Home » The show trial against Chauvin and the other officers marches on, this time at the federal level


The show trial against Chauvin and the other officers marches on, this time at the federal level — 19 Comments

  1. Didn’t the medical event precede the restraint, and, in fact, prompted the early exit from the cruiser?

    Also, while the first-order forcings of a progressive loss of viability were a drug overdose, diverse comorbidities, and anxiety, the proximate cause of death was a belligerent mob that prevented safe and timely emergency aid.

  2. Neo: I think you’re right that a main purpose of the federal indictments is to prejudice Chauvin’s sentencing hearing (including the prosecution’s motion for an enhanced sentence) and also to prejudice the trial of the other three officers.

    As for double jeopardy: It’s true that the Constitution recognizes a right to due process, and the Supreme Court is the ultimate interpreter of the Constitution. So in this trivial sense the DOJ’s policy of bringing civil rights charges for the same conduct tried in state court does not violate due process as defined in the Constitution.

    But the idea of due process precedes the Constitution and is independent of it. It’s always open to question whether the Constitution guarantees due process. The Supreme Court’s “dual sovereigns” rationale is not really convincing. The opinion usually quoted states that since citizens “voluntarily participate” in the American political system they really have no argument that the application of the dual sovereigns doctrine is unfair. I think that begs the question.

    The dual sovereigns doctrine must be applied in the context of the existing political system in America. If the application has a patently unjust result as in the George Floyd prosecutions (and also in the Rodney King prosecutions), then the dual sovereigns doctrine is flawed.

  3. buster:

    I believe it is flawed, and obviously so. But it serves political purposes to ignore or deny that.

  4. right to be free from unreasonable seizure

    The criminal complaint the officer’s were responding to was “passing of counterfeit money”. That’s a federal crime that the fed’s expect local police to handle for them. I suspect that dynamic is about to change. Of course, when anybody can print counterfeit money without consequences, it devalues our currency and causes inflation. I’m not seeing that our federal government cares at all about inflation.

    I guess we are going with “printing our way out of debt”. Sucks to be a low or fixed income earner, which I believe are the poor and elderly to be hardest hit.

  5. Arise ye workers from your slumbers
    Arise ye prisoners of want
    For reason in revolt now thunders
    And at last ends the age of cant.
    Away with all your superstitions
    Servile masses arise, arise
    We’ll change henceforth the old tradition
    And spurn the dust to win the prize.

    So comrades, come rally
    And the last fight let us face
    The Internationale unites the human race.

    No more deluded by reaction
    On tyrants only we’ll make war
    The soldiers too will take strike action
    They’ll break ranks and fight no more
    And if those cannibals keep trying
    To sacrifice us to their pride
    They soon shall hear the bullets flying
    We’ll shoot the generals on our own side.

    No saviour from on high delivers
    No faith have we in prince or peer
    Our own right hand the chains must shiver
    Chains of hatred, greed and fear
    E’er the thieves will out with their booty
    And give to all a happier lot.
    Each at the forge must do their duty
    And we’ll strike while the iron is hot.

  6. The psychological effect on that police department is unimaginable.
    They won’t be happy until ever policeman is disarmed or dismissed.

  7. Skip:

    Actually, I think the psychological effect is very imaginable – police quitting in droves, and the ones who remain being very reluctant to enforce the law.

    I assume you were just using hyperbole, and that you have imagined it as well. The effect is enormous and dangerous, and not only imaginable but already occurring. It will almost certainly worsen now.

    I also think the effect on criminals is to embolden them. I would like to think that the effect on the communities involved is to turn them away from voting for the left, but I doubt that will happen.

  8. The state of INjustice in the US today is sickening.

    But this is not about justice, this is about intimidation and demonization, as a tactic to fundamentally transform policing in America. A transformation into a federalized force, one under the control of the Left.

