Home » The latest language lesson from the teaching profession


The latest language lesson from the teaching profession — 29 Comments

  1. “When was the last time you heard the term ‘illegal aliens’ used even by the right?”

    My term for them has been, for some time now, “invaders”.

  2. The people promoting this garbage should be given a choice;
    40 years in jail OR renounce their citizenship, leave the USA permanently and never again be allowed to set foot in the USA.

    How such a very very small group of people can literally ram down the throats of the majority their perverted, sick and disgusting agenda is truly frightening.

  3. They really do want to PROVOKE a revolt.

    (Then they’ll smack their lips, try to suppress their twisted, triumphant grin and declaim, “You see! We told you so…”;
    and they’ll cry that the country is in an insuperable crisis and declare their political opponents—of any color or race—“White Supremacists” who want to destroy the country, finally deciding that the only reasonable solution would be to deprive them of eligibility to run…or cancel elections altogether.)

    Evil little weasels…

  4. I don’t understand why the crazies felt the need to invent the ugly term “birthing person.” Wouldn’t it be just as crazy but simpler to declare that men can be mothers too?

  5. This sort of stuff has actual impact in the real world. A lot of Democratic pundits are confounded and enraged at the weak response to Roe’s overturn from the Biden White House. Now, some of that is because the President is a potted plant but some of it is also because nobody in the Democratic Party or on the Left really knows what to do. They haven’t had to seriously think about abortion or argue it politically for 50 years and before they can start doing it now they have to reckon with the significant number of liberals who treat abortion like a holy sacrament.

    If the Democrats propose any abortion move that recognizes or accepts ANY restriction or limitation, there’s going to be a genocidal explosion from the Left that has grown up assuming abortion was legal for any reason up to the moment of birth.


  6. bof

    You’ve obviously have not been near academia lately. They been doing this for the last 20 years. Just since Covid it burst into the mainstream.

  7. Neo: The terms “birthing parent” and “non-birthing parent” generate another huge problem that I haven’t seen discussed in several articles I read about this issue. It seems obvious to me that these terms completely ignore adoption.”

    Bingo! Neo, even before I got to the point in your post where you say it that was the first thing I thought of when I saw “non-birthing parent”! My cousins, who are adopted, have two non-birthing parents? How dismissive of adoptions!

  8. These are very sick people, but with an agenda.
    An absolute agenda.
    A transformative agenda.
    They are the “Jesuits” of the woke era.
    The vanguard.
    They will transform civilization.
    They will transform the world and they will steamroll anyone and everyone in their path.
    Isn’t that breathtakingly exciting?
    Can you feel the frisson, the tingle in their one-track, revolutionary minds?
    The sexual thrill?
    They are going to change the world.
    Nothing less.
    Starting with YOUR children.
    Starting with YOUR language.
    And there isn’t a thing YOU can do about it, such is their power.
    (So these modern-day messianists believe.)
    And they have the state apparati at their backs.
    Indeed, what extraordinary power…to corrupt and pervert, to change and destroy.
    To RE-EDUCATE an entire people, an entire nation…made all the more exquisite because most of those people REFUSE to be re-educated.
    So they will have to be “helped”. “Assisted”. “Shown the way”. “Made to see the correct path”.
    (You thought the autos-da-fe were a thing of the past, did you?…Well, no, of course not…there was always “Darkness at Noon”, there was always Soltzhenitsyn…but, but those were only books…weren’t they? Stories?)

    …And so, tomorrow belongs to them! And they will gleefully, determinedly force their mantra upon everyone.
    (That is, until they founder on the ash heap of history.)

  9. There’s a multipart solution to this for Republican legislators:

    1. End collective bargaining for public employees in your state. Starve that beast.

    2. Close all of the state’s teacher’s colleges.

    3. End any requirement in state law that schools hire people with ed degrees.

    4. Establish new teacher-training programs at state institutions whose curriculum is prescribed by statute.

  10. Art Deco,
    include in #4, an entire year studying dictionaries from the past century.

  11. The Public Marxist Seminaries need to be shut down. My opinion is they are destroying the country by indoctrination for the last 50 years.

  12. Decades ago, teachers were told to stop using phrase “broken family”, referring to a family where once married parents are now divorced.

    A few years ago I asked a coworker where she was in birth order. Middle, she said. Her father had three children from three different women, and she was the youngest. Her mother had three children with three different men, and she was the oldest. Okay. I’ll bet her family reunions were really interesting.

    Words are very important. When patient has a limb not working as should be, we call it “affected”, as in …undress unaffected arm before affected arm, but dress affected arm first, and then unaffected arm. Referring to an arm with limited strength or range of motion as “bad” is a moral judgement.

    Long ago we stopped circling the drain, we’re in the crapper and being flushed.

  13. Art Deco….include decriminalizing school truancy.

    Set up free testing for GED for students of any age. GED age requirements vary by state. Some require age 19, or after highschool class has graduated.

  14. Art Deco makes a lot of sense – 4x! Thx.

    #5 The secret and dishonest discrimination against pro-life Christians and Republicans when colleges hire professors should be used to end tax-exempt status for them.

    Stop the gov’t from giving them benefits!

  15. Success in redefining words redefines their meaning, acceptance of a deceitful redefinition, yields the ideological ground to those seeking to deceitfully redefine meaning.

