Home » I made the Bickford’s Big Apple Pancake today


I made the Bickford’s Big Apple Pancake today — 17 Comments

  1. Looks and sounds yummy from that recipe. But certainly no margarine. [I actually think future science will show that margarine was worse for obesity than butter.]

    What kind of apples do you use now? And like?
    We have been loving a red, very juicy, crunchy, sweet & tart Evelina, (Evelinka is the common diminutive here)

    [I was thinking of sending you a couple, but decided not to try to mess with agro in mail.]

    We also have Pink Lady apples, my second choice for the last few years.

    We got a batch of apples, so it is excellent timing to try out some recipes other than apple pie.

  2. As it happens, I was at a local apple farm that does a pumpkin patch attraction in the fall last weekend, and ended up with a peck of Pazazz. I’d recommend them as a variety – I think they’re Pink Lady derived, and now I have a good idea on how to use some of these up.

  3. Does it matter what kinds of apples one uses? There are so many kinds now and I never cook with apples – haven’t learned yet. The person who gave me the bag of apples that I now have told me which variety they are, so at least I might be able to remember that. But I think I want to try making this.

    Kae, now I understand your initials. I thought it was a reference to Arby’s, of course. I miss their roast beef sandwiches.

  4. I used to gobble down a similar if not identical breakfast treat at Walker Brothers Original House of Pancakes, located in the greater Chicago area. It came to your table still bubbling and sizzling. It didn’t come sprinkled with powdered sugar (as was the restaurant’s other feature menu item, the German pancake), but it did come with a small porcelain pitcher of warm apple syrup to pour over it. I usually just smothered it in whipped butter.

    I had nighttime dreams of dining at Walker Brothers for years after leaving the area.

  5. OlderandWheezier, did you ever have breakfast at Faber’s in Union Station? My mom and I used to go there for pancakes. But your Walker Bros. sounds nice, too!

  6. I’ve been watching the Great British Baking Show lately so I have gotten a hankering to do some baking. This looks like a good place to start.

  7. We called them “Dutch Babies.” Ate them with a pot of black coffee and a pack of cigarettes. Boy, those were the days.

  8. Bickford’s! Wow, the Waffle House of New England. The Framingham MA location has a couple hundred of my dollars and has probably taken a couple years off my life.

  9. Huh! No baking powder, just flour/milk/butter/eggs? Have to try it, but I might also try it with buttermilk pancake batter – with a dollop of cottage cheese, of course.

  10. There was a Bickford’s in the Bronx when I was a kid in the late 40s, and one also in Scarsdale/Greenburgh later.
    I sometimes have problem with bananas going too ripe too soon; found way to mash them before rotten, freeze, thaw and mix into pancake batter. Pancakes take slightly longer to cook. Turned out pretty good.
    There were far more Horn & Hardart’s in NYC area a zillion years ago. In 1959, when I had my first bob delivering papers in afternoons, in summers I’d hitch a ride with my dad into city, board subway and explore. In Midtown, around 3rd Ave & 42nd Street was an H&H Automat: put coins into slot, remove food. Their beef pot pie for 35 cents is something I still miss today. Then subway fare was 15 cents, now about 15 times that.

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