Home » Open thread 10/6/21


Open thread 10/6/21 — 29 Comments

  1. About 1953 or ’54 when I was in grade school our teacher (Mrs. Berlin, amazing I remember her name) brought to school a real, not copy, of the NYT’s (think it was the Times) on the day announcing Lincoln’s assassination. I remember it was bordered in black, with big black letters. It was amazing. This would have been less than a hundred years after the event. Maybe that is where my love of History began.

  2. geoffb,

    If there is not a viable private option in one’s area people MUST homeschool their kids. It’s easier than most people believe, there are even co-ops. Tons of resources and instructional help on how to do it.

    Even if both parents work its do-able. A lot of the school day is filled with babysitting by other names; “study hall,” “recess,” “lunch,” “free reading…” One would be surprised how few hours of real instruction it takes to teach kids a typical day’s worth of material. It can be done after dinner and the kid has the whole next day for homework until the following night’s lessons begin again. Khan Academy and other on-line resources are free and phenomenal. When my kids (who attended private schools) had an instructor who wasn’t resonating with them they almost always found lessons at Khan Academy on-line to help them master the material. (Dad was also always willing to help.)

    And everything becomes lessons. Going to the zoo with your kids on a Saturday. Download a homeschooling lesson plan on Zoology, Public Park management, human, social interaction, the business of not-for-profits… Structure the zoo visit around points in the lesson plan. Quiz your kids on the drive home.

    And every day can be a school day, or not. Family vacation to the beach? Astronomy, oceanography, zoology, land management, geology, biology, botany… Lessons everywhere.

  3. While I appreciate parents working hard within their school system to foment change, and I’m not typically one to advocate giving up and running off; in the current state of affairs I believe it is best.

    First, a year in a child’s life and education is a l-o-n-g time. It’s too important to waste his or her time in an ineffectual and/or destructive environment.

    B: If 20% or more of families did this, abruptly, it would have a tremendous impact on the failing districts. Administration would be forced to deal with the issue and doubling down on bad policies would only lead to more families leaving, exacerbating the problem. If Mom A (who now home schools Johnny, meets Mom B (who kept Amy in public school) and Mom B sees that Johnny is happy and Mom A talks about how easy it is, and how much happier her family is, Mom B will also take the plunge.

    III) The dollars will collapse. Even property owners who may not think much about curricula will wonder why they are paying the same tax rate for local schools with 80%, 60%, 40% of the enrollment they used to have. Municipalities will have to either vote to allow the dollars to follow the student, or vote to decrease property taxes.

    4 (four) – It will help the kids whose families are either not engaged enough or capable of finding an alternative. The sooner the system collapses, the sooner real, effectual change will come. Better schools, more magnet schools, educational credits for private schools…

  4. Rufus,

    I know this. I’m in my 70’s now. My mother taught me to read and do simple math before I was 5 and I in turn worked at it with my young son in the 1980s.

  5. “…homeschool…”

    OK…BUT if they can do their damnedest to force you to take the vaccine, I would assume that they’ll try their damnedest to force you to send your kids to public—CRT-infected—schools. (E.g., look at what the educational establishment has tried to do about charter schools.)

    At the moment (but this will likely get worse), the long and short of it:
    Garland has ordered the SAME people who:
    – Fabricated a kidnapping plot
    – Threw a fake rally getting one of their own arrested
    – Investigated a basic garage pull rope as a hate crime
    – Wasted millions on a lie by [Michael Sussman].
    To investigate YOU for being mad at teachers.

  6. US Chamber of Commerce taken down a notch by GOP leadership

    From Bonchie:

    … House GOP leadership kicked the organization off a strategy call regarding the ongoing legislative chaos.

    There’s a big disconnect here that is apparently too nuanced, despite having no nuance, for the Chamber to understand. You see, when you work to elect Democrats, as they did in 2020, you get Democrat policies. But the Chamber wants to have its cake and eat it, too. They want to throw money at the left during elections, helping bolster Nancy Pelosi’s majority, while at the same time getting to dictate to Republicans what they do or don’t do in the House. That’s not how any of this works.

    It doesn’t sound like political red meat news, but there is big money and political power involved.

  7. I’m Facebookbanned, so here’s my wise commentary:

    This year’s Gus Hallmark Christmas Special – Shut Up And Dig, Comrade!

    Tiffany returns to American Falls, Idaho to visit ma and pa at Bernie Sanders Soylent Facility #5, taking off from her job as Obedience Commissar at the Office of the Comptroller of Currency.

    Adorable collective farmer Brett Deplorable, her high school sweetheart approaches with a petition for additional gruel on the feeding trough’s Swill Night.

    A romance, respect for third world cultures, and happy ending ensue as Tiffany orders the mass shooting of her old hometown for the greater good, climate change, and Science.

    With Sean Penn, Ariana Grande, Johnny Manziel, and Michael Che as General Mark Milley

  8. “Cloward-Piven works for the Right!”

    The Truth will out. Ultimately.

    But in the meantime:
    Identity politics is “the biggest threat”:

    As for the Democratic Party, one can hide the truth for only so long.
    And when one tries ever and ever harder then the result is authoritarianism.
    That is where the Democratic Party is today.
    That is where “Biden” is today.
    That is where America is today.
    “Biden”—and “his” supporters—MUST try ever and ever harder to hide the truth.
    “Biden”—and “his” supporters—are, as a result, pushing harder and harder for authoritarian government; pushing ever harder for total power.
    Of course, being authoritarian at their core (since they have so much to hide), they MUST call their opponents “authoritarian”, “anti-democratic”, “anti-American” and the like.