    The accurate term is “criminal alien(s)”. “Illegal” essentially lessens the criminality to a… faux pas.

    En mass it is criminal alien invaders.

  16. With respect to educational propaganda and the monolithic teacher’s union, and CRT that has wormed its way in to the education system, I found this interview of Christopher Rufo both enlightening and cause for optimism. Parents are engaging and soon legislators will be too. School choice and discretionary funding control by parents is the right prescription for the problem I think.

    Mark Granza and TechoFog (a twitter handle for the lawyer that often has an inside track to SCOTUS and Federal cases) conducted the interview – it’s a fairly short read.


  17. I use the term “illegal aliens” and homosexual instead of gay. I also recognize pride in general as a sin, not a sexual disposition that must be celebrated. I live in a very small sphere of influence. Thankfully my loved ones concur.

  18. Like some others here, the words and phrases I use are often politically incorrect. Most of them are chosen for accuracy — e.g. illegal aliens and homosexuals, but instead of LGBTs I say “large butts.” This hasn’t caught on.

  19. A small debate that we have around the house is “what blame falls on those who are complicit in illegal or divisive activities?”.

    When FBI agents kick down doors in the predawn hours and drag people accused of white collar crimes (or more often just associating with the wrong political leaders) out of their homes in chains, can they justify their actions by claiming that they are just innocently following orders? At Nuremberg that defense fell flat.

    When police stand idly by as “activists” close main thoroughfares or destroy private, or public, property to protest, whatever, are they not derelict in their sworn duty?

    When teachers allow their union to take positions that are detrimental to the emotional health of their students by replacing long standing, universally respected terms, terms that children learn from their parents, with gibberish, are they not complicit in the act of false education?

    Are we not all negligent because we tolerate such behavior, rather than rising up and slapping down the foolishness that threatens the fabric of our society?

    Back to the debate at home. To the extent possible, I am exercising a personal boycott of various companies, and media, who pander to the “woke” movement. I am told that I am “cutting off my nose to spite my face”. OK.

  20. No, no, no, no, no. A thousand times, no. “Birthing-parent” is NOT inclusive. It is exclusive.
    It excludes people who believe in traditional, nuclear families.
    It excludes people who believe in catholic values.
    It excludes people who believe in Jewish values.
    It excludes people who believe in Muslim values.
    It excludes people who believe in biology.
    It excludes people who believe in science.
    It excludes people who believe our societal history is worth saving.
    It excludes people who believe Western values are worth saving.
    It excludes people who believe in free and independent thought.
    It excludes people who believe the left is insane, delusional and/or evil.

    War is peace.
    Freedom is slavery.
    Inclusive is exclusive.

  21. About words, and less serious, encabulator


    A thought first expressed in 1946, but still relevant. Encabulation may be the solution to Climate Change, Social Injustice, Wealth Inequality, Systemic Racism, and UFOs.

    Words matter.

    A treime pipe is a usefull thing BTW.

  22. Words don’t mean what they used to.

    Actually, words don’t mean anything for Democrats.
    It’s simply LIE and INCITE, LIE and INCITE all the way down the line.
    Palestinian rules!!
    Exhibit A:
    ‘Alan Dershowitz: Shunned for defending the ‘Constitution on behalf of a president I didn’t vote for’;
    ‘The longtime law professor, who taught Jan. 6 committee member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) at Harvard, said the lawmaker “must have missed my class on the hearsay rule.” ‘—
    Key grafs:
    ‘…Dershowitz criticized the Jan. 6 committee for calling in former junior Trump White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson as a witness. Her hearsay congressional testimony is “the first time this has happened in my lifetime since McCarthyism, and it’s despicable,” he said.
    ‘ “It’s not only unethical,” he continued. “It’s not only unfair. It’s bad lawyering. Because if it turns out that the evidence doesn’t get corroborated, these lawyers will look like idiots or partisan zealots.”
    ‘Recalling that he taught Jan. 6 committee member Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) at Harvard, Dershowitz said the lawmaker “must have missed my class on the hearsay rule.”
    Raskin acknowledged last week that Hutchinson’s testimony was hearsay. “Oh, sure,” he said, adding, “We’re not in a court of law, and we’re not charging anybody with any particular offense.”[emphasis mine: Barry M.]
    Ergo, apparently, We can LIE and INCITE with impunity!!
    Nothing new here. Still, what a pathetic slimeball….

    Exhibit B:
    “Fatah official praises terrorist for murdering Israelis;
    “The senior official said it was ‘either us or us’….”—

  23. Here’s my question to the NPR type liberals: How is a baby made? Answer: Not by two people of the same sex without the help of the opposite sex.

  24. }}} Perhaps we should replace the word “teacher” with the term “propagandist”?

    Sorry, I have no kids, but anyone who is a parent worthy of the responsibility would be taking their kids out of public schools at whatever cost they had to pay and get them into a private school or some other, much better situation (e.g., Home Schooling). Even a single parent can manage this, and should (My mother did, back in the 70s, so — it’s doable)

  25. would be taking their kids out of public schools at whatever cost they had to pay and get them into a private school or some other, much better situation

    Have you been following the controversy at the Dalton School in New York? Often the teachers and administrators at private schools are at least as bad.

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