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Drumming up fear — 62 Comments

  1. (My emphases)

    “Further to that, it is finally dawning on dissidents that what motivates the Cloud People is not what motivates the Dirt People. For generations, the Right insisted that the Left is driven by the same logic as everyone else. This was always false, and part of the long con played on the public. This is, in part, why conservatives lost every battle in the culture war. ****The people on the other side of the barricades, celebrating their victory over us, are not us and they do not think like us.***

    This is probably the most important lesson of the last five years that is finally sinking into the thick skulls of the dissident right. The Cloud People are not motivated by greed or a lust for power. They have those things. ***They are motivated by a sense of identity that starts with a hatred of the Dirt People. Their sense of self begins with not being anything like the people over whom they rule.*** This is why they hated Trump. He was an intruder from the other side injected into their world.”


  2. Things might be very different if the Dems had condemned the Antifa/BLM groups that have been rioting all year or if they had painted a real picture about what happened to George Floyd. The used it to play the race card, and now theywonder why whites and others are sick of being called racist.

  3. A fake fraudulent grifter in Chief remains a fraud — no matter how “certified” it is. How can those “Republicans” fly past this fact, stomp on the Rule of Law and our Constitution for a con? Unbelievably.

  4. The Democrats and others on the left have been masterful in their use of publicity and publicists for decades. While most conservatives want to understand the facts and determine how laws and reality will dictate the outcome, the left plays to the heart and emotions and sense of false fairness which has become easier over the last 40 years. As soon as Regan took office homelessness became a front page issue in major newspapers, in the first Desert Storm the anti-war folks hit the streets, during Clinton years things calmed down until Bush II, who was body slammed on election night, came along and we had 9-11 and then we bent over backwards screwing up air travel so we did not hurt the feelings of Muslims. Damnedest thing I ever saw worrying about the feelings of folks who hate us until we elected a man with a very strange background who was a master at the publicity wars. He left parts of cities burned down to ground in the name of equality and totally weaponized BLM in a nation that has worked hard implementing hiring practices for minorities since I was hiring people for a large corporation in the 1970’s, 1971 was 50 years ago and black people who had any of the skills were put at the front of the line by me.

    Now it is time to take a deep breath and stay out of the way and let the Dems play their cards without any conservatives of any sort giving them media moments. Now is the time to stay home, stay quiet and only act in thoughtful ways taking care of yourself first so you can be a friend of other folks who deserve your friendship. When the paid roadshow shows up around DC in a couple of days, and they will probably including a Viking and Florida man we need to be somewhere else because we are people who use our heads and don’t react to the spark of publicity emotions.

  5. ANTIFA/BLM can appear by the thousands at Bidet’s installation into office and attempt to burn down all of DC and the media, Pelosi, etc., will claim the rioters are Trump supporters.
    So what else is new?

    Given the show of force in DC, the protests will be inconsequential or non-existent. The dems are ginning this up to provide them ammo to blame Trump supporters.

    Interesting, is it not, that the businesses and livelihoods of ordinary citizens can be destroyed in Portland, Seattle, Minneapolis and other cities by rioters and Pelosi, Schumer, Harris and Bidet, et. al., ENCOURAGE and SUPPORT the violence, yet when the violence (at much, much lower levels) affects these ruling elites where they make believe they actually do meaningful work, well then, that is unacceptable.
    Too bad they did not suffer at the same levels as the ordinary citizens were subjected to in Portland, etc.

    Bidet was not elected president; he was installed.
    And he knows it, as does Pelosi, Schumer, et. al.

  6. So Democrats will bar citizens but welcome illegal border jumpers.

    The only other thing we need to recognize is Charles Krauthammer’s observation that conservatives believe that liberals are stupid, but liberals believes that conservatives are evil . . .

    and that liberals are masters of projection.

  7. It disturbs me that 2,000 of the 25,000 National Guardsmen were sworn in today as Deputy United States Marshalls. Not sure who ordered that, or why, but it seems perilously close to to a violation of the Posse Comitatus act.

