Home » The Democrats’ calls for healing…


The Democrats’ calls for healing… — 98 Comments

  1. Joe says he will heal the nation … while attempting to undo what Trump did that half the nation truly wanted. Lets start with the tax cuts Trump gave us. For me that would $2,000 and I don’t make near $100,000 grand much less $440,000 that he says he would tax.

    Good luck Joe but I think your dreaming.

  2. Just saw that Megyn Kelly ripped Biden and his accomplices for calling for “unity” after their behavior over the past four years. “You’re out of touch”.

    She seems to have become a bit more visible of late.

    Fox used to have quite a lineup of blonde lawyers. Pleasant to look at, as well as informative to listen to. Just commenting for an old Chauvinist friend.

  3. I’m pretty sure that what Biden means by “healing” is, “Since you’re powerless to do anything but accept my terms, here’s what we’ll do. You accept the situation as it now stands, maybe even smile a bit, show a bit of gratitude, YOU know; and I’ll call off my goons. If you don’t, well, don’t blame me.”

    If it’s any solace, though, he’ll say this as decently as he possibly can.

  4. I saw that Bush (the former evil one when he was Pres.) has congratulated Biden on his win.
    Yep they want me to “kiss the ring”. FAT CHANCE!
    I also note that FOX has slipped in ratings. Wonder why.

  5. Fox seems to have voted with its feet. The Murdoch kids, like so many second and third generation wealthy, have adopted the left as their political and social standard. I guess it helps with the guilt feeling one might have with so much that you have not earned. There was a time when the wealthy often seemed to seek out causes that would be charitable and required real work, not tax deductions. The novel, for example, “Magnificent Obsession,” was a huge hit in the 1930s and 40s because the rich young man devotes his life to neurosurgery, a grim field at the time. In fact that novel was about a real person, who was the first chief of neurosurgery at the U of Michigan. The chief of thoracic surgery at the Mass General when I was a medical student was the scion of a wealthy trucking company family.

    Now, BLM and anarchy seem the preferred conscience salve for the undeserving rich.

  6. Hey, whaddaya say we-all be prepared to offer the same political “honeymoon” to Biden as Trump’s opposition offered to him after he was elected (and mind you, not even yet inaugurated).

    Actually, I’m a nicer guy than that. I will apply the same criteria as I would apply to Biden (*if* he makes it through the court challenges) as I did to Trump — and that is, if I think it’s good idea, applause, but if I think it’s a bad idea, booo-hiss.

    Again, I’m a nicer guy than that — and that may well be a failing of mine. So, what I *should* have been saying is, IF there were any cosmic justice at all, and IF I was as much of a consummate ess ohh bee as so many of their guys are, THEN “we-all are prepared to offer the same political ‘honeymoon’ to Biden as . . . .”

  7. IF I remember correctly, Gore concede the election and then reversed that decision and the country was on a 40 day roller coaster. Then with Trump, they tried to get the electors to change their vote to Hillary.

    But, they want Trump to just give up, even though the vote counts and the appeals are not complete.

    My wounds will not heal that fast… they may even fester for the next two – four years. Find that good conservative to support for city, state and federal positions and plan to regain the House in 2022, expand the Senate and regain the White House.

  8. Now, BLM and anarchy seem the preferred conscience salve for the undeserving rich.

    If you say so. The BLM pushers in and amongst our circle include a social worker and a denizen of the home birthing trade. Their husbands are, respectively, a physician and a high school teacher. Their fathers are, respectively, a retired business professor and a retired engineer. One father in law is a retired physician. The other, now deceased, was an accountant and businessman. Neither of these women came from money; as you can see, neither of them came from the wage-earning strata, either. Both husbands are on board with their leftoid politics and one of them is obnoxious in ways his wife is not. Of the surviving fathers, one is on board with the President, one has a history of voting Republican but hasn’t been talking much, and one only takes an interest in public affairs if one of his collateral relatives or his wife’s collateral relatives might be running for something locally. (The father-son pair of physicians would be a small-town GP and a small-city shrink; one isn’t cash flush and the other’s in the red).

  9. Today the Italian newspaper ‘La Repubblica’ (one of the two most important here, analogous to the NYT or ) had an article where the TV censoring Trump’s speech were described as “heroes”. Really. If that happened to a politician of theirs it would be screaming “FASCISM” for years.

    The narrative, of course, is that of Trump the evil oppressor of the intrepid press, barely but stoically surviving under such barbaric regime. All the progressive people here believe this crap.
    Normal ones don’t care too much, also because we are in the middle of a second wave and people seem more paranoid than in march, even if the situation is much better.
    Biden’s is depicted by the left and Europeist press as a politician of formidable stature, etc. – but the emphasis is so exaggerated that many people, who normally absorb this kind of news without much critical thinking, are not so convinced.

    This morning I explained to some colleagues some of the facts happened; they were particularly impressed by the censorship on Twitter, about which they knew nothing.

  10. The novel, for example, “Magnificent Obsession,” was a huge hit in the 1930s and 40s because the rich young man devotes his life to neurosurgery, a grim field at the time.

    M J R: There’s a blast from the past! Rock Hudson played the surgeon in a classic Hollywood film of the book.

    I suspect the book and the movie would be about as impenetrable to today’s audiences as George Eliot’s “Middlemarch” was to me as a teenager.

  11. They may, if their counts survive the court challenges, heal this country right into an experience of world wide chaos, or to the precipice of submission to China within just 4 years.

    All the actual good that Trump has accomplished in strengthening this country; and it counted for nothing with the “sensitive” kind.

  12. “I also note that FOX has slipped in ratings. Wonder why.”

    Shirehome, I switched to Newsmax yesterday. I’m starting to enjoy it both online and on cable. Sometimes it looks like their programming is a bit thin, but I have a sneaking suspicion their revenues may be waaaay up and things will change. Now if they could get Tucker to move over to them…game over.

  13. Mike+K on Fox and the Murdock kids marching the brand Left…. ( FNC is poisoned now and will get Drudged, I believe.)

    People ought to view them segments of Sky News Australia via YouTube. MUCH BETTER!

    Their Paul Murray in Sydney gave the most cogent, informed, and insightful election commentary of the night.

    Of course, this is Murdock owned. But Down Under may well stay terra incognita to the scion kids for some time.

  14. DNW, nope , high energy (relatively) ion -molecule collisions. Though I did analysis through photon emission. Direct application to aurora phenomenon. Did some work for NASA with regard to Jupiter and the Io plasma torus. Basically solar wind protons hitting SO2 molecules from volcanoes on Io.