    This is not rocket science.

    But the Truth will out (also not rocket science); e.g.:

    The only question is when this will occur and how much damage the Democratic Party—and its supporters—will wreak until they are stopped.

    And so, does “Cloward-Piven [work] for the Right!”?

    There has indeed been massive CRT pushback. Here’s an encouraging example (one of many):

    Nonetheless the Democrats have an extraordinary amount of criminality to hide, are extremely ambitious in their quest for total power and have phenomenally powerful allies.
    I would suggest that they have calculated that their embrace of “Progressive” politics along with all the other “liberal” and “human rights” boilerplate (AKA bulls%@t) is a calculated gamble to mask their power grab, to cover up their criminality and to disguise their plan to destroy first their political opponents and then the country using as their mask and costume what appears on the surface to be a supposedly irrefutable, indisputable and thus impregnable “moral” and “ethical” program.

    It’s all lies.

    …but we’ve seen that before. It’s not rocket science.

  9. Lincoln’s son Robert was close at hand for three presidential assassinations: his Dad, Garfield, and McKinley. After that he was careful to give presidents a wide berth.

  10. Barry Meislin @ 3:06pm,

    I cannot imagine my state ever agreeing with a federal mandate for public schooling. States like Utah, Kentucky, Texas, Missouri, Kansas, Tennessee… would fight that to the death. If other states cave parents can move.

  11. tcrosse @ 4:09pm,

    Sarah Vowell’s, “Assassination Vacation” is a wonderful book that features Lincoln fils’ unfortunate exploits.

  12. BrooklynBoy, your “I’ve Got a Secret” link beat me to it! Saves me the trouble of looking up the link, though.

    Longevity tales remind of my great-grandather, who by virtue of being born in 1851 and dying in 1946, lived through the Civil War and the Atom bomb. Being from Tennesee, the war left and impression.

  13. Forbes reports on the disturbing erosion of First Amendment freedoms and US privacy into a Chinese type of totalitarian state.

    “An accidentally unsealed court document reveals that the federal government secretly ordered Google to provide data on people searching specific search words or phrases, otherwise known as ‘keyword warrants,’ according to Forbes.

    “According to the report, the Justice Department inadvertently unsealed the documents in September (which were promptly re-sealed), which were reviewed by Forbes. In several instances, law enforcement investigators asked Google to identify anyone searching for specific keywords….

    “Every year, Google responds to thousands of warrant orders, but the latest keyword warrant is an entirely new strategy by government investigators and is becoming increasingly controversial.

    “Trawling through Google’s search history database enables police to identify people merely based on what they might have been thinking about, for whatever reason, at some point in the past,” Jennifer Granick, surveillance and cybersecurity counsel at the American Civil Liberties Union, told Forbes. “This never-before-possible technique threatens First Amendment interests and will inevitably sweep up innocent people, especially if the keyword terms are not unique and the time frame not precise. To make matters worse, police are currently doing this in secret, which insulates the practice from public debate and regulation,” she added….

    “Court records reviewed by Forbes show Google has given away data on people who searched for specific keywords, which is more evidence the US is transforming into an authoritarian state of monitoring and surveillance of online activities just like China’s.”


  14. tcrosse @ 4:09pm,

    The History Guy did a 7-1/2 minute presentation on Robert Todd Lincoln about 4 years ago– video here:


    What I thought was interesting was not only RTL’s proximity to three presidential assassinations (it took McKinley’s death for the Secret Service to be ordered at last to provide presidents with a security detail), but the fact that he was also the last surviving witness to Lee’s surrender to Grant at Appomattox in 1865. RTL had joined the Union Army after graduating from Harvard, and Grant offered him a staff position as a junior adjutant at Lincoln’s request.

  15. @Barry Meislin

    Let me get this straight.

    The embassy that Gen. Milley abandoned Bagram Air Base in order to protect was itself abandoned so hurriedly that they didn’t destroy the information about Afghans who worked for us and so the Taliban then phished these people to go to fake “safe” houses where the Taliban then executed them. At best quickly, and at worst only after torture.

    And this is called success? Or is it just “part of the process”?

  16. “Success” AND “part of the process”.
    (Sinema—and Manchin—have been placed “on notice”, as it were: the mob is primed and ready.)

    Let’s put it this way:
    – The language has been “transformed”—always an essential first step.
    – The Democratic Party has been “transformed”.
    – America has been “transformed”—actually, it’s a work in (“progressive”) progress.
    – Reality has been “transformed”. (That is, until it boomerings back….)

    As the meme goes, “1984” was never supposed to be prescriptive; alas, it has become THE Democratic Party’s DIY manual (instead of the dire warning it was intended to be).

    I’ll leave you with this bit of altered reality. Just a taste, mind you:

    Winston Smith wouldn’t bat an eye….

    File under: “Biden” loves us…

  17. Related –
    Lawyers against the Constitution:

    And of course, Chauvin has ‘NO RIGHT” to legal representation provided by the state of Minnesota.

    The big PURGE of everyone and anyone who insists on fighting the Democratic Party BORG has become Democratic Party policy.

    In Chavin’s case, I wonder if Dershowitz will step up. After all, he defended OJ Simpson and Claus von Bulow. Though this would mean the end of his career….
    Still, it’s the right thing to do.

    (Well, one can dream….)

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