  8. The fear drummed up over Covid-19 laid the foundation for the fear now being drummed up with liberals over the ‘extreme’ conservatives. I don’t use ‘far-right’ because the meme is that everyone who voted for Trump is a far-right extremist, seditionist and an insurrectionist. The projection on the left among the self-aware is intentional and among many liberal progressives pathelogical.

  9. Bringing up the much deadlier BLM riots the democrats condoned is not whataboutism but a demonstration of hypocrisy and dishonesty. Somehow we have yet to receive details surrounding the death of the officer (or I might have missed it) and identity of the culprits. Given the fact that qanon incited a coup it’s fascinating that fbi has yet discovered and released the identity of the people or made any arrests yet…

  10. Some wise soul suggested that the most effective response to the coronation would be to simply ignore it. I agree; and I wish that Trump would simply make a low key exit. That would really disappoint the media.

    Later, if there is cause to take to the streets, and there almost certainly will be, make sure that the reasons are clearly stated. And make sure that the efforts are coherent and organized. I would suggest learning from BLM and ANTIFA without the destructive impulses.

    Indications are that the future could be even more dire than imagined due to the Cabal of the political class, allied with with the deep state, and with the fawning complicity of the legacy media and monopolistic social media.

    One faint cause for hope is that the more egregious actions will be challenged in Court. We will learn whether Trump’s vaunted judicial appointments have an effect.

    Over the next couple of years, there is much work to be done. First order of business is to decide if the traditional Republican Party is still relevant. Secondly, assuming the answer I would expect, to define the Republican Party for the future; and finally to identify who will be the standard bearers. Actually, there are an impressive number who can step forward. Ron DeSantis is now near the top of my list. Cruz is always there even if he is a polarizing figure–or maybe because he is. Mike Pompeo, if he is interested, would get my vote without any reservation.*
    Let the campaign begin on 1/21/21.

    *Nikki Haley was high on my list until she joined the Pander Bears in trashing Trump, citing his fictitious remarks of 1/6, and his justifiable challenges to the election. You disappointed me Nikki. I am not forgiving of pandering politicians.

  11. Cap’n Rusty:

    Don’t know who authorized the deputation of the 2k National Guard soldiers. The why is to allow federal charges to be brought against those who interfere with those who are deputized or who do more than just interfere. The OR State Police were deputized to deal with BLM/Antifa rioters in Portland who were trying to burn down (or decorate, remodel, urban renew) the Federal Courthouse and ICE facility in Portland. That allowed the FBI to arrest some perps who up to then had gotten the Multnomah County DA slap on wrist treatment.

    The governor of OR and the Portland politicians were not copacetic with the OR State Police being deputized as Federal Agents. Harshed the mellow of the BLM and Antifa don’t you know.

  12. Can someone explain who has exercised their authority to call up 25,000 National Guard troops, and who has added to this with active duty troops? I have looked around and cannot find a straight answer. The Pentagon doesn’t have the authority to call up troops; they follow instructions. Is this Trump, using his C.I.C. authorities?

    The pictures of Biden being inaugurated with the ruling class in attendance, a small crowd of highly-vetted official spectators, pigeons, and a ton of troops, armored vehicles, and 12 ft high riot fences – with no crowd – What a Life Magazine moment.

    There won’t be any riots, or even unrest. Stunningly ironic, and you know that deep down, Kamala will have a satisfied smile. A Dream Come True.

  13. I’m hoping that our side will simply boycott the inauguration of “president” Biden. Pretty soon Comma will give him his covid booster and he’ll be gone.

  14. Mike Pence
    · Jan 18
    I’m proud to report with just a few days left in our Administration, our Administration is the first in decades that did not get America into a new war. That’s Peace through Strength.

  15. FD:

    What Mike Pence doesn’t realize is that the war started on November 8, 2016. And we didn’t start it.

  16. Around half a million assembled. A fraction of a fraction of a fraction, who may or may not be “Trump supporters” protested.

    Audit the vote. Blue fingers for civil rights. It works for third-world nations.

    Oh, in retrospect, allowing the Electoral Press to certify the vote was poorly conceived, a bad choice, a Twilight (i.e. penumbras and emanations) solution.

    Related, when were the blue and red colors transposed?