  15. Art Deco talks about the “BLM Pushers” in his circle. I don’t know what circles he moves in; but, the characterization “pushers” makes me think of cocktail party yappers; rather than the hard core, burn it down, kill the MF Cops, BLM.

    Then again, Papa doesn’t have to be a billionaire for the off spring to live a pretty privileged existence. The bottom line is that the more recent Gens have been educated to believe that they owe payback–and that creating chaos in the system is an acceptable form of payment. And more fun than conventional forms; at least until the hammer falls. Then it is time to whine.

  16. This is utterly hilarious. The assumption that it’s the *Democrats* who’ve been acting like swaggering, corrupt bullies for four years and not Trump – enabled with maximum corrupt intent by the Republic Party – who have been doing *nothing* but looting the government for their cronies, destroying the environment, destroying our democratic institutions, cheating in politics in every *possible* way, attempting to extort a bribe from a foreign government in the single most corrupt act ever undertaken by an American president, lashed out with vile and blatantly racist tropes at every opportunity, enacted blatantly racist policies, saw “very fine people” in defenders of a monument to Robert E. Lee, lied lied lied lied about everything under the sun but especially about his political opponents, politicized and corrupted the justice department and the state department to help their friends and hurt their enemies, made a plan in advance to de-legitimize the elections because they seemed likely to lose, and are now carrying out that plan now that they have lost – including the unprecedented act of a president who has clearly lost refusing to concede…
    And VDH says it’s the *Democrats* who have behaved badly? The man lives in a parallel reality.
    I said this is hilarious – well. it *would* be hilarious if it weren’t so utterly insane – and so destructive.

  17. Jesse Larner on November 9, 2020 at 6:07 pm said:

    This is utterly hilarious. The assumption that it’s the *Democrats* who’ve been acting like swaggering, corrupt bullies for four years and …

    So what violations of statutory law can you demonstrate the Administration was guilty of?

  18. Jesse Larner. Heck of a run-on, guy.

    Considering that, considering the Trump years only, I have been called directly or by association; homophobe, racist, xenophobe, misogynist, nazi, fascist, know-nothing, and an aggregation of obscenities. To break even, apologies will have to be so abject that I can’t even imagine the words, body language, posture. And it will have to go on for four years.

    Otherwise, guys, whatever you do, don’t be checking your six.

  19. Re: Persons A/B…

    neo: Nothing wrong with your analysis as a general schematic, but I don’t believe Democrats are remotely aware they are playing Person A … as Jesse Larner demonstrates conclusively.

    As they see it, Republicans are little different from the denizens of the neo-nazi website, “Stormfront,” and worthy of about as much consideration.

  20. Jesse Larner,

    Ah, another “useful idiot” opens his pie hole and regurgitates his imbibed propaganda. I can only take heart in reflecting upon the fact that some people absolutely deserve what they reap.

    Clearly, the undeniable evidence of massive fraud bothers you not in the least. Though undoubtedly, were the situation reversed you’d be screaming to the high heavens. That makes you not just a hypocrite but a bearer of false witness. And your willful blindness does not absolve you from being complicit in evil… because rather than examine the facts as revealed outside your bubble, you condone lies in service of evil.

  21. <b"The Democrat' Calls for healing …remind me of a dynamic I’ve seen over and over in human interactions." [Neo]

    It’s like someone having beaten his spouse for the last three and a half years and now says “You should get over it. I have, and by the way put on a pair of sunglasses to hide that black eye.” (Read this morning, do not have source).

  22. huxley:

    It’s not at all unusual for Persons A to not realize they’re playing Persons A.

    As for Democrats, I think the rank-and-file mostly doesn’t know, but the leadership does and they revel in it.

  23. It’s not at all unusual for Persons A to not realize they’re playing Persons A.

    neo: To be sure. However, your scenarios seemed to presume A knew s/he was A. As in:

    Nor is Person A offering anything that might actually lead to healing. It’s just “suck it up, buttercup, and act like everything’s just fine, because I know you’re a lot more polite, forgiving, and passive than I am.”

    The Democrats I know don’t acknowledge in any way Republicans to be more polite or forgiving than they are. Quite the opposite in fact. Including the leaders, as far as I can tell.

  24. “Person A mistreats Person B. Instead of apologizing, Person A demands that Person B forget about it and “move on.”

    Story of my life. My mother and her older sister were two thoroughgoing narcissists who made my life miserable after my dad died. The only way I could get out from under their boots was to a) go to college several states away; and b) keep my distance from them afterward. In regard to the behavior Neo is describing, here is a case in point: my mother wanted me to visit my aunt toward the end of her life. I refused and listed a number of occasions when my aunt had been just plain nasty, high-handed, or both. My mother said, “Well, I know she wasn’t very nice to you [minimization, anyone?], but you must forgive.” Don’t ask whether my aunt ever “forgave” anyone who ruffled her feathers, even slightly. Ditto my mother.

    Neo may already know Roy Baumeister’s work; I found his explanation of the Person A/Person B disconnect in Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty to be persuasive. Baumeister maintains that the satisfaction perpetrators gain from abusing others is less intense and shorter-lived than the pain experienced by their victims, and this is the primary reason why perps can be maddeningly smug and self-righteous in telling those they have injured to “let bygones be bygones” and “just move on.”

    And yes, the Dems’ behavior since 11/3 triggered several nights of nightmares about my mother and aunt. Right now it feels as if I’m sleepwalking through a zombie horror show.

  25. Jesse Larner, it’s you who lives in a parallel reality. Biden is on video bragging of his corrupt actions in Ukraine, and has not denied the meeting indicated on his son Hunter’s laptop.

  26. neo: Which brings us back to ye olde fools vs knaves problem.

    F. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote:

    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.

    Many consider that a profound thought. I don’t. IMO Fitzgerald is describing the human condition while imagining it only applies to an elite.

    People are not rational animals, are not computers. We function surprisingly well with all sorts of contradictions and confusions colliding in our limited minds.

  27. Liz: “My wounds will not heal that fast… they may even fester for the next two – four years. Find that good conservative to support for city, state and federal positions and plan to regain the House in 2022, expand the Senate and regain the White House.”


  28. “Isn’t that what the abuser says in an abusive relationship?”
    Of course it is.
    Neo, If those (above age 30) in this crowd of “the rank-and-file”, mostly doesn’t know/ won’t face how crass this manipulation is, then they’re far too stupid to be worth dealing with on *anything*.
    They’re disasters waiting to happen.
    Let’s work for a divorce.

  29. Also, a couple of weeks ago, Biden bragged, on video, that he had built “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” This seems to be true. Massive tightening of election laws is needed. Get the power, and clean it up. We almost made it this time.

