Home » Target’s CEO Brian Cornell on George Floyd


Target’s CEO Brian Cornell on George Floyd — 37 Comments

  1. Crocodiles like Honey Badgers don’t care and will feast on the carcass of Cornell when they get around to him.

  2. The fact that it happened so close to their headquarters is why he would say almost anything positive about Floyd. Weak and pathetic.

  3. Seems like he thinks that Floyd, a thief and ex-con who was passsing “funny money” and who died from an over-dose of an illegal street drug while resisting arrest was his kind of person. Another reason to avoid Targetto.

    They have been a hazard since they want to collect personal information which they don’t secure, use customer cell phones to track them in the store, and let “creepers” use the women’s room.

    I break out and itch when I see their logo.

  4. As CEO his first responsibility is to the shareholders and to do and say whatever is necessary to prevent a loss of property and revenue. He is attempting to convince the “community” that Target is part of them in hopes that the people will be less inclined to ransack his stores.

  5. Target lost me when they decided, back in the Obama years IIRC, that men, who “identified” as women but hadn’t had any surgical modification, could use the women’s bathrooms. They have nothing I can’t get at places that don’t push “woke.”

  6. I have a suspicion that shallowness helps you get promoted through the ranks in this decadent age.

  7. I think he’s blinded by the light and wrapped up like a douche.

  8. All these woke CEOs are playing a game. They are betting that this woke garbage will stick and the younger generation will always believe it so in a (misguided) effort to woo that crowd they are playing super woke.

    The problem of course is it won’t save them but it will alienate a bunch of other people.

    Do nothing say very little would be the wise strategy.

  9. In a funny way, Target is a lot like the federal government. They seem to hate a substantial portion of their potential customer pool, and go out of their way to offend them in order to be especially appealing to a remaining small fraction of their customers. All while doing things in the background that should offend anybody who values their data and privacy.

    I stopped considering them as an investment or as a place to shop when they started going woke. Ironically, every time I’ve ever been in one of these huge Targets, they are mostly empty. I have never seen one crowded, although this is probably just a coincidence that is feeding into my confirmation bias. In any case, the good news is that there are plenty of alternatives.

  10. Yeah, Cornell is lying about hiring George Floyd. Target does have hiring standards, and they generally get a higher quality of applicant. As a result, Target stores are cleaner, better stocked, and have better customer interactions. And I can say this with confidence, because I was a third-party vendor working in the downtown Minneapolis headquarters store, the Edina, MN (where Target execs shop) and the Richfield store. I was in other Twin Cities metro stores often.

    Brian isn’t telling you that Riot V 2 shocked the Target HQ folks. This was the one in July caused by a fleeing murderer committing suicide on a downtown street in daylight. Social media claimed police had killed him; video refuted that quickly, but folks have to process their feelings through recreational looting.

    The video was crystal clear. The downtown store is a 2-story, with entrances on the street and on the Skyway level. The security at the downtown store is good, but they were slow to get the gates down, and the mob came charging in. The video shows faces clearly, as looters kick their way into locked electronics cases. The liquor store was cleaned out.

    The only ones charged with any looting, arson or riot crimes were charged in federal court. The local county attorney has only charged the poor damn truck driver who hurt no one and was the only person supposed to be on that bridge. Those who beat and robbed him, despite being fully known to prosecutors, were not charged.

    That liquor store was not restocked. It may have been now that the trial is over, but I doubt it. There’s one more trial to go. Also, at the street level entrance, the revolving doors were blocked, allowing the much more secure swinging doors to be the only entrance. The security team trained. Those gates go down very quickly now at the first hint of trouble.

    Target is very serious about security, much more so than Walmart. They have to be, at the downtown store. A fire set in that store threatens the many office floors above.

    Now Brian is talking to the lefty crowd that works at Target HQ as well as his Twitter and Facebook audience. He’s making “be nice, don’t loot us again, we’re very woke” noises. It won’t work if there’s another looting opportunity. But he can pat himself on the back for having the right beliefs.

  11. “Target lost me when they decided, back in the Obama years IIRC, that men, who “identified” as women but hadn’t had any surgical modification, could use the women’s bathrooms.”

