Home » Open thread 3/9/22


Open thread 3/9/22 — 31 Comments

  1. Some very, very good news from Florida:
    “Florida To Allow Doctors To Use Off-Label Drugs For Early Treatment Of COVID-19”—
    At long last….
    (Though one can well imagine the ghoulish pushback that will almost ensue from the usual suspects, AKA accessories to murder).
    Key grafs:
    ‘Florida To Allow Doctors To Use Off-Label Drugs For Early Treatment Of COVID-19….
    ‘…[H]ealth care practitioners are encouraged to provide early treatment for COVID-19 patients with federally approved generic drugs that they find will work. …
    ‘Dr. Pierre Kory, president and co-chief medical chief officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance, claims that many people have died unnecessarily during the pandemic, as COVID-19 is a treatable disease. He also said that it didn’t make sense that the government continues to focus only on pushing the vaccines.
    ‘”We know there have been hundreds of thousands of deaths in the U.S. and all for a treatable disease,” Kory said at a panel discussion on COVID-19.
    ‘”We have identified effective treatments, for now two years, and those effective treatments that are widely available generic repurposed [drugs], they continue to increase. And yet, we are still trying to vaccinate people with a 2-year-old vaccine against an Omicron variant, which is absolutely absurd,” he added….’

    Alas, pushing back against the government-instigated slaughter of the innocents is far too late for tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands.
    (Especially—“even”?— when one understands that such slaughter was necessary to ensure the stolen election….)

    To be sure, what “Biden” has been planning and has just begun to unleash will—if it succeeds—far eclipse the wholesale killing fields and social and economic sabotage that was government-authorized Covid-19.

  2. Been away for a while so sorry if this has already come up in earlier comments. Friends, family, colleagues keep asking my opinion about a “no fly zone”. Can someone provide a short list of serious people (The View doesn’t count) who are actually advocating for one? Outside of Ukraine obviously. I’d at least like to read their rationale.

  3. Barry, you may have noticed (or not!) that I had no covid report yesterday…it’s becoming increasingly irrelevant. State cases now at 6% of peak with Georgia leading at 2% with the exponential tail in full effect. That really means for Georgia, and the other states soon, cases will never reach zero but just become background “noise” like the common cold, flu , strep etc. Georgia will probably be at about 100 cases/day from now on; total population of 10.8million…the math is ridiculous.

    Got into a FB brouhaha yesterday. Claim was made that all US oil CEOs are just greedy bastards and are the reason for price increases. I just mentioned that my father spent his whole life in the oil industry so I have some knowledge of it and said I thought that was an overblown statement. I was immediately attacked as, you guessed it, a covid/climate denier, right winger nut job..etc… So the new left boogey man is the greedy oil CEOs. Well, not really new I guess, especially given the absurd statement coming from the administration that the way to energy independence is 100% renewables. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

    BTW, I did a quick calculation of needed electric generation if the US moved to 100% EVs. The result was we would need to double the electric generation capacity. Reality bites, but not in the left’s mind.

  4. Dr Kory, Dr Malone, Alex Berenson and Steve Kirsch all post regularly on Substack.
    Well worth subscribing since you can sign up for free.

  5. physicsguy, I have always admired your dogged determination and consistent efforts to keep us all abreast of developments.

    Having said that, I always wondered how you were so able to believe the statistics you quoted, given that EVERYTHING was politicized, or seemed to be, in addition to which “our betters” were shamelessly lying about EVERYTHING (for our own good, of course…).

    The absurdity—the continuing absurdity—of the PCR tests is only one example. The denial of known treatments a second; the ignoring of natural immunity a third…and the list goes on.

    It’s gruesome and it’s criminal especially when one understands WHY the deathly drama was perpetrated.

    (I believe that all we have to wait for now is a more comprehensive assessment of how dangerous/deadly the “vaccines” have actually proven to be. There have been warnings, of course, from the get-go; but I await reliable statistics…)

    So I have zero trust, almost from the get-go, though I went through with all the garbage, since it seemed to sorta make sense. (Note that I was fortunate—yes, fortunate—to have caught a mild case of the virus in Jan. 2020; Lord knows what I would have thought and/or done had that NOT happened…) Anyway, it’s all very bizarre; moreover it really hasn’t ended, not quite; though the “Biden”-Putin pas-de-deux may soon make it all academic.

    Unless we somehow can organize a Jan Sobieski-style event.

  6. “… all US oil CEOs are just greedy bastards and are the reason for price increases.”