  30. If you can at all afford to, *avoid and shun* them, lest they succeed in playing you into a situation, where they can spin about your inflicting a MicroAggression upon them.
    I was fortunate, that my decades of experience with them led me to decide, to bug out while the bugging out was good.
    I lucked into learning things, about how to sort the (rare) wheat from the (banal) chaff.

  31. Try to be polite, but be prepared for them to try to provoke you into being “less polite”.
    Many of them thrive on their skill in subtly pulling Social Rank.
    As often as not, it’s all about their Whims.

  32. “People are not rational animals, are not computers. We function surprisingly well with all sorts of contradictions and confusions colliding in our limited minds.”

    Not well enough, apparently.

    Besides, “being rational”, [and this includes living out what has traditionally been called right reason and not just instrumental reason] or being at least sincerely committed to being rational and working hard and honestly at it, is a MORAL obligation: as it is the essential – secular at least – characteristic that makes a man more than just a thing. A man who is irrational because he is broken, is still a man. A man who is indulgently irrational, is a goddamned thing, and not fit to be called a fellow human being.

  33. Kind of a revelation last night. I was talking to some folks who spoke the way Mr. Larner did. I figured they were smart enough to know they were peddling BS, but they were in a circle where the Right Sort of People said that stuff to others of the Right Sort of People so the latter would know the former were also the Right Sort of People.
    Okay, fine. Do what you have to do to stay in the Right Sort of People crowd.

    Last night, I found they actually believe it. Gobsmacked.

    Which brings up a question, if one has the cognitive ability not to cross a street and get run over by a fire truck screaming along with lights and siren, is there a moral imperative to use the aforesaid cognitive ability when the public good may be aided? In other words, if, to use the current situation, one chooses to react to MEAN TWEETS! instead of thinking about the issues, is one being immoral? Not referring to conclusions, mostly, but about the cerebral processing.

  34. A man who is irrational because he is broken, is still a man. A man who is indulgently irrational, is a goddamned thing, and not fit to be called a fellow human being.

    DNW: I can understand the sentiment, but a man who is indulgently irrational is still a man, not a thing.

    Then again, I’m the proponent that this is the Planet of the Apes and we’re all Apes.

    –Charlton Heston, “Get your stinking paws off me, you damn dirty ape!” — “Planet of the Apes”

  35. Art Deco talks about the “BLM Pushers” in his circle. I don’t know what circles he moves in; but, the characterization “pushers” makes me think of cocktail party yappers; rather than the hard core, burn it down, kill the MF Cops, BLM.

    You won’t find them at cocktail parties. Wrong generation.

    Then again, Papa doesn’t have to be a billionaire for the off spring to live a pretty privileged existence.

    Neither have led a privileged existence. “Privilege” = ‘private law’. The only privilege they have between them is that pensions for public schoolteachers are commonly a sweet deal, and one of them is married to such a specimen.

    The bottom line is that the more recent Gens have been educated to believe that they owe payback–and that creating chaos in the system is an acceptable form of payment. And more fun than conventional forms; at least until the hammer falls. Then it is time to whine.

    Doesn’t describe them or their husbands. The alienation of the daughters from the men of the previous generation is interesting to contemplate. It doesn’t extend to mundane dealings, but to the social outlook of the fathers. They were both conscientiously reared and given all manner of advantages. (The parents of one were divorced when she was 22 and living in a different city; the parents of the other remained married until her mother’s death).

  36. DNW: I can understand the sentiment, but a man who is indulgently irrational is still a man, not a thing.

    LOL. How can you tell, so as it makes a moral difference?

    I propose an experiment for you to try. Since you are into phenomenology, let’s try a very basic phenomenological reduction. [We will place aside the Heidegger pre-theoretic social and implicitly and inescapably like-kind assumption crap, for the moment]

    Just do your Zen-like thing. Look at the desiring thing without projecting your own mind and motives on to it and implicitly valorizing it thereby. Note what it is as it reduces to a non-rational residuum, say one as characterized in the words of Deleuze and Guattari … as a desiring machine; or maybe an “appetite thing”. No soul, no “like me” no “we”, no projection of sympathy, or understanding. Just it, as it is, without right reason or conscience. And just enough instrumental reason to calculate the path to getting itself off …

    That is what you have left, without “reason”: A troop of chimps, which are not even “chimps” as we valorize them, with no notion of what they are or where or why, squawking pointlessly in a Universe already, in some sense, burnt out, and evaporated into nothingness.

    Reason is all we have … without that, there is nothing, and no-one.

  37. DNW: Once you start arguing for some human beings as “things,” as far as I’m concerned you’ve left the Reason Building are on the Road to Camps.

  38. It has been my experience that right-leaners pretty much know the arguments of the left-leaners: how could we *not* know, given how the left-leaner perspective is part and parcel of the overculture, and spews forth from practically every microphone / megaphone / loudspeaker in and out of sight?

    But left-leaners know practically nothing of the actual positions of the right-leaners: how might they know, when said positions are kept carefully hidden (and should they not be (supposedly) hidden, they are caricatured and misrepesented by the left-leaning spewers and guardians of the overculture)?

    Reference, more authoritative than M J R ‘s personal experiences . . .

    I briefly quote from an article** by one Todd Zywicki that quotes “The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion” by Jonathan Haidt:

    ** http://volokh.com/2014/01/17/jonathan-haidt-psychology-politics/


    So in his book ([“The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion”,] p. 287) [social psychologist Jonathan] Haidt reports on the following experiment: after determining whether someone is liberal or conservative, he then has each person answer the standard battery of questions as if he were the opposite ideology. So, he would ask a liberal to answer the questions as if he were a “typical conservative” and vice-versa. What he finds is quite striking: “The results were clear and consistent. Moderates and conservatives were most accurate in their predictions, whether they were pretending to be liberals or conservatives. Liberals were the least accurate, especially those who describe themselves as ‘very liberal.’”


    Our Mr. Jesse Larner (6:07 pm) appears to be a more extreme example of this tedious, dogmatic, and sequestered “thinking”, if we deign to call it that.

    I have in the recent past welcomed to our forum such dissidents as commenter “Montage”, who seeks to engage us here with input suggesting he is attempting to read what we are putting forth, and offering his differing (and generally respectful) perspective. This Mr. Larner person is in a totally different category.

    Good riddance.

