Home » Biden and the decision to give illegals citizenship: it’s the whole ball of wax


Biden and the decision to give illegals citizenship: it’s the whole ball of wax — 21 Comments

  1. If Biden is inaugurated, we need to take a page from the Democrats’ book and wage law fare against each and every executive order he issues. Most of them will be illegal.

  2. The demographic transformation of this republic has been underway since the passage in 1965 of Hart-Celler, although many (false) claims were made at the time of its not being part of a “fundamental transformation” of the nation. Both parties, for different reasons, have supported unregulated immigration over the last two generations, although this foolish policy, seldom questioned any longer by either side, has only been of political benefit to one party. The Republicans have paid little attention over the years to cultural matters, thus allowing for the “long march through the institutions”, while all too often, on this important issue, aligning with the desire of business for cheap labor. The GOP may well have thereby consigned itself to oblivion.

  3. Kate is right.
    We must learn, adapt to, and adopt the strategies and techniques of the evil Democrats.
    Romney and Ryan were disguised Democrats, is all they were. McCain was a useless Senator. Remember McCain-Feingold? He sure reached across the aisle then. Corrupt to boot.
    As we sow, so shall we also reap.
    The whirlwind this time, unless Georgia comes to the rescue. I am not optimistic about Loeffler, though I have contributed equally to both.

  4. Plus the stakes in the Middle East:

    …which might not exactly gladden the hearts of some of those who believed that Biden was their best (or only possible) choice….

    OTOH, it should be ABSOLUTELY CLEAR that given the Democratic Party’s cunningly-devised strategy, it wouldn’t have mattered how few votes Biden—or how many Trump—received: all the algorithms and ALL the fake ballots were in place (and if there weren’t enough of the latter, then they would just have printed a few—thousand or tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands—more which would have taken ’em a few more hours to do but so what…you shut down the ballot counting for as long as you have to, right Joe?).

    IOW, all those who seem to believe the refrain: “If only this or that or the other had been clear” then many would NOT have voted for Biden” don’t seem to understand it WOULD NOT HAVE MADE ANY DIFFERENCE.

    The fix was in and the Democrats DID NOT and DO NOT have any intention of relinquishing the election to someone who SHOULD NEVER have been president in the first place and who SHOULD NEVER have escaped the Russia Hoax and who SHOULD NEVER have escaped impeachment.

    So enough with the “IF ONLY”s”. Nothing would have made a shred of difference.

    EXCEPT had the Republicans took concrete measures to ensure voting integrity—i.e., REAL, not Democratic Party-style, voting integrity—BEFORE the elections took place…and even then…


    …and yet, it’s still NOT OVER.

    Fight on, honey badgers!!

  5. We learned under the Trump administration of what the economic consequences of limiting immigration are: Record low unemployment. Therefore I think we can expect higher unemployment with increased immigration. Especially among our unskilled population.

    More immigration is good for business and less is good for workers.

    And it could be argued that Trump’s 2016 message “Build the Wall!”, was the winning strategy. I think Americans instinctively know that unfettered immigration is bad for them.

  6. Kate:

    I expect that before Biden would be declared the winner, the matter would be in the hands of the Supreme Court. Were the Supreme Court to declare Biden the winner, I expect it would be pointless for us to engage in law fare with the Biden administration.

  7. More immigration is good for business and less is good for workers.

    Yawrate: I might add:

    More Covid regulations are good for big business and not good for workers and small businesses.

    I don’t think this is a coincidence.

  8. DNCe and GOPe have supported increased immigration — legal and illegal.
    Nothing has changed. The US Chamber of Commerce says: “We urge our members of Congress and the administration to support commonsense proposals that would improve border security, provide permanent relief for Dreamers, and institute bipartisan reforms to the immigration system to better serve the nation’s economic interests. It is critical that all proposals avoid significant cuts to legal immigration – doing so would be devastating to our economy and our local communities.”

    These morons have learrned NOTHING.

    The RINOs will happily support “immigration reform”.