    It’s not really that guy’s fault. Not really, though he can be faulted for stupidity, I guess (but one should always remember, “There but for the grace of God go I”…or something like that…)
    He’s “merely” echoing the new, latest, greatest—UPDATED version of the “Biden” narrative, echoed loyally 24/7, with variations as they become necessary, by the corrupt media. The ‘net and the airwaves (so to speak) are inundated with this garbage.

    (In a similar vein, the hike in the cost of oil/gas is due to the Ukraine war, etc.; inflation, too.)

    Regarding the GREED angle, according to this new, improved narrative, it’s simple(!), elementary GREED that’s responsible for all these problems, whether it’s the greed of the oil companies or the greed of the supermarket owners, or the greed of the American citizen…who for some reason want their standard of living back.

    But no, it can’t possibly have anything to do with “Biden”‘s policies and choices (also a huge part of the Narrative, BTW).

    And so the government-sponsored hate is launched targeting (with the avid assistance of the corrupt and criminal media) the latest “Kulak-du-jour”, as it were.

    And this will continue, until….?

  7. So the new left boogey man is the greedy oil CEOs. Well, not really new I guess, … — physicsguy

    I’ll say that’s not new. My point here is that these spin meisters on the left really can’t seem to come up with anything new. The same tired, 50 year old horse gets trotted out over and over again. I think that part of the issue for these propagandists is that they value the speed of their response and counterpoint over the quality of the missive. They may be correct, if no concern is given to polluting the public’s perceptions.

    I finished reading Orwell’s “Homage to Catalonia” recently. One of his mostly strongly held beliefs in the whole Spanish Civil War affair was his hatred of fascists and how he would do anything to help hurt and/or defeat them. One of his secondary beliefs was that Spain’s police force (one of them anyway) was purely a force to oppress the workers for the benefit of bourgeois capitalists and should be dismantled. Does any of that sound familiar?

    Marxists and socialists keep bringing out the dogma over and over again.

    If anyone wants to pick up Orwell’s book I’d recommend reading Appendix I after reading the first chapter or three. At one point the appendix was chapter V before it got moved. I’d have put it at chapter II.

  8. physicguy, nice work. I would have thought it would be more than doubled.

    I have some nice pics of Pandas that I took when we were in China. They really are interesting.

  9. }}} BTW, I did a quick calculation of needed electric generation if the US moved to 100% EVs. The result was we would need to double the electric generation capacity. Reality bites, but not in the left’s mind.

    Close to 15y ago, I did an analysis of the total surface area needed to be covered with “little blue cells” if we wanted all our generation to be based on solar.

    I assumed 50% conversion (very generous), 50% insolation (sunlight — also very generous), and 10% transmission losses. Then 50% loss to storage for evening purposes…

    The rough estimate said we would have to cover a land surface area larger than Rhode Island, but smaller than Delaware.

    And, of course, I repeat — GENEROUS AND CONSERVATIVE numbers.

    Can you imagine the endless screeching that would occur if I said I wanted to cover Delaware entirely with concrete?

    Moreover — the creation of computer chips is one of THE most toxic processes humans use. The sludge that comes off of it is serious grade-a dead-on-balls nasty. Computer chips are tiny, though, so the amount created does not really increase a lot over time, as the chips keep getting smaller so the number created per area goes way up, while the “surface area” of the chip substrate remains fairly consistent.

    Guess what solar cells are? Yup. Computer chips. And yup. Lots and lots of area, ever-increasing, with a HARD cap on how much area you will need even with perfect cells (which you ain’t gonna get! 66% seems to be a hard natural limit on such processes). Said limit is the “Solar Constant”, which is the approximate amount of energy from the sun, fairly close to 1kW/m². The BEST we will ever get out of solar is possibly 660w/m², with 400-500w a more practical best. And the area you have to cover clearly is tied 1-1 with power needs… so the amount of those you have to create is going to go up strongly, and thus the highly toxic waste these “green energy” solutions are going to produce goes WAY up.

    But hey, “I don’t see it, so it doesn’t exist!” is the mantra of the 3yo “Peekaboo” liberals.


  10. Biden has Treas. Sec. Yellen nudging and arm twisting investment banks to avoid providing capital for oil and gas producers, but that’s not enough. He has also nominated Sarah Bloom Raskin to be a Federal Reserve vice chairman. The Fed is one of three primary banking regulators, in addition to regulating the quantity of our money supply.

    This is a bit old and long.

    Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, a Republican, on Tuesday [December] took to Twitter to criticize Ms. Raskin’s potential nomination, saying she “advocated cutting off capital for energy & destroying millions of US jobs.”

  11. Senator Whitehouse is parroting the narrative. ie. “Oil is an international market affected by the actions of other nations and supply and demand. We are at the mercy of that marketplace.” They believe in markets when it suits them. Such transparent liars.

    Thank goodness Florida has made therapeutics for Covid legal. An open trial of various medicines by a wide range of doctors. Some answers should be forthcoming.

    Florida also rejected vaccines for healthy children.

  12. OBloody Hell,

    I think SunPower PV solar cells are the most efficient at about 21%. Of course there are those desert solar collection farms that are thermal power generators. I don’t know what that efficiency is.

  13. BTW, it is precisely because the economy (and everything else) is HURTLING downward WHILE the Narrative being shaped and pitched is that such disasters “can’t possibly have anything to do with “Biden”‘s policies and choices” that we know that this degradation, this sabotage, this subversion, this train wreck IS PRECISELY government policy.

    (Simply look at the disconnect between words and deeds.)

    “Biden” knows he CAN lie about everything bald-facedly, obviously, and that “he” doesn’t even have to try to hide or coverup his dissembling—(knowing that the corrupt media will spin it for him).

    “He” exults in this subterfuge and is not afraid of being either found out or “outed”. If “he” is found out, “he” is not afraid that “he” will be forced to change direction; but if “he” ultimately IS forced to “change direction”, then “he” will either lie about a purported change or pull a superficial stunt—AKA “optics”–like buying oil from Venezuela instead of Russia (at least that’s the claim—who knows if the switch will actually be executed?), thus preserving the sacrosanct, untouchable policy of shutting down the American energy sector.

    IOW, “he” has no fear that the Narrative will fail or, should it fail, that “his” policies will have to be changed.

    Just another step on the road to, essentially, removing all checks and balances that might prevent “his” planned “revolution” or, in layman’s terms, demolition of the country.

    NO FEAR.

  14. Related:
    H/T Instapundit.
    Key grafs:
    ‘President Biden committed that his administration was using every tool at its disposal to protect American businesses and consumers from rising prices at the gas pump. “I will do everything in my power to limit the pain that the American people are feeling at the gas pump.”
    ‘This would’ve been spectacularly good news for every American and the larger economy were it actually true. But…it is clear that Vladimir Putin’s attack on Ukraine will end up delivering precisely what the Biden administration itself has been working so furiously to achieve over the last year: higher domestic energy prices. Putin has inadvertently become the scapegoat and gift the Biden administration desperately needs to explain away increasing domestic energy prices that began at least eight months before Putin ever stepped foot on the stage in Ukraine….’

    “Scapegoat and gift”…alas, perhaps something else entirely:
    I mentioned about a week ago—
    “Biden” needs Putin.
    “Putin needs “Biden.”
    (Hey, maybe “Biden” will make yet another offer to Zelensky to spirit him, his wife and children out of the country…)

    Collusion, anyone?

  15. (And in case anyone remains unconvinced, there’s always that gloriously executed/contrived/choreographed/orchestrated/wrought “Iran ‘DEAL'”….

    Gosh, who coulda possibly have seen THAT coming?…)

  16. “Having said that, I always wondered how you were so able to believe the statistics you quoted, ..”

    Barry, I don’t believe the numbers in general are accurate in the sense that a given number is truly the “right” number. What I have seen over the past 2 years is that the TRENDS in the data seems to be consistent, and that’s what I emphasize. Early on I saw the national level data did not jibe with the state level data in terms of actual numbers, but again the trends did. That’s why as early as late April 2020 I switched to getting the actual state level for the 6 states I follow.

    I suspect it will be a decade or more before the REAL numbers are know, but maybe not even then. You’re right about the abuse of the PCR test which most likely inflated the actual cases, but did track the trends in the data.

    I wish I could show the graphs here. My main point is that the curves of various data vs time most likely show the correct ups and downs, but the left axis is not to be believed in terms of the scale listed.

  17. phsyicsguy,

    That’s great news regarding COVID! Thanks for all your work analyzing the data over the past 2(!) years!

  18. physicsguy,

    Shouldn’t be too hard to sum the publicly available annual income of all oil company CEOs and divide by gallons of gas purchased daily in the U.S. to see how much your Facebook friends would drive down the cost of gas by decreasing their pay.

