Home » Australia continues its COVID insanity


Australia continues its COVID insanity — 22 Comments

  1. We are all living in a Bio Medical Police State attempting to suppress an endemic respiratory virus with a 99.9% survival rate.

    Some just have it worse than others but we are all in it.

  2. There is nothing in the Aussie’s comment about the vigor of official edicts and rules, which are obscene in their harsh, know-all absurdity and penalties. In point of fact, there have been cops going house-to-house in some parts of Melbourne. A good source is http://www.rebelnews.com, a Canadian site, which indicates COVID passports will soon be required in NSW, the most populous Aussie state.

    Do not ignore the forced harvesting of individual movements, “Companies are required to enforce Covid location registrations when customers enter stores (i.e., customers must use their phones to register their attendance)”.

    Sounds like Xi is in charge. China is the biggest purchaser of Aussie minerals, even humble iron ore, its greatest export..

  3. You would hope that there would be consequences on Council, but doubt it. Just like here, very few suffer from their disastrous policies.

  4. Of course there is the mandatory need for protection of the Aboriginal “community”, just as we must protect the blacks here (though not from themselves).

  5. New article by John Tierney in City Journal: “Keeping Fear Alive:
    Reluctant to set the public free, policymakers and the public-health bureaucracy set unachievable and unnecessary goals.”

    A sample: “[The usual suspects] are prolonging the national misery instead of easing it, which could be done with a few simple strategies. Explain to the public that the virus will never disappear but is no longer a mortal threat to the vast majority of Americans. Encourage the minority still at risk to get vaccinated by honestly discussing who is in jeopardy and what scientists have learned about infections. Promote treatments proven to prevent infection and speed recovery while avoiding unproven treatments and mandates that cause collateral damage and generate mistrust. Above all, make it clear to Americans that we finally have reason to celebrate: what once seemed an unprecedented danger is now just one of many pathogens that we know how to live with. . . .
    The mask mandates for children can’t be justified on ethical or scientific grounds, but they persist because they serve the interests of a certain class of adults. The purpose of this hygiene theater was described with blunt accuracy by Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor and one of the few politicians who has actually been following the science during the pandemic. ‘Politicians,’ he explained, ‘want to force you to cover your face as a way for them to cover their own asses.'”


  6. Of course, the council issued this edict after careful scientific consultation and analysis of the risks of having people drive to pick up their dogs.


    Fear, coupled with ideology and/or status-protection, turns people into monsters. Which clearly seems to have happened in this case.

  7. david foster: Prolonged fear (as has happened with the ongoing COVID-19 scare) also turns some people’s brains into quivering jelly. Just this past weekend, I checked in on the local neighborhood message board just to see what people were talking about. It’s usually the kind of board where people ask for/advertise services, post info. about missing pets, that kind of thing. What startled me was the intense fear people expressed about Hurricane Henri, which was due to come ashore early Sunday morning. Now I had looked at the NWS forecast, which said that Henri had been downgraded to a tropical storm, which in these parts is no big deal.
    If the NWS had predicted that Henri would hit as a Cat 3 or higher hurricane, I could well understand why people (particularly those along the immediate shoreline) would be very anxious, consider evacuating, ask for advice about securing their house, stockpiling food, etc. The New England Hurricane of 1938 (they weren’t given names in those days) made landfall on Long Island as a Cat 3, and it was one of the most destructive storms ever to hit New England. But to be so fearful of a tropical storm? In the event, Henri produced winds of 20 mph max and dumped about 3 inches of rain around here. There was some local street and road flooding (particularly in NYC), but hardly anything life-threatening.
    Then I checked online news sources like the Hartford Courant, which had hyped the hurricane– some people call this sort of reporting “weather porn.” It’s like the incessant doom-and-gloom “news” about COVID. Now I understand why the people who posted on the neighborhood message board were so very fearful about the local weather forecast; after 18 months of being pummeled psychologically about a virus, folks are jumpy and nervous about just about anything. Some may become monsters, but others seem to become permanent hostages to fear.

  8. “Bio Medical Police State” – Griffin

    That right there. That is Oz this very day.
    Beating citizens in the streets & shooting dogs in the pound.

    Case/Fatality ratio of Kung Flu in Oz…2.2% & falling last I checked. Was 3% or so in January. But NSW is locked down tighter than ever.

  9. Cicero nails it. Abo Worship trumps all. And fear of the vast government and NGO Abo Industrial Complex launching a pogrom against any official or member of the public who doesn’t take ‘protecting’ them ‘seriously’ enough.

  10. The atrocity of that killing of shelter dogs is the sort of thing that discredits the entire hysterical reaction to this manufactured virus.

    I have adopted four basset hounds from shelters and am enraged.

  11. @Mike+K:

    It’s actually a terrible inversion of values.

    Back in the day before the Woke took over and urbanized them to their detriment and the double detriment of Whites who now have to live alongside them, Aborigines were productively employed on cattle stations doing roundups, etc. (They make excellent horsemen and have literally evolved to track animals and navigate in what appear to us to be trackless wastes). It was observed by one and all that around their (of course separate) campfires, they ate first, then their dogs got their leftovers, and finally their womenfolk got whatever their dogs wouldn’t eat. Tradition! Without the milk cart and no Federal Reserve chairmanships at the end of the rainbow.

    And frankly they have not benefitted from being urbanized and turned from a violent Patriarchy evolved perfectly for group survival in harsh desert environments into a @#$%ed up cluster@%*^ of a deracinated urban welfare client Matriarchy (their menfolk die young from alcoholism and violence). Killing their dogs in the name of Covid Witchcraft is just another nail in their collective coffins.

    I loathe Do Gooders.

  12. Do you think the Council that made this monstrous decision actually *asked* any Aborigines for their opinions?….Doubt that they would have approved, given their apparent high regard for their dogs.

  13. I saw a video of a police helicopter being used to help arrest some maskless teenage boys on the beach. Spotlights and PA used to help capture these hardened criminals.

  14. Because a lot of modern-day cops are clerks with badges and an effing arsenal that they don’t know how to use properly against real criminals so the opportunity to arrest teenagers on a beach must be a vast relief.

  15. There is video of the teenagers being arrested in the link I posted above on Aug. 23 at 8:17 pm.

  16. For the most part, Australians do not like direct confrontation. Instead, Australians generally just ignore rules which they don’t agree with.

    Oh, well, that’s okay then. If your government creates rules that are blatantly in violation of all the norms they say your nation is based on, it’s no big deal – just ignore them. Sort of like when ordinary citizens of the USSR, unhappy about the fact that despite communist principles of strict equity, they were unable to enjoy the material things (like, oh, fruit) that Party insiders enjoyed, created and participated in a huge black market. No big effin’ deal, and only the fire-breathing right fringe would think that it was.

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