Home » The CDC is now issuing nationwide mask mandates


The CDC is now issuing nationwide mask mandates — 54 Comments

  1. We are actually on the verge of the biggest of all the ‘moving the goalposts’. Even most of the totalitarians would say ‘just wait til the vaccines’ but now it is already starting in with ‘well nothing can change even with vaccines’.

  2. I got around to hiring a landscape company to take down a troublesome tree, trim the rest and blow the leaves out everywhere. After the job I was checking things out and my next-door neighbor stopped by.

    I’ve seen him or his partner doing their yard, but never spoken. We had a nice neighborly chat. (Part of the reason I took the tree down was because it was reaching over into his yard and rubbing against his roof.)

    I was maskless. So we kept our distance. But I couldn’t help noticing he was already double-masking per the latest wisdom.


  3. Our universities are indeed incubators of “woke” insanity, and it is as though we are all forced to live on the campus of Oberlin; instead of the power being wielded by apparatchiks of the academic nomenklatura solely over the students being indoctrinated (thanks to insanely high tuition paid by middle-class parents seemingly unaware of how their children are being brainwashed), the entire citizenry is being terrorized, through the implementation of draconian mandates and through the gradual dismantling of the freedom to dissent, into a passive state of acceptance of Big Brother and of fear of the arbitrary dictates of a regime of pure anarcho-tyranny.

  4. Art Deco:

    That’s not the point. The point is that local governments or other entities can use the CDC mandate to harass the people it wishes to harass, if they don’t follow the orders. I don’t expect the orders to be enforced across the board. And most people will comply anyway.

  5. Heard on radio a mandatory mask for all transportation
    ( assume any interstate) planes, busses, trains and their terminals.
    Wondering if it’s purposely law creeping, one law ( EO) keeps spreading outward.

  6. One phrase that is often used as an excuse for imposing some restriction on other’s behavior is “out of an abundance of caution”. That phrase rankles me no end.

    The human raced did not advance out of an abundance of caution. America did not throw off the yoke of the Monarchy and feudalism by observing “an abundance of caution”. American heroes did not storm the beaches of Normandy and free Europe from Nazism out of “an abundance of caution”.

    On a smaller scale, neither I nor my colleagues were considering “an abundance of caution” when we made our first night carrier landings.

    Normal people do not live their lives worrying about “an abundance of caution”; but, that thought has now replaced “individual discretion and common sense” in the lexicon of the Nanny State.

    I recently saw some government restriction justified as “out of an extreme abundance of caution”.

    The slope becomes slippier by the day.

  7. Really now, if masks helped to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, those nations that had strict rules about their use and/or lockdowns would not now be experiencing a new surge in hospitalizations or deaths.
    Every pandemic in history, most recently the 1968 and 1958 pandemics, just ran their course and they ended.
    End of story.
    Honestly, if Obama or Biden had been president in early 2020, there would never have been any lock downs nor requirements to wear a mask.

    Even the Stalinist Bidet admitted that there is nothing anyone can do other than allow the virus to run it’s course.

  8. I’ve been reading and appreciating your posts for quite a while. I recently started my own little blog and wonder if you would consider taking a look and see if you would add it to your blogroll. (I’ve added yours to mine already.) Thanks!

  9. Neo, I well remember your posts on Sarah Conley’s very disturbing book and I remember thinking at the time we were likely headed in the direction she prescribes, if the left ever gained full power. At the time, I assumed:

    A. Such an authoritarian scenario was still at least 20 years away.

    B. The underlying ‘crisis’ justifying the imposition of ‘benevolent paternalism’ would be climate change.

    I was wrong on both counts. Less than eight years later, we are on the precipice of a Conlyian dystopia, based on the threat of a virus which, while dangerous and deadly for a minority of the population, is not life-threatening for most people. I never envisioned this.

    I still think it’s more likely than not the restrictions will dissipate over the next few months (although Griffin is right, the goalposts keep moving, fairly openly, but with little questioning or concern) over the next few months, as the vaccine becomes widely distributed and a certain level of herd immunity can be assured. Of course, the reason for easing and eliminating restrictions will have nothing to do with science, health or (perish the thought) individual liberty. It will be purely political: to give Democrats a great ‘victory’ over this horrific peril, justifying every rule and restriction taken.

