Home » Open thread 3/26/22


Open thread 3/26/22 — 14 Comments

  1. That’s pleasant. Our family had a period of about 25 years where we had a cat and a dog in residence. One dog was very amenable to cats and was miserable during the short interval when we lacked one. The other was initially aggressive; it lapsed into a truce when the cat started standing her ground. They eventually took to co-operative projects, like conning family members into giving them a second meal, but were never affectionate. With a cat, it’s always a risk when you introduce another creature onto their territory and they usually perceive it as an injury to their quality of life, even if they reconcile themselves to the situation.

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  3. I’ll clean up the spam later. Busy day today.

    There seems to have been some change that lets a few spam comments get through. Usually after a little while the spam filter learns to recognize the new type of spam and automatically block it. But it hasn’t quite learned it yet.

  4. So Joule lies down and Kelvin climbs right on top of her, or perhaps gives her one of his “massages.”

    Men…even when they’re cats, they’re dogs.

  5. Neo – I just saw this today. Nice to know my favorite bloggers read each other!


    [faux scientists are] People who are convinced they “Know” and don’t actually know anything, or know a lot of things that ain’t so.

    Part of this is the remnant of power by the MSM and the other leftist disinformation organs (including schools) blaring cover up and narrative to cover how spectacular their failure is. For instance like the newneo, I‘m getting sick, and mostly tired of hearing the newly red pilled throw tantrums about how this is all Trump’s fault because his administration was so bad, without paying attention to the fact he was constantly under attack by forces external and internal to it, and by his underlings desire to be seen as “so smart” by betraying him.

    The post quoted:

  6. And another not-quite-pingback.


    I’m tired. There’s the constant stress of knowing we’re now living in a coulrocracy (*government by clowns) and not knowing what they’re going to do next to *** things up for everyone. And no, they’re not making this easy by talking about “possibilities of nuclear war.” No, it’s not panicking me. It’s making me angry as heck, though. I wake up in the night punching something, and then have to apologize to husband or cat.

    But it’s exhausting. It all is exhausting.

    The new neo asked if everyone had aged 10 years in the last 2. In my eyes, most people, myself included, did.

    It’s the stress, the not sleeping well, the waiting for the other shoe to drop.

    Nothing is as harmful to the human mind and body as continuous uncertainty.

    When will it change? I’m uncertain.

    Can someone direct me to the waiting area for the flight to America circa 2017? Thank you.


    I’m not flying anywhere until they take off the mask mandates.
    And with any kind of luck that will be soon.


  7. Very cute dog & cat. My mother & sisters lived with multiple dogs and cats together. Many of the cats were named George (after my grandfather, not my mother’s dad, her ex-husband’s). I think she was on George 27 when she died 16 years ago.

    I do feel that I, my wife, and her mother all aged more in looks than in the prior 4 years. But I’m also now a busy grandpa of two fine grandsons.

    Saw this link about some Left to Right changers, not sure Neo’s covered it:

    Exit Right: The People Who Left the Left and Reshaped the American Century – February 21, 2017 (paperback)

    Wait, so I looked it up in Neo’s cute little search box “Exit Right” and, sho’ ’nuff:

    But there’s no book review by Neo shown — perhaps some half-finished project?

    I’d like Neo to have a “higher profile” among bloggers and intellectuals – yet it requires some self-promotion.

    More good bloggers are moving to substack; the best ones seem to make thousands thru the model of allowing those who pay to comment. I just signed up for Glenn Loury.

    I haven’t paid for the Post-Liberal Order, but it’s quite interesting.

    This post links to https://compactmag.com/masthead/
    and I was thinking Neo writes better than a few of their other columnists. Most, in fact, of that and other places I read. I know, self-promotion is such a drag.

    Which reminds me of the Stones, “what a drag, it is, getting old”
    (cool !!?) lyrics version; neither red nor blue pill…

  8. Tom Grey:

    Thanks for the kind words and suggestions. I probably should do more to self-promote, but it’s certainly not my forte.

    Maybe I’m too comfortable here in my little world of the blog…

  9. Tom Grey makes a good point regarding substack. I’ve seen other attempts at something similar in the past, but substack really appears to be gaining traction, and doing so quickly. Substack just may be the one that cracks the code.

    Could be an effective way for neo to garner her true, financial worth from her research and writing.

  10. I wanted to have a dog & cat pack, so here’s what we did. We found the puppies first, rescues at 4 weeks that we picked up & adopted at 5 weeks. That’s considered early to remove puppies or kittens from their litters, for socialization reasons, but we took 2 of the puppies so they were together and bonded. Two weeks later, we brought a whole litter of barn kittens over to the house, 5 weeks old to the puppies’ 7 weeks. We put the whole litter with the puppies, and picked the 2 kittens that reacted the best: no hostility, just curiosity.

    They’ve been together since, all one pack, all sisters, 3 years old now. The dogs and cats groom each other, hang out near each other, enjoy greeting and sniffing. When another dog enters our yard, our dogs become the defensive line, staying between the stranger dog and their sisters, protecting them. No overt posturing or growling, just…there.

    It’s worked out really well. My wife has never had this experience and is amazed (so am I) at how well this has worked out. The funny thing is, the cats have picked up a couple of dog habits, wanting to follow us around on walks, and meanwhile, I’ve been catching the bigger dog washing her face with her paws on occasion, licking them first just like a cat, which is really weird to see.

  11. Kelvin and Joule… cute… maybe add a parakeet named Candela or something.

    And for extreme geek-outs, get a litter of guinea pigs named after the quarks!

  12. @ Aggie – your experience (and the video, and probably other examples) calls into question the assumption that certain animals have a natural antipathy to each other.

    Here’s another sample (the photos and basic story are true, but predate Covid).

    However, I haven’t seen anything about the wolves lying down with the lambs, and I don’t intend to stick my hand in a cockatrice den anytime soon.

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