  9. Amnesty 2.0 will be a disaster. It sends a signal to all the world. Don’t try to immigrate legally – that’s for suckers. Just jump the line, get into the USA, hunker down for a time, and eventually they’ll do amnesty 3.0, 4.0, 5.0,etc. If Joe succeeds, the only way to stop the invasion that’s coming is to build the wall from the Gulf to the Pacific and man it with twenty thousand armed Border Patrol agents. Even then they will still try to come. American citizenship may not be prized by the Progs, BLM, and ANTIFA; but citizens from dictatorships/banana republics/plutocracies/autocracies/oligarchies/tribalism/anarchies do.

    Sovereign nations need borders. The primary reason for borders is now afflicting us – public health. Borders exist to protect the country from contagious diseases of humans, livestock, and plants. A nation that doesn’t protect its borders is open to all those problems.

    The second reason is to protect the culture and way of life. This is a melting pot, not a salad bowl. Too many immigrants at a time and they no longer assimilate into the culture. It creates a nation of divided ethnic and cultural groups. (Something which the progs seem to want. Their intention is to ruin our culture and then replace it with a socialist utopia.)

    The third reason for borders is to keep those who would destroy the country (enemies) out. History is replete with the stories of countries that were overrun by their neighbors in the quest to control their resources. Countries that don’t control and defend their borders eventually get overrun.

    A fourth reason for controlling our borders is to protect the jobs and wages of legal citizens. Yes, many industries want cheap illegal immigrant labor, It helps their bottom line. But in the end, it hurts the lesser skilled citizens and the country’s economy as a whole. Just look at the period from 2000 to 2016. NO real wage growth for hourly workers and an economy that was barely growing. The look at 2016-2020. Real wage growth for hourly workers and some real effort to control the border.

    A single language for a sovereign nation is also important. It unifies and brings the culture together. In too many places in the USA I am seeing signs that are written in both English and Spanish. This is not a good omen. Too much immigration by both illegals and legals has created this problem.

    Joe’s amnesty must be resisted.

  10. I very much see this issue as does neo with one minor caveat.

    “if given citizenship, these voters would swell the ranks of the Democratic Party enormously and probably would ensure one-party rule indefinitely (and that’s even without any fraud).” [my emphasis]

    I can’t say how long we’d have one party rule but I can say it won’t last more than a generation or two. That’s because there’s an ‘end date’ to how long you can throw open civilization’s gates to the ‘barbarians’ before it all collapses into anarchy and then invasion.

    By ‘barbarians’ I mean those unwilling to act civilly to their fellow human beings and those who through cowardice condone it. Which besides Communists includes Islamists and third world immigrants raised in societies in which might makes right and in which life, liberty and the individual’s right to the pursuit of happiness is an incomprehensible concept.

    Personally, if Biden’s puppet masters manage to steal this election and absent a Civil War in which the right prevails, I think it a virtual certainty that China will replace America as the dominant world power. And they will impose Chinese style communism upon the whole world. Through client states and collaborationist regimes of course.

    They’ll happily be the boot “stomping on a human face… forever”.

    And who will be most responsible for that eventuality will be all those who voted for Biden because they’ll have enabled the placing of liberty upon atrocity’s altar.

    Willful blindness has an ‘expiration date’ too. Though I expect most to enter the ‘cattle cars’ bewildered by how it could happen… to them. In the land of 1984, only the elite, their indoctrinators, their enforcers and the unquestioning serfs exist.

    If the coup prevails, its 1984 or 1776… that’ll be the choice before us. Personally, if that comes to pass, I plan to… misbehave.

  11. Illegal immigrants by and large don’t want citizenship or care about citizenship. That is why every amnesty has huge numbers who don’t take advantage of it at the time.

    What illegal immigrants want is the status quo ante Trump: meaningless laws unenforceable by design, so that they can earn money in the US.

    Canada, for example, has almost no illegal immigration because Canada’s employment verification laws are intended to actually keep unauthorized non-Canadians from working, and consequently it is extremely rare that an illegal immigrant to Canada can work. Hence they have no reason to stay in Canada, or come in the first place.