  17. Col. Mo Davis (Ret.): “It is time we start a domestic war on sedition by American terrorists,” like 25 year old newly elected NC Congressman Madison Cawthorn, a Trump supporter Davis specifically calls out, who is wheelchair bound.

    Tucker gives the AWOL champions of…something… so-called Libertarians a due drubbing. Completely out of touch for 4 or 12 years.

    What are we building towards? A modern day Boston Massacre?

  18. Aggie:

    I’ve wondered about that, too, and so far haven’t found the answer except in a very general way. For example, this indicates “defense officials” and “military leaders” and “law enforcement and defense officials” called up the National Guard. It also says:

    Army Gen. Dan Hokanson, chief of the National Guard Bureau, called adjutants general around the country, and others, such as Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, called governors to seek help.

    But were these people acting on their own? Was there a higher-up giving the orders? And what of the regular military, which follows different rules? This article says it was “the Pentagon” that ordered the regular troops. On their own? Are they allowed to do that? Isn’t Trump still Commander in Chief? Did he give the word? Is that required?

  19. Just reading your sequence of questions at the end there neo is mind-boggling. And frightening.

  20. TJ, just watched your embedded Tucker video. Thanks. We have stopped watching FOX completely. Even Tucker. But this was epic. Wonder when he will be demoted and removed? A lot that he said about the abdication of Republican “leader” is one of the primary reasons my wife and I just dropped our affiliation with the Republican party and have now registered as “Unaffiliated”.
    I remember watching the battle at the White House, Moscow and was amazed that it was happening in Russia. Now, I am watching the Battle of DC and am appalled at what is happening in the US.

  21. Stay to the end and listen to Jason Whitlock’s postscript.
    “We have to move beyond race…not get up in the game being played.”

    Tucker closes with serious concerns that the Democrats are deliberately escalating hysteria about extremism.
    “It will absolutely without question cause a response, and that response will be horrible.”
    But they are doing it anyway.

    There are some odd cuts in the Carlson video – why would Fox edit it?
    Possibly for the same reasons they run a chyron, while Tucker is lambasting the Democrat’s actual sedition, about the “deadly riot” at the Capitol.

  22. In one comment by US congressman Seth Moulton on Biden Inauguration day:

    There are more troops in Washington DC now than there in Afghanistan and Iraq..

  23. The dumpster fire was briefly mentioned in Neo’s Politico Link, but NTB is more fun.

    “Democrats yesterday: Walls and guns and men are evil.
    Democrats today: We need to build a wall around the Capitol and get lots of men with guns in there to protect Joe Biden.”

    “Maher’s viewpoint echos arguments made by popular alt-righter Ben Shapiro last week which say you can’t just lump all Trump supporters in with the people who stormed the Capitol. This argument somehow seems to be going mainstream BECAUSE EVERYONE CAN SEE RIGHT THROUGH WHAT THE LEFT IS DOING.
    It is obvious, right?”

    “But Apple and Google, among others, have left open a major loophole for this material: Podcasts.”

    The said material being all that nasty divisive seditious misinformation you deplorables are sucking up.
    NTB: “Misinformation,” redefined to mean, “information inconvenient to the prevailing state narrative.”
    Fisking ensues.

  24. T said ..conservatives believe that liberals are stupid, but liberals believes that conservatives are evil . . .

    Based on their actions, I believe that Leftists/Democrats are evil.

  25. AesopFan, I saw that. They got the willies (not the way Kamala got the willies) over a homeless encampment. This is insane.

    Also from NTB: “acclaimed neo-Nazi and Orthodox Jew Ben Shapiro”. I’ve gotta start reading NTB.

  26. AesopFan —

    I think the edits are to prevent Youtube from having a pretext for deleting the video for showing something on the forbidden list. Same reason Tim Pool is always referring to some event or other and saying “Youtube won’t let me show the video, but here’s what it looks like”.

  27. The Democrats have had their Reichstag Fire. Now, their Gleiwitz incident.*

    I can imagine what sort of accommodation the Tech Lords & Democrat Power brokers have made with China. Worse than Kennedy’s deal with Russia to oppose Reagan and Obama’s flexibility deal.

