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The economy… — 8 Comments

  1. The economy is even better in South Dakota.

    BTW, among all the fake news today, there seems to be one honest reporter left in the MSM. She may have to move to SD as well.

    https://www.redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2020/09/03/how-its-done-cbs-reporter-goes-against-grain-torchThank you, Ms. Watson, for showing what actual journalism looks like.
    Read all of her Tweets – they say everything that we only thought right-wing bloggers would say.
    My favorite:

    Pelosi proclaimed she didn’t know she’d done anything wrong by going to the salon.

    “The closed signs on the salons might be a good indicator”

    Summing up:

    Pelosi has spent months – months – alleging Republicans are putting people’s lives at risk when they don’t follow recommended CDC guidelines and when they call for businesses to be allowed to reopen so people can feed their families and pay their bills.

    In fact, the very day of her salon appointment (Monday) Pelosi went on MSNBC to lecture Trump and the GOP on mask-wearing and social distancing during the Republican National Convention.

    Pelosi has no one to blame but herself for this situation. She got hoisted by her own petard and doesn’t like it, so now she, her family, her supporters, and even her stylist are trying to destroy Kious for pointing out the obvious of why it should be okay for her salon to open for everyone if exceptions can be made for powerful Democrats like Pelosi.

    Watson is right on the money here. Pelosi feigning ignorance about what the rules are in her state and claiming this was all a “set-up” is a very bad look for her, no matter how nice her haircut and highlights might look when she appears on MSNBC and CNN for puff-piece interviews.es-pelosis-set-up-claim-in-haircutgate/

  2. Still related to the economy, because once the country gets fed up with being fed up with the lock down, it will really start booming.

    The Democrats are gonna have to get more cities to burn.


    I tweeted about this all day and I wasn’t the only one. Pelosi was trending on Twitter for most of the day with an average of over 1.2 million tweets of angry people throughout the country that have lost their businesses or are frustrated by the rules lawmakers have put in place that prevent them from living a normal life during this pandemic.

  3. Let’s be sure we don’t confuse Wall Street with Main Street.

    It’s encouraging news for many or even most of us (except for partisan Democrats, of course), but lots of small businesses may not be coming back. We’ve got to do something about their owners and employees.

  4. MJR:
    If WE have to do something about COVID-failed businesses, their owners and employees, there is always socialism. Job guarantees?

    Alternatively, there is Modern Monetary Theory, which holds, inter alia, that the magnitude of national government deficits do not matter. This one is a train that both parties can and have jumped aboard on. There are other nutty ideas in MMT. Theories are theories until put to the test.

    However, it is not our job to rebuild the losses. That has to be done by individuals, on their own. If you don’t like that, you can always tax the wealthy.

  5. Cicero (7:54 pm) said to M J R:

    “If WE have to do something about COVID-failed businesses, their owners and employees, there is always socialism. Job guarantees?”

    Cicero, It was just my way of expressing concern for people who are hurting through no fault of their own. It was not meant to imply any legal, political, legislative or otherwise collective responsibility.

    Yes, I am concerned for them. Maybe that’s a failing on my part. Voluntary concern for others is not a taboo, not even in laissez-faire libertarian land.

    “However, it is not our job to rebuild the losses. That has to be done by individuals, on their own. If you don’t like that, you can always tax the wealthy.”


  6. RDM – “So what percent of that national unemployment is in democrat controlled lock down states?”

    A good deal of it. It does have a knock on effect with the other states as travel is really constrained leaving dollars in the bank. But the lock down states and cities are finding to their dismay that there is no money and to this point the Fed’s aren’t opening up their check book to bail them out. They are in the process of furloughing government workers so their tactics are biting them in their base. You think that a clerk is happy with a mayor or governor that has them in lock down and now laying them off?

    Pelosi’s tactics of holding out for maximum Republican concession is not working this cycle because of her outrageous demands this time. That and all the money that is yet to be spent for the earlier bills. Her tactics are hurting the blue states the most per above. With the riots, hair salons, schools staying closed (in blue states and cities) and fake stories about cemetery trips there is no oxygen for the media to pull out their standard mean Republican story lines.

    I read how in Rochester New York the BLM mob went into the suburbs and caused a riot. Now the riots are moving into suburban areas. The safety moms are not going to like that. In Washington state the BLM highway blockage was cleared by the cops who said “This isn’t Seattle”. Notice that the cars are pretty recent and nice. This is not what the Democrats want.

    In order to get people’s (media) attention, the Marxist BLM cohort has to start doing more and more outrageous things. Having a huge downtown march with massive TV coverage in June is yielding to yawns in September. Hence the movement to residential area to cause disruption and news.

    In other words the top down command structure is breaking down and they are losing control. It always happens. When Hitler finally seized power in 1933 the SA refused to go back to their homes. They were having too much fun and besides there was no job anyway. Unlike Hitler BLM cannot have a “night of the long knives”.

    Notice also that the three slain protesters are getting no traction as Horst Wessel heros. Part of the reason is that they are white and really scuzzy people.

    In conclusion, it is going to get crazier the closer November 3 comes and then goes. Prepare for maximum disruption if you are in a blue state. Keep your head up and live your best life now.

  7. The NYT headlined the news about 1.4 million new jobs and unemployment dropping from 10.2 to 8.4 percent thusly:

    “Job Gains Shrink, Showing Frailty of U.S. Recovery.”

    It’s not even possible to parody the MSM.

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