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Oopsies! — 59 Comments

  1. It’s clear now if it wasn’t before. Biden is just a pawn and only a US President in name only.

    Worse, he has no self respect and self worth. His team tells him what to say and what to do. This is just the latest of revelations on this, by himself no less as were many others.

  2. As I watch Joe Biden ride around on the US presidency as if it were his own personal kiddie car, I can’t help being reminded of the Taliban whooping it up in an amusement park just before they burned the place down.

  3. Yet I have a terrible impression that Afghanistan was largely Biden’s call.

    I’ll admit that the follow-through was a little rough. Checkered, perhaps.

    What a time to discover Biden is actually in charge of some stuff.

  4. Skilly on August 26, 2021 at 7:13 pm said:

    And there are still people out there that think this doofus is doing a good job.”

    As long as he is not Trump, and as long as their institutional paychecks continue to be issued, they will continue to think so.

  5. This is why they limit his appearances,

    geoffb Sundowner did toss the military under the bus saying they thought Bagram should be closed and he agreed

  6. To give some credit for honesty in spite of Getting It All Wrong at first. Sam Harris is one of the outspoken New Atheists.

    Feeling overwhelming gratitude for the adults in the room…
    –Sam Harris, 01/20/2021

    Publicly eating these words… syllable by syllable.
    –Sam Harris, 08/26/2021


    Not all Biden voters will remain sheep. The polls for Biden don’t look so good either.

    Cynicism is tempting, but I’d say Biden has dug himself into a deep hole in a short amount of time and even some Democrats have noticed.

  7. I never saw anything like that.
    This is the President of the USA and 99% of the media, in the whole world, pretends not to see.

    Everything is abnormal.

  8. I saw a video of Gen. Milley, on June 23, in Congress testifying that Bagram was not tactically or operationally necessary for what we were doing in Afghanistan.

  9. Kate, geoffb, neo:

    Paul Mirengoff made an argument for quitting Bagram as we did based on an Andy McCarthy piece. Can’t say I entirely follow the logic, but as I’ve been saying, I believe the military had some rationale for the Bagram desertion. Which is not to say I agree.

    McCarthy’s analysis raises a point I think many are missing when they argue that the U.S. could have avoided disaster by evacuating all civilians before withdrawing our troops. That might well have been the better course, but it would have run the risk of incurring a significant number of U.S. deaths.

    It’s hard to imagine the Afghan army standing up to the Taliban once America started a mass evacuation of civilians. Why risk one’s life fighting the Taliban, even with U.S. air support, when one knows for certain that the U.S. is just about to pull out and then will offer no support at all? Better to fade away before the military pullout occurs, if one is sure that it will.

    That would have left around American 3,000 troops to defend against the Taliban more or less on their own. And this would have created a great opportunity for the Taliban to rout American forces in combat — something it hasn’t done and something that, per McCarthy, would be the stuff of legend.


    Of course, that’s where we will be shortly anyway.

  10. Thanks, geoffb. I have a habit of not clicking on links unless there’s a reason given, but yes, that’s the video. Sad.

  11. It’s hard to imagine the Afghan army standing up to the Taliban once America started a mass evacuation of civilians.

    The generic civilians weren’t incorporated into the Afghan Army’s mode of fighting. The maintenance contractors and the Air Force were. You begin to get the impression that McCarthy will defend the permanent government unless they do something absolutely contrary to the procedures followed at his desk during his 18 years as a federal employee.

  12. Paul Mirengoff made an argument

    Paul Mirengoff’s columns all include an aside blaming Trump for some contrived offense. What was in that one?

  13. Biden ‘letting the cat out of the bag’ exposes that the administration and leftist media are actively collaborating on the questions he’s asked. Political theater for the rubes.

    No surprise and the implication is probably lost on most but it’s obvious once a bit of thought is given to that ‘slip of the tongue’.

    Though were Biden a bit more cognizant of ‘optics’ he never would have called on the reporter from FOX. The last question is not one you want to cast a negative light on your ‘decisions’.

    Biden called him his favorite reporter, a bit of arrogance that.