  39. Kate – Biden is not “caught on video bragging about his corruption in Ukraine.” He is caught on video bragging that he *carried out the official, transparent policy of the United States* – and its allies, and international institutions like the IMF. They all were united that Ukraine should not get international loans unless it reined in corruption – and fired a very corrupt prosecutor. Who was NOT investigating Burisma. And was NOT investigating Hunter Biden. Because H. Biden may have sleazily traded on his name, but that is NOT a crime – in fact it’s a very common practice in American boardrooms. The only crime would be if H. Biden asked his father to use his office to help out his clients, and his father did so. And there is exactly ZERO evidence that that happened.
    It’s kind of sad that you don’t realize that NO ONE except for the Q crowd believes that nonsense that Biden got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired to protect his son. It’s been debunked seven ways from Sunday. Just put down the Breitbart and read a fact-checked publication. Biden was FIGHTING corruption, not engaging in it. The prosecutor had run afoul of US policy precisely because he, the prosecutor, was NOT fighting corruption; not because he was.
    Seriously, Rudy and Bannon and that Chinese billionaire on the lam from rape charges first shopped the laptop story to the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal. They wanted the story to break in a respectable venue; and the WSJ, although very right-wing on its opinion pages, actually is a real newspaper that fact-checks. Their reporters looked into it, checked the corporate records, and found that there was no actual evidence for the laptop story nor for Bobulinski’s claims. They took a pass. Rudy then shopped the story to the NY Post – because the Post promised him they wouldn’t vet the story. And they published over the vehement objections of their professional newsroom staff.
    You all have been cruising the fever swamps of Breitbart and OAN and The Gateway Pundit for so long that you’ve forgotten that there actually is such a thing as real news, as fact checking – as an objective reality beyond Trump and Rudy’s fantasies.
    BTW, would be interested to hear your thoughts on Ivanka’s Chinese trademarks, worth millions, obtained while her father was in office and she was employed by the US government; or Jared’s billion-dollar Qatari buyout, obtained while he was directly engaged in matters of great interest to the Qatari government. Or about the $12 million in business that Trump has steered to his own companies since taking office, which he refused to put in a blind trust. Or his DECADES of money-laundering for the Russian mob. All of which – unlike anything Hunter Biden has done – would most likely be illegal.
    The one thing that Trump is really, really good at is projection. The most corrupt president and his most corrupt family in our nation’s history accuses others of being corrupt. And I’m sure he believes it too, because that’s how sociopaths work.
    Again, it would be hilarious if it weren’t so disturbing.
    BTW, Biden has made his tax returns available for decades. They show a modest and fully-accounted-for income throughout his years in office, with a bit of a bump since he left the Vice Presidency. When we look at the tax returns that Trump has released… oh wait.

  40. According to Whoppi …


    “Say what, Whoopi? I guess partisan memories fade fast. Today on the View, co-host Whoopi Goldberg went on a rant demanding that Republicans stop questioning the outcome of the election and instead “suck it up.” According to Whoopi, that’s how Democrats handled it in 2016.”

    Is she saying go all out resistance for 4 years, impeach Biden, riots in every major city, shoot representatives playing softball … and i could go on and on.

    Now she act like dems were gracious and did nothing but … suck it up!

  41. “He is caught on video bragging that he *carried out the official, transparent policy of the United States*”

    But when Trump supposedly did the exact same thing he was impeached!

    Who is drinking the koolaid ?

    And 99% of americans would be happy with that “modest and fully accounted income.”

  42. Michelle, some days ago, shows how the Left deploys its skill in subtly pulling Social Rank:
    “Let’s remember that tens of millions of people voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, *hate*, chaos, and *division*. We’ve got a lot of work to do to *reach out* to these folks in the years ahead and connect with them on what unites us.”
    When these Lefties talk about “reaching out”, the prudent person understands that, if you refuse to slobber all over their “reaching out”, you will be labeled as a “fragile white” (e.g. by Robin de Angelo).

  43. I just feel incredibly sad this evening. Sad because I can’t share my Dem/progressive friends’ transports of unhinged joy at the attempted DNC/MSM. coup. Sad because I love my friends but cannot look at them, since their spittle-flecked rage and hypocrisy literally turns my stomach. Sad because facts do not matter to them, and any sort of penetrating conversation will lead us down the multiple rabbit holes of their ignorance and Trump Derangement Syndrome–induced cognitive dissonance. Sad because I can feel them beginning to shun me for wanting an open and honest count of the votes. If you remember the famous Biergarten scene from the film Cabaret, I am the disaffected old guy at the table while everyone else stands up and sings “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” with the Hitler Jugend. Ironic that the sore losers of 2016, with their “Resistance” fantasy, have actually put us on the brink of 1930s Germany with their Kristallnacht violence over the summer and fall and, now, their calls for what sounds like a Final Solution to the Deplorables. We are not living now in a normal country.

  44. “DNW: Once you start arguing for some human beings as “things,” as far as I’m concerned you’ve left the Reason Building are on the Road to Camps.”

    1. All people are things in some sense.
    2. I’m pointing out that to be considered morally (within the customary, the community, within the circle of mutual recognition and concern) as more than just matter, be it animal, vegetative, or whatever, a certain functional something is necessary to distinguish it objectively and place it within the circle of mutual recognition … if, that is, objectivity is of any critical importance to you as a “knower” or even an “operator”.
    3, What could that distinguishing something possibly be? Is it even permissible to ask such a dangerous question? Dare freethinkers think freely or even experimentally as a means of trying to recognize “that without which” …?
    4. Finally, you probably meant “arguing for reducing people to things”, as leading on the Road to Camps. But of course, no such thing would logically follow even if it were your intent to reduce rather than analyze: since the universe is chock full of things which we do not identify with, commune with, or recognize as “fellows”, and yet treat respectfully if sometimes distantly or indifferently. It takes a lot of trouble and some pretty special theories about how the entire universe, or at least the world should be managed and evolved, in order to motivate one’s self to start down the Road to Camps.

    Managing the entire world, and controlling the existence of everything and everyone in it, is not something conservatives are generally charged with. Though “depraved indifference” sometimes is by hysterical types.

    Reason, however you may feel about it, helps one to see things like that more clearly.

    If it is not that attribute which makes the specific difference, and which ultimately enables and justifies enables intelligent fellow feeling, I cannot imagine what it might be.

  45. What gets me is that this “call for healing” after beating up the other guy is so transparent I wonder how come so many people don’t see it!?

    Really! How come so many of those on the left, who wouldn’t think for one minute to tell abused women to go back to the wife-beating husbands, don’t see what the Democrats are doing?

    Are they really that disconnected from the real world? Do they hate Republicans that much?

    Or do they really think it is truly so benevolent when their side offers an olive branch?

