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The <i>real</i> “war on women”… — 40 Comments

  1. There’s a twit in the apparat who wrote this (in HR, student affairs, or the provost’s office). That person and the supervisor who vetted her work need to be fired.

  2. Art Deco:

    They both can identify as being employed while they learn to code. Is there good money in being an “influencer?”

  3. With any luck this ‘transgender’ stuff will push independents to vote R.

    D’s actively support this non-scientific belief because … shut up.

    R’s are already against it because it’s stupid.

  4. Not the right kind of woman of color for NYC:
    “Hero ex-principal Nadia Lopez banned from school she founded”—

    The reason is obvious…

    Meanwhile, in more NYC news, the de Blasios continue living as the hoaxes they truly are…
    “… Debt-ridden de Blasio spending thousands to live large at Brooklyn hotel”—

    Having done his very best to destroy the city he was elected to “govern” means that he may not have any real challenges left. (He did try getting elected POTUS but “Biden” is doing a far better job of destroying the country than de Blasio could ever dream of…)

  5. . . . “women” are now defined only as “people who believe they are women,”

    Perfectly circular. So what is it, then, that these “women” believe? They believe that they believe they are women? They believe that they believe that they believe they are women?

  6. “I don’t even think this is about transgender rights; not really. It’s about something bigger: the desire of the left for control of every factor of society, including (and perhaps even especially) language and thought.” neo

    Control the language and you control the formulation of thought.

    Control thought and because our mental perspective determines how we feel about issues, you control how people feel.

    Control thought and feelings and you control what and how they act.

    Control the individual’s thoughts, feelings and actions and you control their soul.

    Control the soul of the individual and they will enthusiastically agree today that 2+2=5 and tomorrow, agree that 2+2=3…

    Why is control of such overwhelming importance to the Left?

    The creation of Utopia requires it.

    “The product this time will be humans themselves. We are basically learning to produce bodies and minds.

    The problem [with the lower classes] is boredom and what to do with them. How will they find some sense of meaning in life when they are basically meaningless, worthless.” WEF Advisor Yuval Noah Harari explaining how the Next Industrial Revolution will create a class of ‘Meaningless, Worthless’ People…

  7. I’m still waiting for somebody to explain what is the physical basis of gender. Nobody has done it yet. You have intelligent commenters on your blog, but nobody answers the question.

  8. Ray:

    Gender as presently defined by the left has no physical basis.

    Long ago, it was a term that was confined to linguistics, and was about languages and what article to use (masculine or feminine).

    See this for the history.

  9. I blame it on women. Statistically (>99%), that means cis XX adult females. We (men) defer to you and give you certain perks in life because you are our child bearers. Without you, we would have no progeny. One of those perks is safe places, safe from male aggression. If these perks aren’t important enough to you, to stand up for them, then you are going to lose them. I find it incredible that any real (female) feminist wouldn’t stand up for real women here, and tell those pushing for men to be accepted as women “no!”

  10. Regarding Yuval Noah Harari and the “meaningless, worthless, people” there was another set of thinkers not that long ago who took actions to deal with “Useless Eaters.”

    Some intellectuals (Yuval) seem to think others don’t know history and consequences of idealogy. And Vlad doesn’t give a flying F about the WEF / Davos IMO.

  11. Bruce Hayden:

    Actually, some feminists spoke out early on, having recognized the problem trans activism presented. Have you never heard of TERFs, the name the left coined for them?

  12. Ray,

    No one has answered that question because we currently have no scientific proof of what gives rise to that condition.

    That the transgendered individual’s mind and physical body are in conflict is a given.

    There may or may not be a physical basis for an individual’s perception of their gender.

    It may turn out that the physical origin of that conflict occurs during gestation. We have scientific proof that men and women’s minds are wired differently. That difference occurs during gestation.

    If we actually do reincarnate, that physical imbalance during gestation may result from a soul’s unbalanced attachment to one sex over the other. God’s necessary and sole corrective for an imbalanced soul.

  13. “ Actually, some feminists spoke out early on, having recognized the problem trans activism presented. Have you never heard of TERFs, the name the left coined for them?”

    Definitely yes.

    Maybe I should have been less general. I think that it is feminists on the left who are not really standing up for themselves here. They are part of a power structure of the downtrodden, and don’t seem to be willing to stand up for themselves when their place in the structure of aggrieved victimhood is challenged. Long run, I don’t think that it is a viable strategy. Blacks needed to start Burning, Looting, and Murdering to overcome having been overlooked and taken for granted by the left for so long, despite their almost complete solidarity with Democrats. Feminists are in a comparable position right now, on the left. And yet, they are allowing themselves to be marginalized by a tiny fraction of the population.

    I don’t like the trans movement as I have seen it so far. But it won’t affect me directly. But it would my daughter. For example, she played sports through HS, and it was a good thing for her. The boys will continue to have their sports, but it is women’s sports that are starting to suffer with fake women, with their testosterone fueled skeletal and musculature systems, dominating where and when allowed to compete as women.