  14. Is McCarthy/MirenGoff saying that the US military wouldn’t be capable of vaporizing the Taliban if they were foolish enough to attack while they still held the airport?
    Perhaps the Milley-led military. But really, the reason the military gets out last is because they are capable of defending themselves—better than anybody else.
    That’s their job.

  15. Jake is right. Although I believe that Biden is a symptom more than the disease.

    My biggest concern is the very large segment of our society that still buys in; or is tuned out.

    I often cite personal examples in this forum. Here is another. Last evening, my wife commented to our darling Granddaughter, 25 years old, who has a degree in Psychology and starts grad school next week. In other words among the educated young people.

    Wife to granddaughter, ” your grandfather does not agree, but I feel sorry for President Biden”. Granddaughter, “why?”. Wife, “because he has obvious dementia and his handlers are letting him make a fool of himself”. Granddaughter, “well, I have never heard anything like that.”.

    (Footnote. I have no sympathy because the nasty SOB has lusted for the position, if not the responsibility, for most of his life.)

    If the educated among us are so tuned out, and oblivious, can you imagine the state of those who only see the government as a source of handouts, and accordingly will let their vote go to the highest bidder?

    We are indeed in a world of hurt. (To phrase it as nicely as I can.)

    It appears that America is simply going to have to go through hell. There seems little that we can do to prevent that. We can only hope, and pray if inclined (I am) that it comes through intact and wiser.

    PS Before the debacle that we called an election, I wrote a 12 page letter to Granddaughter and her twin brother, in which I laid it out to the best of my ability. That is, I reviewed the place of the United States in history. I explained my interpretation of conservatism with respect to the Constitution; and I cited how the Constitution was a unique document in the history of human governance, and advanced the cause of human freedom enormously. I observed that the constitution is under attack because with specificity it limits the power of the governing elite. I cited competing ideologues, and their efforts to undermine our society. I cited such domestic threats as BLM, with the professed aim to destroy the nuclear family, as well as the Communist roots of ANTIFA in pre-Nazi Germany. I reviewed the part that such street thugs played in undermining the Weimar Republic, and opening the door for the Nazis. With respect to the 2020 election choices, I specifically cited Biden’s abysmal record over the course of his life. I also revealed my initial antipathy for Trump the candidate, and explained my subsequent admiration of Trump the President, despite obvious personality quirks.

    None of this had any effect. I know these young people love me, as I do them. I think that they generally trust my judgement in most things; but, they are thoroughly programmed.

  16. oldflyer,

    1) Your letter was 11.5 pages too long. They never read it.

    2) You cannot change a leftist mind with facts. They counter with:
    “but what about …”
    and their “what about” is just another leftist lie.

    They will have to lie in the bed they made, suffering the consequences. Unfortunately, we will be forced to lie in that bed as well.

    Good try, “but doth not Brutus bootless kneel?”

  17. Saying the quiet part out loud, yes, oops. I think Biden is beyond being embarrassed by anything, but if Kelly O’Donnell had a speck of journalistic integrity left (probably not) this would have to be embarrassing. It’s really the puppet masters in the White House saying she is safe, she won’t ask any difficult questions, she’s a friend of the administration.

  18. “Is McCarthy/MirenGoff saying that the US military wouldn’t be capable of vaporizing the Taliban if they were foolish enough to attack while they still held the airport?” Boatbuilder

    It’s not a matter of capability. It’s a matter of the willingness and advisability of paying the price to do so. Which is threefold; urban warfare is the most brutal and costly. Military and civilian casualties would be very high. Political blowback from the media and the American public’s distaste for war’s cruelty and brutality would make it a Pyrrhic victory. On the other hand, American citizens being beheaded is going to be a pill too large to be swallowed. The heartburn is going to be debilitating.


    Our New Neighbors… one more example of the road to hell being paved with liberal’s good intentions. We had an obligation to evacuate some of our Afghan allies (many of whom are not patriots) but the State Department ensured that we can’t separate the wheat from the chaff.

