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Good old Joe — 16 Comments

  1. “For those of you who are stunned that a man this mediocre, mendacious, and debilitated is actually president, my response is that he’s the perfect symbol of the decline that America and even the Western world has experienced during the last couple of decades.”

    And as though we needed any more evidence of the wretched decline, we have Dr. Levine voted in (by 52 people in the Senate) to serve in the Department of Health and Human Services. A person who while in a position of authority pulled his own mother from a nursing home just after ordering long-term care facilities in the state of Pennsylvania to continue to accept coronavirus patients who had been discharged from hospitals but un­able to return to their homes. In what world would such a person be deemed fit for any position of public authority? Our present world, right now.

  2. Twitchy reported on a very amusing spat conducted via social media between the odious J Rubin of WaPo and the equally loathsome Y Alcindor of PBS. Each was trying to outdo the other in fawning subservience to the mendacious mediocrity residing at 1600, and both demonstrated, beyond any doubt whatsoever, that the MSM have no more interest in reporting the truth than the Pyongyang Times of the DPRK.

  3. j e I would say even less interest. As others have pointed out Pravda at least had an excuse, they were under duress.

  4. @Sharon W:by 52 people in the Senate

    50 Dems plus 2 of the reliable “mavericks” who mysteriously appear only in one party.

    For the upcoming gun control legislation a few more “mavericks” will be needed; gotta save the filibuster so the minority party can bring its pork home.

  5. It is still baffling to me why there are so many people who refuse to acknowledge Biden’s decline. I understand that he had to be supported to get rid of Trump, but Trump is gone now. Yes, Biden managed to make it through the “press conference” but there were a couple of moments where you know his handlers were holding their breaths. Sure it would be a bit awkward to replace him now but he seems like a ticking time bomb. I certainly wouldn’t want to be in charge of babysitting Biden for four more years.

  6. @Gregory Harper: “It is still baffling to me why there are so many people who refuse to acknowledge Biden’s decline.”

    Don’t you mean Biden’s stutter?

    Seriously, though, my Democratic friends aren’t talking except to say that they’re breathing easier now that they don’t have to worry 24/7 about what Trump will do next. In other words, they still can’t quit The Donald.

    As for what they think of President Potemkin and his regime — crickets. It would be a good sign if they were keeping their mouths shut from pure embarrassment, but I think they’re simply immersed in a warm bath of confirmation bias and bad faith.

  7. Jordan Peterson on a podcast with Douglass Murray was saying that the Dems continued obsession with Trump only makes his support stronger.
    At least ‘Down Under’ they report Biden’s decline. However, with my friends and family in the USA, ‘crickets’.

    My question is; What happen to Biden’s blue eyes and why are they so dark? Does anyone have any ideas?

  8. MollyG:

    I go back and forth on whether people know Biden is losing it but just don’t acknowledge it because it would hurt their cause or if they actually believe that he is just an empathetic guy who makes the occasional endearing gaffe. I think I’d feel better believing the former because if there are a lot of people who look at Biden and think there is nothing wrong, we are in bigger trouble than I thought.

  9. I’ve always considered Joe Biden to be a fit companion for Barack Obama. I’ve also little doubt that each has a particularly insightful understanding of the other’s true nature. I’d be surprised if, strictly on a professional level, they didn’t have some admiration for each other. Both equally unqualified, unprincipled and willing to do anything to sit in the oval office. Two more polar opposites of Washington and Jefferson would be impossible to find.

  10. “….it’s what he’s always wanted. He’s tried time and again, and failed till now, ….”

    He’s still failing; without the massive, and obvious, corruption and fraud committed in the November 3 election Biden would still be in his Delaware basement, not the White House.

  11. I’d be surprised if, strictly on a professional level, they didn’t have some admiration for each other.

    Geoffrey Britain:

    Obama seems such an egomaniac I’m not sure he admires much of anyone. However, there is enough scuttlebutt that Obama had no respect for Biden. It’s hard to see Obama would have respected an old white male kinda-dim political hack

    Yet searing, anonymously sourced quotes from Obama kept appearing through the race. One Democrat who spoke to Obama recalled the former president warning, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.” Speaking of his own waning understanding of today’s Democratic electorate, especially in Iowa, Obama told one 2020 candidate: “And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.”


    That’s not the only damaging quote. Plus Obama never encouraged Biden to run.

    Biden’s successful candidacy wasn’t part of a well-oiled plan, but something cobbled together after Kamala Harris did so poorly in the primaries that it looked like Bernie Sanders would win.

  12. JHCorcoran:
    You ask a very good question, “What happen[ed] to Biden’s blue eyes and why are they so dark?”
    They are so dark because of widely dilated pupils. The blue irises disappear.
    Amphetamines can cause that. Hydoxyamphetamine eye drops exist for the purpose of dilating the pupils.
    It is entirely reasonable to suspect we have a geezer as POTUS who is being fed amphetamines to stimulate him for the rare public occasion, to goose him out of his dottering somnolent chronic state.

    Why is he potus? Because the blacks in the SC primary gave him a leg up. And because of vote fraud, which is soon to be institutionalized.

  13. Huxley “It’s hard to see Obama would have respected an old white male kinda-dim political hack.”

    I agree. I have long assumed that narcissist Obama felt similar about Biden as he seemed to about his grandparents. They were all semi-useful, burdensome, old racists.

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