Home » Now it’s Kenosha, Wisconsin: the recipe is phone video plus social media plus mob plus MSM plus rush-to-judgment governor


Now it’s Kenosha, Wisconsin: the recipe is phone video plus social media plus mob plus MSM plus rush-to-judgment governor — 47 Comments

  1. Evers is unfit for the position he holds. And ‘thinks’ like a bourgeois street-level Democrat.

  2. Badass, bad actor, reaching under the front seat. If there were body cams it would confirm this but when high heart attack drug abusers get a golden coffin pulled by horses then “reason will not prevail at last. The sword will prevail.”

  3. “Statistics indicate its falsehood, but that doesn’t matter to those who would spread the word, the better to foment trouble.”

    The statistics underpin the reality, but the falsehoods are generally very clear when the videos are reviewed and the official analysis is released. This was certainly the case with Floyd’s autopsy and the body-cams.

    That’s the really disturbing part of this activist-group-inspired, public-official-sanctioned sociopathy: Any fool can see that the video-graphic evidence and facts support justified law enforcement action (in most cases) – and yet the BLM narrative carries the day once it has been voiced by the violent radical and sanctioned by the Mayor/Governor/Senator etc., and then parceled out as holy communion to the masses by the media.

    And the police stand down from the rioting because they are so instructed by that same group of Mayors/Governors. There has never been a more grievous betrayal of the public trust by elected American officials, ever. And they are all Democrats.

  4. The video is more than clear enough. The cops had their guns drawn and pointing at Blake before he starts to walk around his vehicle. When a cop pulls his gun and points it at someone, they’re already giving orders to comply. Blake ignores 3 cops pointing their guns at him and then opens his vehicle’s door and leans in to get something. He can’t reach the glove compartment from that side so he’s going for something else.

    The cops don’t have to believe he’s going for a gun. His noncompliance and leaning into the vehicle to get something under the seat raises a near certainty of violence. It’s a righteous shooting.

  5. FWIW: Some quick research discloses that tasers fire two darts (not one) which must be at least 12 inches apart when they impact the target body. Current passes from one dart to the other, disrupting the voluntary control of muscles (“neuromuscular incapacitation”). If the darts are too close together, they will not affect enough muscle and the weapon is much less effective.

    The old-fashioned “billy club” might have been effective in this situation, but they fell into public disfavor as too brutal. So, close-up, the cops don’t have a real alternative to a dangerous suspect except to shoot them.

    But seven times?

  6. Aggie:

    Unfortunately, most people don’t arrive at independent conclusions after watching a video if they’ve been told by the media and all their friends and various politicians that the video shows something else. So the video doesn’t matter to a lot of people, who see what they’ve been told to see.

    Or they only watch a moment, and listen to the news, and don’t even attempt to do independent evaluations.

    Plus, a lot of people who should know better are either ignorant or lying. Day after day, even now after the Floyd transcript and video are out, I read or hear people saying the police murdered him. It is clear now that not only was it not a murder, but that they were following established protocol in Minneapolis at the time for the situation, and that it’s possible their actions didn’t even lead to his death, which may have occurred from an overdose plus a heart condition.

  7. We don’t know if the shooting was justified. We can be sure, however, that the fires and looting were not justified. Notice the governor’s statement fails to address that.

  8. Neo,

    In at least every NBA game I’ve watched this past week where the announcers mentioned how some player or another was involved in “peaceful protests” they always say that they were in support of George Floyd (and I quote) “who, as we all know, was viciously murdered by a policeman”.

    Do you think these announcers who say this boilerplate “truth” day after day to millions of people, have even heard the Floyd arrest transcript or police bodycam video exist? And if they did, would they even care, knowing that they would lose their jobs if they questioned the Established Narrative.

  9. kantak:

    They probably don’t know they exist.

    And if they know, they probably have neither read nor watched.

    And if they have read or watched, they probably can’t fairly evaluate and understand what they’ve seen.

    And if they can evaluate it, they probably will lie anyway.

  10. Lawrence Jones a Fox News reporter just went through a police video training scenario. The training film was of a black suspect beating a white police officer with a gun. When Lawrence yelled stop to the image on the video screen the criminal turned and fired a shot back. He then resumed beating the video officer. This caused Lawrence Jones to fire his gun into the back of the criminal. The black training officer stopped the video and had Jones to explain why he shot at the criminal. Explaining why he did it. The training officer said “So what… you just shot a black man in the back, That’s the meme that will be given on the nightly news”

    Our media is devoid of any honest reporting

  11. Cap’n Rusty complains the cop fired 7 times.
    When one has to shoot to kill ( lest one be killed), one empties one’s pistol at what is called “center mass”, the thorax. One or two bullets might not immobilize, and the feared snatch for a gun under the driver’s seat might still have succeeded in killing a cop. Only the Lone Ranger shoots the pistol out of the bad guy’s hand!