  46. “Seriously, Rudy and Bannon and that Chinese billionaire on the lam from rape charges first shopped the laptop story to the Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal. They wanted the story to break in a respectable venue; and …”

    You know, much material from the lap top is online. You can see the emails and watch the crack head in action for yourself if you need convincing. Is this news to you?

  47. Huh,

    Read: “and which ultimately enables and justifies enables intelligent fellow feeling,”

    as: ” … and which ultimately enables and justifies intelligent fellow feeling, …”

  48. @charles: “Are they really that disconnected from the real world? Do they hate Republicans that much?”

    Yes and yes.

  49. A man who is indulgently irrational, is a goddamned thing, and not fit to be called a fellow human being.

    DNW: That’s clear, unequivocal talk. If you don’t see how that leads to Camps, I can’t help you.

  50. @Jesse Larner: “BTW, Biden has made his tax returns available for decades. They show a modest and fully-accounted-for income throughout his years in office, with a bit of a bump since he left the Vice Presidency.”

    Exactly! Thank you for pointing this out. Everyone knows that an honest upstanding citizen reports 100 percent of laundered cash bribes on his tax returns. And Joe Biden is nothing if not honest and upstanding.

  51. Molly, on “them beginning to shun me for wanting an open and honest count”….
    I, too, have experienced sadness, that friends of mine had become monsters.
    But, I’m grateful that I obtained the means to see their monstrosity, clearly enough to learn to appreciate, that there is more to life than associating with (incl. covering for) such monsters.
    I take heart, when I see (real) friends resist the pressure from the monsters, whose conduct is becoming a Rorschach test for all of us.
    When the going gets tough, the tough get going, while the Pavik Morozovs lick Orwellian boot.

  52. @charles: “Are they really that disconnected from the real world?”
    Quite so.
    While their capacity for self-reflection is limited, their capacity for self-delusion is enormous, not only about politics, but about most everything.
    A disproportionate number of these types are refugees from broken families or empty nests (these results often coming largely from these brats’ narcissistic attitudes).
    We Deplorables are perfect scapegoats, for these brats’ spectacular mishandling of *their personal* situations.
    Whereas, the Nazis emotional need for (Jewish) scapegoats stemmed from national/ world events (WWI, hyperinflation, etc.), mostly out of the control of the German people.

  53. To give credit where it is due:

    On my tweet above (@ 6:38 pm) I could not locate the source. I found it reproduced over at Ace of spades. It is a James Woods tweet. It appears here in full with my edit:

    And just like that the rioting and looting has ceased overnight. And now the half of the country that pummeled America like a battered wife is telling her to put on sunglasses, hide her black eye, be a good girl, and “come together as one.” Her answer? “Go f**k yourself.” James Woods

  54. huxley on November 9, 2020 at 10:02 pm said:

    A man who is indulgently irrational, is a goddamned thing, and not fit to be called a fellow human being.

    DNW: That’s clear, unequivocal talk. If you don’t see how that leads to Camps, I can’t help you.”

    Gee Hux. You spoke of an argument. I guess you meant contemptuous disparagement instead. In any event, it doesn’t logically lead to the “Road to Camps” either.

    But, unlike with your case, I can help you see it, and quite simply too.

    You see, in order for one to sensibly draw the conclusion that those not deserving of the honor of being called fellow human beings, will somehow then be inexorably led to camps, a second and categorical premise is required to be accepted. One on the order of “all those unfit to be called fellows always will be (or ought to be) sent to camps.” Something, on the order of that.

    This would then entail that they not merely be ignored; or maybe denied fellowship or peer status but nonetheless be treated with scrupulosity and non-interference; but, that they for some reason be pursued or corralled simply because they do not meet the standard necessary to partake in the benefits of a system of mutual moral respect.

    And the world is, as I earlier said, full of object and beings which are not “fellows” yet are not pursued and locked up, but tolerated in some manner or another minus any ability to stake reciprocal claims based on mutuality.

    You seem to imagine we are all stuck at the intellectual level of those Papua New Guineans whose first reaction to strangers was to kill them and take what they had.

    It is not even necessary to actually construct the categorical syllogism to illustrate this, so obvious is the case once you start reasoning about the matter. Again, demonstrating why reasoning, or even the beginnings of it, can safely guide us in avoiding pitfalls and jumps to false conclusions, to which mere emotional reactions might make one susceptible.

    Non-fellowship, non identification, even exclusion from systems of mutual support and identification, are not and do not per se lead to, well, … “genocide”; which is where I think your emotion based reaction to my damning of the irrational, is illogically leading you.

    I thought you knew better than that Hux, with your interest in Husserl and Heidegger, and philosophy and all that …

  55. Evidently for the media voter fraud has to be “widespread” to be legitimate fraud, investigated and prosecuted..

    I’m wondering if their house was robbed and no other house on the block was robbed would they want the robbery to be investigated?

    It was only one house … YOURS!

    This is also like the “mostly peaceful protest” piece that showed buildings burning in the background. It was only a few buildings burnt to the ground but the rest was peaceful protest!

  56. To give credit where it is due:

    On my tweet above (@ 6:38 pm) I could not locate the source. I found it reproduced over at Ace of spades. It is a James Woods tweet. It appears here in full with my edit:

    And just like that the rioting and looting has ceased overnight. And now the half of the country that pummeled America like a battered wife is telling her to put on sunglasses, hide her black eye, be a good girl, and “come together as one.” Her answer? “Go f**k yourself.” James Woods”

    Never thought I cared for Woods work. Possibly it was the kind of roles he usually played: hustlers, schemers, and worse. But as they say, he certainly has demonstrated some chops.

  57. @aNanyMouse: Thank you. But at 71 I am not going to be able to replace friends of some fifty years.

    Nor would I want to. At this point they are family. And they all sound like the proverbial crazy uncle at Thanksgiving. As I suppose I do to them (to the very slight extent that I even discuss politics with them at all).

    If we ever get out from under this COVID tyranny, I will enrich my social circle in this little southern New Mexico city by finding a group of friends who more closely align with my politics.

    Meanwhile, I will continue to be grateful that I got out of the Bay Area a year ago. At least here a person can have a Trump sign in front of the house, or a Trump bumper sticker, without having the house or car vandalized as in Oakland’s precincts of Chardonnay (il)liberals suffering from rabid TDS.

  58. I’m wondering if their house was robbed and no other house on the block was robbed would they want the robbery to be investigated?

    It was only one house … YOURS!”

    LOL Yeah, why bother to investigate? The neighborhood was mostly not burgled.

    Ok enough, or I’ll be here all night

  59. “When we look at the tax returns that Trump has released… oh wait.”

    We see someone who legally minimized his taxes, otherwise he would have been charged with tax evasion. Do you know a lot of people who pay one penny more in taxes than they have to?

