Home » No guns on January 6th


No guns on January 6th — 19 Comments

  1. And, surprise! No insurrection today, either, at least so far. Nonetheless, Democrats are demanding National Guard for another two months. If governors are dumb enough to require their troops to stay, they should at least demand decent, safe meals for them.

  2. I always wondered why those “heavily armed” crazed insurrectionist Neanderthals never used any weapons, even fire extinguishers, against the seemingly incompetent Capitol police. I was glad they didn’t and not at all surprised that the admission was finally made by the FBI.

  3. Yeah, whatever, how many guns were at the big March 4th riots that have been going all day though?

  4. Speech is violence and wrong think is especially violent. At least it is from the top of Humpty’s fence surrounding the Capitol.

  5. om,

    Maybe the violent coup happening in DC today is one of those new violent speech coups we’ve heard so much about. But anyway it’s been very scary I hope AOC is alright.

  6. No Guns then and no attack today. As another Blogger (Sarah Hoyt) says “This is my Surprise Face”.

  7. AOC is being held prisoner (in her own mind) by Senator Ted Cruz as she speaks. Somewhere in NYC a bar is one idiot shy of its quota.

    Must have been the “shy” Trump militia.

  8. In our gloriously progressive world, who says an “armed” insurrection has to be armed?

    Put another way, “If we say it’s an armed insurrection, then it ‘s an armed insurrection. (And if you still deny it, well…we have ways of making you regret it; but do us a favor: you look like a decent guy, a smart guy. Nice family, too. Nice house. Nice car. Good job. Don’t make us do something we’d really, really prefer not to do…. We’re askin’ you nicely.)”

  9. And of course the National Guard is truly being served Meals Rarely Edible (as opposed to actual MREs) as they guard the Capitol from the IIs (imaginary insurgents).

  10. The super sleuths at the FBI and the defenders of justice at the DOJ go after a Proud Boy from WA state who was at the Day of Infamy 2021 (the Capitol) and loose in the bail hearing. Are we surprised given the track record of the alphabet boys over the last 5 years? Meanwhile the alphabet boys continue to drop federal charges against Portland Antifa/BLM defendants.

    But the cause of Brian Sicknick’s death is still unknown and the assassin of Ashli Babbitt, RIP, is still a man of mystery. Shocking to be sure.


  11. they had very sharp sticks… we used to call them pencils… but now they are the tools of insurection

  12. Well, Art, in the right hands, the pencil is mightier than most weapons.

  13. All guns are arms. Not all arms are guns. The 2nd Amendment guarantees our right to bear arms, not specifically guns. Arms are anything that can be used defensively or offensively. Arms include everything from sticks and stones to guns and bullets, bows and arrows to spears and other missiles. Clubs, cudgels, garrots, motor vehicles, fists, feet, poisons, fetid foods can all be arms as French citizens hosting German soldiers did June 5, 1944, causing many Germans to be incapacitated with diarrhea on D-Day. Japanese women used paper folding fans as defensive arms. Jason Bourne armed himself with a rolled magazine.

    We all saw flags on poles during the DC Insurrection. We saw had and feet. We saw one man with a cudgel attempt to break a window. Those are arms. An “armed” insurrection? Yes, if it was indeed an insurrection (an organized revolt against authority.) The action didn’t appear to be organized on any scale beyond a few whackjobs who believed they were important enough to pull off such nonsense.

  14. Takeda Shingen could have taken out both houses of Congress with his War Fan (tessen).

  15. Pelosi et al declare it to have been an “armed insurrection” perpetrated by “domestic terrorists”.

    FBI Director Wray declares in sworn testimony that the antifa/BLM riots were not armed insurrections and thus not domestic terrorism.

    As all here know, the left has always subscribed to the “might makes right” metric.

    “When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’

    ’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’

    ’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.” Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass

  16. And on the same day, Antifa types were arrested in possession of guns in DC. Then magically not prosecuted.

    For example, “One Antifa member was caught with a gun and arrested on January 6th on weapons charges. But Leslie Grimes was later released despite lying to officers about the gun in their vehicle.
    [Details] Via NBC News….”


    So much Justice. So much for “No Justice, No Peace!” Truthers.

  17. The election was clearly fraudulent since there was no audit or possible audit, while observers were locked out, cases of “ballots” were pulled (on camera) from under tables, some states (like Pennsylvania) had more votes than ballots cast, the machines ans software were not validated, the machines were open to the Internat and/or telephone links, a brag of manipulation in Time, etc. VOID. There is no need to prove who did what.

    As such, the national Guard has and is violating their oath. Every NG member who help protect the fraud should get jail time and be expelled from the serevice. “…defend the Constitution. against enemies, foreign and domestic…..” I hear that Fort Leavenworth has beautiful views of the Missouri River bluffs. In the future, NEVER trust the National Guard! If they come to build levies against flooding, use their bodies instead of sand bags. If they come to cleanup after a storm, keep them out until the local police and families police up the valuables. Prisoners from the state prisons would be safer. The Guard provided protection for the traitors while our Republic was stolen by the “Uniparty”. Never trust the National Guard!

  18. Internal” should have been “Internet”.

    But NEVER trust the National Guard! They provide truck loads of “stupid” [at best], and, more likely, loads of traitors. In a crisis, hire the unemployeed and/or the “homeless”. Either would appreciate the cookies and (probably) neither would tolerate the murder of Ashli Babbit under their very noses.

    I hear the Missouri bluffs are “pretty” in the Spring.

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