    * To make the attack seem more convincing, the Gestapo murdered Franciszek Honiok, a 43-year-old unmarried German Silesian[6] Catholic farmer, known for sympathising with the Poles. Sound familiar?

  28. “On January 6, the security was obviously and woefully inadequate, and we still don’t know why.”

    We never will know why, even with retired Lt. Gen, Russell “Stuck on Stupid” Honoré leading a commission to investigate. Whatever the Stuck on Stupid Commission comes up with it will not further the themes of “Unity and Healing” that are being touted for Beijing Biden’s inauguration.

    Justice for Ashli Babbitt!

  29. I don’t foresee many conservatives or Trump supporters showing up for the inauguration of Biden. Why give the communist more ammunition?

    The left are increasing their call for retribution for any and all who supported Trump. Katie Couric being the latest in a long list.

  30. If there is any violence tomorrow, it will be the same agitators that led the invasion of the Capitol. I don’t think Antifa is up for ritual sacrifice but, remember, the troops have had their ammunition taken away. Maybe an attack on a national Guardsman.

  31. Beware the righteously indignant thug.

    The Democratic Party, having successfully planned and engineered their own coup d’etat—in the form of a stolen election—and having successfully orchestrated their own massive violence—in the form of having systematically demonized the President and his supporters, systematically supported the destruction of cities and communities and—yes!—having successfully stolen an election (unless one believes that stealing an election is a non-violent activity)—must now do its utmost to “protect” the country against “violence”.

    (IOW do its utmost to prevent the recovery of what they have so egregiously usurped; do its utmost to disguise its criminal corruption; do its utmost to turn reality on its head.)

    …Like all self-respecting paranoiacs and criminals.

    And totalitarians.

    Yes, beware the self-righteous thug.

  32. Some have commented about the Reichstag fire and recent events in DC; have you seen the absolutely massive display of US Flags in DC?
    Not even Trump’s events had that many flags .
    Following along that theme; the massive flag display at Bidets installation is reminiscent of the massive 1930s Nazi rallies at Nuremberg in which thousands of soldiers were present cheering on their Fuhrer and displaying their flags.
    And when Bidet is installed, there will be thousands of soldiers in DC and a massive display of flags.

    History my not repeat, but it sure rhymes.
    As someone once said, when fascism comes to the USA, it will be under of the guise of anti-fascism.

  33. Looking back over the years, I recall when President Trump wanted to hold a military parade in Washington City. That plan was scotched purportedly because the cost was prohibitive.

    With the Democrat treatment of the Nation Guard for the swearing of the Biden, it may be that Democrats believed a military parade was a ruse for a military government takeover.

  34. The key is to treat tomorrow as you would any other Wednesday…. go about your business, and completely ignore the “unevent” involving “unpersons” which is taking place in the District of Columbia. If you don’t go there, and you don’t involve yourself in it in any way, it isn’t meaningful and you haven’t given the left any plausible excuse for the continuing crackdown of free speech and civil liberties.

  35. “Now it is time to take a deep breath and stay out of the way and let the Dems play their cards without any conservatives of any sort giving them media moments. Now is the time to stay home, stay quiet and only act in thoughtful ways taking care of yourself first so you can be a friend of other folks who deserve your friendship.” Old Texan


  36. It has come to my attention that the management at a certain large company in my area apparently would like their people to work from home tomorrow if at all possible, specifically due to “the politics,” meaning (as I take it) the potential in their view that something a little bit dangerous could occur. I assume they’re thinking along the lines of uncontrolled street protests, impromptu roadblocks on the highway, or similar. I think that’s an overreaction on their part, given how blue this area trends; we’re unlikely to see anything dramatic happen in my area that would be to the material detriment of the Marionette’s interests. But somebody is definitely nervous about something. Now it may simply mean that the people making that call need to get out more, or maybe they have solid information that something really is or could be afoot. Hard to say.