    “DECADES of money-laundering for the Russian mob.”

    On what evidence?

    But it’s good you are against racism. You must be looking forward to having the antisemitic hatemonger Al Sharpton invited to the White House as he was under Obama.

  60. During the Obama years, the Democrats told unhappy Republicans:
    “We Won.”
    “Elections have consequences.”
    “This is the way America’s political process works; one side wins and they implement their policies; but an election or two later the OTHER side wins and they get to implement THEIR policies; this keeps our Ship of State on the proper course over time.”

    Then Trump won in 2016.
    Wellll-l-l-l-l. Suddenly, allowing the duly-elected President to exercise his Constitutionally-mandated powers is totally unacceptable to the Dems.

    They started clamoring for impeachment (“surely we can find SOMETHING to charge him with”) right around the time Trump took the Oath of Office; they #Resisted his Presidential Authority loudly and fiercely from the moment he was inaugurated. They ultimately offered Articles of Impeachment that basically complained that “He didn’t fully-and-completely assist the House Of Representatives in our effort to railroad him out of office”. They’ve thrown a four-year tantrum (and Great God forbid – it looks like their hissy-fit might ultimately be successful).

    Now they want us to just forgive and forget? Civility and comity HAVE to run both ways in a functional society. The Democrats have breached the unspoken Social Contract. (I recall this quote from West Side Story: “Every one of you hates every one of us; and we hate you right back.”)

    The Democrats offer no apology; they take no blame. They just want the rest of us to back down in the face of their bullying – meaning they absolutely intend to do the same thing again whenever it suits them.


  61. The indulgently irrational man may or may not be a “thing”. But he is a drag on society. Society either has to drag him along from his self-imposed difficulties, or suffer from his irrational “contributions”. Usually both.

  62. A_Nonny_Mouse AND Larner AND others.
    Let’s not forget this great achievement by the Obama Team (SoS Hillary, VP Biden): bringing back black slave markets to Libya, $200 a head (as flesh dealers put it). Because of their regime change policy by the Great First Black American Prez!

    But no. Trump is the racist (TM), because he said “there were good people on both sides” protesting an old statue of a 150 year old hero (to some, and many when I was young), erected to heal the bloodiest war in our history, whose wounds endure over a century later. A hero who himself rejected slavery, I’ll add.

    I’m sure there are great numbers of black slaves with unheard voices in North Africa today who would spitefully disagree with all you useless racist anti-racist scum bags (ie, Team Obama supporters).

    You are immune to the ironies of historic events and shame by evil inflicted, thusly.

  63. Sorry. More coffee.
    WRT the indulgently irrational; this is not a person who’s suffered a trauma of some kind, whose synapses are cross-wired or in any other way is without a choice. That’s the “indulgently” piece of this. The individual chooses to indulge his irrational and emotionally self-pleasing way of dealing with the world.
    It is the “indulgently” part of the issue which makes the thing morally problematic.
    There are people of my acquaintance who are, not metaphorically, incapable of seeing beyond MEAN TWEETS! They are not indulgent.
    But there are also those who just seem to feel good about being indulgently irrational and not worrying about the consequences–to others.

  64. I think Richard Aubrey is right (above somewhere). People like Jesse Larner actually believe what they say.

    For myself, if I am presented with evidence that someone I have supported has committed crime or corruption, I go with the evidence. Not so Larner. Why, Joe says he didn’t know anything about Hunter, and that prosecutor was corrupt, and so that’s it.

    The scandal did break in a reputable outlet. The NY Post is the fourth-largest paper in the country. Efforts to make it like the National Enquirer fail, although the left is trying. Pity it’s only the fourth-largest which is still doing real journalism.

  65. Occurred to me that if the news about the Biden Family Criminal Syndicate (not exactly a bombshell, though maybe the vast extent of it WAS) hadn’t been publicized, then China would have had an immeasurable ability to blackmail Biden if it were to be necessary.

    Now, it seems that this “Jokers Wild” card has been removed from China’s hand, which might be considered a good thing. A fortuitous development.
    (Though half the country either doesn’t believe that Mr. Decency himself isn’t a crime boss—and a compromised one at that—or doesn’t care.)

    On the other hand (scratching head), China probably has a lot of other “cards” to play WRT Biden should the necessity present itself.

    On the third hand (smacking forehead), with Biden at the helm (gulp), China might not have to play any of them…

  66. WRT the indulgently irrational; this is not a person who’s suffered a trauma of some kind, whose synapses are cross-wired or in any other way is without a choice. That’s the “indulgently” piece of this. The individual chooses to indulge his irrational and emotionally self-pleasing way of dealing with the world.

    Richard Aubrey: How would you know? There are plenty of damaged people on the left. The right, too.

    This notion that Democrats are not human or are subhumans or are “indulgently” irrational strikes me as self-serving and dangerous. And pretty much the same mechanism whereby Democrats label Republicans as haters, racists etc.

  67. I agree with huxley that it is *never* appropriate to call a person a thing, much less to think of people that way. Reason is important, but de-humanization is evil.

  68. Sarah Rolph:

    History has shown that de-humanization often leads to other more evil outcomes, a philosopher may disagree, but the millions of dead still matter.

  69. Well, huxley. On Left and Right political psychology and our differences, some one posted a brief excerpt from Haidt’s “Righteous Mind.” (That is, that Moderates and the Right see the Left accurately; the Left cannot see the Right accurately.)

    And this asymmetric perception gap difference, fueled by increasingly radical ideological notions, and combined with pathological narcissism, and lastly, the group think collectivism of (anti?) social media, can sufficiently account for our present day national political polarisation and toxic culture.

    For example, to the question: is it acceptable to pursue political ends with violence? Single digits in 2017; by 2019, it rose alarmingly to 30 and 36%, Dem and Pubbie respectively. So, about one-third of us.

    Thus I do judge Democrats to be dangerously corrupt liars, haters, and traitors. And I do prefer the solution of mass violence to the horrible psychotically abusive muck, gross dysfunctional family pathology writ nationally that perpetually throttles us now.

    Sometimes war is clarifying and needed and more productively clarifying than eternal manic psycho-struggle, fostered by our Evil Ruling Class.

    Recall that in September 2016, St Hillary said those “sexist, racist, homophobic, Islamophobic Deplorables” deserved to be put down into their place. Or worse, people thought: eliminated.

    Trump embraced us as The Delorable middle class. AndvI took Hillaries vile calumnies as Freaking Fighting Words calling for violent Revolutionary Action

    Jefferson, in later life, twice approved of this Geeat and Necessary cause to spill blood, freshen the soil of a Liberty with Patriots and tyrants blood! The earth needs moisture, the trees need watering.

