Home » Are Democrats’ pre-election lies unraveling?


Are Democrats’ pre-election lies unraveling? — 40 Comments

  1. You are quite correct – Republicans need to win by margins large enough that even fraud cannot overcome it. As for change I also agree – look at all the Californians, New Yorkers, Massachusettsans, who fled the high taxes, high crime policies which Progressive Democrats bequeathed to them yet still continue to vote for the same type of politicians in their new states who right on cue then usher in the very same policies that caused them to flee in the first place. Classic cognitive dissonance.

  2. It is hard to argue the case for optimism, although there have certainly been some interesting cases of political transformation (Leo Terrell 2.0, the sexagenarian civl-rights attorney, was, until recently, an implacable foe of Republicans and now appears regularly on Fox to criticize Democrats), but the hold on power of leftists, increasingly of the irrationally, often insanely, “woke” variety, shows no sign of abating. Recently, the indispensable Chris Rufo has reported on the racialist indoctrination of its employees at Lockheed Martin, while Senator Toomey (not always reliable) has been warning about the intrusion of “wokeness” into the Fed’s agenda, and, in fact, the man in charge of the Fed in Atlanta (Raphael Bostic, both black and gay) seems to care more about “racial justice” and about reparations than about monetary policy. When defense contractors and bankers are speaking the language of the hard left, one should not underestimate the extent of the corruption within the republic.

  3. I am still on Facebook, and still have Facebook friends who are lefty people, living in their little enclosures of leftiness: Manhattan’s UWS, San Francisco Bay Area, and tiny little safe towns. They really cling very tightly to CNN and the NYT, WAPO, etc. If it doesn’t show up in those places, it’s “fake news.”

    Many of these friends are Jewish and are having moments of cognitive dissonance. They still defend the Great Biden, and almost as Great Fauci. They post memes that support them. (Apparently, people who don’t wear masks are going to ruthlessly and brutally shame those who choose to.)

    They still seem to think that somehow Trump and “white supremacy” are causing the attacks in Jews and the attacks in Asians before. (The people attacking Jees and Asians wouldn’t of they had not been disaffected and alienated as a result of Trump and White Supremacy.)

    They have no idea of the depravity of Hunter Biden. They’ve not heard of ” gain of function virus research. The only vote fraud they are aware of is the handful of Republicans who have been charged with it. (If no one has been changed with a criminal act of voter fraud, it didn’t happen.) They sincerely believe Trump tried to conspire to get vote outcomes overturned. And if course, January 6 was an act of insurrection!!!

    They all deeply, deeply, deeply, deeply believe the above, and I cannot figure out how to open their eyes.

  4. My experience of Democratic voters is such that their political preferences drive their sense of the plausible. (My sister actually buys into the witless ‘voter suppression’ discourse). Their political preferences are in turn derived from their sense of self. Something going to have to injure their palpable mundane life for them to reconsider. Note, all the mayhem in Seattle this year had no effect on my sister’s viewpoint at all; when she tries to sell her house, it might, but that’s a few years off yet. I should note that my sister is the Democrat in my family whose viewpoint is the most elastic.

    Note, the Republican electorate is an omnibus of people who are dissatisfied with the malicious projects of the Democratic Party but are disparate otherwise. A generation ago, Wm. Schneider was pointing out that the committed core of the Republican Party was half the size of that of the Democratic Party, but the Republicans managed to win elections by better performance among weakly-aligned and non-aligned voters. (There aren’t many non-aligned voters anymore, and many of them are vacuous). So, the behavior of potentially Republican voters is more sensitive to events. NB, Obama’s bedrock was about 40% of the electorate, while George W. Bush’s was about 25%.

  5. Lee. I know such people. It’s not the eyes, as in conduits of information.
    It’s self-image. Virtue-signaling to oneself.
    They have to believe this to believe themselves the Right Sort of Person.
    This is what filters incoming information.
    That blacks are attacking Jews on account of Trump is a logical leap so absurd that nobody can actually believe it. They simply insist on it, to others and to themselves because to believe something else would remove one of the Right Sort of Person supports.
    I have a relation who things, wrt the ‘rona, that Florida is a mess. Apparently, deSantis isn’t making people do stupid stuff. Discussing the actual results causes an expression combining hostility and confusion. So, as with your friends, facts are irrelevant.

  6. }}} that even fraud wouldn’t have overcome it – and that didn’t happen)

    On the one hand, yes. On the other, that suppression certainly made it possible. The Laptop story alone would have had about 16% of dem voters switching to Trump or not voting. SIXTEEN PERCENT. That alone would have flipped it. 84% of 81 million votes is WAY less than the 74 million Trump got, even without a switch — if those 16m had just stayed home and NOT switched to Trump.