    I wonder a thing. If the Marionette and his followers are going to such trouble to wrap themselves in the colors in the hope of convincing everybody that they’re oh-so-patriotic, I wonder if there’s a possibility that a certain amount of care will be taken by them to moderate some policy steps that they might otherwise take down the road so as to avoid doing things that would make whatever lack of real patriotism pertains on their side particularly plain. In other words, is the flag-draping just for show for this week, or will it lead to a certain hesitation on their part to execute on whatever more clearly anti-American policies that they had intended going forward? I know the natural answer to this question that a conservative would give, but I’m not quite sure that the natural answer is the correct one here. It may need deeper consideration.

    Upon reflection, I realize that I’ve not been paying much attention to specific policy ideas being put forward by the Marionette’s team. I’ve paid some attention to a couple of specific ones because they have or will have some personal impact on me, but by and large, it’s funny how little I know about what they intend in terms of policy. Fighting the mental battles surrounding legitimacy and 06-Jan seems to have taken most of my energy.

  37. I am still waiting for a picture of a broken window at a MAGA rally or worse, pictures of litter at a MAGA rally.

  38. AesopFan —

    Unexpurgated version of the Tucker Carlson monologue here. And as I suspected, the bits cut out of the Youtube version are visuals of rioting and violence. Also, on Youtube, the actual background graphics and photos are mostly covered up by a photo of Trump.

  39. Joe bid a teary farewell to Delaware today.

    Back when he was just wet behind the ears, Joe was the errand boy for the Wilmington credit banks.

    Before that he kept swimming pools safe from Corn Pop.

    He was in the top half of the bottom tenth of his class.

    Tomorrow – with Ritalin coursing through his veins – he’ll take the Oath of Offal and thus become the Commander-in-Chief of the Thing.

  40. Philip Sells,

    I work for a NYS agency and you should see the memos we’ve been getting daily from our higher-ups regarding threats from White Nationalists (their code for Trump supporters). We started getting them on January 7th but they’ve become more unhinged by the day.

    They contradict themselves multiple times per memo, sometimes in the same sentence. What’s really funny is watching the powers that be in our agency try to decide what danger is more real and imminent: Covid or White Nationalism. They’ve scaled back staff due to Covid to prevent infections but now want more staff for protection against roving, rabid pop-up mobs of Trump supporters.

    They can’t make up their mind and the directives change daily, sometimes more than once a day.

  41. Bryan Lovely on January 19, 2021 at 2:45 pm said:

    AesopFan —

    Unexpurgated version of the Tucker Carlson monologue here. And as I suspected, the bits cut out of the Youtube version are visuals of rioting and violence. Also, on Youtube, the actual background graphics and photos are mostly covered up by a photo of Trump.

    Thanks for the link. I had wondered what was going on with the Trump picture paste-over on the video the first time I saw it.

    It’s amazing how completely Tucker Carlson has outgrown his George Will phase, and become more than the waspish old lady of the Good Loser Class could have ever hoped to be.

    By the way, is George Will still alive? More or less?

    LeClerk says

    “He was in the top half of the bottom tenth of his class.”

    That, should appear on bumper stickers. LOL

    Sometimes technological changes prove to be game changers.

    The Internet was, for good and for ill. Social media has been as well. Right now, the would-be gate keepers are attempting to put an end to the turnabout and end run plays Trump employed to upend their world the first time. Can Gab and Rumble appeal to a broad enough public to have a real effect as alternative social media? Either way, “Yes” or “No”, technology keeps enabling people to escape control as well as oppressing them. Both time and the democratization of technology march on regardless. Some may recall the history and effect of the Flobert Parlor entertainment’s later development.

    Anyway, strictly for amusement and distraction purposes.


  42. From Zaphod’s first comment above: “This is why they hated Trump. He was an intruder from the other side injected into their world.”

    I know I’ve said this before, but it’s been a while: Obama was their divinely anointed philosopher-king inaugurating (after Clinton’s false start) the new age. Trump’s election was literally a blasphemy. I can’t stress enough that for them this is not a metaphor. It was not *like* blasphemy, it *was* blasphemy, and simply not to be endured. Since they are not generally aware that they are adherents of a religion, they don’t recognize that the source of their revulsion is the same as that of the Jews who witnessed the profanation of their holy places by the Romans–“the abomination of desolation.” And the horror is all the more powerful for being unaware of its real nature.