  14. Late to the converstation, but I think that an important observation was made by Matt Walsh who noted that this entire movement reduces the concept of “woman” to a costume which can be worn by anyone at will. (Which reminds me of Iowahawks oft repeated comment about the left killing a tradition and wearing it as a skinsuit while demanding respect).

    And isn’t it curious that the focus (or at least the publicity) seems to be on men “becoming” women rather than women “becoming” men. Is this a reflection of the same bias which glorifies drag queens but virtually ignores butch lesbians? Just asking.

  15. re student loans: there are people who didn’t go to college but did take out loans to start a business. And there are people who did go to college, paid for it themselves, and also took out loans to start a business.

    Haven’t heard any proposals for the government to fund forgiveness for *those* loans.

    This is partly a class thing, and partly a strong desire on the part of the Dems to keep the academic machine running and churning out more Dem voters.

  16. Whenever someone starts talking about sex “assigned at birth” you should immediately contradict them, saying instead that sex is “recognized at birth”.

    Just by using the word ‘assigned’ you implicitly adopt their crazy worldview. Every time anyone says ‘assigned’, you should insist on using ‘recognized’ — otherwise you lose the debate at the start by using their silly language.

    Next step: You can shove your arm in their face, saying “This was assigned to me as an arm at birth, but it’s really a leg”. Then pull of a shoe and put it on your hand, waving it around and demanding that everyone admire how well it fits…

  17. I have always wondered why the focus specifically on genitalia?

    Why do not amputees argue for multiple definitions such as left/right, arm/leg, finger/toe, etc.

    Complexion? Dark/light/fair/albino/etc

    Hair type? Curly/straight/thick/thin/frizzy

    Once the possibilities are expanded the cat fights over genitalia become laughable.

  18. My personal opinion is that the desire to control language and thoughts is to ultimately do away with religion. The left wants allegiance to the State, not God. I feel that prayer and devotion to God will be the only way out of this mess.

  19. It’s interesting that the scientific faculties,especially biology and medicine, allow themselves to be browbeaten into accepting the left’s proclaimed views on women.

    This in particular should not get past a scientist, or any well educated person: “women” are now defined only as “people who believe they are women”. It creates a logical circle with no content.

  20. then they are not scientists, they are sorcerers or alchemists, yes they want to neuter gender, erase gods creation, start with the mind and then work toward the flesh, it’s hard to overstate the pure evil in this,

  21. So, recognition of objective facts of biology are now mere human constructs or opinions; while feelings and sentiments, though fluid, are immutable facts.

    Yeah, 2+2=5.

  22. Remember when we were lectured that women’s heart health issues were underserved because most scientific surveys on cardiology used male patients? And that’s why February is now Go Red for Women’s Health Month? Good times.

  23. Well done, a swing and a miss. Yes, there is a war, and yes, women are suffering in this war. But no, Neo, this war is not about you, (singular, and individual woman*) nor is it about you (plural, all women). Nor are women the intended target. The war is on Western Civilization, and men and the patriarchy. The damage to women and children is collateral damage. While damage is collateral, I’m sure those doing the damage have no regrets, and are probably enjoying it. All members of society, men, women, and children, are suffering. The perpetrators of this war are evil and wicked.

    Consider please https://thefederalist.com/2022/04/19/second-wave-feminists-pushed-the-sexual-revolution-to-end-america-and-its-working/
    “Second-Wave Feminists Pushed The Sexual Revolution To End America, And It’s Working ”

    At that link we have this quote
    ““It was 1969 and she took me to a meeting at her friend, Lila Karp’s place in Greenwich Village,” Mallory explained to me for my book, “The Anti-Mary Exposed.” “At a consciousness-raising [an idea imported from Mao’s China] twelve women gathered at a large table. They opened with a type of Litany from the Catholic Church …but, this time it was Marxism, the church of the Left.”
    The “litany” went like this:

    “Why are we here today?” the chairwoman asked.
    “To make revolution,” they answered.

    “What kind of revolution?” she replied.
    “The Cultural Revolution,” they chanted.

    “And how do we make Cultural Revolution?” she demanded.
    “By destroying the American family!” they answered.

    “How do we destroy the family?” she came back.
    “By destroying the American patriarch,” they cried exuberantly.

    “And how do we destroy the American patriarch?” she probed.
    “By taking away his power!”

    “How do we do that?”
    “By destroying monogamy!” they shouted.

    “How can we destroy monogamy?”
    “By promoting promiscuity, eroticism, prostitution, abortion, and homosexuality!” they resounded. (Gress, 73-74)”

    *I do hope I haven’t misgendered you. While I’m not a biologist, I have been to nursing school. Funny, the state boards didn’t ask us about identifying males and females.

    A disclaimer: I like women, individually and collectively, but, and I’m sure being male is part of this, I tend to believe that many of you are cra-cra-crazy. Mysterious and alluring to be sure, but to be approached with caution.