    But wait until the next ‘public health crisis’ (which truly can be anything; absolutely any incident, event or development could be argued to, in some way, affect ‘public health’) now that the left knows just how far they can push their authoritarian impulses, with minimal resistance. It may come in a few years, a year, a few months…or less. But it will come.

  10. This is, one supposes, aimed at the free states. Good luck with telling Texas or Florida or South Dakota to enforce this.

  11. This is just the beginning. The outlines of the left’s plan is starting to emerge. Regulate Americans into compliance through the left’s proxies until liberty is a distant memory.

  12. “that required face masks to be worn on federal properties and during interstate travel.”

    Well of course, because of the constitution’s “interstate travel” clause. No, wait … I guess with the Supreme Court of FDR’s third term, interstate travel could always be construed as a type of virtual commerce.

    Some recent news item claimed that mask wearing compliance is at 98% in California. See, it’s working so well here. Or did I get things wrong again?

    But seriously, I am bothered by the 50% of the mask wearers who almost go out of their way to rub elbows with anyone or everyone, as though the mask is some kind of preventative magic talisman.

  13. Mock. Ignore. Ridicule. Denigrate. THEM. ALL.

    (Cf, recent riots in the Netherlands about curfew dictates.)

  14. Soviet of Washington

    How many masks? N + 1 until the risk is 0.

    Does 2 + 2 = 4 or 5? Just ask Humpty Fauchi, or King Jay’s minions.

  15. One target may be airline passengers. I have seen passengers interviewed and heard flight attendant’s complain about people refusing to wear their masks after the airplane gets to cruise. Alaska Airlines is putting these passengers on a no fly list as a way to get people to comply. An action that may be legally iffy. But now the airlines may be able to turn the non-compliant passengers over to the FBI when they arrive at their destination. Refusing to follow crew members’ directions is a federal offense, but the mask issue is controversial – not exactly a law. Now, with this CDC guidance, the airlines may have more authority to tell passengers to keep their masks on or face federal prosecution. And soon it may be two masks.

    If only there was more real knowledge it would be easier to accept.
    Dr. Redfield tells Congress that a mask is more protective than a vaccine. And yet, the infections happen anyway. Now this third wave is receding here in WA. Is it because more people are masked up? Not as far as I can tell. Everywhere I go everyone is, and has been, wearing a mask. So, how are they getting infected? And why are the infections receding now? I have many more questions than answers.

  16. What a strange mandate, I understand air travelers, I kind of think the new folks in DC are pushing and pushing like a bully on a playground trying to get a national emotional, anger reaction from the conservatives. They will continue to regulations, mandates and stipulations until there is a strong, normal reaction to the aggressive bully and then the media will blame us for our over-reaction, just like the abusive husband who puts his wife in the hospital with a broken arm and says, it’s her fault, she should not have pushed back at me.

    It will be interesting to watch each area of the country as they reach the point where it becomes time to stand fast and say, that’s enough, no more. It will take some time and we will make the big difference at the ballot box when those who voted these creatures in express their buyer’s remorse.

  17. A year ago when I heard people talking about states stepping back from the United States and going their own way I was thinking, not in my lifetime at my 75 years old. Now ten days into the New Guys in DC I am thinking, what the hell are they thinking? We are truly living in two different countries and that makes me real unhappy so I am thinking what could happen. I could see my state of Texas joining with Oklahoma where I have lived a lot of years, perhaps Arkansas would come long and then Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakotas and then we would have a lot of oil, food production and distribution, plenty of energy and we cold allow free passage on the interstates. Those who live in metro cities and are hard core lefties could go live their dreams in the Democrat metro cities like Chicago, LA, San Francisco, New York, Baltimore, etc and live their incredible diversity lives among their own folk. In the meantime those of us unwashed of all persuasian and backgrounds who like to work, own our own stuff and live with our personal achievements and learn from our personal mistakes can go on living like Americans and raise our children to appreciate their ‘God given Rights’ not rights given by any man made government and I know that is an old concept that was clearly understood for several hundred years.