  43. “Before that he kept swimming pools safe from Corn Pop.

    He was in the top half of the bottom tenth of his class.

    Tomorrow – with Ritalin coursing through his veins – he’ll take the Oath of Offal and thus become the Commander-in-Chief of the Thing.”

    It will be interesting to watch if during a press conference, should Biden ever hold one, someone dares to ask, “What response have you Mr. President, to those who have been remarking on what they claim are obvious signs of your mental decline and increasingly feeble physical state?”

    Talk about an emotional explosion …

  44. “Mac on January 19, 2021 at 4:15 pm said:

    From Zaphod’s first comment above: “This is why they hated Trump. He was an intruder from the other side injected into their world.”

    I know I’ve said this before, but it’s been a while: Obama was their divinely anointed philosopher-king inaugurating (after Clinton’s false start) the new age. Trump’s election was literally a blasphemy. I can’t stress enough that for them this is not a metaphor. It was not *like* blasphemy, it *was* blasphemy, and simply not to be endured. Since they are not generally aware that they are adherents of a religion, they don’t recognize that the source of their revulsion is the same as that of the Jews who witnessed the profanation of their holy places by the Romans–“the abomination of desolation.” And the horror is all the more powerful for being unaware of its real nature.”

    That gives me an opportunity to again remark on the outstanding insights contained within that quite lengthy 2010 Codevilla essay several of you have linked to here.

    I have excerpted a number of signal and thematically sequential paragraphs in order to condense that aspect of his survey, as it expresses and expands on the propositions that:

    … dismissal of the American people’s intellectual, spiritual, and moral substance is the very heart of what our ruling class is about. Its principal article of faith, its claim to the right to decide for others, is precisely that it knows things and operates by standards beyond others’ comprehension.

    While the unenlightened ones believe that man is created in the image and likeness of God and that we are subject to His and to His nature’s laws, the enlightened ones know that we are products of evolution, driven by chance, the environment, and the will to primacy.”

    Excerpts at length and in order, but ignoring original paragraphing,

    .. while most Americans pray to the God “who created and doth sustain us,” our ruling class prays to itself as “saviors of the planet” and improvers of humanity. Our classes’ clash is over “whose country” America is, over what way of life will prevail, over who is to defer to whom about what …

    … after Barack Obama described his opponents’ clinging to “God and guns” as a characteristic of inferior Americans, he justified himself by pointing out he had said “what everybody knows is true.” Confident “knowledge” that “some of us, the ones who matter,” have grasped truths that the common herd cannot, truths that direct us, truths the grasping of which entitles us to discount what the ruled say and to presume what they mean, made our Progressives into a class long before they took power.

    … In no other areas is the ruling class’s self-definition so definite, its contempt for opposition so patent, its Kulturkampf so open. It believes that the Christian family (and the Orthodox Jewish one too) is rooted in and perpetuates the ignorance commonly called religion, divisive social prejudices, and repressive gender roles, that it is the greatest barrier to human progress because it looks to its very particular interest — often defined as mere coherence against outsiders who most often know better. Thus the family prevents its members from playing their proper roles in social reform. Worst of all, it reproduces itself. …

    While our ruling class teaches that relationships among men, women, and children are contingent, it also insists that the relationship between each of them and the state is fundamental. That is why such as Hillary Clinton have written law review articles and books advocating a direct relationship between the government and children, effectively abolishing the presumption of parental authority. …

    At stake are the most important questions: What is the right way for human beings to live? By what standard is anything true or good? Who gets to decide what? Implicit in Wilson’s words and explicit in our ruling class’s actions is the dismissal, as the ways of outdated “fathers,” of the answers that most Americans would give to these questions. This dismissal of the American people’s intellectual, spiritual, and moral substance is the very heart of what our ruling class is about. Its principal article of faith, its claim to the right to decide for others, is precisely that it knows things and operates by standards beyond others’ comprehension.

    While the unenlightened ones believe that man is created in the image and likeness of God and that we are subject to His and to His nature’s laws, the enlightened ones know that we are products of evolution, driven by chance, the environment, and the will to primacy.