    “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set, we’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Barack Obama during a 2008 campaign speech

  9. @GB:

    “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set, we’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Barack Obama during a 2008 campaign speech

    Attended an event in China which had a substantial People’s Armed Police security cordon presence — not your usual gun-toting, neighbourhood cops, but the paramilitary guys who exist to put down local insurrections. Quantity has a quality all of its own and seeing it in action makes a person think more than twice.

    Be interesting to see how politically correct and diverse a FedGov implementation of PAP or Soviet Interior Ministry Troops would be and how well that would work out for them on the ground amongst the heavily armed Deplorables.

  10. This is the sort of thing that’s keeping gun sales through the roof. When the police can’t or won’t protect you, who ya gonna call?

    It’s quite clear that they want to federalize the police. At least the big city departments to begin with. Stalinists!

  11. Neo comments that Chauvin is “seemingly dislikable.” Others, including David Horowitz, have made similar comments. It may or may not be true, but I know of no evidence one way or the other. Can someone help me out?

  12. @Sheldon:

    Neo comments that Chauvin is “seemingly dislikable.” Others, including David Horowitz, have made similar comments. It may or may not be true, but I know of no evidence one way or the other. Can someone help me out?

    Wellll…. He’s White, Legacy American, Straight Male, Proletarian, gets his hands dirty in daily interactions with dirt bags, doesn’t care for arugula or cilantro… so obviously he’s an unsympathetic character. Nobody is going to go found the ADL to defend a sleazebag like him or his kind.

    Not much of a fan of cops myself; they’re a necessary evil. Not even much of a connoisseur of prole-feed, but it irks me to see pontificating grifters like Horowitz who never did a day’s honest work in their life criticize de haute en bas Little Cattle People for their sometimes easy to pick over semi-sordid little existences. We’re all in the mud. Nobody and I mean Nobody’s life bears too much close scrutiny.

    It’s the Who Whom blatant unfairness of it that sticks in the craw. Something will eventually snap if it isn’t walked back.

  13. Maybe Merrick ( what kind of Jew names their kid Merrick) will have Amy Berman Freisler as the judge

  14. @avi:

    “Maybe Merrick (what kind of Jew names their kid Merrick) will have Amy Berman Freisler as the judge”

    The kind who used to shop at Ralph Lauren? Not quite my bailiwick so just putting it out there.

    For the other bit, well you can’t beat History for the Rhyming Funnies.

    *Alec Guinness Mode On*


    The Quality of Mercy is going to be Strained exceeding fine.

  15. Interesting take here from David Cole:


    “Hispanics seem to be the only group that’s not down with the whole suicide thing. The only group with a focus on growth rather than self-destruction. And while that growth is surely a mixed blessing (and that’s putting it mildly) for the nation, pragmatic whites might just come to realize that throwing in with a non-suicidal population is a better deal than trying to deprogram those lost to 1943 ghetto fighter dementia.”

    Come to think of it, there’s plenty of people out there who would be more satisfying as piñatas than in their present incarnations.

  16. Is the FBI unconstitutional? It’s roots go back to the Mann Act to enforce legislation against so-called “White Slavery.” It was an early Moral Panic. Black pimps transporting white females across state lines “for immoral purposes” like prostitution.

    Yet, Obama: “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set, we’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” Barack Obama during a 2008 campaign speech

    If the FBIs roots of legitimacy are prima facia racist, and unCinstitutional, how does Obamunist Fed Police Forcing become anti-racist and Constitutional?

    Add in that half the US already sees the FIB as corrupt and untrustworthy, who’s going to submit without a violent fight?

  17. Actually, I think the psychological effect is very imaginable – police quitting in droves, and the ones who remain being very reluctant to enforce the law.

    The Second City cop blogger used to call this “Going fetal” before he was doxxed and his blog shut down. The cops that are not retiring or looking for jobs in suburbs are going fetal. I wonder how many social workers will be killed as they are sent to domestic dispute calls? Those are probably the most dangerous calls.

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