Home » Republicans are going to put you all back in chains – again


Republicans are going to put you all back in chains – again — 37 Comments

  1. a man who drove his first wife to commit vehicular suicide and then lied for years by calling the truck driver intoxicated.
    A man who then cheated with a married woman and became a home wrecker

  2. Chains?

    Whoof! A welcome relief for all those who’re sick and tired of wearing nothing but flannel plaids.

  3. The Democrat Party has had half of their electorate in chains for decades. They are the people who suffer the losses from the utopian Democrat policies.

  4. I wonder if the left in general and Biden in particular have become so unhinged that people will just start tuning them out.

    Also, doesn’t the left constantly chide the us for using the so-called slippery slope fallacy? I guess it’s only a fallacy when the right uses it.

  5. How brain addled do you have to be leaping from killing unborn babies to banning children from school not even to puberty yet who have been groomed they are of a different gender than born with.?

  6. Those chains were Democrat forged and installed. Biden is a truly stupid, yet evil man.

  7. Didn’t they blindside Romney regarding contraception when he was running against Obama? Same fear tactic.

  8. “President Joe Biden called the ‘MAGA crowd’ the ‘most extreme political organization in American history’”

    Pathological projection or cynical liar bearing false witness? Not that it matters what the motivation for the embrace of evil…

    Skip rightly wonders “How brain addled do you have to be leaping from killing unborn babies to banning children from school not even to puberty yet who have been groomed they are of a different gender than born with.?”

    Why are we treating these people as sane? How insane must the embrace of evil be before it can no longer be tolerated?

    Having moved beyond the outdated concepts of good and evil, many on the left are testing the principle that “everything is permitted.”

    As, if God does not exist, then neither can God’s creation and
    mankind’s own will and desire becomes the source of everything for that is all that is left.

    “If there is no God, then I am God,” proclaims Kirilov in Dostoevsky’s “Demons”.

  9. did biden really drove his first wife to commit vehicular suicide with her two children inside the car or is it made up? better have something to back up such serious accusation.

  10. Good point, Neo- he is not charting this course nor is he writing the talking points. This is perhaps the single greatest weakness of the regime. The puppet master(s) who do are clearly utterly tone deaf ideologues with no self awareness. They will continue to sling muck at half the population. In the process, increasing numbers of their base will begin to realize that the people around them who they suspect are for Trump do not fit the lies and slander they are being painted with. They will hoist themselves by their own petard.

  11. and then lied for years by calling the truck driver intoxicated.

    He did lie and repeatedly.

    a man who drove his first wife to commit vehicular suicide

    She ran a bloody Stop sign. Stop this. It’s calumny.

  12. The “ MAGA” agenda is basically traditional America, for crying out loud. The left has moved so far left, so fast, that if they met their younger self they would call them “bigot”, “ homophobe”, “ transphobic”, etc.

  13. a man who drove his first wife to commit vehicular suicide

    She ran a bloody Stop sign. Stop this. It’s calumny

    No more a calumny than the lie Joe Biden has broadcast about the truck driver being drunk. My sister lost a child (to cancer) so I wouldn’t wish that on anyone but frankly, as much crass political hay as Joe has made out of the deaths of his first wife and baby daughter, and later the death of his favorite son Beau, if anyone deserves those tragedies, it’s Joe, a genuinely vile man with no values besides his own political trajectory.

    As a parent and grandparent who still shuttles small kids in my car, who the hell runs a Stop sign with kids in the car?

  14. Biden deserves all the scorn being heaped on him here, and the lies about the truck driver’s drinking are well attested. But if there is any evidence that his first wife committed suicide, with her child in the car, let’s hear it. Otherwise it is indeed calumny.

  15. Half my lib friends have shared a tweet that essentially says that. Something like, “If you think they won’t go after gay marriage and interracial marriage next, then you haven’t been paying attention.”

    Don’t they realize that today in 2022, even a majority of REPUBLICANS support gay marriage? And interracial marriage is supported by 94% of the country. So…who exactly is going to fight those numbers to try to get those repealed?

    Support for abortion is pretty evenly split, as far as I know. But a majority of people still support some common sense limits on it. Not to mention, support plummets when you get into the second trimester, and it’s even less once you start talking about the third. I don’t think any significant portion of the population is going to cry if suddenly uterus-owning individuals (I say, tongue-in-cheek) can no longer abort their fetus days before it’s due.

  16. As a parent and grandparent who still shuttles small kids in my car, who the hell runs a Stop sign with kids in the car?

    Someone distracted. Been known to happen.

  17. NS:
    Something like, “If you think they won’t go after gay marriage and interracial marriage next, then you haven’t been paying attention.”’

    Don’t they realize that today in 2022, even a majority of REPUBLICANS support gay marriage? And interracial marriage is supported by 94% of the country. So…who exactly is going to fight those numbers to try to get those repealed?

    I think that shows just how deeply they are committed to the idea that anyone who disagrees them about much of anything is a KKK-level racist.

  18. The left is losing people. They have weekly hysterias (Senator Warren’s latest is cringe worthy) and this week’s ‘freak out’ is abortion. The Dems are not being run not by wise elders, but dementia ridden people who should have retired decades ago.
    They think ‘abortion’ is good politics for the mid terms, but it is going to backfire. The people are tired of the anger, violence, and resentment the Democratic Party.

  19. The Boston Globe does its part to advance the Democrat’s narrative:

    Asserting that fetuses have rights, draft opinion could lead to abortion ban even in states like Mass., experts warn

    The legal arguments cited in the Supreme Court draft opinion could give political momentum to efforts to enact a federal abortion ban on the grounds that a fetus is an unborn human being with its own rights.