    It wasn’t just that. They also said they didn’t want as customers anyone who disagreed. I see that Cornell has been CEO since 2014 so it was probably a statement from him. My wife said “Well, ok then” and has never been back.

  12. I worked for Target at one of their distribution centers for 2 years in my mid 20’s.

    When I quit, I vowed never to shop at a Target ever again, and I haven’t. That was two decades ago.

    Target was such a cult-like place. Employees (or Team Members) were divided into two parties: True Believers and people who couldn’t wait to find a better job. They paid well, for a time. But every few months, after copious raises (sometimes as often as once every 3 weeks your hourly pay rate would increase), a shockingly large number of Team Members would be terminated for no discernible reason. We knew it was happening because there would be a crowd of managers (Group Leaders or GLs) and Security waiting at the front doors to tell the people on their lists they were bo longer employed and no longer allowed past the front door. Then, when the shift started, those same Group Leaders would come around to lead a shift cheer/Ra-Ra!! and stretch session to pretend morale wasn’t in the tank because half of your work buddies with children and bills were just terminated and a whole new crop of Noobs (unable to run machinery at the beginning and thus dead weight and in the way) at entry level wages would be starting next week. (Implied: pick up the slack until they arrive and get up to speed or join your friends outside).

    They also have a whole vocabulary you have to learn, like a cult, that separates people from non-Target people. If you were promoted (almost never: Target promotes from outside almost always), or got a job as a Group Leader, you got sent to Minneapolis for (I’m not making this up) Target Linguistics Program. So you could learn Target speech and sound like an ‘effing pod person from invasion of the body snatchers.

    I loathe that company. I’ve worked much more demanding jobs, jobs that were grueling, hard work (I dug pools for a company in the summer in High School: we used shovels for 80% of the work). I’ve never worked for a company that beat your spirit down like Target did.

  13. }}} he doesn’t seem to have had second or third thoughts


    What we have heah, is, of course, “Failure to communicate”.

    What he SAID was:
    “My first reaction watching on TV…”

    No THOUGHT was ever involved. There was no first thought, Neo.

    Nor, as a liberal imbecile, was any thought ever wanted, needed, or expected.



    They “react”.

    The real question one has to wonder is:

    How the fuck did so many completely imbecilic liberal morons get in charge of so many companies?

  14. People tell me Target is “Costco for liberals”.

    They were the first target of a mass conservative boycott, I believe. The Christian group AMA got 1 million people to pledge not to shop at Target.

  15. OBloodyHell
    How the fuck did so many completely imbecilic liberal morons get in charge of so many companies?

    In part by progs taking over the educational system, so that those processed through the educational system know of no alternative to the liberal narrative- whatever that may be today.

    In the last 15 years all I have purchased in Target is a package of underwear. You can get better or cheaper stuff elsewhere.

    I recall my sister used to give a pseudo-French turn to the pronunciation of Target- “Tarzhay.” So some must have considered Target somewhat chic at one time.

  16. Haven’t stepped in a Target store since the bathroom thing. Ok, its not like I went to Target a lot prior to that. Canceled Comcast cable a few years ago. Amazon Prime. Never used Nike. Ever. I never was big on names on my clothes. I never even owned a concert t-shirt. Saw, Zep, Who, Stones in their heyday and it never crossed my mind to buy one.

    I just need my food. They better not mess with my food.

    Incidentally. A neat free e-book trick. Any book, just type in the title on google and add “free pdf download”

    Not all books, but many expensive programming books and history. I live near Chicago. I found that Devil in White City book. Knew the story long ago. Didnt see the point in buying it, and ends up I didnt have to.

    You find it, download it. Then you have an amazon fire or whatever email and send it there. Put Convert in the subject line. Amazon has a little program that you can download that converts it. Ive never tried sending it without the word convert. For all I know it may work without that little program.

    Mind you, its not perfect, you cant expand images, sometimes its screwed up with words but as far as the devil book……..it was 98-99 % good. As far as the devil book, I would highly recommend. Covers the Columbian Exposition and House of horrors HH Holmes. But also the architects and their stories. One being Olmstead. And the ending……..i didnt know.

    I say all this because, hey, if i can deny amazon a few bucks (sorry neo, but i have used you a couple times), i’m just sticking it to THE MAN.

