bug consumption, those on the ground floor of supplying the world with bugs at the grocery store will make billions… 😉

    I can’t wait for the day when Gates and Xi and Schwab of course sit down to a meal with bugs as the main course. I’m sure they will be eager to set an example for the rest of us… though I do wonder if the bugs served will be dead or the more nutritionally optimal alive… sarc/off

  14. I googled “ukraine climate change” and was surprised at the number of hits. I’m trying to understand why Democrats and the Elites are hanging so tough on Putin and Ukraine.

    I think Putin is a Bad Guy and what he is doing in Ukraine is Wrong. However, since when do Democrats and the Davos set care about a poor Eastern European country’s independence? What is their real motivation?

    I’m wondering if Putin is getting in the way of the Great Reset by the energy chaos being created by invading Ukraine. Perhaps we are not meant to see, just yet, how not-ready-for-prime-time solar/wind/etc power are.

    I think we are approaching the point where people can understand that solar/wind just won’t cut it. We keep using fossil fuels and/or we build a full boat of nukes everywhere.

    My conclusion is that at the top levels authorities intend climate change as a club for beating the middle class, especially the US middle class, into submission.

  15. They dont the war is an excuse to ratchet up the transition to green energy which like tony starks arc reactor doesnt exist,

  16. DisGuested, that was excellent!!

    Yep, that’s the blueprint, alright…
    (which is precisely why that “mega-successful” sucka’ has to be hidden from sight!!).
    …brought to you from all the truth-tellers (and truth-seekers…and truth-shovers-down-yer-throats) at the WTF!!!**.

    ** Since the WEF is far more of an elitist CULT than an economic institution, think tank, forum (with ONE OPINION! heh…) or otherwise, it’s only fair and proper to refer to it by a far more honest appellation: World Theological Forum.

  17. Huxley,
    one crisis good;
    two crises better;
    dozens, scores, hundreds of crises…FREAKIN’ FAR OUT!!!

    (To paraphrase the Big Bad—Schwabian?—Wolf: “The better to DISTRACT, CONFOUND, CONFUSE, EXASPERATE, STARVE and ultimately CONTROL you with, my dear…” (yep, that’s one eloquent wolf!)

    Our elites are aiming to make an omelet the size (and extent) of which Guinness has never seen…or dreamed of.

  18. Legal Insurrection is looking at what I’m looking at:

    The Green Agenda, whether called Net-Zero or The Green New Deal or whatever, is about using manufactured panic over Climate Change to enact sweeping changes in society through increasing the cost of fossil-fuels and energy and production dependent on fossil fuels. Like so much of the destructive idiocy sweeping politics, it started at and is driven by the campuses. It puts at risk all of the economic ties that bind us together, and it’s incredibly dangerous to societal stability.


  19. As I read this, it reminds me a bit of Soviet collectivization efforts. Less obviously brutal, of course, but the product of people operating under a theory that ignores reality. They are either extremely disinterested in the plight of the ordinary human beings living in their countries or actively hostile to them. I’m not sure there’s much of a difference between those two concepts.

    Yes, well, as we all know, we’re all getting in the way of “The future of the Liberal World Order”… right? What better way to “fix” that than to starve a couple billion of us?

    They should Pay Special Attention to the last time this crap happened…

    Revolutions of 1848: Crash Course European History #26

    Hungry people have a significant history of unhappiness with the Ruling Elites.

    It is unfortunate that we’ve gotten too civilized to deal with them using guillotines and firing squads and the like.

    That improves both the gene pool and the political pool.

  20. @ huxley > “Legal Insurrection is looking at what I’m looking at:”

    Yeah, me too.
    Professor Jacobson:

    The Dutch revolt is significant because it points to how fragile our food supply could become not due to natural disaster, but from progressive planning.

    This is revolutionary, but not in the way the progressives think. It will be counter-revolutionary as the costs and risks come into play.

    That reminded me of a phrase I wrote about in January 2022, The 9-Meal Rule, “There are only nine meals between mankind and anarchy,” which boils down to the fact that food shortages are different. In that post, I traced the history of The 9-Meal Rule, dating it back to Alfred Henry Lewis in the New York Journal in 1896 (pdf.):“the only barrier between us and anarchy is the last nine meals we’ve had. It may be taken as axiomatic that a starving man is never a good citizen.

    There is so much wrong with the progressive agenda that has captured almost every major institution — the political and ideological repression, the compelled conformity of viewpoints, the racial discrimination in the name of opposing racial discrimination, etc. — but above all that, putting the food supply and ability to subsist at risk is the most dangerous for society. It’s where we are heading, it’s manufactured, and it’s rolling down hill.

    We’re organizing an online event, hopefully this summer, on strategies for prepping for the worst that they have planned for us.

    Get a head start on your prepping with the comments to the post, as several people with expertise have weighed in.
    Ideologically, though, this is the winner:

    Martin | July 11, 2022 at 10:19 am
    The Malthusians have been predicting we would all starve for 233 years. They are tired of waiting. They are going to make it happen.

  21. AesopFan:

    They think they can control the chaos that will ensue, but that’s just another example of their hubris.

    See this.

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