    While the un-enlightened are stuck with the antiquated notion that ordinary human minds can reach objective judgments about good and evil, better and worse through reason, the enlightened ones know that all such judgments are subjective and that ordinary people can no more be trusted with reason than they can with guns.

    Because ordinary people will pervert reason with ideology, religion, or interest, science is “science” only in the “right” hands. Consensus among the right people is the only standard of truth. Facts and logic matter only insofar as proper authority acknowledges them.

  45. @ Oddflyer: I had an inkling of suspicion that Haley is more GOPe than someone like Cruz or DeSantis given how she handled the Confederate flag issue. That really is my standard – to see what Republican politician or conservative writer toes the Leftie line when it comes to social issues.

  46. @GRA:

    What does Nimrata Randhawa care for your ancestors and their flags and traditions? Why should she? It’s not as if she’s one of you, after all.

    Republicucks putting up aliens as candidates to prove that they are ‘not racist’ isn’t a winning strategy.

    Beatings won’t stop until the other side is afraid of being beaten back.

  47. Zaphodd:

    Alien is not the same as citizen or is it different in Hong Kong? Taking on the attitudes of the Han?

    Nikki Haley may just be an unreliable GOPe, but that would be Occam’s Razor. Don’t hurt yourself with it.

  48. You know very well that I’m not talking about legal immigration status here.

    Do you believe in Magic Dirt?

    Being born on the soil of the USA to immigrant parents of an alien race and culture magically gives you an affinity for the South, its history, culture, and folkways?

    I don’t presume to think that I should lecture the Chinese on the finer points of the Tai Ping Rebellion. Similarly, Nikki Haley has no standing in a whole bunch of matters affecting the past/present/future of actual real Americans. She certainly is not qualified to opine on the (previous) Civil War.

    A Constitutional Republic cannot survive a whole raft of things taken singly (just one of which is infiltration by Alien Grifters).. taken at the flood, it’s doom going wholesale.

  49. Do you believe in anything, magic or otherwise, such as the Constitution and Bill of Rights? She has no standing to say anything because, Zaphod.

    It’s that magic DNA of Zaphod, and precious bodily fluids? “Actual, real, Americans” as opposed to …, do go on.

    Ok, more smoke.

  50. Bryan Lovely – thanks for the Tucker Carlson explanation; I had not thought of the cuts & Trump picture overlay as being a tactic to dodge YouTube censors.

    #MissHimYet? (especially for NR and co.)

    (I can’t leave Twitter because I never joined, nor Facebook or any other social media site, but the hashtag thing is a useful “meme” signal.)

  51. The show of force in DC and many sate capitols is interesting. They didn’t want any show of force like this last summer when riots were happening nearly nightly. IMO, it shows two things about the left. First, they are really afraid of the gun owning, pick up driving, outdoors loving bubbas. After all, they own guns, know how to use them, and have major stores of ammo. That frightens the average limp wristed lib. But the other thing is that they want to show these bubbas they mean business. They will not be terrorized by these people. They consider the gun owning bubbas to be sub-human deplorables and they want to be sure they know there will be no mercy shown, no quarter given – they mean business. They mean business to the extent that they are vetting the Guardsmen to make sure none of them are bubbas. It’s also a signal to any other Trump supporters – DON”T MESS WITH US!

    They hate their fellow countrymen with a hate that is hard to comprehend. But the beatings are only beginning. Open borders, more lockdowns, more economic hardship, and rising energy prices are coming soon. And troops guarding the elite may become a ubiquitous sight. Stay tuned.

  52. J.J.

    And summary execution of noncompliant bubbas, Ashli Babbit RIP.

    Martial Law in the nation’s capitol, Washington DC?

    Who will be the Praetorian Guard? Or Biden’s analog of Sadam’s Republican Guard?

  53. Passionately critical, wise, and none too hopeful. That’s the great Dennis Prager in his American Thought Leaders interview, after the 6th of January but just as Pelosi’s second impeachment charade got going in the following week.

    Liberty in the face of hard edged realism and censorship: “ ‘We’re Living in a Gigantic Lie’ [reminiscent of the Reichstag Fire] — Dennis Prager Talks Free Speech”


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