Home » Lebkuchen time!


Lebkuchen time! — 2 Comments

  1. I’d love to give this recipe a try but I’m early stage diabetic. Nevertheless my sweet tooth prompts me to wonder if applying a technique from sourdough bread making might be helpful. That’s in using a cast iron dutch oven, which might enhance it even more. As many know, cast iron is unexcelled at providing even temperatures and the domed lid cycles the moisture that rises back onto the bread providing a moist environment. Though I’m not an accomplished chef, I would think that the same principle would apply here.

    This article offers a few secrets that may be of value; “Lebkuchen Cookies”

    “Shauna highly recommends using dark muscovado sugar, which can be found in natural food stores.

    Muscovado is unrefined cane sugar that contains natural molasses. It has a richer flavor than regular dark brown sugar. If do not wish to purchase it, substitute it with dark brown sugar.

    7. The next step is key! Position the cookies in an airtight container, separated by parchment paper. Tuck a wedge of apple in the container, and store in a cool place for at least 3 days or up to two weeks, to allow the cookies to soften.

    There are two secrets to traditional lebkuchen, and they both involve a resting phase.

    Once the cookies are baked, storing them with an apple wedge helps the cookies reach a perfectly soft texture.

    The moisture in the apple provides humidity as well as some additional flavor. If the cookies become too hard or stale, replace with new apple pieces.”

    Wishing all happy holidays and a Merry Christmas.

  2. I lived in German when I was in the US of A good green army over 50 years ago, spent three years there and loved the food and the people in my part of Bavaria and the Lebkuchen purchased at the Nurnemburg Christkindlesmarkt every year. I still have strange feelings about those folks who were ever so nice people yet 30 years before that time they were so ever eager to praise the Nazi’s and the third Reich. Very complicated stuff with what happened there ‘once upon a time’.

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