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Censorship as a tool of media competition — 7 Comments

  1. Then the rest of the media should be liable for suppressing the early use of not only therapeutics for Covid such as Hydroxychloroquine and Invercetin
    , but also suppressing the idea of taking zinc and vitamin D. And then thousands of business owners should sue them for falsely promoting the idea that last summer’s protest were “ mostly peaceful.”

  2. One of the final straws for me getting off of Facebook was when they deleted a link I posted about vitamins D, C and Zinc. The remainder of the link was about either Quercetin or Hydroxychloroquine. They said I had violated “ community standards.” They were deleting friends links to some doctors talking about hydroxychloroquine in a positive light.
    These knuckleheads, as someone else pointed out in the comments at this site, on the one hand they want us to believe Covid19 is totally unique, but they also want us to dismiss as mere conspiracy it might have been engineered in a lab.

  3. “Most members of the MSM don’t see Tucker Carlson or any other media figure on the right as colleagues. They see them as enemies to be smeared and silenced.” neo

    Smearing and silencing those who simply disagree is a formula for creating real enemies and… martyrs.

    Say her name… Ashli Babbitt.

    jon baker,

    There is no ‘legal’ mechanism for holding the media propagandists accountable for the blood upon their hands. Nor, when they control the counting of votes is there a legal mechanism for holding a tyrannical government and corrupt judicial system accountable.

  4. I was temporarily banned from posting at Facebook in June for some four or five posts alleged to be spam that violated “community standards.”

    But these were graphic comments on Islam, showing a female face veiled versus a female blinded, with the text “The State of The World,” and bottom labelled “East” and “West” respectively.

    Spam? Noncommercial Spam? Never knew about invention.

    There’s more. I posted these in political discussions at Facebook…seven years ago! 7 years.

    I haven’t used FB in over a year. And not much in the previous year. So now they get around to censuring my opinion 7 years later?

    No. Useless hi tech Oligarchs.

  5. The eliminating the competition element had occurred to me too. When Mark Twain and Laura Ingalls Wilder are scratched from the reading list, a gap is created which is going to be filled with the work of a crony of the tricoteuses who did the scratching. I am not suggesting that material gain is ever the motive, nevertheless the material gain for the author is not inconsiderable. It is a seamless, and I am sure, quite unconscious form of corruption, which leaves the beneficiaries feeling virtuous.

  6. That should be “liberal” (SCARE QUOTES) media…
    As I keep saying, I despise, detest, and totally distrust the “media”. As I also keep saying, I don’t KNOW if the media is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party, or if it’s the other way round, but it’s OBVIOUS that they are in CAHOOTS…
    and sleep in the same beds.

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