    This assumes, of course, that there was an actual 81 million votes to be dissuaded, which is facts not in ivedce

  7. @ Neo,

    You have many times reported on your friend’s imperviousness to, and disinterest in, countervailing information for years.

    The medical doctors, airline pilots and professionals of various stripes commenting here, have also often recounted the sneering contempt which their own offspring have for their opinions – and the “kid’s” hostility toward any opinions deviating from the received and “curated” wisdom circulating in their own proudly woke social niches.

    When your luncheon partners start changing their opinions, then I will believe there is a wave of some sort … though I will perhaps regret it in the same way the residents of a lifeboat might look at the miscreants who opened the seacocks and sank the ship, now swimming toward the whaler.

    Till then I will assume the movement is overstated.

  8. I have a leftist daughter who, last month when we had dinner, told me to “Stop watching Fox News” and “AOC is a very beautiful women who Republicans obsess about.” Unfortunately, she is a lawyer and FBI agent. I think her politics are nuts but she will not be moved from her certainties. She was visiting in 2019 and watching a Sunday morning TV show. I walked by (I don’t watch TV) just as she exploded, “Trump is such an incompetent !” I asked if 3.5 % unemployment and a stock market at 25,000 was evidence of incompetence. “Yes ! She said ”

    That of course was before biowar #1.0

  9. “AOC is a very beautiful women who Republicans obsess about.”

    You need to pull rank on her in re certain aesthetic judgments.

    I walked by (I don’t watch TV) just as she exploded, “Trump is such an incompetent !”

    Ross Douthat had outbursts like this in his column, to the extent his cadaver is capable of an outburst. That’s what’s salable among New York Times readers. The country’s in the best of hands. At least, that’s what I’ve heard.

  10. Like Lee, I also have left/lib friends on FB that are useful to see what is up with them. As I reported about a month ago, they have basically stopped 95% of their previous political posts and are now back to the the more pleasant family, “what am I doing at the moment” etc. Trump is gone and Biden is in control so like Alfred E. Neumann, “What, me worry?”

    Like everyone else has mentioned, it’s going to take a lot of pain to move them off their happy place.

  11. physicsguy,

    “Like everyone else has mentioned, it’s going to take a lot of pain to move them off their happy place.”

    I wonder what percent of Venezuelans who voted for Chavez, regret it enough to have taken an honest look at what they’ve enabled? I’d bet that most only regret Chavez’s misplaced faith in Maduro… if only Chavez were still with us!

    But count on it, just as with Venezuela, America’s future reality will bring that pain in spades and when it does, hold those who voted for this responsible and accountable for what they’ve enabled.

    Willful blindness has an expiration date. That date is, in the larger scheme of things, rapidly approaching. After it arrives, those who refuse to see reality will have become not enablers but collaborators. Because when tyranny rules with its inhuman, ruthless fist, only collaborators refuse to see the reality of what they’ve enabled.

    “”You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out.” Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman

  12. This afternoon I mentioned to the Spousal Unit that the Daily Mail (but not the NYT, WaPo, CNN et al.) has the confirmed story of Joe Biden’s meeting with his son Hunter’s “business associates” from Ukraine and Russia in 2015, while Biden père was vice president. The Spousal Unit waited impatiently for me to finish and then said, with some vehemence, “I don’t care.” In the interest of domestic tranquility, I did not say, “You would if it were Trump and Trump Jr.”

  13. “it’s often too late because tyrants have an iron grip on power.”

    What’s important to point out is that our current wannabe tyrants don’t have that iron grip on power. Just look at the current “Hey, maybe the Wuhan Flu DID come from a lab” rumbling in the media. That is the direct result of people in the media who went along with #OrangeManBad but now want life to return to “normal.”


  14. Unfortunately, NEO is 1000000% correct.

    When a someone holds a belief system, it is damn near impossible for that set of beliefs to be changed; be it religious or political.
    And if confronted with hard evidence that their belief system is misguided, the “believer” will literally jump thru their own anus and concoct- out of thin air if need be- a rationalization as to why what they believe is true.

    For many folks (most?) it just is much easier to accept without question what they hear and read (from the media, NY Times, etc) than to make the effort to question what they are told.
    It is easier to believe that Trump is a Russian spy than not to believe it. After all, why would the ENTIRE media establishment (i.e., the propaganda arm of the demonkrat party) report this “fact” unless it was a real fact?
    The NY Times, et.al., are legitimate news sources, are they not? Why would they report falsehoods?
    What they report MUST be true!!

  15. I asked if 3.5 % unemployment and a stock market at 25,000 was evidence of incompetence.

    “Yes ! She said ”

    “How so?” is a question I would have liked so have seen addressed.

    But, hindsight is as they say …

  16. [She said] “AOC is a very beautiful women who Republicans obsess about.”

    How would a woman know what a beautiful woman is? At least to other men.

