Home » Awww! Poor lil’ Kamala got mansplained by the big bad Pence


Awww! Poor lil’ Kamala got mansplained by the big bad Pence — 27 Comments

  1. Kamala (whose performance was predictably terrible) unsurprisingly attempted, very clumsily, to place Pence in an awkward position on the topic of Trump’s supposed racism and of the almost entirely imaginary threat from “white supremacists” while avoiding any reference to the source of the chaos and the violence in cities throughout the country (including last night in Wisconsin) from Antifa/BLM. Leftists and progressives clearly perceive this to be a winning strategy, although, curiously, BLM recently deleted the radical manifesto (“What We Believe”) from its website.

  2. This is feminazi rationalizing. A man must be oh so gentle and correct when debating with a powerful, accomplished woman. Bah! If the women can’t take the heat, they need to stay out of the kitchen. Period!

    What would you call a woman who is haughty, condescending, smirking, and aggressive? A shrew, a virago, a hellcat, a fishwife, a harpy, or? Who, exactly, wants such a woman as the President-in-waiting? I believe the numbers turned off by her to be quite large.

  3. Funny . . . I don’t recall, when Joe Biden debated Sarah Palin in 2008’s vice presidential debate, that he ever was accused of mansplainin’ stuff to Ms. Palin.

  4. Can you imagine Kamala having to negotiate with Putin, Xi, Kim, Eu leaders or the Saudis? I’m sure none of them would mansplain. But she is afraid of Pence!

  5. Kamala did well, actually. Her favorability rating increased in all the polls I saw. The debate was certainly better than the one between Trump and Biden.

    That said, women face a higher hurdle and as a consequence in politics men of one party tend to take umbrage when men of another party are as tough on women as they are on men. So the Democrats are defending Kamala today. And over the next couple weeks as the Supreme Court hearings start the Republicans [I guarantee you] will be defending Amy Coney Barrett in the exact same way when the Democrats ‘mansplain’ things to her or are perceived as being mean or unfair to a woman. It’s politics.

  6. I hate these phony words that sophisticated(?) people create in their fevered brains.

  7. And over the next couple weeks as the Supreme Court hearings start the Republicans [I guarantee you] will be defending Amy Coney Barrett in the exact same way when the Democrats ‘mansplain’ things to her or are perceived as being mean or unfair to a woman. It’s politics.

    Montage: Cite some past examples. What happened to Sarah Palin was a far different and far more personal level of abuse, than normal debate.

    While we’re at it, how about some past examples of Republicans treating a male Court nominee as Democrats treated Kavanaugh?

    Politics ain’t beanbag, but that doesn’t make Dems and Reps equivalent on that score.

  8. “I am woman! Hear me roar!” “Anything you can do I can do better!” . . .except when I’m confronted by mansplaining.

    One note, though, it is third party proxies (Stephanopolos, Mitchell, Burley) making this claim and observation. Whatever will they say if a “President Harris” is the object of Vladimir Putin’s mansplaining? Or Kim Jong Un’s? or Bashar al-Assad’s? Clearly they have learned nothing from the likes of Margaret Thatcher, Jeane Kirkpatrick or Indira Ghandi.

  9. Montage:

    What a weak effort. Surely you can do better than that.

    Mean, cruel, or much more importantly duplicitous, is what it is, no matter what the sex of the speaker and sex of the target of the speaker. No one on the right ever talks about “mansplaining”. It’s person vs. person, on the merits, man or woman.

    But of course, you know that. You just are flailing around on this.

  10. Now an NC Congressman is in hot water for saying Harris was chosen because of her race and sex. This is true; Biden said he would choose a black woman, and did, despite this being the black woman who had previously cited his racist past.

    Pence did Harris the courtesy of treating her as would have treated any Democratic opponent in a debate. If she can’t handle that, she ought not to be in politics.

  11. Well, Hillary claimed something similar about Trump after she lost the election – something along the lines of he was towering over her, trying to us his body to bully her by following her around the stage, etc.

    All I could think of when I heard that is just what does she think will happen if she is president and has to deal with real sexist heads of state? Does she not realize that many other countries have heads of state who truly believe that women shouldn’t be outside the home without a male guardian? And does she really believe that she won’t have to deal with that kind of aggressive behavior? Wow, she really is pathetic.

    Now in fairness, I haven’t heard Harris claim this – yet. But, I’m sure she must be thinking it. How dare they not treat me with kid gloves because I am a woman!

  12. This goes to what Neo posted about a week or two ago: many, many liberals believe they (or their side, anyway) are entitled to be in power. They are all brilliant, eloquent and compassionate. They can solve all of society’s ills if given unlimited power, resources and time. If…those evil Republicans would stop thwarting their lofty plans and if those stupid deplorable flyover voters would either see the light or disappear.

    The debate is a formality and a nuisance to be suffered through; the election itself is largely the same. But when the other side, you know, actually DEBATES, it is treated as an affront. How dare they! What “mansplaining!” (a term I despise), which is often just a cheap rejoinder because the person making it as no reasonable argument point to make in response.

