Home » Frei and Barnes on recent developments concerning the January 6th “insurrection”


Frei and Barnes on recent developments concerning the January 6th “insurrection” — 18 Comments

  1. With hiding all video I have thought all along its to hide their pathfinders, undercover operators and Antifa

  2. Darren Beattie of RevolverNews has done much excellent work in deconstructing the entirely false narrative fabricated around the events of J6 by the DNC, the MSM, and the Deep State, the intent of all of which is to criminalize any dissent from the right while ushering in one-party totalitarian rule with full control over the citizenry (soon to be a meaningless term, with the erasing of any difference between citizen/legal immigrant and illegal border-crosser), and a “nation” with open borders and completely lacking sovereignty. Beattie (foolishly fired from the White House during Trump’s term) is a brilliant young man with a PhD in philosophy and political theory from Duke.

  3. I’ve seen video evidence of one instance of the Capitol Police engaging in violence against peaceful protesters. The police were on a platform about 8 feet above the vocally protesting crowd.

    I’d bet the orders to do so originated with Pelosi.

    j e,

    “to criminalize all dissent from the right while ushering in one-party totalitarian rule with full control over the citizenry and a nation with open borders and completely lacking sovereignty.”

    That’s the goal. Not going to work. They’re courting a terrible reckoning.

  4. Nor should that former (or should that be “former”?) BLM dude with the GoPro on his forehead going around trashing the place and shouting all kinds aggressive trash, and selling his “home” movie to CNN for—what was it?—70 grand? 90 grand?

    Of course, he was “discovered” and forced to return the money, poor guy….

    But then it turned out that he was actually hired by CNN to provide footage of the protest, which—somehow(!) became an “insurrection” (or rather, he “helped” turn into an “insurrection” by inciting violence even as he was filming it…even as he was being paid to film the “event” by CNN….)

    Gosh, all these amazing coincidences…. (Anyone wanna bring up the great, goofy, witless, Whitmer kidnapping extravaganza in this particular context? Or maybe, also, bring up Pelosi’s/Milley—the two seem to have formed a very fruitful “working” relationship—adamant refusal to reinforce the Capitol Police with either additional police or the National Guard in anticipation of the “mayhem”…. Hmmm.)

    Oh, and the actual head of the Capitol Police finds it necessary (prudent? ethically advisable?) to quit his post soon after the “event”…which I suppose means that at least one person in this whole steaming staged POS is a “responsible” citizen….

  5. Speaking of delusional, while the following may already have been clear to some (or more than some), others may have been thinking that it could still be avoided:
    alas, the this Psaki toxic and incendiary OUTRIGHT LIE clearly indicates that officially we are in the throes—i.e., no longer on the cusp—of a Democratic Party dictatorial regime:
    “…Title 42 is a public health requirement because we’re in the middle of a pandemic, which by the way, we would’ve made progress on had the former President actually addressed the pandemic, and not suggest people inject bleach.”

  6. @Barry

    “Oh, and the actual head of the Capitol Police finds it necessary (prudent? ethically advisable?) to quit his post soon after the “event”…which I suppose means that at least one person in this whole steaming staged POS is a “responsible” citizen….”

    Or getting out while the getting’s good.

  7. Understaffed by choice… her choice. An invitation hastily, summarily withdrawn. An unarmed, white woman executed (diversity motive?). She might have been a baby “burden”… What is the self-defense standard of threat? Plausible? A disorder (“riot”) forced. A Whitmer-closet. A multi-trimester handmade tale of projection and obfuscation through braying and steering.

  8. The scathing conclusion is the Capitol Police and the FBI knew in advance and allowed (together) the rowdy trespass of the Capitol to occur. They knew this was not an organized coup with leaders,nor a seizure or an occupation. And a Cap Cop shot an unarmed, non-violent 31 year-old trespassing woman to death with zero consequences to the shooter, who portrayed himself as a “victim”. He’s black, of course, since all blacks are victims.

    Plus, hundreds of protesting Americans have spent months in solitary confinement with a Congressional delegation barred from seeing the prisoners and their situation.

    Stalin would be pleased.

  9. Way back in January I saw a report of rally participants getting tear gassed while waiting quietly in line for the portapotties nearest the building.

  10. “…rowdy trespass…”

    But it did not start that way.
    Nor was it intended that way.

    How did it “GET” that way?

  11. Frei’s comments echo my own. Some of the footage was bad, but I do recall one clip that showed a protester verbally engaging with a cop (or some sort of security) and the cop hitting/shoving the guy in the shoulder for no apparent reason. Enough of that sort of footage will seriously undermine the public case against the protesters, that’s for sure.

    But it won’t change many minds either way. That’s where we’re at.

  12. Most folks involved with the Tea Party understood the vast majority of the media are not their friends, and will never report fairly on them. Any conservative group has to use Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. or Gandhi as examples.

    I know a lot of good people got caught up in the January 6th protest in the Capitol building, but it was very foolish to march there and enter the building. There was nothing to be gained and the risk of bad optics was certain. Ashli Babbit’s death is an awful tragedy.

    Look at the annual, Right to Life march in D.C. Likely the most consistent and well attended protest in U.S. history. How many Americans even know it occurs every year? How many newspapers or television news programs report on it?

    I’m all for Constitutionalists standing up and protesting the usurpation of our rights, but any large scale events have to be led by people who know how to coordinate non-violent, peaceful protests. The Left lies and they will use any imagery available to propagandize false narratives. Hundreds of photos of families living in squalor under a bridge are mitigated by one photo of a border agent’s horse’s reigns.

    The Right should get out in numbers and make their presence known and voices heard, but they have to be very well coached and prepared to always appear peaceful.

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  14. Rufus T. Firefly:

    It is not possible to make sure everyone is peaceful in any demonstration, ever – unless it’s a demonstration of 2 o 3 people you know very well, which wouldn’t be much of a demonstration.

    Curious about a few things: (1) Do you think the FBI had no involvement in stirring up or actually leading the violence? (2) How much of the demonstrators’ violence do you think was defensive, after being attacked in various ways by police, and how much was unprovoked aggression on the part of the demonstrators? (3) What percentage of people who were actual demonstrators do you think were violent? (4) What about the fact that huge numbers of the demonstrators thought they were being ushered into a building that was open, and who acted like tourists there?

  15. I think prudence would cause one to stay far away from a likely trap and this had trap written all over it from the get go. That and the fact peaceful demonstrations are a waste of time. Case in point: Right to Life. We learned. The last boobytrap appears to have trapped no boobs. Did out a bunch of Feds though.

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