    And honour my ancestors righteous struggles by holding their advice in these matters of ultimate conflict close to my heart.

    The Federal criminal and former election lawyer Robert Barnes is a serious student of history.

    Barnes points out that our moment in history is very like two earlier ones where the Ruling Class elites were incompetent, arrogant, and powerlusting. Yet also shameless and filled with hubris. Before World Wars One and Two.

    Back then, these conditions proceeded with horrifying consequences. The question that Barnes fears most is what happens next?

    My prediction is this: a new President Biden means China invades Taiwan, just as Russia took Crimea.

    In other words, the New Cold War that’s festered since China denied the International Court in The Hague ruled the Spratley Islands belongs to the Philippines in 2016, and since CCPs pandemic virus and their erasure of Hong Kong, they see the US as weak with Biden and their plumb Taiwan ripe for the picking.

    Since the Evil Presidential Commission on Presidential Debates (ie, a Ruling Class elite club), erased any foreign policy debate from our collective presidential election consciousness, all of this has hastened this Cold War goes Hot War scenario, making it pretty much inevitable.

    You think 2020 has been SUPER BAD, SUPER SCARRY? Just wait until 2021.

    Things can get worse. And nobody is paying any attention to this crisis already on the event horizon coming.

  70. TJ

    In 1914 many people were all in on the need for war to straighten out the ills of their modern culture. Be careful what you wish for. It may not work out the way you anticipate.

  71. Om,

    I don’t think TJ is endorsing war as a cultural cleansing mechanism a la 1914. I think he is saying that a major war may be on the horizon thanks to the weakness/fecklessness/incompetence/corruption etc. of our governing class, plus our clear lack of national unity. I fear he may be right. I pray to God he isn’t. And I’m not a praying kind of guy.

  72. Hubert:

    I agree with TJ about China starting something pretty soon, maybe not Taiwan, maybe just more aggression in the South China Sea, at a minimum to establish that they will call the shots for Joe. In 2000 the Chinese captured a US Navy elint plane soon after GWB became president IIRC.

    But regarding war in this country I read that from TJ’s 4th paragraph as a way to deal with the culture/social disfunction pushed by the progressive establishment.

  73. Om: thanks for the correction. Yes, that paragraph and the following sentence do indeed read that way. Sorry–I’ve been reading multiple streams this morning and sometimes lose the thread.

    TJ: war can indeed be clarifying. It is also, always, catastrophic. Remember Eisenhower’s valedictory warning about “the horror and the lingering sadness of war.” And he was talking about a war we won.

    If it comes to that, I prefer quasi-separation (extreme federalism) or outright divorce. Amicable if possible, not-amicable if that’s the only way to do it. Probably messy in any event.

  74. huxley
    I know people incapable of seeing beyond MEAN TWEETS!, using the term to include perpetual outrage at how Trump said something. And various tells when speaking of evidence or results–I usually don’t because it would obviously be cruel–indicate an actual inability to process the concept. Not the details, the concept that actual things done is important. Or that it even exists.

    I also know people who believe and say Michael Brown had his hands up and was pleading not to be shot. But, upon more discussion, actually know better. But they form their opinions on the former belief. They know Trayvon Martin wasn’t a child pursued by a white racist and murdered. I don’t impute that, I heard them admit it. But…they form their beliefs and speak as if he were. They are not lying. They, in some weird sense, believe what they know not to be true.
    They know a higher minimum wage will kill starter jobs for minorities but….they think it will be a good idea.
    There are people who jumped all over the idea that Trump called the military losers and suckers. That it was four anonymous sources who sat on it for two years versus a dozen who went on record as being at the time and place and insisting it didn’t happen was totally irrelevant. They wanted to believe and rational thinking was not going to stop them. Although they were rational in other parts of their lives.
    If I had to guess as to motivation, it is both virtue signaling to oneself and making sure one is in with the Right Sort of People. In other words, being indulgently irrational.
    One might say that it must have been trauma which caused them to be like this, but there would be no way of knowing what trauma and why it caused one thing and not another.
    And lots of us have had trauma in the past and we rarely give ourselves any slack for not doing the right thing. I’ve done some things I didn’t know I was doing, but I didn’t choose to do them from among other possibilities. In retrospect, I shouldn’t have done them and If I’d known, I would have done something else.
    The people I speak of make a choice to be indulgently irrational. That is a choice, difficult as it may be to abandon it, and thus a moral issue.

  75. “Which brings up a question, if one has the cognitive ability not to cross a street and get run over by a fire truck screaming along with lights and siren, is there a moral imperative to use the aforesaid cognitive ability when the public good may be aided? In other words, if, to use the current situation, one chooses to react to MEAN TWEETS! instead of thinking about the issues, is one being immoral? Not referring to conclusions, mostly, but about the cerebral processing.”

    One is certainly betraying one’s duty as a free man and a citizen in a constitutional polity if this kind of behavior is characteristic and habitual. I’ll leave it to others to calculate the cost of committing to, as John Rawls approbatively terms it, “a shated fate”, with such determinedly, emotionally, irrationally self indulgent persons.

    Yesterday, at https://www.thenewneo.com/2020/11/09/the-democrats-calls-for-healing/#comment-2524007 I, alarmingy for some, damned the (self)”indulgently irrational” as being no morally better than the mass of other material found in the life-world. This, in response to an assertion that men were definitionally not, as the real ” The Philosopher” asserted, rational animals, (or, animals which [distinctively] reason). And that as a kind of anthropoid we got along just fine for the most part.

    My response being, “not well enough” … and proposing right reasoning as a categorical moral obligation for those with the faculty that made man, as or into man; and as such, more than just another stream in the flow of the material world.

    This, is a difference which was by his Scholastic admirers 1300 or so years later, listed as the “specific difference”, and considered as so until the rise of variously motivated quasi scientific theories and movements in the 1860, with which we are all familiar.

    As with heathenism on the one hand and conscious modern apostasy on the other with religion; so too we have in philosophical anthropology those who are unconsciously below the question of the faculty of reason in defining man’s moral nature, and those who seek to outright reject it, or to subvert its defining role through minimization, say Freudianism, or through zoological diffusion, via examples of ” tool” using crows or otters: implying that this instrumental deployment of naturally occuring or stripped objects, levels the moral evaluation (community of mutual interest and reciprocal obligation) playing field. “After all, cats are people too”, and chimps, and dogs and so on and so forth into the great cloud of unknowing.

    The trouble with moral monism, is that besides being ultimately meaningless or nonsensical, embracing it is apt to get you and yours killed – if that outcome means anything to you.

