Home » On the Rittenhouse trial opening statements – plus new video footage


On the Rittenhouse trial opening statements – plus new video footage — 14 Comments

  1. There exists much cause for concern that at least some members of the jury will be fearful of returning the “wrong” verdict in a case in which acquittal should be certain (a clear case of self-defense, not to mention the so-called “victims” having been violent lunatics with criminal records). It is also curious, considering that all involved are white, how much the case has been “racialized” (along with every aspect of American life under the disastrous and illegitimate current administration) by totalitarian leftists, who will almost certainly regard a decision of “not-guilty” as a vindication of “white supremacism” and “domestic extremism/terrorism”.

  2. I am no expert on Wisconsin law, so there may be violations Rittenhouse is guilty of, but watching that video, and others I have seen, I do not see how there can be any question regarding Rittenhouse’s intent.

    That young man went through incredible, heroic measures to avoid shooting his gun or harming anyone! He was being stalked and chased by multiple, violent individuals, who brandished a variety of weapons, including guns, and he did all any reasonable human could have done (more than most) to avoid confrontation.

  3. I agree with j e that the thing that places Rittenhouse in the most jeopardy is the jury members’ fear that an innocent verdict will result in more rioting, more businesses being burned and vandalized, possibly more people dying. The city is being held hostage to enforce a decision the mob wants. Essentially, extortion.

  4. That young man went through incredible, heroic measures to avoid shooting his gun or harming anyone!

    That was my impression as well. An immediate, not plausible, threat, an extraordinary effort to mitigate its progress, and a remarkably measured response. A teachable moment for actors and Capitol heroes alike.

  5. “This is malicious prosecution”
    Yep, this is straight up evil. Hopefully there is at least one brave hero on the jury.

  6. I think I have a fairly good concept of Kenosha. I grew up about 60 miles south, in Chicago. I’ve been in and near Kenosha several times, as well as knowing folks who lived there, and very near there, for decades.

    Unless there is some, major, damning piece of evidence we are unaware of, or voir dire was thoroughly, intentionally botched, I find it unlikely a jury of 12 Kenoshans will find Rittenhouse guilty of any serious crime. I don’t know the charges; maybe there’s some failure to properly transport a weapon charge, or something, but regarding the attacker’s death and Rittenhouse’s intentions, I think one or more jurors (likely a majority) will adjudicate fairly.

  7. Like I said in another thread… if Rittenhouse goes down, it’s the Dreyfus Affair of 2021.

  8. Related?—
    I wonder if this has any relevance to what happened to Rittenhouse—with regard to Antifa tactics, in this case “spotting” people to attack:
    ‘Harmeet Dhillon says indictment of Antifa member who attacked Andy Ngo is evidence of greater change.
    ‘She said the reason Democrats took action was not because “the Democrats want to do the right thing necessarily,” it was instead because “they have no choice. Now people are beginning to call for that even on the left.” ‘
    H/T Ron Coleman twitter roll.

    Key graf
    “…a spotter for Antifa…” in—
    ‘ “In an interview with Steve Cortes on the Newsmax show Cortes and Pellegrino, Dhillon said [Antifa member] Hacker has a history of “crossing state lines to be a spotter for Antifa,” in which he isn’t the one dressed in black, but “points out people for [Antifa] to assault.” ‘

  9. The jury question is a good one and parallels the Chauvin trial. Both cases should have had a venue change and the prosecution was able to block that. There were jurors who admitted fear of an acquittal verdict because of violence threatened.

  10. Andrew Branca reports that one juror was removed for cause this morning on motion by prosecution (and motion initially opposed by defense last evening), the “cause” being a joke told by the juror to a marshal. The joke retold: Why did the police shoot Jacob Blake 7 times? . . . Because they ran out of bullets!

  11. FBI isn’t just corrupt. It’s evil.

    Rittenhouse is being persecuted. It’s now standard operating procedure in blue areas. The enemy must be purged. Liberals all over the country know he’s getting screwed. That’s the point. They don’t regard him as human. He’s not supposed to have rights.

    Just like the members of the frat at UVa who deserved the assaults and abuse they suffered over the Rolling Stone hoax. As a prof said, they were men, in a frat, in the South. Of course, they deserve pain and abuse. Even if the allegations were totally fabricated, they deserved the crap they got.

    Some people are more equal than others. Animal House, just like 1984, is an instruction manual embraced by the Democrats. Those who don’t embrace the cause should have no rights. They must be purged. Just broken eggs in the making of the omelet.

    Just as people who don’t submit to the jab deserve to be denied medical care. Deserve to lose their jobs. Submit or die.

  12. See also, Jan 6 political prisoners in DC.

    Enemies must be purged. Cancel culture via the “justice” system.

    See also, the effort to bring criminal charges against Trump. For something, anything, whatever. “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”

    See also, Rudy Giuliani persecution. And Roger Stone.

    In a Ham Sandwich Nation, with Three Felonies a Day, all that matters is that the person to be purged be fingered.

  13. Remember the couple in Philly who were standing on the sidewalk during a parade holding signs critical of Clinton during the 90s? A group of union thugs came by. The leader put his hat on the face of the man. That was a well-understood signal. The thugs beat the crap out of the man and his wife. The prosecutors in Philly filed assault charges against the victims.

    The Democrat machine has always been crooked. See Chicago, Philly, Boston, Detroit, et al. The judges are crooked. The politicians are in bed with the gangs and organized crime. The prosecutors are crooked. The cops are crooked.

    The inner city machine style is now been employed by the Beria-embracing communists who have taken over the Democrat party on a national basis. God have mercy on our souls.

  14. stan @ 3:24pm,

    Based on context I’m fairly certain you meant, “Animal Farm” rather than, “Animal House,” however, also based on context, that’s a rather funny and topical error.

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