Home » COVID may have been spreading in Wuhan in the spring and summer of 2019


COVID may have been spreading in Wuhan in the spring and summer of 2019 — 23 Comments

  1. It takes either ignorance or willful blindness not to conclude that the scamdemic was a plandemic.

  2. I’m convinced it was already in the gen pop in late 2019. My wife and I picked up something incredibly nasty that December after traveling, and we couldn’t shake it until late January 2020. I rarely get sick, and when I do, it’s not bad. But for several days in Dec, I could hardly breathe and had to lie in bed. For about two weeks, I could hardly do any mild activity. Going up the stairs would wipe me out for a few minutes.

    As I recall, the various serology studies from a few months later showed massive numbers of people who already had antibodies for Sars Cov-2, which suggests it had been circulating asymptomatically for quite some time.

  3. Nothing to see here, citizens, move along.

    Seriously: Wall Street Journal 10/5 did a strong piece describing the evidence for engineered versus zoonotic pathogen. I’m convinced it was humanized in the lab using recombinant tech.

    In other news, Francis Collins tearfully steps down to spend more time with his lawyers.

  4. Covid related, although I got to it through the Garland conflict of interest link-leading-on-to-link.


    Project Veritas released the fifth video in its COVID vaccine investigative series today featuring a sit-down interview with Pfizer insider, Melissa Strickler. She leaked internal emails that show corporate executives telling staff to be secretive about the use of human fetal tissue in laboratory testing of the COVID vaccine.

    Pfizer’s Chief Scientific Officer, Philip Dormitzer, admits aborted fetus tissue is used in the company’s vaccine program, but that employees should just stick with Pfizer’s polished narrative omitting any mention of aborted fetal tissue to avoid any issues with the public.

    “HEK293T cells, used for the IVE assay, are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus,” Dormitzer said. “On the other hand, the Vatican doctrinal committee has confirmed that they consider it acceptable for Pro-Life believers to be immunized. Pfizer’s official statement couches the answer well and is what should be provided in response to an outside inquiry.”

    Does the Vatican approve, or at least tolerate, the fetal cell connection, or does it not know?

  5. Fauci: what did he know and when did he know it?
    (Also tagged “conflict of interest” – is there anyone in the Government Swamp that does not have conflicts in everything they are mixed up in?)


    On October 29, 2019 (nearly 2 months before the first reported cases of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan), Anthony Fauci and Rick Bright went on C-SPAN and spoke of the urgent need to switch over from egg-based vaccine manufacturing to mRNA-based vaccines. They said that due to public resistance to gene-based therapies (mRNA), there would need to be some “disruptive” event that causes a scenario where they would not be “beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.”

    Commenter EBL
    October 6, 2021 9:42 pm

    The mRNA gene therapy vaccine process had never made it past animal experiments and studies. You can see that growing viruses in eggs was too old fashioned. Frankly, mRNA vaccines should be must faster and cheaper to develop. Fauci is at the end of his career with many, many failures. Fauci et al had to find a way to push mRNA vaccine technology through the FDA and into market acceptability.

    Based on what I can see, Fauci is a psychopathic, narcissist. He is/was willing to destroy the world to feed his ego, even willing to hide the evidence that he was wrong scientifically, ethically and morally. Millions dead from a “therapeutics” gain of function bioweapon that he helped create. I was warned in the 90’s at a meeting in Paris about him. Turns out they were right…

  6. Time to rethink those mandates.

    “Young” is under 30. I used to think 30 was ancient, or at least middle-aged.

    Scandinavian authorities on Wednesday suspended or discouraged the use of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine in young people because of an increased risk of heart inflammation, a very rare side effect associated with the shot.

    Sweden suspended the use of Moderna for those recipients under 30, Denmark said those under 18 won’t be offered the Swiss-made vaccine, and Norway urged those under 30 to get the Pfizer vaccine instead.

    […] In neighboring Finland, authorities are expected to announce their decision Thursday, according to Dr. Hanna Nohynek, chief physician at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, told local broadcaster YLE.