    And it might be worth mentioning too, that when it comes to the imagined dangers of declaring the indulgently irrational unfit to stand in the circle of those whose voices count as moral peers in the maintenance of freedom, in actuality has largely been in a war made upon the reasoning men that the great homicidal movements of the last 100 years have been waged: in the gulgas of the Soviet Union, in the killing fields of Cambodia, in the cultural upheavals in China, and even to a degree, in the Nazi persecutions and their theoretic motivations.

    The problem is not too little celebration of and indulgence in emotion and the impulse toward irrationality; but too godamned much.

  76. @Richard Aubrey: Forgive me if someone else in this (semi-hijacked) thread has already brought this up, but could the puzzling behavior you describe be explained by the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance? In other words, is it possible that what you call a choice is actually an involuntary, neurologically based defense mechanism?

  77. Person A’s of the world will act like the victim and will act like Trump has governed like a “dictator” or “tyrant.” They’ll bring up various talking points: the 200k+ COVID deaths as the result of his ignorance and arrogant towards science (unlike Dr. Jill Biden who said on tv that she and Joe will follow what the scientists say); mention “kids in cages” (that the Obama admin supposedly built but that escapes their minds; some NYC feminist said that it’s ridiculous that Republicans and Trump supporters call for civility and that civil discourse is no longer needed to keep a society – morals are, and that her side has morals); to creating deep division within the country (in my eyes Trump did this to a degree, but he slapped the established media around, mocked BLM and Antifa and other liberal extremists).

    Another thing it’s mostly psychological projection of the typical anti-Trump layman. What they think Trump represents since 2016 they believe his supporters have voted for. So if they think he’s a sexist and racist person, they think Trump voters are supporting and allowing sexism and racism. Anti-Trumpers truly believe they have suffered and went through mental abuse in the last four years, hence why you will see a good number of them say that it’s “time for healing” – for them, even though Trump voters were the ones who were mocked, assaulted, socially banished and looked down upon by almost every one but Trump. And psychologists go on air to unofficially diagnose Trump? C’mon. Projection.

    I looked at the exit polls of this election. Though the highest percent of non-whites voted for an (R) since the 1960s, which says something positive, the minority Democratic plantation was in front of my eyes. Whether you were a non-white college graduate or a non-white w/o a degree, the Dems still have minorities at their finger tips. I suppose this is similar to how people fell for the anti-Trump rhetoric – and hard. And I suppose this might explain why the Dems want what they want when it comes to immigration and voter ID laws. They’ll poison America form within with the institutions of education and high education then they’ll open you up to the elements with immigration. A slow death, er, transportation will occur.

  78. There’s been endless talks about (white) “privilege” and that the nation must heal from this concept, yet they haven’t paid attention to actual privilege. How come no one pointed out the “Obama old boys’ club”? Let’s look at the ‘coaching tree’ of Obama.

    Rahm Emanuel, Chicago mayor 2x elect (2011-2019), White House Chief of Staff (2009-2010)
    Hillary Clinton, DNC presidential candidate 2016, Secretary of State (2009-2013)
    Joe Biden, “president-elect 2020”, US VP 2008-2016

    That’s all from a 1 term jr. Senator who never had the social popularity like AOC during his time in Congress.

  79. The establishment media had four years to prove their allegations against Trump and couldn’t do it so the screed at 8:55 pm, above, has zero credibility. The establishment media and politicians have to twist Trump’s words and take them out of context to turn him ito a racist or a sexist and never proved any corruption.
    Biden, otoh, is provably corrupt, has a photodocumented history of being a sex pest, and a 50 year legacy of racist behavior and legislation.
    4 long and divisive years of baseless and irrational screeching about orangemanbad only to elect instead an actual racist/sexist/fascist greedy corruptocrat. I’m not the one who needs healing.

  80. Molly G.
    As far as I know, “cognitive dissonance” is the term for what seems to be the result of irrational thinking. You can “know” one thing but not take the obvious lesson from it.
    Whether this has any mechanical issue to be found in the brain is beyond me.

    My guess is that a lot of people have been immune to the consequences. Possibly it’s because, having rounded the rough edges of society to aid the young, the old, the incapable, those making dumb decisions are also free from unpleasant consequences. To make an extremely minor example, my concern for avoiding poison ivy while messing around in brush or scrub is far less than it used to be now that I can slather on some anti-itch cream and forget it.
    Between welfare and unemployment benefits, people can decide to do what is counterproductive and not starve to death while pulling themselves back up.
    And of course there’s rationalization; what was eminently predictable is actually the fault of those greedy……whatevers. Not your fault.
    Those promoting the $15 minimum wage will blame the greedy employers who can’t afford to pay that much, not themselves for mandating it when the jobs disappear. It’s a two-fer; they feel good for giving the poor more money (theoretically) and they feel good for condemning the greedy employer on behalf of those no longer working. There is no negative consequence–to them–for this position. My guess is that this sort of thing since childhood makes it less necessary to think rationally, since nothing’s been lost by not thinking rationally.
    But I have to say that it’s considerably different dealing with somebody who clearly has not known about….a thing, and somebody who knows it quite well but wishes to act as if it were not true.

  81. `Does DNW always write paragraph sentences (word count 60+). Is it a philosopher thing? ?”

    Not always.

  82. No justice, no peace. Fight.

    The sons of god will. We will obliterate demon evil, no matter where it resides, red or blue.

    Let us start with a vote sting

  83. A lot more comments tha nov 4 5 or 6.

    People were waking up at 2 am or 3 am with ptsd.

    And human slaves love their b kama masters. They think they are free.

    Are any of you truly free? You are free to suicide, ne.

  84. TJ on November 10, 2020 at 10:46 am said:

    You have begun to see what I came to saw, in 2007. Internal traitors in America, that people are ignoring or helping.

    It is a strange feeling, is it not.

    But fear not, I have used the decades well and I have already finished the war. So there’s nothing to fear, because it is already over. The battle has yet to reach its conclusion, but the strategy is a win win scenario.

  85. P.s.

    I reade jesse l with a woman s voice. Everyone lives in a single shard amongst multishards. So everyone is in their own parallel reality, quantum observer wise

    Solid progress here being made on fivorce, trauma bond, boundaries, strife, battered wives, stockholme syn. Keep it up

  86. Well Worth Noting:

    Michelle Malkin published a wonderful, hard hitting, vastly “insensitive” piece a few days ago putting all this huggy-fuzzball crap from Joe and his herd in true perspective. It’s HORSESHIT.

    Thanks Michelle for Never, Ever Being a Snowflake.

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