  20. The have been watching too many episodes of the handmaids tale

  21. Evil people projecting their evil on others.

    Nasty, vicious, vile slander is the essence of the Democratic party. It’s the entirety of its campaign playbook.

    The sickest aspect of the Democrats’ slanders which applies to both their politicians and voters — it’s how they feel good about themselves. The more often and more vile the slanders, the better they feel about their own moral superiority.

    These are sick, morally defective people.

  22. Someone in the comments here, and I apologize for not remembering who it was, called out a predictable set of responses in the way toxic narcissists respond to criticism: DARVO–Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. I went looking for the literature on such people, and the other major strategies included things like projection and gaslighting, in addition to lying, of course. That all sounded pretty familiar. When have we experienced that more than during the Great Polarization?
    So how do we explain the pandemic of such behavior? Jonathan Haidt blames social media, but I think it more likely that social media just enabled and accelerated the underlying condition, which was obvious to many of us going back to the 60’s and 70’s.
    In what fields would you expect to see a higher than usual concentration of narcissists? Show biz and politics, for sure. (Insert Bad Orange Man’s name here.) Certain kinds of high profile journalism. Academia, especially elite academia. The Law. Medicine (for anyone who has spent much time around doctors). Narcissists can be very adapt at fighting the internal political battles inside an organization, especially in organizations insulated from the cost of mistakes. So should we add senior bureaucrats and corporate executives? Dr. Fauci is both a doctor and a senior bureaucrat, for example.
    These specialities all exhibit guild-like behavior. In many cases, they are increasingly hereditary in their membership. And these guilds end up controlling institutions, especially those insulated from the cost of failure.
    The people inside and attracted to these institutions are subject to this gaslighting, projection, and threats of surveillance and exclusion.Wouldn’t the middle managers in the system act in ways that are hyper-sensitive to threats to the values and norms of the guild/institution? Controlling behavior makes sense as a strategy. Is it any wonder they show signs of stress, anxiety, and paranoia, or that they act out in ways that strike bystanders as irrational (if not insane) and detached from reality? I believe the young students crying out for more mental health services really are suffering. Of course they might also be addicted to the cause of their suffering.
    So yes, the Mitt Romneys are going to put people in chains. That totally makes sense.

  23. Biden and/or his handlers evidently believe that becoming even more harsh and divisive will stem the tide of voters moving away from Democrats. On the surface it seems odd.

    The word that seems to sum up the Democrats over the past few years is beligerant. It’s weird. They seem to have only become more extreme and less tolerant of any skepticism or dissent the more the public at large moves away from them. It’s as if they’ve lost all capacity for moderation and compromise.

    I know some people believe that the explanation for this behavior is that they’ve got (or believe they’ve got) the election system locked down so they can just steal all the elections from now on. But that doesn’t seem likely to me for a number of reasons.

    Maybe they’ve become addicted to divisiveness? Their behavior seems to make more sense if you look at it through the lense of addiction.

  24. Neo asks, ‘what did you expect’. Well, I did not expect much; but, even so I am surprised.

    There was a time when he tried to disguise his nastiness behind his fake teeth smile. I guess the Presidency has unleashed the full Biden. Worse luck for the country.

    There used to be a saying, or cliche, that men grew into the Presidency. Biden is shrinking to the extent that I might liken him to an insect chirping, but I do not want to insult crickets. I think roaches are silent.

    Although tempting, it would not be appropriate to use a four legged metaphor, like a hyena, for a President. No, can’t go there.

  25. Yes and repealing Roe vs Wade will cause the sun to explode. Women and children harmed most.

  26. shambling does make the stupidest arguments, take it away judge alito

    Unable to show concrete reliance on Roe and Casey them- selves, the Solicitor General suggests that overruling those decisions would “threaten the Court’s precedents holding. that the Due Process Clause protects other rights.” Briof for United Statesas Amicus Curiae 26 (citing Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U. 8. 644 (2015); Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U. S. 558 (2008 ); Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U. S. 479 (1965)). That is not correct for reasons we have already discussed. As even the Casey plurality recognized, “[aJbortion is a unique act” because it terminates “life or potential life.” 505 U.S, at 852; see also Roe, 410 U. 8., at 159 (abortion is “in- herently different from marital intimacy,” “marriage,” or “procreation”. even the Casey plurality recognized, “[aJbortion is a unique act” because it terminates “life or potential life.” 505 U.S, at 852; see also Roe, 410 U. 8., at 159 (abortion is “in- herently different from marital intimacy,” “marriage,” or “procreation”. And to ensure that our decision is not mis- understood or mischaracterized, we emphasize that our de- cision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right. Nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion.

  27. I don’t think Biden understands what he’s saying. I have seen dementia up close (my dad the last 3 years he was alive) and it all looks very familiar to me. Elderly people with dementia are often easily agitated, become angry with little provocation, and have trouble refraining from expressing whatever foolish thought has popped into their head. Biden probably heard the MAGA remark from someone in his inner circle and was merely parroting the words, without stopping to consider what he was really saying. Biden has always been something of a belligerent dumbs**t given to saying things that are foolish and/or provocative, and the dementia has only made it worse.

  28. The next “logical” step in the Democratic Party’s arsenal:
    “Bill Seeks to Muzzle Doctors Who Tell the Truth About COVID”—

    …to be followed by the next “logical” step…
    …to be followed by the “logical” step after that….

    Why, it’s Palestinian Rules!!…all the way down…:
    “The Palestinian State Bill: Palestinians Ask That More Arab Repression Not Be Allowed”—

  29. “As a parent and grandparent who still shuttles small kids in my car, who the hell runs a Stop sign with kids in the car?
    Someone distracted. Been known to happen.”
    She pulled into an intersection after making a full stop.
    she DID NOT run a stop sign

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