  19. Oldflyer, I remember the post very well. A classic. Unfortunately I did not save it. Can you give the date of the original post in order to reread?

  20. You can’t make this stuff up!

    At this point however, Biden’s obvious senility is more than disturbing or amusing it’s dangerous. I don’t think I’ve ever lived in a stranger time in history and I’ve been around now for awhile. God or whoever… help us!

  21. Zaphod:

    Quit the comments that lump all Afghans – including those who have risked their lives helping us – into one criminal group that needs killing. You have also asserted several times that those who helped us are traitors to the Afghan people.

    Other commenters might not know what I’m referring to because I’ve gotten rid of some of your recent comments, and some you’ve posted earlier, that say that and some that strongly imply it. But stop all such comments or you will lose the privilege of commenting here.

  22. Liberty Wolf:

    Agreed. I’ve probably been around even longer than you, and this is the most surreal time I’ve ever lived through and probably the most disturbing as well. Especially disturbing to me is how so many people don’t seem perturbed by Biden, or even defend him and swallow all the propaganda. I certainly have long been aware of people’s propensity for fooling themselves, but this is way past a point where I thought more people would be outraged. He is a dangerous dangerous man, as are those who enable him such as the MSM. I think this time is quite unique in American history. Maybe even in world history.

  23. So, my question is, whose hand or hands are pulling Biden’s strings.

    Who is pointing him in the right direction and shoving him before the cameras?

    Who is giving him the “lists” he has to read and obey?

    At this point, who is the actual, de facto President?

  24. Besides these other issues in the press conference, who on earth believes Biden’s threat that we will track down and punish yesterday’s bombers? How? Using what in-country intelligence or assets? When Trump threatened action, people took him seriously.

  25. neo. Agree with your last. It makes me nuts to think of how many people of those I know, and others at, say, one degree of separation, don’t see the problem. I suppose that has two definitions; one group doesn’t know what’s going on and the other does and approves.
    Is there such a thing as a mental Insinkerator where actual facts go to disappear?

    I was thinking kindly of some folks in our church. Then comes that clown who shot up a “massage parlor”, killing six Asian sex workers. The folks were outraged and made no bones about the scourge of anti-asian violence But the Great White Defendant wore our and there were no replacements, so the Asians are on their own again. It never occurs to these folks how obvious they are.

    When that is one manifestation of how someone thinks, what are the conclusion to be drawn?

    And they vote.

  26. “At this point, who is the actual, de facto President?”

    Relevant dialog from the movie ‘Payback’

    Porter: “Who is, who makes the decisions?”

    Carter: “Well a committee would make the decision, in this case.”

    Porter: “No. One man. You go high enough, you always come to one man… who?”

    Obama? Soros? Probably a cabal with one man “first among equals”. Not Dr. Evil. Corporate Board and a CEO/Chairman is more likely.

  27. I want to know who wrote the damned list? Who told Joe what to do? It’s obviously not Joe in charge. We are so screwed!

  28. ArmyMom: The Canadians are suspending their evacuation efforts today, per PM Justin Troodaloo– and pinning the blame for their decision on us. “‘We would have liked to have stayed beyond the 31st deadline, but as you know this decision has been made by the Americans,’ Canadian Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan stated. Canada’s evacuation plans rely on the American military forces’ ability to maintain control of the Hamid Karzai International Airport, the scene of one of today’s two suicide bombings.”


    I suppose the Defense Minister is another example of Canada’s vibrant diversity.

  29. Note to Zaphod: don’t get yourself banned. Though you clearly have some unwholesome views, I mostly enjoy your comments, partly for the wordplay and partly because you do remind us of home truths of the copybook heading sort.

  30. Besides getting to the point where we know the identity of “they”, I would also be very interested in asking Ms. Kelly O’Donnell if (1) she was told that she would be called on by Joe B. and (2) if she was “advised” about what question she would deliver. Presumably, “they” would have then have a pre-composed answer to be delivered by Joe B.

    In other words, is she “in on the deal” and thus put paid to the notion of an independent press and all the pretensions of “speaking truth to power”. Instead, she’s just a Democrat shill.

