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Killer Facebook — 19 Comments

  1. We are transitioning into the ‘vaccine is not enough must wear a mask forever’ phase of this nonsense.

  2. I took Biden’s remarks to mean that people who are posting “disinformation” on Facebook are “killing people.” But you’re right; he might mean anything.

    My daughter was exposed on Wednesday to a vaccinated person who tested positive for the Delta variant on Thursday. The person isn’t very sick, and neither is my daughter, also vaccinated, so far. This is an extension of our previous discussions here about how little the “number of cases” means. Death are not increasing. That was the point, I thought, for people not to die.

  3. The next phase is ‘vaccinated and wearing a mask forever is not enough we must close businesses’ which is about two months away if not sooner in the blue states.

  4. Don’t forget to take into account how Biden squinted with pain as he attempted to process the question.

  5. “French Business Owners Face Prison, €45k Fines for Not Checking Vax Passports”


    Its literally pathological, and so common it’s the norm on the left, accuse your opponents of what you yourself are guilty of… just Biden’s open border policy alone is making him a mass murderer but Trump, who has far less blood on his hands than Obama is the monster.

    Only malevolence, cognitive dysfunction and moral bankruptcy can explain these people.

  6. Three fully vaxxed baseball pitchers have tested positive, causing postponement of game. Three of the fully vaxxed fleeing Dems also test positive, suggesting (to me) they may have misrepresented their vax record.

  7. Avgguy7:

    I actually think what’s happening with some of this is an artifact of testing, and that the testing is over-sensitive and we’re getting some false positives. I recall reading about a lot of false positives many months ago, and I’m assuming it’s still happening.

  8. neo,

    As with so much of this stuff we are doing things that have rarely been done and nobody ever thought were smart. One example is constantly testing people that are showing no signs of any illness. What do you get? A whole bunch of asymptomatic cases that only knew they were ‘sick’ because the stupid test said they were. The current example is ‘hey let’s keep testing people that have been vaccinated’ and what are we getting a ton of positive cases in people that are asymptomatic like the NY Yankees players mentioned above.

    Here’s a wacky idea how ’bout we only test people that are symptomatic or are a close contact to a symptomatic person.

    This way of doing things guarantees this will go on and on and on.

  9. Are asymptomatic positives required to isolate for two weeks ? Or, does it depend upon the importance of the person?

  10. Avgguy7,

    Before the vaccines I think you had to be symptom free and have two negative tests now I think it’s different if you are vaccinated but who knows.

  11. Remember ‘without evidence’? Trump couldn’t say it was raining outside without some reporter claiming his statement was ‘without evidence’.

    Has any mainstream reporter pulled that out for Biden?

  12. Apparently Facebook heard Biden’s comments the way Neo did, that is, literally. Facebook has issued a statement to the effect that the administration is looking for a “scapegoat” because of its failure to meet vaccination targets.

  13. Kate,

    Wonder how much of Facebook’s protestation is just a cover and then they will quietly go along with administration’s censoring plan but with a level of deniability.

  14. It is kind of amusing to see Senile Joe stabbing Zuck in the back in such a casual, off-hand drive-by manner. Young whippersnapper probably feeling a bit hurt after all he’s done for that horrid old man.

    Joe could take lessons from Bergoglio in how to do it extra nastily… except that his learning days are over. It’s all instinct and chunking at this point for him.

  15. Old Joe just had a slip of the tongue. Come on Man, he misspoke. That’s not what he meant at all!

    But the real story is the Biden administration declaring that they’re not only telling the social media platforms who to censor… but now doubling down and stating that the administration’s position is that if one platform bans you, they all should do so.

    Now that’s unapologetic official censorship. Which is a grave, impeachable offense. A “high crimes” offense. Of course, Harris and Pelosi are waiting backstage to fill in when needed.

    But the real silver lining is that accepting the administration’s ‘suggestions’ makes the social media platforms into government censorship outlets and that removes their Section 230 protection.

    Tucker Carlson & Glenn Greenwald on Biden Admin Teaming Up With Big Tech To Censor “Misinformation”

  16. Don’t think for a minute Zuckerberg won’t have to do what Zuckerberg wants to do. It gives him the out “He is only following orders” Big Tech has been cutting off conservatives longer than this speech.

  17. Just as for healthy people the virus is pretty much just a heinous flu (I had it), just as any flu can be fatal for an unhealthy person, most vaccines are NOT ‘100% effective’, unequivocally, for everyone. Last time I checked, flu shots were still offered for free every year anyway.

    Other than the fact that this one came straight out of a lab and the absolutely maniacal hyperbole, I still fail to see the distinguishing characteristics that make COVID a viral Beelzebub. I also thought it would wake us up to how willfully unhealthy our society is en masse at the best of times. Nope!

    Unless one’s immune system has been put through a shredder, natural antibodies *are* pretty much bulletproof, and at this point, a whole lot of us have them. In fact, I found out I was immune the entire bloody time. Talk about maddening.

    This spin by the dem regime is nonsense, and they know it. Thankfully so do many of us.

  18. Skip,

    If Zuckerberg uses the “we’re just following orders” excuse, he admits to being a government outlet. That removes section 230 protection and opens them to class action lawsuits. If those lawsuits are successful, it may well put them out of business.

    It’s also prima facie evidence of the administration violating the First Amendment. The administration rationalizing official government censorship as valid because it is misinformation also opens the mass media to the same rationale.

    In trying to shut up conservatives, they’re opening that old box of unintended consequences.

  19. James,

    ” I still fail to see the distinguishing characteristics that make COVID a viral Beelzebub. “

    It never was about protecting the public. It’s about control and the power that results from control. The purpose of the lockdowns was to instill fear, gut small business, dumb down the youngest generation because ignorance makes control easier, to make the public more economically dependent, grow big business and to reduce the population.

    Governors KNEW that they were placing nursing home residents at risk, they did so intentionally. Gov. Cuomo; “well they were going to die sooner or later anyway”.

    Reducing the pop. is a primary goal of the global elite, who have bought into the Great Reset. Hell, they were advertising on UK buses the slogan, “you will own nothing and you will be happy”. They put out a video saying so and then pulled it off social media.


    Prominent democrats and RINOs are part of the global elite.

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