    Our employment verification laws do nothing by design. The most an employer can legally do is ask the employee after they have already been hired to sort out their paperwork when it can’t be verified. E-Verify changes nothing about this; E-Verify simply speeds the process of not verifying the paperwork up…

  12. If the Supreme Court in effect declares Biden the winner, then the “consent of the governed” is rendered meaningless, the Constitution is rendered a dead letter and the rule of law is whatever the left says it is on that particular day. Hate speech laws are already in effect on social media sites. Christian religion is discriminatory and living by its dictates evidence of bigotry. Ever greater gun “control” will be the order of the day.

    In every respect that counts, the American Republic will be over.

    The willfully blind will have thrown away their, their children’s and our liberties away.

    At that point, nothing less than Civil War 2 has any chance whatsoever of restoring another American Republic.

    Talk of future lawfare, of now adopting the left’s tactics, of Trump in 2024, etc. is just whistling past the graveyard.

  13. Here is my take. Yes the initial illegal immigrants may feel somewhat grateful to the Democrats but when the follow-up flow of illegals comes in and competes for THEIR low wage job then they will not be “grateful Democrats”. In other words it is a losing strategy for the Democrats. Not that they care as long as they can cheat.

    This election shows that people will not vote their ethnicity or socio economic class but in their individual self interest. Let us see if the Republican repeats themselves as the “stupid” party or not.

  14. And who will be most responsible for that eventuality will be all those who voted for Biden because they’ll have enabled the placing of liberty upon atrocity’s altar.

    Dominion voted for B and convinced Americans that they were getting what they voted for, just like with Chavez, Maduro, South Africa/Rhodesia, etc.

    In every respect that counts, the American Republic will be over.

    The willfully blind will have thrown away their, their children’s and our liberties away.

    At that point, nothing less than Civil War 2 has any chance whatsoever of restoring another American Republic.

    A little late don’t you think?

    My problem with American older generations and the Old Guard, is that even if prophets of god warn you all about what is going on… none of you do anything about it.

    That’s the problem. Eventually it gets to God’s court or the military tribunals and now you sit it out watching on the side lines. Shrugs.

    This is not about the “right” vs the “left”. Nor is it even about patriots vs traitors.

    This war is far larger than you can imagine ,GB. And it has been ongoing for a lot longer than America’s birth and soon to be death date in 2021.

    People don’t know what they don’t know.

    Americans felt morally superior to Venezuela, and lectured the Venezuelans that they are getting what they voted for good and hard.

    Well, you see the God Karmic boomerang effect here? Now your elections are run by Venezuelan Dominion voting whatevers. Now you are getting what you voted for good and hard, or did anyone vote for B/lue?

    This election shows that people will not vote their ethnicity or socio economic class but in their individual self interest. Let us see if the Republican repeats themselves as the “stupid” party or not.

    There are traitors in both Demoncrat and Republican sides. I will purify and exterminate both of them, in due time. Leftists are first however.

    Also, the Leftist sare just accomplishing their mission of weakening America with CW2 and internal problems. That way China or the UN or some dark cabal new world “reset” order, will come in and take all of you over. Mission accomplished.

    Think strategy, not tactics.

  15. That was always the weakness of executive orders, whether made by a Democrat or Republican president – they can be reversed by a successor in a vast pendulum swing.

    What we’ve actually seen is that only those made by a Republican president can necessarily be reversed. Trump was stymied by judges when he tried to reverse some of Obama’s orders.

  16. “Dominion voted for B and convinced Americans that they were getting what they voted for”

    Not too discount Dominion fraudulent software contribution to Biden’s ‘victory’ but there are perhaps 50-60 million Americans who will unhesitatingly state that they voted for Biden.

  17. Jimmy:

    That was the case with a few of Trump’s immigration orders that reversed Obama’s. But Trump also had a great many successful reversals of Obama through executive order.

  18. Geoffrey Britain:

    Agreed. If Biden won because of fraud, that’s shocking and terrible. But it’s also shocking to me that so many people actually did vote for him, under the circumstances. Just about everyone I know did, so I have no problem understanding that enormous numbers of people voted for him. As far as I can tell, their overriding motive to do so was MSM-fanned hatred of Trump.

  19. Frederick,

    “Canada, for example, has almost no illegal immigration because Canada’s employment verification laws are intended to actually keep unauthorized non-Canadians from working”

    Feel free to search “Roxham Road”.

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