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Boris Johnson’s slow exit — 14 Comments

  1. Good riddance to BoJo, who was the British equivalent (perhaps even worse) of one of our worthless RINO members of GOPe, although, in truth, there is hardly any such creature in the politics of the UK as a sensible conservative! The scandals which have surrounded him are as nothing in comparison to his criminal dereliction of the duty to preserve his nation (an island being much easier to secure) from the massive and destructive invasion of unassimilable foreigners, many young, male, and Muslim (African, Middle Eastern, Afghan). The cost to the body politic of Britain of this insane policy has been incalculable and borne mostly by members of the working class, to say nothing of all the tens of thousands of young English girls preyed upon and violated, abusively and violently, by immigrants who should never have been allowed entrance.

  2. Hey Boris!
    As you’re leaving…Don’t let the front door hit you where the good Lord split you!
    Good riddance is right.
    He’s only the first…keep watching.

  3. I’m convinced it was his hair (“heavy hangs the hair”, etc.).
    Now I’m all for saving on shampoo and cutting back on water consumption—for the planet’s sake, certainly—and we’ve all heard of “a bad hair day” and even experienced the phenomenon on occasion…but three straight years??
    His party, it would appear, became increasingly unimpressed and ever more worried…
    The next PM will be, I am positive, far better groomed, perhaps even entirely bald.

  4. However:
    ‘Warsaw confirms detention of Polish scientist in Iran;
    ‘A statement from the Polish foreign ministry confirmed the arrest of a Polish “recognized scientist,” giving no further details about his identity.’—

    Wonder how he happened to be there and what he was doing….

    …as well as what Iran’s up to…with this latest round of hostage taking.

  5. Interesting Barry. Dunno Barak Ravid at all, but picked up the link from C. Glick, who, I assume, does know him somehow. So I’ll distrust her a tad more in future.

  6. It’s a built-in problem.
    We all jump! (Maybe I should speak for myself, though.)
    We all seem to want to believe the worst. (Ditto…)
    “If it bleed it leads…”, etc.
    “If it outrages, then…it must be true”(?)
    (Just another—huge—problem with the Internet and its insanity-inducing instaneity… Gotta be careful about every damn thing…)

    Anyway, hope that Polish fellow can get out of there, though, without too much hassle; and the others, too. But the Iranians have their reasons and they want something. And they’re very happy to wait for as long as it takes.

  7. And when journalists are absolutely UNSCRUPULOUS—are merely propagandistic hacks—the “built-in problem” is intensely magnified precisely so that the hatred, which is INTENTIONALLY generated, will go through the roof.
    …since the 2-minute hate (make that 24/7 hate) is such a heavenly, spiritual…or if not, then at least a magnificently useful goal….
    “Supreme Court Prayer Calumny Is Classic Illustration of Elite Media Manipulation of Facts”—
    H/T Instapundit.

  8. I suspect that it’s not so much a case of incompetence with Johnson but rather that he simply hasn’t anything to contribute, he’s the very definition of a mediocrity.

    Arguably, the polar opposite of a Churchill.

    Most significantly, Johnson is an indication of just how shallow has
    become the majority in the UK, that they found a mediocrity to be worthy of office. But now, who waits better in the wings? Not that such does not exist but rather that someone truly superior has no chance of being seen as welcome by the majority. Since far too many applecarts would be threatened. The UK does not want a De Santis, much less a Trump.

    A nation swirling down the drainhole.

  9. he’s the very definition of a mediocrity

    To anyone remotely familiar with Johnson, this statement sounds unreal.

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