    Well, look at him. How did this happen? Wizard of Oz was supposed to be fiction.

    Of course Amazon has a lot of free books too. But now Im always looking for Free pdf downloads. I prefer duck duck these days, but it seems google is better at finding free ones.

  17. Bumping this from another comment thread (linked by Spartacus), because it seems relevant to this post and the FBI one. Everything in the article, which explains why people are knee-jerk parrots of their favored party’s talking points and unwilling to give any credence to the oppositions arguments or evidence, will be familiar to readers here.
    (Paragraphing added – it’s a big block of text all the way down.)


    Party loyalties hinder the brain’s ability to get a handle on reality.

    A recent paper published by the American Psychological Association suggests that from a cognitive and psychoneurological standpoint, partisans of the left and right are much more like each other than they are like nonpartisans. As study co??author Leor Zmigrod writes, “Regardless of the direction and content of their political beliefs, extreme partisans had a similar cognitive profile.” Specifically, partisans of all stripes show lower levels of cognitive flexibility; importantly, even when processing information that has no political character, they are more dogmatic, less adaptable, and less able to complete tasks that require an “ability to adapt to novel or changing environments and a capacity to switch between modes of thinking.”
    Partisanship quite literally makes one dumb—or is it that dumb people are just more likely to be committed partisans? Zmigrod is careful to point out that the study can’t give us the answer to that question, that we would need longitudinal studies in order to better understand the causal direction and causal phenomena at play.
    As soon as partisanship is introduced, as soon as a question mentions a politician or political party, subjects are unable to accurately assess basic facts. Indeed, remarkably, tinging a question with a political shade renders many subjects unable to answer a simple question even when they are given the answer. Relatedly, studies have shown that one’s political affiliations even affect her ability to perform basic math: given an operation that yields a statistic contradicting a subject’s partisan view, the subject will tend to question the result rather than updating based on the evidence or attempting to reconcile the new information with her politics.

    Bottom line is that some studies seem to indicate that Scott Adams is right that partisans are watching different movie screens; that partisanship is not about ideology but tribal belonging; and that nonpartisans (physically think differently than partisans

  18. I am enough of a partisan to question the validity of any “psychological study” to predict anything other than what the designer of the study wants it to. And to question what information they are using that has “no political character .”

  19. Gordon and Fractal, thank you very much for the information.

    You really can get almost everything from the public library.

  20. Miriam Weaver wrote, citing John Nolte and Bille Whittle,

    “… the wonderful, utopian fantasy world that leftists pine for – the kind of place where people of diverse colors and backgrounds live in unity, where there is crime only rarely, where there is little to no gun violence, etc. ALREADY EXISTS. It exists in red America, away from Democrat strongholds, away from elitist arrogant leftists who are the worst offenders of the behaviors they claim to want to eradicate.”

    From https://www.chicksonright.com/blog/2021/05/01/pew-study-suggests-over-50-of-young-white-liberal-women-have-mental-illness/

  21. Diversity [dogma] (e.g. racism), inequity, and exclusion.

    That said, the proximate cause of Floyd’s death was a drug overdose. However, as a SARS-Cov-2 positive case, he was a… also a Covid-19 statistic.

    Baby Lives Matter

  22. I agree with “Boatbuilder” about that study and also would like to know what the people doing it considered “basic facts,” what were the “simple questions and answers” given, and what were the statistical studies given? Plus what is the meaning of “extreme partisans?”

  23. Anyone who goes to “libertarianism” as a reliable deep-thought informational resource is in error.
    Psychological studies are generally crap, and psychologists are usually full of self-important BS to generate incomes sans useful clinical results. I have had sufficient experience with the breed and say this with confidence. I despise the breed. When you see references to “Neuroscience” they are all psychologists, talking about “functional MRIs” which they have no legal authority to order, and they sure don’t own these v. costly machines. How well educated are they in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology? Not at all well! Try getting a PhD in those two subjects, if you can spare 5 or 6 years.
    Psychology is one of the most popular college majors, and we all know that academia, especially in the social “sciences”, has been taken over by the Loony Left.
    BTW, non-partisans are sheeple, ignorant and uncaring.