    That the dude, Blake by name, has survived seven bullets, all fired at close range, is simply proof of that. I’m surprised the cop’s pistol magazine held only seven rounds. Maybe Kenosha cops are on a too-tight budget.

    Maybe Blake has seen too many of the recent riots, walking around as if he was not being ordered to stop by the officers. The cops in the liberal, riot -torn cities have put up with a huge amount of anti-cop violence.

    Autopsy will likely show “recreational” mood-altering drugs on board. That he had kids in the car as he ignored the cops is an implicit indictment of his conduct.

    But you cannot kill a perp too dead.

  12. Cap’n, that’s a very interesting detail about tasers. What happens if it gets fired, and then only one wire latches on and the other misses? Presumably a broken circuit and then is no use. How long does it take to reload and recharge one of these? (If that’s not classified information, which, given the way things are going, it may become.)

  13. Martin Luther was no fan of rioting rebellious “peasants.” He understood the great danger at both ends of the SES spectrum & counselled both lords & serfs to give in to work for a just and orderly Germany. BUT…when it was simply an excuse to rebel & destroy…

    “Every man is at once judge and executioner of a public rebel; just as, when a fire starts, he who can extinguish it first is the best fellow. Rebellion is not simply vile murder, but is like a great fire that kindles and devastates a country; it fills the land with murder and bloodshed, makes widows and orphans, and destroys everything, like the greatest calamity. Therefore, whosoever can, should smite, strangle, and stab, secretly or publicly, and should remember that there is nothing more poisonous, pernicious, and devilish than a rebellious man. Just as one must slay a mad dog, so, if you do not fight the rebels, they will fight you, and the whole country with you.”

    More at the link: https://media.bloomsbury.com/rep/files/primary-source-75-luthers-reactions-to-peasant-rebellions.pdf

  14. “Kenosha County is a pivot county, meaning the majority voted for Obama twice, then shifted for Trump, and it did so very narrowly. And unlike most pivot counties, it’s quite a populated with well over 100,000 people, whereas most pivots are rural counties with less than 50,000 potential voters. This is the sort of county that both parties scrutinize in all sorts of tables and excel spreadsheets, and BLM just set it on fire.”

  15. A. You would think, based on the msm ,that there have been no officer involved shooting a, and no white people killed by cops between George Floyd and now
    B. When you remove lesser forms of restraint, the more deadly ones get put in play. I think in a previous time, the cops would’ve jumped him the minute he turned his back on them, but he would’ve been alive. The cops are rightly afraid of being sued, an I can’t breath moment etc, that they’ll show restraint when they shouldn’t. But once he reached (allowed to reach?) Into the car he was a dead man

  16. Israel:

    I understand your basic point, but he’s not dead, he’s alive and in stable condition in intensive care.

  17. Pingback:Kenosha Burns; Biden Grandstands – The American Catholic

  18. Have the politicians and therefore the police completely abandoned the ordinary citizen?

    The media would have us believe so. However, we know that media has the technology and the will to present false images; and images of mayhem are their staple. I say that just a few minutes after watching the mob in a “peaceful” neighborhood in Portland terrorizing homeowners, because –they are home owners. Pretty sure that is real; and pretty sure that in other times it would have been shutdown quickly and the (expletive deleted) woman with the bull horn shouting “wake up (expletive deleted)” would have been cuffed, and hauled away.

    Meanwhile a couple in St Louis is under indictment for standing on their doorstep, armed to protect themselves and their home from another mob. They harmed no one. They threatened no one who had not first threatened them.

    The world is upside down.

    We are losing our country. I am stunned at how quickly, and how easily it is happening.

  19. Cicero:
    The instructor for my concealed carry course advised us to never pull the trigger unless there was no escape and you had to save your life. He said the likelihood is that even if you save your life, it will be ruined if you have killed someone.

    He also advised us to use hollow points.

    Do policemen use hollow points?

  20. Shoulda shot that ho Kenosha too!

    Oh wait… it’s a place? My bad.

    Contempt, folks. Contempt or at best Cosmic Indifference for the more genteel amongst us until tolerance and respect is earned.