  18. Of course the correct answer to this is the one that virtually all these ‘experts’ were saying before last March. NPIs (non pharmacological interventions) don’t work to control a pandemic.

    This was conventional thinking only a year ago. Especially lockdowns but also universal masking simply doesn’t work but our loser elites will never admit they were wrong and destroyed tens of millions of lives for no discernible gain.

  19. I haven’t read this local post from my neighborhood NextDoor social media app but I found the title intriguing. Who knew CDC decides policy for cities?

    “Sunnyvale is not following CDC recommendations regarding homeless people and refuses to even talk about it on City Council Meeting Agenda”

    “Unhoused” people are a big deal around here. It seems like every town is buying a hotel to house them

  20. “loser elites will never admit they were wrong and destroyed tens of millions of lives for no discernible gain.”


    Their gain is discernable and it is spelled O-P-P-R-E-S-S-I-O-N. That’s why Dopey Joe is killing the economy even more, in league with China.

    And the Capitol is surrounded by razor wire and more than 10,000 National Guardsmen apparently under orders to shoot to kill their fellow Americans if too many converge on the Capitol.

    COVID, like its coronavirus, common cold-causing cousins, has mutated in several parts of the world. Making our semi-available vaccines at least partially superfluous if not useless.

    The Chinese have won, but to whom will they sell their made-in-China stuff? To Zuckerberg and Gates?

  21. [For om] Satire-dar seems to be non-functional for many these days. Guess I forgot the sarc /sarc flags.

    When the multiple mask hit the news I put on every mask I had to spoof her best friend who’s husband is a big CNN watching leftest while dropping something off (4 masks IIRC. My wife makes them, so I have plenty 🙁 ). But they thought I was serious. Muggeridge’s Law strikes again.

  22. Soviet of Washington:

    BabylonBee rules!

    Hats off to you for spoofing your wife’s best friend! 🙂

    I’m wondering how far the “Safety Committee” at church will go in their bowing down to the next mandate (or guidance or edict) from Olympia. Will double masks be necessary, and why not?

    Could double masks reduce the efficacy of the mask to face seal or just reduce the airflow? What a continuing farce.

  23. From Sunstein quote: “If a paternalistic intervention can prevent long-term harm – for example, by eliminating risks of premature death – it might well be justified even if people are keenly frustrated by it.”
    OH!! So we ARE allowed to surround an abortion clinic and prevent any “patients” from entering for “treatment” after all??
    Can we borrow some of the 2 miles of fencing from around the Capitol building?

    Double masking might not be required if you use a plastic bag without any holes in it and tighten it firmly around over your head and around your neck.

  24. A reaction is coming. I am of the belief it will not be violent unless the progressives release their stormtroopers. More on that later. It will be more of an Irish rebellion where compliance is spotty and sullen. Then people and local authorities will then ignore them.

    Two items worth watching. The Reddit GME short squeeze outcome and if Newsom’s recall initiative actually gets on the ballot.

    It has only been 10 days so a lot of people haven’t paid much attention. Most of the apathetic not really active voters who voted for Biden are just happy that Trump is gone. Banning him from Twitter actually may have been a net positive because so many of them disliked the “tenor” of his tweets. The impact of the existing Executive Orders hasn’t sunk in yet. The impeachment trial will also distract them for a while. I am of the opinion that Trump should fight it long and hard and force testimony and depositions about that day of January 6th. But if it ends quickly with acquittal then the barbed wire capital will become the focus.

    When people realize that Biden has no plan that is different from Trump on COVID. That more masks don’t work despite the sainted Fauci recommendation and he funded the gain of function research at Wuhan. They will be disillusioned or even angry. Cuomo’s nursing home lie is getting out. More information from other states will come out too. Death rates are going up because a virus is going to do what a virus does. Spread until it burns itself out. The most restrictive states have the higher rates so it proves ineffectuality.

