Home » The wheels of justice in Fulton County, Georgia certainly grind slow…


The wheels of justice in Fulton County, Georgia certainly grind slow… — 13 Comments

  1. You won’t find the fraud without examining the security envelopes and comparing the signatures with the actual voter registered. The fraud was done out in the open- flood Democratic areas with a large excess of mail-in-ballots, vacuum them up with roving teams of operatives, fill them out, and mail them back.

  2. The media’s claim is that Trump made a direct request to an election official that he fraudulently alter the vote count, on a recorded call with multiple parties present.

    That’s always been an absurd charge. And even if you entertain their claim, why didn’t Raffensberger seek any clarification or confirmation. Are we to expect that he’s accustomed to such requests?

    It’s like being lied to by a child.

  3. Well, we’ve all read the later stories that showed the full transcript of the call and also revealed who had leaked the portions that were edited to imply the very worst. So no, you’re not redeemed Brad.

    I’ve read that the post-election analysis is revealing some chronic problems with chain-of-custody (maybe envelope related?) and have also read that this particular audit of the 145,000 absentee ballots will include signature verification.

    So I’ll wait to see how Robert Barnes weighs in. Too many variables for me to make sense of, in its present state.

  4. Just imagine what will happen in this country if this review in Georgia, and the process going on in Arizona, result in findings that make the election of Biden highly questionable.

    First off, I have a bunch of emails I have to send off to friends(?) and acquaintances who insist I’m a tinfoil hatter regarding the 2020 election.

    Then we as a nation need to figure out what we do about the administration currently seated, starting with a whole stack of Executive Orders that will no longer be valid.

    And THEN, if the Georgia recount results in different Senatorial results from the January special election, this whole governmental structure will be questionable. Don’t get caught between Chuck Schumer and TV cameras if that happens — he’ll be out in front “explaining” how he’s still No 1 in the Senate.

    Hoo boy! That will be some serious chaos right then and there.

  5. Sounds like Raffensbarger is trying to get out in front of something.

    But I have no real hope that if it were proven incontrovertibly that massive fraud occurred and is the reason Biden and the Dems are in power, that our press would allow it to be heard, let alone that the election results be voided.

    Why haven’t the Republicans-the DC Republicans-been demanding election reform-in particular the end of the mail-in ballot scam?

    We are being sold out-by the people who promised to represent us.

  6. Barry:
    As John Solomon said, “I thought I knew a lot about the news media. I knew nothing until I read what Alex had done.”

    I was scrolling through the comments on one of Greenwood’s posts (an excellent takedown of the Snowflakes in Journalism) and noted a discussion on corporate culture among the monolithic press, which ended with the suggestion that Glenn write a post detailing all the connections that aren’t apparent to the normal reader.


    Looks like Alex Marlow beat him to it.

  7. “Why haven’t the Republicans-the DC Republicans-been demanding election reform-in particular the end of the mail-in ballot scam?” – Boatbuilder

    They’re working on it.
    Hans Spakovsky gives the details.

    “McConnell Blasts HR 1 as ‘Power Grab’ ”

    “Republican Study Committee Chair Jim Banks, R-Ind., is circulating a memo to GOP lawmakers Tuesday, which contrasts Democrats’ H.R. 1, the For the People Act of 2021, to the conservative caucus’ Save Democracy Act in an effort to “drum up opposition” to H.R. 1.”

    Hammering the Democrats since the beginning.


    This attack on elections is not a new problem, which makes the 2020 ineptitude of state GOP operatives so astounding, because the state Democrats enacted every one of the provisions the LDF warned about in 2019.

    Posted by Lisa Dixon 57sc on February 04, 2019
    As we wrote last week, Lawyers Democracy Fund (LDF) has a full analysis of the election administration portions of HR 1 and how they would centralize control of elections and harm election integrity. LDF has also released a shorter document highlighting the top ten problems with HR 1:
    “The RNLA will continue to follow this harmful legislation, which will surely be the focus of the Democrats’ response to President Trump’s State of the Union Address tomorrow. The Democrats have decided that if the people do not wish to vote them into office, they will change the election rules to their advantage. Fortunately, though while the House Democrats will likely pass HR 1 with little debate or inquiry, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has indicated that it will be dead on arrival in the Senate. Thank you, Leader McConnell, for standing up for election integrity.”

    Talk about “lather, rinse, repeat” – the Left just barges on until they get what they want, one way or another.

  8. Thank you, AF.
    But Cruz is more or less alone. And fighting HR 1 is playing defense. What I mean is that the Republicans should (and should have) make the problem with our broken election system issue #1-at every press conference-refuse to move business unless it’s addressed-shout it from the rooftops.
    That is what Republican voters demand. And they have been ignored.

  9. There is a story I saw on Instapundit that accuses the Census Bureau of fixing the numbers so that three commie states each keep a congress critter that they were expected to lose to three free-ish states. I have sort of been waiting to see if Neo was going to determine if the story is true. If it is true then HR1 will allow for virtual non-existent blue state voters. The population will be as fictitious as the vote. Since money is handed out by population…

  10. Would be inclined to take your perspective on the Raffensberger call seriously, but for the extremely strong sense that if Obama made the call (if he had lost his second term race), the exact same context wouldn’t have received the same perspective.

    Are we sure there isn’t Motivated Reasoning here?

    Oh, and I’m sure to tag this Big Maq, lest I be accused of trying to “hide” using BM. Like that should have bearing on the comment, anyway.

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