Home » You are now free to tweet links to the NY Post’s Hunter Biden articles, except that…


You are now free to tweet links to the <i>NY Post’s</i> Hunter Biden articles, except that… — 11 Comments

  1. Well I guess this progress of a sort, but still terribly dishonest of Twitter. I suspect they’re afraid they stirred up the Republican hornet’s nest with their earlier attempt to hide the tweet. Getting called to appear before the congress is clearly troubling. I think it’s time for the to lose their protection from libel. They unquestionably edit comment, or at the very least they influence how it appears.

  2. Yeah, Wallace was on Hemmer today, touting WaPo & NYT stuff (from the Deep State), as proof of how compromised Rudy is (by Russians).

  3. Sundance at Treehouse reminds us that FB and Twitter et al are already in trouble for partisan publishing on their presumptively non-partisan platforms.


    As we shared yesterday, the examples of Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube blocking factual information about Joe Biden’s corrupt financial engagements with foreign entities is an “all-in” election interference effort. In many ways this is an extinction level event for their business model if Joe Biden does not win the election.

    These tech and social media companies are worth hundreds of billions and their future financial viability is now directly connected to the 2020 election. Shareholders and stakeholders will begin filing lawsuits as soon as the hammer of FCC, DOJ or legislative regulation drops to break up their previously permitted monopolies.

    A Trump victory will destroy these entities; and the likelihood of a Trump victory increases in direct proportion to their efforts to advance censorship…. it is a very unique situation.

    It’s important to remember… there is a pre-existing DOJ antitrust lawsuit looming that underpins the current position of “Big Tech”; and factually in June of this year we previously shared: “As soon as the DOJ takes action Silicon Valley will hold an even larger self-interest in the 2020 election outcome; and they will respond accordingly.”

    Clever headline.
    He seems to think that the Big Techies’ attempts to strike Trump down will only make him stronger.

    Earlier story here

    Everyone knew it would eventually happen and today is the day. In an effort to influence the 2020 U.S. election, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and the social media technocrats have crossed the Rubicon today and banned all sharing of the explosive information about Hunter and Joe Biden’s self-serving deals with Ukraine.

    This is the moment when the event horizon is crossed. This is the moment when Big Tech goes all-in to influence the election. This is the moment of no retreat for those who own and operate the social media platforms. If they lose the 2020 election, the social media platforms will be regulated and dismantled…. they know it… and they are all-in.

    These entities are worth hundreds of billions, and all of those stakeholders are now exposed to the outcome of the 2020 election. The scale of the financial risk shows how severe this move is… yes, they are all-in. It should also be remembered that former FBI chief-legal-counsel James Baker is now the lead counsel for Facebook.

    I didn’t remember that.
    The incestuous cross-overs of the Democrats and media are a serious problem and a danger to the Republic, as bad or worse than the revolving door of legislators and lobbyists.

  4. Twitter is angling for a thaw in relations with the Republicans who can derail their business model.


    Late Thursday, Twitter said it was concerned that the earlier policy on such content was leading to unintended consequences, according to The New York Times.

    The platform had said it was blocked The Post story partly because its policy of not sharing what might be hacked material. But late Thursday, Vijaya Gadde, the head of Twitter’s legal department, said the policy was too sweeping and could result in the blocking of content from journalists and whistle-blowers, The Times also reported.

    Gadde also said the company would continue blocking links to or images from at least one of the articles if they contained email addresses and other private information, which violated the company’s privacy policy.

    To interpret the bolded sections:
    “we didn’t intend to get nailed on this so quickly”
    “if we block their whistleblowers, Congress might take action when we don’t block ours”
    “however, if the doxxing takes out one of you evil deplorables, we probably won’t block it”

  5. Speaking of censoring stories and cancelling people who don’t stick with the narrative, this has been an interesting side-bar.


    Ice Cube says CNN canceled his interview because they ‘can’t handle the truth’
    “We can’t afford not to negotiate with whoever is in power,” said the Hip Hop star, who’s helped President Trump on plan to help black communities.

    Jackson [his real name] has been helping Trump on his multifaceted Platinum Plan to improve economic prosperity for black Americans. The plan includes a pledge for 3 million new jobs for the black community, creating 500,000 new, black-owned businesses and increasing access to capital in black communities by nearly $500 billion. The plan also calls for better policing and access to education and job opportunities in the community.

    The hip hop star said he offered to meet with both presidential campaigns, but Joe Biden’s campaign said they would address the plan “after the election.”

    Meanwhile, the Trump campaign on Tuesday praised Jackson’s help.

    The point he made is similar to the one Trump expressed in 2016 about his donations to Democrats in New York and elsewhere – you have to deal with the people who have the power over your businesses; you don’t have to agree with their ideology or like them.

    The story also contains a good video clip of a black commentator, and references to Kanye West’s views.

    I think the black defections from the Democrats are going to be yuge, even if they don’t vote GOP.