  31. Now you see why the decision to give up Bagram was so stupid. Milley should be busted down to Permanent Latrine Orderly. PLO

  32. While all this goes on, remember that the only reason people like Jake Tapper are trashing Biden on CNN is because their deep state sources and beltway peers are trashing Biden. The southern border has been almost as big a disaster and much more direct an impact an the U.S. and there wasn’t a tenth as much fuss.


  33. Re: Payback…

    Geoffrey Britain:

    An all-time fave guilty pleasure!

    It was great seeing James Coburn in that minor role as Carter.

  34. If the rest of the press corps wasn’t in on the deal they would scream bloody murder about the scripted questions.

  35. GB-Bagram is not urban.
    Anyway the point I was responding to is McCarthy/Mirengoff’s speculation that the CF caused by pulling out the military might have been justified because of the potential for the Taliban to attack and overrun the military at the airport, which would look really bad.
    My point was that such a scenario is a fantasy, because the US military would obviously respond with overwhelming force. Also- not only idiocy, but pure cowardice if that was the reason.

  36. I do not recall seeing a single reference to a Biden gaffe or verbal confusion in our local newspaper, or on NPR. They are thus sustaining the complacency of those who foolishly believe they tell the truth.

  37. This is way past 25th amendment time. It is the whole Biden-Harris admin. There is not one person in that s***show that should be anywhere near power. Everyone of them was confirmed by the likes of Bitch McConnell. The Federal gov is pretty much rotten to the core, all branches. Dot Mil is too corrupt and incompetent to even carry out a coup.

    No one should believe anything that comes out of these people. Not the FDA, the CDC, the Census, the DoD, the CIA, the NSA, the DOE. None of them. Did they evac 60K or maybe it was really 6K. Who knows. They are lying liars who lie. Period.

    The only good news is the likelihood that this rotten corrupt to its core government will collapse from idiocy.

  38. Chases Eagles (1:24 pm) said, “The only good news is the likelihood that this rotten corrupt to its core government will collapse from idiocy.”

    With all respect, Chases Eagles, I fail to see any such likelihood (your mileage may vary, as once was often said). We are screwed.

    Carry on . . .

  39. The 25th Amendment could get rid of Howdy Doody, but still leave Buffalo Bob, Clarabelle, and Chief Thunderthud in place. Hardly sufficient.

  40. Cornhead:

    I am not, and likely will never be, ready to accept Kamala Harris as POTUS. I truly believe she was chosen by Biden as insurance: he could not believe anyone would prefer having her in the Oval Office. And at least as far as I am concerned, he is right. She would truly be even more of a disaster that Biden himself.

  41. F:

    You’ll love this:

    Kamala Harris discussed Christmas shopping and climate change but failed to mention the current crisis in Afghanistan during her major foreign policy speech on Monday.

    Harris, addressing a roundtable of business leaders before her speech, warned that climate change and the pandemic have contributed to supply chain issues, The New York Times reported, and suggested parents should consider getting Christmas presents now.

    ‘The stories that we are now hearing about the caution that if you want to have Christmas toys for your children, it might now be might be the time to start buying them, because the delay may be many, many months,’ she said.
    ‘So across the board, people are experiencing the issue.

    ‘And, of course, the climate crisis is fueling a lot of this. When we look at the stronger typhoons that have disrupted shipping lanes and sea level rise, which threatens port infrastructure as an example. So these are the many issues that are that are causing these disruptions.’


    What the hell?

  42. Huxley:

    What a disaster she is! Can anyone honestly — I mean truly honestly — believe she is ready to be president? And not just not ready, she is also dangerous. To the human race. But I get it — she’s a woman of color, and that’s what Biden set out to find and run with. Why not a transexual illegal immigrant? They would check even more boxes, and represent a larger part of the diverse American population. And that, we are told, is where our strength lies.

  43. Re: Kamala…


    To paraphrase Rumsfeld:

    You go to campaign with the intersectional running mate you have, not the intersectional running mate you might want or wish to have at a later time.

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