Home » And now Morocco says it will be establishing full diplomatic ties with Israel – plus, the Hydroxy Effect


And now Morocco says it will be establishing full diplomatic ties with Israel – plus, the Hydroxy Effect — 8 Comments

  1. If Biden dies before inauguration, can you trust that the Media will not conceal the news, with the constant mask wearing it will be very easy to find a stand in to take his place and the public wouldn’t even know it.

  2. Imagine my disappointment that the “hydroxy effect” didn’t involve thin, crisp chocolate cookies with a thin layer of sugary frosting between the halves.

  3. huxley, I am imagining away. It does seem a counterintuitive sort of label for this phenomenon. My mind goes to something like Botox when I hear of ‘hydroxy’; maybe thinking of free radicals.

  4. I’m rather pleased to hear about the Moroccan government signing on. I guess I have a bit of a soft spot for the place in principle – tagine, Casablanca, TORCH and all that. Oh, and dates. 🙂

  5. Great news for the world.
    Trump, in pulling OUT, has been so fantastic for the ME.
    Tho I do believe that Bush, going INTO Iraq, made more Arabs and Muslims understand what can, and can’t be, done on the ground.

    Any military can lose.
    Hearts and minds seldom change quickly.
    “Democracy” is not a panacea.

    I’m also revising my prior admiration and agreement with Bush’s idea that “Freedom is in every heart”.
    See The WEIRDest People in the World J. Henrich, where “we” are the weird outliers in many psyche experiments carried out over different cultures. More individualist, more freedom oriented. (Because of Christian opposition to marrying cousins and developing clans.)

  6. Tom, yes, great point: “More individualist, more freedom oriented”. I believe that the Church’s restrictions on cousin marrying as a means to enhance their wealth (via bequeaths from rich widows) had a greater impact on Western social structure and history than is usually recognized. This practice reduced the influence of Germanic tribes and clans, forcing everyone into the “Christian” tribe instead, and thus also altering allegiance to the local kings and fostering regional and national outlooks.

    This did not happen in the Islamic world, nor in China and other Asian and African areas. They are often still tribal “under the covers” of a modern overlay. Pity these restrictions were not more widespread, but it is at least one important factor that makes the West unique among nations/cultures.

  7. neo,

    “the logic we see as logical is not the logic Democrats see as logical.”

    Indeed. The premises that underly the Left’s view of human nature and external reality guarantee a less than ‘optimal’ outcome.

    ” the Arab nations may not really care if Biden doesn’t approve – their motive to ally with Israel at this point may be just that powerful.”

    In the foreseeable future (a decidely limited perspective) that may well be true, especially so as long as Shia Iran presents a viable threat to Sunni Islam but… as soon as Iran ceases to be a treat, the ‘moderate’ Islamic regimes will be under threat from their own fundamentalists, who will not lack for recruits, as the fundamentalists hold Islam’s theological ‘high ground’.

    It is this basic factor that poses a mortal threat to lasting peace in the M.E. especially as Islam is utterly incapable of either external or internal reform.

  8. “My mind goes to something like Botox when I hear of ‘hydroxy’; maybe thinking of free radicals.” – Philip
    “thin, crisp chocolate cookies with a thin layer of sugary frosting between the halves.” – huxley

    There is an internet meme in there somewhere —

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