    That jobs are being lost and the blue states/cities further descent into financial chaos with not enough Federal money coming to their rescue. That you can’t go back to the days of the cool urbane Obama. That the war machine is cranked up and we are back in Syria. That troops will stay in Germany and NATO will stop paying their fair share. That young American kids will be sent to die while the Biden administration does the bidding of the Corporate Globalists.

    A kicker will be the stormtroopers of BLM and Antifa. The trial of the George Floyd policemen will the potential flash point. When the full videos as shown through the Daily Mail (note no American media showed it including Fox) are admitted as evidence the case falls apart. The police followed procedure. Same with Rayshard Brooks of Atlanta and Jacob Gray of Kenosha. They are already proving unruly in Portland and Seattle (their training grounds). Hitler had to purge them with executions during the Night of the Long Knives. How the Progressives manage them will be interesting. Me, I don’t care so much. They will burn in blue cities and states not red ones. So they hollow out the progressive power base.

    So keep your powder dry, your shelves stocked up, a full tank of gas, a portable electric generator, your family close, attend church and be vigilant. It can be a bumpy spring with inept government in charge.

    Remember, the police are not your friend or will be there when you need them.


  25. The administration has lost the will of our people! Interestingly, the Chinese have a parallel concept: Loss of the “Mandate of Heaven.” When that happens in China, dynasties change. Who knows in our case?

  26. I am Spartacus gives us a general scenario — resistance reaction, followed by disillusionment, broken up by real (impeachment) theatre or street theatre.


    The inevitable “Night of the Long Knives [to deal with BLM/Antifa]. How the Progressives manage them will be interesting. Me, I don’t care so much. They will burn in blue cities and states not red ones. So they hollow out the progressive power base.”

    Incompetence generates failure, and in turn, counter-reaction.

  27. Real liberty for all could not exist under the operation of a principle which recognizes the right of each individual person to use his own, whether in respect to his person or his property, regardless of the injury that may be done to others.”

    If only HIV spreaders were and had been treated this way. But then they’re members of the new nobility protected classes.

    I demand equality: Persons Living With COVID shouldn’t be treated any differently than Persons Living with Gonorrhea.

  28. Two items worth watching. The Reddit GME short squeeze outcome and if Newsom’s recall initiative actually gets on the ballot.

    I’m just waiting on people falling for the fake news again and talking about Q, Anons, and Antifa set us up the bomb with the Reddit trolling GME.

    The problem with these neophytes jumping on the “conspiracist” train is that they can’t tell the difference using discernment. That’s why we still have people online thinking Q killed Babbitt.

    Alex Jones talks about Flat Earth Theory.

    Neo and others are fine with the former but Flat EarthTheory, AJ… no no, that is too much.

    They will burn in blue cities and states not red ones. So they hollow out the progressive power base.

    There are no blue states. It’s all red, based on T’s 500 electorals.

  29. To put it into perspective, Blue Kama was 30-50 million strong. T Red was 80-100 million strong.

    This battle isn’t even a contest, without the dark state’s organs.

    Of that 30-50 million, 15-25% can be flipped potentially, if not more. So in essence, this big bad totalitarian Blue Regime you all fear and hate and wish to fight, numbers less than 25 million people backing it, mostly government and unions.

    What is so difficult Americans? These odds not in your favor, Hunger Game J20th style?

  30. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08JXD3848/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

    This V for Vendetta guy mask is pretty good.

    I prefer the 3m 7500 half respirator, looks more mad max thunder dome style. Spirit lead me to get one in January 2020. It pays to have advance notice of certain things.

    The air flow is much better, although still reduced by 10-25%. The air quality is very good. No smoke, no marijuana smell, nothing else from the stink of humanity’s toxins getting through.

  31. “Every pandemic in history, most recently the 1968 and 1958 pandemics, just ran their course and they ended.”

    Not this one. Not if the Ds can keep it going forever. You should be able to see the plan emerging: First, a week or so ago was the “new strains!” which of course are more contagious and out to get us. Now today is the announcement that the senator from Mass. has tested positive after receiving both doses of the vaccine along with the statement: “the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from being infected, just keeps you from being sick” Ah ha! So all those other vaccines that wiped out other viruses were just a ruse. The ground is now well laid out for continuing lockdowns and masking forever, even if the entire population is vaccinated.