  21. Cap’n Rusty:

    Domestic Law Enforcement is big on stopping power and last heard about the Geneva Conventions in History Class. Anything they shoot a fellow with is going to expand very nicely.

    FWIW: Whilst Military FMJ Geneva Convention compliant rounds are sort of supposedly more humane cf. the expanding / fragmenting rounds everybody else gets to use, it’s a bit more complicated.

    For maximum military tactical advantage the idea is to wound and incapacitate but not kill the enemy. One vociferously wounded combatant takes n (is it 2 or 3?) of his fellow combatants temporarily out of action in order to care for / evacuate him. Also, these FMJ rounds appear to have been accidentally on purpose designed to yaw and tumble inside human body in order to cause more unpleasant effects whilst remaining GC Compliant.

    Aside aside, when taking down Kenosha’s Pimp D’Shawn high on Speed, only expanding rounds will do. The bigger the better. The cops and self-Defence interested laymen seem to be connoisseurs of these. Much to be found online.

  22. Kenosha has been an auto manufacturing hub for over 100 years. Kenosha Motors eventually was bought by AMC and had some fame in the Lee Iacoca days. Chrysler finally shuttered the place in 2010.

    So, in spite of it’s smallish population, it is urbanish. And it has seen it’s share of unemployment and an economic downturn in recent decades. There are a lot of U.S. cities like it. Mayor Pete’s South Bend, IN for example, and it’s shuttered Studebaker plant. And you’ll recall South Bend also saw some racial unrest in the past year.

  23. Better to watch a Tiddlywinks tournament than any performance of the No-Brains-Association (NBA).

    Intelligence matters.

  24. Righteous outrage by a right-leaning video streamer, 10 minutes long.

    His singular point of rage is this: “An elderly business owner was attacked and knocked unconcious for simply defending his property from looters who set his store on fire during riots early this morning in Kenosha Wisconsin” And then all the rest….


    “Fight back, enough is enough!” He inveighs. This time it’s worse than whatever we’ve seen before. “This is the breaking point for me….and everyone.”

    One lengthy God Damned Righteous rant.

  25. “Oldflyer on August 24, 2020 at 8:41 pm said:

    We are losing our country. I am stunned at how quickly, and how easily it is happening.”

    It’s stunning how compliant the public is and how quickly they fall into line. Joe says everyone should wear a mask at all times, and everybody falls into line, lest be labeled as a Trump supporter!

    A month ago in my city, very few people were wearing masks while walking outside or jogging. Nobody was driving around wearing masks. Now, after Joe made his proclamation, almost every single person walking outside, even those nowhere near anyone else, is wearing a mask. Every driver I see, even those driving along, is wearing a mask.

    Incidentally, the exceptions I do see are black city bus and subway drivers, who I believe are mandated by law to wear masks yet don’t. If you think about it though, no one could raise a complaint about such noncompliance even if they wanted to, as they would be charged with a hate crime or worse.

  26. Oh. And since nobody mentions this. Never forget that the false narrative of black crime suspects always good, police always bad, was President Obama’s invention.

    The Marxist media simply ran with the Traitor-in-Chief’s example to promote this lie. And turn “a perfectly good nation, going to waste,” (as Joannenova’s web site masthead says of the West).

  27. Zaphod:
    I don’t think anyone could survive 7 hollow points. But, Kenosha couldn’t afford body cameras, so maybe they couldn’t afford hollow points either, and the cop knew he had to push a lot of lead.

  28. NFL whitie Aaron Rogers, who plays for Green Bay, said of Wisconsin today, “There’s antiquated laws that are prejudicial against people of color in this state.”

    In Leftist Wisconsin?
    Which law comes to mind, Aaron, you legal wizard you?
    Is there a WI law that blacks may not eat smoked whitefish from the Great Lakes?

    BS abounds. Everywhere.

  29. So, in spite of it’s smallish population, it is urbanish. And it has seen it’s share of unemployment and an economic downturn in recent decades. There are a lot of U.S. cities like it. Mayor Pete’s South Bend, IN for example, and it’s shuttered Studebaker plant. And you’ll recall South Bend also saw some racial unrest in the past year.

    Studebaker went out of business in 1966. (The watchmaker which gets invoked in these discussions went out of business in 1930). There’s been plenty of time for South Bend to bounce back and retool. Note, neither Kenosha nor Racine Counties in Wisconsin are losing population, nor is St. Joseph County in Indiana.