    Reminds me: There is a funny ad running on YouTube. But, the funniest part is that it is not funny in the way it was intended.

    A 30 something female looks skeptically at two “clueless” guys who appear to be wearing normal fitting tees of the kind you might don while playing catch, or before hopping on a motorcycle. Range of motion, good air circulation, all of that

    She tells them that if they want to attract chicks, they have to wear the type of tee she suggests; one with form fitting arms and shoulders and a loose front – whatever that loose front is.

    They respond – What … do you think [pleasing?] women is all we think about?

    She deadpans back, “Yes”

    They are then magically redressed in the tight tees, and one or the other, then asks her something regarding a date or what she thinks of getting together now that they are wearing the tight tees. and she deadpans again that she is “gay”.

    Ha ha. She is gay. She is not attracted to them. They are getting nowhere.

    But how would she know what hetero women like, or what hetero men find comfortable, in the first place?

    So what you have in this script is a lesbian, advising heterosexual males who she is not interested in and not attracted to, that if they want to pull hetero chicks, they have to abandon practical job-related wear, and put on the kind of tee shirts favored by homosexual men who dress in order to attract other homosexual men.

    Yeah. Run out and buy a gay tee shirt guys. Maybe they have them in rainbow stripes in a Russian sailor design. That is what you need to impress women. A lesbian says so.

  17. I’m somewhat more optimistic. Seems that many of we commenters are residents of blue states. We see the nuttiness of the progressives all about us. It’s on our TVs, in our newspapers, rampant among friends and family.

    But I see Republican governors in 27 states and those states have mostly done well during the pandemic. Fewer lockdowns, more freedom, and definitely better economies at this stage of the game. Also, people are immigrating from blue states to red states. I think most of them get it that the Democrats are tyrannical and hypocritical.

    I also see news about parents revolting against the CRT and other indoctrination of their children by the public schools. The virtual schooling allowed the parents a glimpse of what the schools are doing and many of them don not like it. There is now a national organization to fund conservatives to run for school boards. People are fed up with crime. Many are beginning to connect the dots between “Defund The Police,” ANTIFA/BLM, open borders and the addiction/local drug gangs problems.

    At least 75 million people believe in the MAGA doctrine. Newt Gingrich and DJT are teaming up to produce a contract with America for Republicans to use in the 2022 election campaign. Secure borders, law and order, low taxes, sensible regulation, a strong military, pro business, pro family, pro school choice, and more will be included. A winning idea, IMO.

    Inflation is ramping up much faster than I expected. Many people will be traveling over this coming weekend. The prices for gas, lodging, and meals will be a surprise. Higher gas prices raise the cost of everything. This is go g to be a big issue i the 2022 campaign, IMO. The Democrats have no answers except tax, spend, and regulate.

    I also know that there’s still a “silent majority” out there. Many are LIVs, but most will notice inflation, rising crime, and incompetent government. Many will be ready for change in 2022. Of course my optimism is based on the election being mostly fraud free. If HR-1/SR-1 passes, all bets are off.

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  19. One minor correction. The late Rush Limbaugh did note that Biden did get way too many legit votes. But the Cornhead Corollary is that the Dems only needed to cheat in about six big cities to win it. IOW, it makes no difference if Trump won Iowa 70/30, there is a fixed number of EC votes regardless of the margin of victory.

    I’m in it deep with the Greens in NE over the solar project. They’re all nuts and call me names. They’ll never change.

  20. }}} Yeah. Run out and buy a gay tee shirt guys. Maybe they have them in rainbow stripes in a Russian sailor design. That is what you need to impress women. A lesbian says so

    Well, TBH, there is a massive percentage of commercials whose essence is, basically:

    “Here is a complete and total idiot. Do what they are doing, and buy our product”.

    Sells to enough complete and total idiots that it keeps being used as a commercial theme…

  21. “Unfortunately, she is a lawyer and FBI agent. ”
    is she proud of Obergruppenfuhrer Müller and his gestapo tactics?
    is she proud that the FIB doesn’t record interviews , so they can fabricate lies on their 302’s?

  22. Well, TBH, there is a massive percentage of commercials whose essence is, basically: “Here is a complete and total idiot. Do what they are doing, and buy our product”.

    Well, the funniest sort is the CYA section of the drug company ads, where they list all the debilitating side effects.

  23. I don’t plan to run into any fibbies. Not sure if it would be socially okay should I find one at a party or something whether he failed to resign after Waco or joined after Waco. And whether the massacre’s complete lack of accountability bothered him/her.

  24. I have found out to my dismay that many intelligent people I know literately know nothing about the scandals in modern America except for maybe the MSM headlines. Truth from respected people can cause them to learn that truth and a result cause them to disrespect those that lied. That is progress, abet slowly to take hold, but progress never the less.