  32. Snowpiercer, the movie.

    Pretty good. In attempting to save the world from global warming, they chemically dust the world using this C17 agent. Which then freezes everything and everything dies off. Nice.

    So all those other vaccines that wiped out other viruses were just a ruse.

    Yes, most were.

  33. Yes smallpox, tetanus, polio, hepatitis, measles, whooping cough were just ruses?

    Another example of Yammer fabulation that kills. QAnon killed one, Yammerism can kill many.

    Ashli Babbitt RIP.

  34. Is this law now? If so, who enforces it? What is the legal process if arrested? Fined?

    Show your work.

  35. RE: if the feds can regulate local public transportation and order masks. If I recall from my “prior” misbegotten life, if public (mass) transportation is partially funded out of federal DOT dollars, they can impose federal requirements. I.e., you make your bargain with the devil and you pay for it in spades!

  36. Full body condom with sanitizing showers. Oh, and don’t forget the goggles. The eyes are a window to contagion.

  37. n.n.

    I’ve been waiting for the CDC to require (mandate) non-vented vapor proof googles. You thought fogged up gasses were a nuisance? Just wait, you won’t see nothing yet.

    It’s for public health and your safety! How many masks (layers) are suffieicent? We will tell you. Don’t ask, just do it!

  38. Now today is the announcement that the senator from Mass. has tested positive after receiving both doses of the vaccine along with the statement: “the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from being infected, just keeps you from being sick” physicsguy

    Not according to this article:


    “Ideally, you want an antiviral vaccine to do two things . . . first, reduce the likelihood you will get severely ill and go to the hospital, and two, prevent infection and therefore interrupt disease transmission.”7

    “Yet the current phase III trials are not actually set up to prove either (table 1). None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.”

    “Our trial will not demonstrate prevention of transmission,” Zaks said…” (Chief Medical Officer at Moderna)

  39. Sharon W:

    No one ever said the vaccine was 100% effective.

    Here’s an article with some real-world statistics from Israel that are quite encouraging about the vaccine’s efficacy.

    As far as Rep. Lynch is concerned (I think that may be the person you’re referring to), the timing suggests he may have been exposed to COVID prior to the second dose achieving its full effect. He’s asymptomatic at present.

  40. The wax is causing way more fatalities and damage than the Corona did. The fake news has not allowed this info out I see.

    Remember the mass slaughter at the New York concentration nursing homes.

  41. Neo, that may be but with my limited time to do so I can’t help but notice that every article I have read by the MSM when reporting on a serious or deadly response to the shot includes explanations of comorbidities and normal death rate etc etc. Something excluded in all the COVID-19 scare that went on for months. For example:


    This distinction reminds me of the reporting about Russian interference for 4 years and ongoing as juxtaposed to the election of 2020.

  42. Why don’t we demand that our mayors and governors declare “sanctuary” cities and states where the guidelines are null and void. Sauce for the goose and all that.

  43. To mask or not to mask after being told they don’t work, they work, they work if you double up, only N95 mask work and who knows what else … shesssssh!

    I’ll wear one in public until I get my second dose this Thursday and maybe a week or so more. After that all bets off.

    oh and iv’e been told they are going to give me some kinda card that will verify that iv’e had the shots. I’ll believe that when i get it.

  44. jack:

    They give you a “COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card” with the official Dept. of Health and Human Services “Seagull/adult human face?/child face squiggly line?” logo and a “CDC” logo.

    On the back it says “Bring this vaccination record to every vaccination or medical visit.” And is that a request or a mandate (decree/edict)? Something about the horse they rode in on comes to mind.

    At least that is what they gave me when I got my first dose of the “wax” here in Eastern Washington. Maybe you will get the Fauchi CDC card? 🙂

  45. Are there places in the US where cases are rising? They’ve been dropping like a rock for weeks where I am this winter, and if they’ve actually started doing PCR tests as directed by the new WHO directives (as of inauguration day, of course), the “casedemic” should be over.

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