  24. In the pastor’s sermon today he gave, as an example of a wish, a couple saying “If only we could get pregnant.”
    Come on buddy. Your wife could (hopefully) get pregnant, but *you* couldn’t!
    File under The Over-Feminization of Our Society.

  25. }}} The Massachusetts school [Wheaton College] has issued a language guide for professors…

    SMH: Trofim Lysenko is laughing and dancing in Hell.

  26. A “Uterus” is not what makes a woman a woman, it is simply an exceptionally common component, particularly AT BIRTH.

    What makes you A WOMAN is two chromosomes, both being “X”. What makes you A MAN is two chromosomes, ONE being a “Y” (I exclude the various irregularities with three chromosomes for the purposes of this distinction).

    It really is that simple. This is an effort by these imbeciles to paint a false dichotomy (they love that term, largely because it’s one of their most common tools to misdirect discussions) between “humans with uteruses” and “humans without uteruses” as being somehow relevant.

  27. The war against parents, against kids and against society heats up as another “Biden” sicko feels the need to prevaricate in public.

    “Rachel Levine says pediatricians all agree on importance of ‘gender-affirming care’ for children”—

    That “…pediatricians all agree…” on this matter cannot possibly be true; but true to “Biden”‘s mission and goal, this toxic creature is planting yet more dragon teeth.

    One wonders where “Biden” finds these people…until one remembers that the criminal “Biden” credo is, “the more victims the better”…and “the more lives we destroy, the more successful we are”.

  28. }}} I find it incredible that any real (female) feminist wouldn’t stand up for real women here, and tell those pushing for men to be accepted as women “no!”

    Because in The Leftist Victimhood Heirarchy, females rank well below trans. Not certain who ranks higher than trans, pretty sure it might be Muslims, but that will tie at some point to whether or not there is a real conflict in a Western location between them — not an individual actor or victim, but a clash of groups. The most amusing thing that could ever happen would be if some trans group seriously and actually decided to take on Islam (they won’t, they’re too chickenshit to try and force a Mosque to let them marry)

    I’d bet at this point Muslims will win the victimhood role clash if it happens.

    Mind you, if so, this will create a HUGE disassociative issue between liberal positions, but they’ll just create a mental disconnect where they never allow the two to be considered at the same time. A specialized form of the Liberal Midnight Reset Button® (defined HERE, if you are unfamiliar or have forgotten it:
    https://chicagoboyz.net/archives/65708.html#comment-1047079 )

    Feminists can fight this, but, really, face it — PostModern Feminists in particular hate themselves. Even more than they hate men, but that is a transference thing, they cannot face their own self-hatred, so they project it onto men.

    So this is not something they can make themselves fight.

  29. More sick leftist attacks on parents, in this case, specifically, mothers.

    “MSNBC warns of right-wing extremists weaponizing ‘motherhood’;
    “Columnist Cynthia Miller-Idriss also warned about ‘fascist fitness’ ”

    Hope they keep it up.
    Shout their insanity from the rooftops.
    Make it clear and undeniable (even clearer than it is now, if that were possible).
    Make it a daily ritual.
    Let EVERYONE know.

    Because it’s the parents (and the mothers) that stand between the Left and its maniacal goal of TOTAL CONTROL over the children.
    – – – – – – –
    Wonder what the author of that piece would think of this…?
    “Texas mom shoots man dead after he broke into home with her children inside”—

  30. They say “woman” is wrong because not all people who present as women are women. Instead, we are to call them “people who menstruate”.
    I wonder which correlation is stronger?

  31. This is all because Progressivism (a religion) believes that we can evolve, a la Star Trek, into something new. They believe we can become non-corporeal beings or giant brains with no needs for bodies or something. They believe the human mind can prevail over matter and mere biology.

    The rest just know they can get some people to believe this and thereby accrue power.

  32. “Every year in the United States, over half a million women have a hysterectomy.”


    (Sorry, I’ll show myself out.)

  33. The true irony here is that Wheaton was originally founded in 1834 as the Wheaton Female Seminary, it became Wheaton College in 1912, and did not admit men (pardon me people with testes) until 1988. The world is just becoming too weird for words

  34. “I don’t even think this is about transgender rights; not really. It’s about something bigger: the desire of the left for control of every factor of society, including (and perhaps even especially) language and thought.”

    I think it goes one more step. In “1984” Winston Smith was tormented until he agreed that 2+2=5. The pressure to make us accept something ridiculous is what this is all about. Tolerance is not enough. We must accept it with enthusiasm.

    My timing at ending my teaching of medical students was just right. I could not resist laughing at this stuff as medical schools change.

  35. “It’s about something bigger: the desire of the left for control of every factor of society, including (and perhaps even especially) language and thought.”

    I think it’s just a great big middle finger to society and civilization. It’s just “We will pervert and mutilate your children because we can. We have infiltrated everything, and this is just a demonstration, and there’s not one thing you can do about it.” And like Saruman said, “Still I have already done much that you will find it hard to mend or undo in your lives. And it will be pleasant to think of that…”

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