  6. The Left — champions of Black Lives that they are — still don’t agree that Black Conservatives Matter.


    Amazon, like Netflix and Hulu, dedicated part of its streaming platform to black stories following the death of George Floyd.

    The unspoken message on Amazon Prime’s “Amplify Black Voices” section — black talent have been shut out of the cultural conversation for too long.

    Now, the online juggernaut is nixing a documentary from a celebrated black author, saying the film “doesn’t meet Prime Video’s content quality expectations.”

    Shelby Steele’s “What Killed Michael Brown?” dissents from the mainstream narrative of events surrounding the 2014 police shooting death of an African-American teen that ignited riots in Ferguson, Mo. Steele argues Brown’s death, as well as other racially-charged incidents that have roiled the nation, play into victimization tropes that hurt, not help, the black community.

    The documentary, available on Vimeo Oct. 16, fired back at Amazon on its web site.

    “Their generic explanation states that a film warrants a review if it has offensive content, illegal and infringing content, public domain contain, or poor customer experience offensive content. Our film has not violated any of the above conditions — unless offering a differing cultural viewpoint is offensive.”

    The story is long, but worth reading for the optimism of Steele and his film-maker son, who produced the documentary but doesn’t always agree with his dad’s politics.

  7. Twitter, as a platform, depends on users being able to send out information freely.

    By harshly punishing anyone who dares to tweet something Twitter seems verboten, Twitter is casting doubt that it can be used as a reliable platform. And doubt is all it takes.

    Twitter has apparently decided that the Hunter Biden scandal is worth committing corporate suicide.

  8. Meh.

    I don’t really care about them “labeling” stuff. Peeps with an open mind will quickly learn to recognize the value of such things, especially if we continue to call attention to the absurdity and incompetence involved.

    For example, The Babylon Bee posted a piece about Hirono demanding ACB be compared to the weight of a duck.

    FB actually fact checked it and blocked/obscured it.

    Yeah, SERIOUSLY.

    First off, it’s the BEE. If you haven’t figured out by now that everything they post is satire, you’re too dumb to do more than wear pants and eat with a fork.

    Second, of course, it’s also a Monty Python reference, and if you don’t Get That, other indicators will make it very clear.

    If you’re going to take FB seriously, you’re already too brain damaged to ever get a clue.

    I don’t care if twitter, et al, “label” shit. As long as they allow people to read it and judge for themselves, if they choose to.

  9. Humans are slaves. I mean, just take a look.

    This is why people invite karmic backlash on themselves when banning the Flat Earth theory topic.

    It always boomerangs back on you, until you learn your lessons.

  10. Ymarsakar:

    In fact, I let you post many many comments about flat earth before I even asked you to stop posting on it so much. Over time, it had became something you posted about extremely often, over and over, and in threads where it had nothing to do with the topic at hand.

    In other words, you wrote about flat earth a great deal on this blog, and I allowed it for a long time. And you are free to write about it anywhere else you like – or even here now and then.

    It was only after you started writing about it very often that I asked you to stop posting so much about it – in effect, you were spamming the comments section. You can see what I wrote on that about a year ago, here. The following is a cut-and-paste from that comment of mine:

    Actually, I’ve written several comments addressed to you (and others) describing why I delete certain comments. I’ve even written posts about it. You are either ignoring what I wrote or forgetting.

    A short short summary:

    Sometimes for length.
    Sometimes for too many comments (especially long ones) in one thread.
    Sometimes for insults.
    Sometimes for off-topic – in fact, that’s one of your big offenses.
    Sometime for certain topics that a particular commenter has posted on over and over and over again, something I have researched and looked into and don’t want to provide a forum for. Among those things are anti-Semitism, flat earth theory, aliens (of the outer space kind), religious proselytizing, comments I consider too bigoted or too violent, or a lot of repetition in general.

    Here’s another comment of mine to you on the subject, from a few months earlier:

    Perhaps you don’t read all my comments to you, because quite some time ago (and it would take me quite a while to find it now, but I would say maybe 2 or 3 months ago), I explained in a comment to you that you were posting way more than you used to about certain theories and/or beliefs of yours such as flat earth. I said that you are free to post occasionally about such things, but that this blog isn’t a platform for comment after comment that pushes certain beliefs I’m not in agreement with.

    As a blogger, I can make whatever decision I want about comments here, and I can ban whoever I want for whatever reason I want. And yes, I definitely censor what goes on here. Otherwise, this entire site would be taken over—for example—by porn and by insults from trolls.

    Many people have special interests. You certainly have several, and I have been VERY lenient about allowing you to post many many things with which I strongly disagree and/or that are off-topic. But there is a limit in terms of number, and I will exercise that limit from time to time.

    I do it to other people as well who use this blog for a lot of off-topic discussions on topics they are especially interested in that are not the topics of this blog or its posts.

    I also ban porn, really vicious insults, etc., but that’s not the issue here.

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