    Let’s see. Looks like U.S. consumers use about 315,000,000 gallons/day just to fuel their vehicles “the price at the pump.” Let’s assume one, whole entire penny of the per gallon price goes to “greedy oil executives.” One penny times 315,000,000 gallons times 365 days equates to $1,149,750,000 in annual salaries. That one cent will pay 200 oil executives an average salary of $5, 748,750.

    Drop the price by a dime and it equates to 2,000 greedy oil executives averaging around 5 million dollars a year. Are there 2,000 people at oil companies averaging that much in pay? I doubt it. But even if there are, and you drop their pay to $0.00/year the consumers’ price at the pump would only decrease by one, thin dime per gallon.

  19. Rufus, that’s a great way to look at it.

    Instead I calculated the US CEO’s compensation as a fraction of the company’s net value; (6 companies, Exxon, Chevron etc). The average for the oil CEOs was around 14×10^-5, with all of them fairly close to each other. With respect to your numbers, that amounts to about $17million average compensation.

    For comparison I also looked at the Disney CEO compensation which turned out to be 23×10^-5. So that “greedy” Disney CEO makes about 90% (about $32million) more than the oil CEO’s despite both industries being valued in the 100s billions. My FB opponent has not answered, though he was very quick on the uptake yesterday.

  20. Barry Meislin:

    Do you honestly believe that Putin is in league with Biden and vice versa, and that they are conspiring together? That seems not only unlikely but absolutely wrong to me. I don’t think much of either of those parties, but whatever interests of Biden’s that Putin’s actions serve (such as higher gas prices) is not Putin collusively doing Biden’s bidding.

    And do you actually think Zelenskyy stayed in Ukraine as some sort of collusive game? If that’s what you think, I strongly disagree.

    The degree of cynicism I’ve seen around the right side of the blogosphere on the Russia/Ukraine question is quite dramatic. I plan to write a post about it soon.

  21. physicsguy,

    Your method is a good, direct refutation of your Facebook adversary, but I like to cede the other side their argument and take it even further. “O.K., let’s say you’re right and CEO’s are greedy. Let’s even assume there are other greedy executives at those six companies. How many greedy executives (an average of $5M/year) does it take to save you a dime/gallon?”

    I was working at an engineering design company when the lead engineer at one of our plants complained to me about the Executive bonus structure. This guy is an Engineer, mind you, earns his bread working with numbers. I knew the bonus pool and number of people in it (as did he, our company published it). Then I took the entire sum of the pool (assuming it was max’xed out and every Executive got the max available, which never happens) (again, cede him his argument). Then I divided it by the number of hourly employees. It was a 2 cent/hour raise.

  22. Regarding physicsguy’s crunching of numbers and oil company CEO pay; I assume many here are familiar with Dave Burge (Iowahawk’s) excellent math problem regarding Democrats’ admonition to tax the rich. At about 2 minutes into this video Bill Whittle breaks it down: https://youtu.be/661pi6K-8WQ

    Well worth 6 minutes of your time if you’ve never seen it. The math doesn’t work. Not even close. Not even in the ballpark and the ballpark isn’t even on the same continent.

  23. Yes, it’s pretty nutty, I agree.
    WRT Zelensky, my point, made elsewhere IIRC, is that “Biden” pledged to get him out odf Ukraine so as to facilitate the Russian walkover, save lives, prevent destruction, however one wants to look at it. (All the while making “Biden” look like a humanitarian, going that extra mile to save lives and defuse the situation, etc., etc….)

    (And no, that doesn’t necessarily have to be the case… It could be “humanitarian”, not that that jives well with “Biden-esque” machinations, but it could be.)

    Nonetheless, that didn’t happen, did it?
    And so no Russian walkover…and lots of carnage, death and destruction.
    And so “Biden” offered a second time.
    And received the same answer.
    And so, more carnage, death and destruction; and more potential escalation.

    (And so the conquest of Ukraine is NOT working out the way it was supposed to, is it?
    Though this could certainly could be for other reasons, though, couldn’t it?)

    And yet, the price of oil is skyrocketing (Great for “Biden” and a terrific excuse!).
    Inflation is skyrocketing (Great for “Biden” and another great excuse!).
    The west is looking a lot weaker (Great for “Biden”).
    More political and financial uncertainty (Great for “Biden”).
    (All these really nifty(!) crises happening all at once—once again Great for “Biden”. (Engineered crises, one should add.)