  24. Cicero: “Anyone who goes to ‘libertarianism’ as a reliable deep-thought informational resource is in error.” Of course. People who consistently value their liberty and eschew aggression are such bozos.

  25. I’m old enough to remember when where you bought your underwear had “no political content.”
    These days literally everything has political content. Even math, which is apparently racist.

  26. “if i can deny amazon a few bucks i’m just sticking it to THE MAN”

    Yes, I find myself going through a process:
    1) need something
    2) check Amazon, identify something to buy
    3) go directly to the company’s website and buy it there
    In other words, use Amazon as a viewing platform. Just like people used to go view products at a brick-and- mortar store, then buy online.

    If that fails, I go to the Walmart site. They carry nearly everything Amazon has. I guess maybe I should just go there first LOL.

  27. To those questioning the psychological study of partisans: all very good questions; I don’t have the answers.
    Just something to think about looking into further.
    Plus, it confirms my own biases!

  28. }}} Bilwick: Cicero: “Anyone who goes to ‘libertarianism’ as a reliable deep-thought informational resource is in error.” Of course. People who consistently value their liberty and eschew aggression are such bozos.

    Not really familiar with that site, but I have been making a distinction between Capital-L Libertarians and small-L libertarians for multiple decades. Libs are almost as stupid-clueless as Liberals when it comes to the libertarian notion, which it probably the ideal one, but, as with anything else, it is exceptionally possible to Take It And Run Straight Off The End Of The Earth With It.

    Fact is, there is really NO CONCEPT comprehensible to the mind of Man which some dipshit can’t do that with…. libertarianism is a prime example.

    I had more than one argument with idiots over the Iraq war, including one who insisted that we were invaders, and widely hated by ALL Iraqis, except pure lackeys. This genius’ position was that the polls which said that Iraqis were not happy we were there, but didn’t want us to leave until things got stabilized were all taken at gunpoint, and that there was zero support for our presence there.


    I find such a lack of connection to reality to be most commonly associated with Cap-L types — usually “Lib Party” members, while not with those who casually define themselves as libertarian.

    Again: Dunno about the site, but I do assert that there are certainly dogmatic, absurdist Libertarians, just as there are dogmatic, absurdist liberals and conservatives. And thus anything from that direction needs just as much vetting for validity and rational basis as any other.

    Among other things, Cap-L Libertarians cannot grasp the notion that someone preparing for war, claiming they’re going to destroy you, and getting in your face at every turn just MIGHT be someone whose threats you might want to take seriously BEFORE they act on them.

  29. Another point:

    Any study in the Psychological sciences — in fact, pretty much ALL the “soft” sciences (i.e., not math, not physics, not chemistry, not engineering — things that are innately subject to real-world testing for validity) are subject to the Decline Effect. This particularly includes the social sciences and… yup, “Climate Science”.

    While there are many reasons argued for it, it is unquestionably the Truth that it is happening, and I personally assert that it is because of exceedingly BAD “science”. The tests are set up poorly, repeated poorly, subject to confirmation bias, etc. etc. etc.



    Again, a lot of this ties to bad science — we’ve got all too many people willing to compromise the process to support the Agenda.
    And that is what Science really is — a process for determining the reliability of an assertion.


    It’s not The Truth, it’s never “Settled”, and it’s always always always subject to re-examination and rejection as incorrect “as far as we know.”

    Which is why it was such a beautiful thing to see something as mundane as Steak-Umms take down that posturing jackass NDeG Tyson:

    People like him are a big part of the problem. They mislead people as to what Science is… it’s not a religion, which reveals indisputable Truth as long as you believe in Science. It’s a process for approaching truth, nothing more. It’s the best one we’ve found yet, but it’s never, ever been about the final be-all-end-all of The Truth. And if you doubt a claim, this does not make you “unscientific”.

  30. I despise the breed. When you see references to “Neuroscience” they are all psychologists, talking about “functional MRIs” which they have no legal authority to order, and they sure don’t own these v. costly machines. How well educated are they in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology?

    Very well educated in neuroanatomy and neurophysiology. That’s their job. Psychology is quite internally variegated and one wing of it shades off into physiology and biochemistry. Another is pre-occupied with animal behavior studies.

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