Home » It’s reassuring to know that Biden has restored dignity and civility to public discourse


It’s reassuring to know that Biden has restored dignity and civility to public discourse — 15 Comments

  1. At least he didn’t call Doocy a “lying dog-faced pony soldier.” Or try to sniff his hair.

  2. Sarcasm and a personal insult in response to a legitimate question from the press.
    As long as “the Big Guy” gets his 10% it’s a great asset.

    At least he didn’t say, like that PA school board president (I think it was) “I don’t work for you.”

  3. You see, whether or not a presidential comment is acceptable depends entirely on the party of the president in question.

  4. Joseph Robinette Biden Junior, the first leader of a nation who doesn’t require a court jester as no one can perform the role better than he does.

    How does one mock a man this intrinsically mediocre?

  5. Rufus asks, “How does one mock a man this intrinsically mediocre?”

    Corruption such as this is beyond mockery. Which places it firmly within the camp of scorn and derision.

  6. Barry,

    I simply cannot believe that Biden’s puppet masters have the cojones to actually risk war with Russia. I think this to be ‘sabre rattling’ intended to distract the American public from domestic concerns.

    God help us if they’re too stupid to realize that direct, armed conflict between two nuclear armed nations could easily slide into nuclear war. China has to be wringing their hands in delight.

  7. I’m not as offended about the Marionette’s hot-mic utterance as I otherwise might have been, simply because I’m not surprised by it. But neither did I think the question from Doocy particularly incisive. Does Biden think inflation is going to be a political liability in the midterms? Even had the Marionette actually fielded the question in a normal manner, what did Doocy expect him to say? I figure the episode merely met my expectorations.

  8. Someone pushed Biden* to apologize to Doocy and this is what they got which was somewhat worse than the original insult, IMO. Who pushed him and what did they hope to accomplish? What they got was more illumination of the original insult and another look into the brutish personality of Biden.

  9. Geoffrey, you’re right.
    She should have said, ‘The Biden Administration CLAIMS TO BE ready to go to war with Russia to save Ukraine’s corrupt so-called “democracy” while destroying our own democracy here at home.’

    But she’s absolutely correct about the “interrupt” between “Biden”‘s words and reality. (I love it—don’t you?—when “Biden” takes the time, and effort, to criticize elections in certain foreign countries for not being sufficiently “democratic” or “transparent”!…and/or pledges American assistance for “ensuring” fair elections in such countries—almost as much as I love it when Democrats, in all mock-seriousness, crease their brows and stroke their chins while warning us how Republicans are THE DIRE DANGER to democracy in America….)

    But back to the “Biden”/Putin/Ukraine menage a trois, I believe it’s all theater meant
    – to make it APPEAR as though “Biden”—unlike Trump (heh)—is ready to roll up his sleeves and deal with that “killer” Putin (instead of being his “poodle”);
    – to disguise the fact that “Biden” has no intention of alienating Putin and may even be allied after a fashion—whether “allies of the moment” or “allies” due to Lee Smith’s kompromat theory (we’ll soon find out if Hunter is the gift that keeps on giving)…or because of some perceived desirable ideological and/or strategic “realignment”—don’t ask me how this might work…but we ARE talking, after all, about “Biden” and the Democrats…;
    – but MOSTLY TO DISTRACT everyone from “Biden”‘s “big shift” toward China and BACK TOWARD the Mullahs (see under “negotiations with”). Regarding the latter, I’m of the opinion that “Biden” believes “he” has to string along “the Jews” (and their support) for as long as “he” can. (Essentially, this means until “he” can get that filibuster thang all untangled and out of the way…Don’t worry: Chuck’s working on it!)

    I could be wrong about all of this, certainly…live in fantasy land, or have an overactive imagination….though the truth is, alas, I’m pretty staid…and probably should have stayed quiet on this(!)

    (No doubt should have posted this under the “Can’t Be Too Cynical”(TM) post/rubric….)

  10. Follow-up to Biden’s new “civility”– “Democrat President Joe Biden was caught shopping and going out for ice cream on Tuesday after White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki appeared to struggle to answer what exactly Biden was up to today. . . . Reuters reporter Jeff Mason later tweeted out photographs showing Biden wandering around Washington, D.C., visiting at least one boutique store and going to an ice cream shop. . . . After his activities, a lid was called at 3:06 p.m. . . . Psaki did not say that Biden apologized for calling Doocy a “stupid son of a b****.”


  11. @ Philip > “I’m not as offended about the Marionette’s hot-mic utterance as I otherwise might have been, simply because I’m not surprised by it.”

    If Biden had stopped with his first phrase, he would have actually earned points for some well-turned sarcasm. It was the cussin’ that made his comment deplorable.

    For Kate: ‘You see, whether or not a presidential comment is acceptable depends entirely on the party of the president in question.”


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