  25. Last night I was with a friend who loathed Trump and still states that there was no fraud even when I told him I saw it at the Detroit TCF. They are locked in their worldview for the moment. He now concedes that the Wuhan Flu was most likely man made. I told him about this back on February 2020. He “believes” the “authorities”. He doesn’t connect yet his vote to what is going on.

    I just keep dropping facts that he can’t ignore. He will have to concede the fraud when Arizona then Georgia proves it. Then Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. The nomenklatura is desperate to hold on the narrative. Their position in society depends upon it being true. That is why the newly rich or keyboard professionals are so invested in it. Also it has not personally impacted them yet. It will. In my groups we are bring out CRT as an issue. Once people know about it in their local schools they blow a gasket. Why? It impacts their life and their kids.

    Two months ago was the fascists high water mark. This is the end of the beginning. They are losing control of the narrative. First COVID and now Election fraud. That is why they are desperate to have the Jan 6th commission to drive other news out. They will fail. Alternative media platforms are breaking the information blockade. In the meantime live your life with joy. Work hard to effect change. It takes time because change is a journey and not a moment.

    Keep the faith

  26. “Unfortunately, she is a lawyer and FBI agent. ”
    is she proud of Obergruppenfuhrer Müller and his gestapo tactics?

    We don’t talk about that. She did want KSM sent to NYC for trial instead of Gitmo military tribunal.

  27. I suspect that there are many grandparents who supported their kids in having an abortion. Those kids then supported their own kids in having an abortion. The grandchildren are now supporting their kids in having abortions. All along the way across the generations there are multitudes who supported all these abortions, friends, cousins, preachers, teachers, doctors, pharmacists, psychologists. This abortion network fortifies the left and rules out any sort of reasoned persuasion that the leftist way is the wrong way.

  28. }}} reasoned persuasion

    Ah… THERE’s your problem.

    You think The Left — that is, the PostModern Left — has the slightest interest in reason


  29. Spartacus:

    To me, the bragging that the left pulled in Time magazine was more than adequate proof that they cheated. And that they did not care one whit who knew.

    The trick will be making them repent that lack of concern.

  30. I think the Dems believe they’ve found their ‘Holy Grail’ with the 2020 election template–Big Tech $/censorship along with the Tech for Civic Life folks–look what they’ve done with their multi-generational control of our urban centers despite crime, poor schools & corruption.

  31. “The trick will be making them repent that lack of concern.”

    Agree, it isn’t going to happen at the Federal Level at this time. This issue will be resolved at the state level. When Attorney Generals will be forced to prosecute then it gets interesting.

    For Federal election fraud prosecution the statute of limitation runs 5 years. A winning campaign issue after 2022 will be that we will prosecute those who committed fraud. Let’s do a Chauvin on them. State prosecutions first and pile on with Federal for Civil Rights violations.


    Revenge is best served cold. Keep working on reform, stay active and live your life with joy.

  32. Still my opinion is no matter how big the margin of winning the Leftists pulled the biggest fraud ever done.

  33. Mike+K on May 28, 2021 at 10:44 am said:
    “Unfortunately, she is a lawyer and FBI agent. ”
    is she proud of Obergruppenfuhrer Müller and his gestapo tactics?

    We don’t talk about that. She did want KSM sent to NYC for trial instead of Gitmo military tribunal.

    I bet she’s cool with dismissing federal felony charges against leftist rioters in Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha but is fine with keeping those charged with misdemeanors in the Jan. 6 capitol ruckus in jail as long as possible.

  34. Longshankshammer,
    You nailed it. My sister in law has the BLM sign in her yard. Sigh. We’ve just lost our matriarch so I refrained from asking her why the ~250 black babies aborted in America EVERY DAY don’t seem to matter.
    Yes, the left’s goal is tyrannical power. But the reason why our ‘nice, caring and intelligent’ friends and family (who do not approve of tyranny) can’t see this is because they are locked into acceptance of abortion. This causes them to literally deny the evidence of their own eyes. They end up getting really good at it, too! They have to. The spiritual challenge for people who pride themselves on their ‘goodness’ is too much to handle. The questioning has to stop there. If it didn’t, as many changers can testify to – self included – the rest of the leftist edifice would come crashing down.

  35. Your abortion approving friends are racist. Blacks are 12% of Americans (down from maybe 16%) and half of all abortions. Most of the salable body parts going for research are black.
    I am backing the new mantra “Be the Quit in Equity”. If you are a white person who really believes in Critical Race Theory, you should immediately resign and ensure that your position is awarded to a BIPOC.

  36. Your abortion approving friends are racist. Blacks are 12% of Americans (down from maybe 16%) and half of all abortions. Most of the salable body parts going for research are black.

    Since 1790, the black share of the population has averaged 13%, precisely what it is today. It was at its highest in 1790 (at 20%) and at its lowest in 1940 (at just shy of 10%).

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