    Prompting the question: Given the “truism” that one should “never let a crisis go to waste” (especially an engineered one!?), will this abundance of chaos have any consequences when, say, “election” time rolls around? E.g., “How can we be expected to hold elections with all these awful crises swirling around us, not to mention that fifth column of Deplorable(TM) anti-American insurrectionists—AKA Trumpist Republicans—running loose, running wild, threatening the Republic, etc., etc., ad nauseum?”….
    Whereupon “in defense of the Republic” those Emergency measures (and more) made so famous by our neighbors to the north may just have to be invoked—“to defend the Republic” of course. (Moreover, if Republican Racists(TM) actively work to deny Blacks the right to vote, then why can’t “WE” deny those White Supremacists(TM) the right to vote? After all, what goes around comes around, right”

    Well I guess we shall see if I have an overactive imagination. (One really ought to hope so…)

    In any event, along with—or even more than?—the pretty zany stuff above, the Iran-Russian-“Biden” “negotiations” “victory” should raise more than a few eyebrows (i.e., if there are any left…).
    Once again, nothing certain about collusion with Russia EXCEPT that “Biden” got some assistance in the form of an “excuse” (perhaps) to rationalize why “he” had to give Iran what “he” did (Russia made me do it!!?(Well, OK…)). IOW, “Biden” gave Iran what “he” was planning to give them all along; but Putin provided some useful “cover”. And so, underlying Tony Blinken’s sweet, dulcet, and ever so well-modulated tones, to go with his oh-so-sober demeanor, those who are listening carefully might hear faint, or not so faint, revererations of “Take THAT, you Orange-haired Bas***rd! Take THAT, Bibi!!!”, etc… with an inspired coda of “Oh, sweet, sweet revenge”; following which, the honorable Blinken can once again somberly regale us with the oh-so-sobering revelations that he, sniff, lost members of his family in the Holocaust, sniff.
    And will never forget.
    And will always stand valiantly in Israel’s defense.
    (Maybe Rachel Walensky can coach him with the tears.)

    But, “Biden”, will insist to those made more than a tad uneasy by “his” empowerment of his Iranian ally: there is a way to resolve this simply terrible impasse! All Israel HAS TO DO is “give back” the Palestinians what justice demands. (“Give back” in quotation marks simply because Israel doesn’t have the right to “give back” what Israel DOES NOT REALLY OWN, does it? “Give back” what it conquered in war?—All that territory is OCCUPIED. Let’s not split hairs here. We’re talking about “justice”.).

    So let’s not talk about “giving back”. Let’s talk about JUSTICE:
    And to achieve JUSTICE, “Biden” will DICTATE to Israel what Israel must do. PERIOD.
    And should Israel, um, demur, object, resist, remonstrate…well “We tried to help those recalcitrant Israelis…but it looks like they don’t want to be helped.

    Yes, let’s hope I’m entirely, absurdly, laughably, wrong about all of it.

  24. Barry Meislin,

    The Narrative already failed back in 2020. The left’s doubling down on it demonstrates that they have nothing else to offer and, that their ideology doesn’t permit meaningful ‘adjustments’. Which is why they will not and cannot change their policies.

    Art Deco,

    QAnon’s influence and significance is massively exaggerated… by the left.

  25. RE: Roswell–

    Saw a recent podcast in which Lou Elizondo was the guest, and he was asked about the most iconic UFO crash case, Roswell.

    In his coy way, Elizondo said that he couldn’t say much about Roswell, other than to say that there was a lot more to it.

    But, then, Elizondo went on to say something like ”…if it was really a weather balloon (as pictured in the newspaper the next day, after the Army Air Force retracted it’s initial “flying saucer” press release of the day before) that crashed, you’d probably send a Sargent and a couple of enlisted men out in a jeep to pick up the couple of pounds of debris.

    “You wouldn’t sent out an officer, a whole bunch of troops, a security detail, and a large, heavy, flatbed truck.”

  26. RE: Roswell take two–

    Trying to be more accurate about Elizondo quotes from podcast #116 on the “UFO Garage”*

    Elizondo said that “Roswell had to be looked at empirically,” and that if a mylar balloon had crashed you’d probably “send out a staff sergeant, a couple of privates, and a small security detail, a couple of MPs so that people didn’t stumble into things”

    “You wouldn’t send out a Senior Officer, a lot of people, and a flat bed, low boy trailer with 3 axels that was designed to carry heavy, heavy weights, and large objects, for a mylar balloon.”

    “You don’t send out an army to write a speeding ticket.”

    For a balloon crash 2 people and maybe a jeep.

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