    As to the Lincoln SCOTUS claim, of course it’s not true. And of course, that doesn’t matter to Harris or most Democrats. It suits the narrative and, more importantly, it was offered by a strong woman of color in one her “historic moments” That’s what matters

  13. I should add I have only watched a few clips of the debate, but Pence appears to have done very, very well. As Bill Jacobson at LI pointed out, Harris again showed “there’s no there, there.” The fact that virtually all liberals are only making inane fly jokes ad infinitum, strongly suggests they too were underwhelmed by her performance (not that they will ever admit it).

  14. First I heard of mansplaining was a kid’s baseball game. A strikeout is coded as “K”. One inning there were three strikeouts. The scoreboard showed “KKK”. Some Karen got all up on her soapbox about how racism has even infected kids’ sports.
    After the thing was explained to her, she said, “Thanks for mansplaining.”
    Mansplaining wouldn’t have been necessary if she’d had a freaking clue.
    It wouldn’t have been necessary if she’d asked around what the whole thing means.
    And it wouldn’t have been necessary if she hadn’t been so anxious to broadcast her enormous virtue and SJW alertness.
    So women are allowed to be ignorant and taken seriously at the same time?

  15. @fgr Executive summary of what’s worth knowing could fit on on a double-spaced sheet of A4 in large type. Bullet Point 1 would hopefully cut to the chase re just why it is that Coffee-complexioned Mystery Meats with Axes to Grind and zero African American ancestry are the Blackest a candidate is going to be getting during the present geological age.

    Blacks will vote for these Aliens anyway. All they’re interested in are Gibs and Sticking it to the Man. Given that, why bother putting up with a coke and hooker juggling Marion Barry or a neurotic Condi Rice throwing their weight around? 😀

    Also, is there anyone here who thinks for a moment that Harris is *not* heavily funded by the Silicon Valley Indian Aristosquatocracy? If Blacks had the slightest clue they’d wake up and stick it to a few other folks before the Man. At least with the Man you can rely on his occasional scruples and sense of historical obligation. They’ll get less than nothing from any new South Indian Brahmin Overlords.

  16. Richard, yes, they are allowed to be ignorant and must also be taken seriously at the same time. Or, more specifically, they are entitled to say anything, no matter how factually incorrect or logically incoherent, provided it passes all “woke” filters of course, and any man in the vacinity must stay silent and (much better) nod in affirmation.

    People of both genders will condescend, at times, to people of both genders. Some are more habitual about it than others. I’ve been condescended to many times by both men and women. If one is confident in one’s position and knowledgeable enough about the topic(s) at hand, one can respond forcefully enough to embarrass the condescending other. Many, many women are perfectly capable of this and do so quite well. The ones who cannot, often fall back on the “mansplaining” crutch. Worse, they will rely on it in response when the man they’re speaking to is not at all being condescending or snide, but is politely disagreeing and/or pointing out a fact. It’s a convenient way to shut down discussion and disagreement without having said anything useful.

    The same goes for “white privilege”, “white fragility”, “heteronormativity” and many, many other jargon-laced buzz words of the left

  17. So women are allowed to be ignorant (/strong / competent) and taken seriously (/ treated as fragile / allowed a pass for stupidity) at the same time?

    The “having it both ways” schtick of the rad-lib-fems is one of the things that caused me to part ways with them; that was what came after the actual inequities in law and commerce had been dealt with by legislation and “consciousness raising” — what we used to call the fore-runner of being “woke” — seems so innocuous now!

    That was a deal-breaker even without the “all abortion all the time” focus.


  18. Pence had a great but very tricky shot on goal when Harris brought up legalizing marihuana.

    “I’m surprised that you brought that up, Senator. Did you ever apologize to your father for connecting your ‘family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity . . ., in any way, jokingly or not, with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics’?”

  19. The Montages are out there in their many millions, all irrational to greater or lesser extents. Plus ignorance. Don’t ask Montage to do better, Neo. He is bad enough as he is.
    The country is doomed if the evil Democrats get in, as they probably will.

  20. @fgr, “What does Harris know about black America?”

    She went to Howard for her undergrad and she got to know Willie Brown pretty well. 🙂

    Like Obama, she adopted her father’s ethnicity rather than her mother’s. And in Harris’s case, her father is Jamaican, not “African-American.”

  21. Kate:
    No one ever accused Barack Hussein or Kamala of being stupid. They just saw the writing on the PC wall sooner than most. They are both sociopaths, in my non-psychiatric opinion.
    Going to Howard for undergrad is an easy way to get a 4.0 GPA. Then and now.

  22. What does Harris know about black America? — fgr

    Interesting question. How much does anyone know about any slice of America? I’d hate to be put on the spot about white America. Considering how often I misunderstand white Americans, I have to wonder.

    We are all mere individuals with very finite experiences of people and places compared to the vastness of America.

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