    […] All three countries based their decision on an unpublished study with Sweden’s Public Health Agency saying that it signals “an increased risk of side effects such as inflammation of the heart muscle or the pericardium”

  7. This from Wiki, below, combined with China doubling the amount spent on both PCR testing machines (from $39 million in 2018 to $80 million in 2019) and their doubling also the expenditure on test kits ( kits which, in my take, from the quote must be designed to work on a specific genetic sequence of an organicism) means they knew in advance what needed to be tested for.

    ” Viral DNA can be detected by PCR. The primers used must be specific to the targeted sequences in the DNA of a virus, and PCR can be used for diagnostic analyses or DNA sequencing of the viral genome. The high sensitivity of PCR permits virus detection soon after infection and even before the onset of disease.”


    Of course this is just my amateur’s take.

  8. “May” – I know I know…this isn’t proof…but “may have been spreading” makes me laugh to keep from yelling or pillaging.

    It may soon be pillaging time.

  9. Wesson – thanks for the link.
    There seems to be some confusion going on in the Vatican, at least as transmitted down the line.

  10. Adding to the COVID confusion:
    “Those results highlights a problem with the “vaccine efficacy” metric, which is that it decreases with exposure, even when exposure is the same for vaccinated and unvaccinated people. So the exact same vaccine will come out as more or less “effective” in different contexts.”

  11. “There seems to be some confusion going on in the Vatican, at least as transmitted down the line.”
    There is a globalist Marxist in the Vatican, my friend.

    There is also an interesting feature of the Phizer mRNA injection, documented in the data presented with the EUA ap. It did greatly decrease hospitalizations–8 v 162 in the control group–but the death rate IF hospitalized was TEN times higher—
    1 of the 8 died; only 3 of the 162 did.

    I’ve read some scattered papers of it suppressing a specific type of cellular immunity; I wonder if that is the cause of the high mortality in those who do get severely ill.

    This is why most vaxs spend 12-15 years being used in some third world country before getting here.
    (Yes, that may be rather unethical; such is the way of the world.)

    Eight people are not too many to draw any conclusions from, but it is noted.

  12. “I am wondering if any of this will appear on the radar of the general public.”

    Why would it? This is really “obscure” news for the MSM. If they aren’t even reporting the huge decrease in cases, why would they report this?

    I know I’m beating a deceased equine, but as of this morning, new cases/day now stands at around 2500. 34 days ago it was 120,000. Since I can’t display the graph, I’ll just describe that the decline has been a well-fitted linear function, so those so inclined can calculate the slope. I thought that maybe I would see a moderation mid week as the delay from the weekend data comes in from the states, but that’s not been the case.

    Serious cases as a percentage of active cases has gone from 0.25% to 0.15%. Even at that peak of 0.25%, think about it: that means 99.9975% of the active cases never even made it to the hospital. And yet the Ds are calling for more masks!, more passports! etc etc. We are truly living in a nightmare.

  13. Put “army research virus North Carolina” in Brave browser. Seems a branch of the U.S. Army was researching this virus. Work became unwieldy and was shipped to China. They are not scrupulous about standards, some may have leaked. But Obama parting shots was to change a bunch of things on the way out, including guidelines on this type of research. Of course it was out there earlier than announced. “They” needed to spread the virus before effective containment could happen. Do recall China allowed international travel in and out of Wuhan while blocking domestic travel.
    “Let’s go, Brandon!”

  14. Yep, it’s only a coincidence folks, that the Wuhan virus was first noticed in a town / region that houses a virology research laboratory.

    Just a coincidence folks; nothing to see here.

  15. @ Barry – great link on the “conflict of interest” thread, kind of belongs over here as well.
    The Zerohedge story on ivermectin is sourced from this article, which is full of information on Merck’s new antiviral and its problems, plus a rallying cry for freedom of health care professionals and patients to make unfettered, informed decisions.


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