    What’s notable about South Bend is that its black population is oddly impecunious. Personal income per capita among South Bend blacks is about 40% below the national mean for blacks and about 10% below that for Mississippi blacks. No clue why that is.

    The demographics of the South Bend MSA are such that you’d expect the South Bend ‘hood to have a population of about 20,000 v. perhaps 6,000 in Kenosha.

  30. South Bend IN exists only because of the University of Notre Dame and St. Mary’s College.

  31. South Bend IN exists only because of the University of Notre Dame and St. Mary’s College.

    Again, the dense settlement around South Bend has just shy of 200,000 people in it. The students in residence (with a few dependents thereof) at Notre Dame will average about 9,000 throughout the year. A private institution with Notre Dame’s enrollment will have about 4,000 employees who will have 5,000 dependents on average. That’s a mean of 18,000 people averaged over the seasons. Knock-on effects of their presence on local trade will support the households of another 11,000 people. That’s 29,000 people in an urban settlement with about 190,000 there residing right now.

  32. Those who were out of college by then, and connected with industry in some way, may have some memory of what made Kenosha and its UAW population so very “special” back in 1985.

    With a wage higher than GM (I had to double check and was fortunate to find an on line reference) the rank and file voted to reject concessions bringing them in line with prevailing wage rates of the competition, and possibly thereby save 6,000 manufacturing jobs, as the floundering AMC sought parity of costs in the face of plunging sales.


    The children of these suicidally entitled morons, such as the plant janitor who didn’t want to give up what they had “won”, are probably running the city by now.

  33. The children of these suicidally entitled morons, such as the plant janitor who didn’t want to give up what they had “won”, are probably running the city by now.

    Again, Kenosha County hasn’t been losing population. The Bureau of Labor Statistics doesn’t publish data for Kenosha County specifically, but they do for Kenosha County and Lake County, Illinois lumped together. Before the recent economic implosion, the unemployment rate in Lake and Kenosha counties was 3.6%. They’re not that wrecked.

  34. “Before the recent economic implosion, the unemployment rate in Lake and Kenosha counties was 3.6%. They’re not that wrecked.”

    I’m not asserting that they are “wrecked”: although I am not certain what other people have in mind when they use the term.

    Perhaps a tradition of being “woked” though, might not be too far afield from what I was trying to convey.

    So, aside from whatever the local economic conditions prevailing in Kenosha at any given moment were, or are now, what I was highlighting was a particular sociocultural attitude noted as prominent decades ago, back when the area had the reputation as being among the more ideologically militant of the UAW districts. The L A Times article quotes some rather pragmatic sounding evaluations on the part of the rank and file –
    with regard to issues of trust, and ultimate outcome should concessions even be granted. But at the time the impression back in the Motpr City was that the people involved there were willing to bring the temple crashing down on their own heads in order to make a point of living up to their “progressive” ( in the sense of the time) principles.

    Whether this cultural slant extends to a second generation engaging in proud self flaggelation and letting the house burn down, remains to be seen, I suppose.

  35. This reminds me of the PBS “No Comment”… no context presentation. No judgment, rush to judgment. He’s a warlock, she’s a witch, perchance a baby… social justice.

  36. The people posting the videos and their intended audience aren’t ‘thinking’ about what happened they’re looking for some reason to instigate violence

  37. “He said the likelihood is that even if you save your life, it will be ruined if you have killed someone.” – Cap’n Rusty

    Depends on the state where the fracas occurs.
    Some are more rational about self-defense than others.
    And, as the saying goes, “Better to be judged by 12 million social media morons than carried by a 6-wheeled casket gurney.”

    Pallbearers would have to stand too close together, these days.

  38. Denver leaders take a stand against rioters – finally.

    Denver officials give update on Saturday night protests – “you are not welcome here”
    Director of Public Safety Murphy Robinson:

    Now I want to speak
    to you as a black man and a Denver native.
    The narrative that these anarchists are marching for justice of black lives
    is frankly false.
    The public needs to know that you do not represent us.
    Stop using the color of my skin as an excuse
    to tear up my city.

    These countless acts are not helpful,
    they do not represent
    what black lives are about,
    or this city that black lives helped to build for generations.
    We ask you to stay home if you aren’t going to protest peacefully,
    you aren’t going to use your constitutional right for the betterment of our community, then you need to stay home.
    Don’t come out — you will be dealt with.

    The mayor (also black) warns the rioters that they will be assessed for damages and restitution.
    FWIW, the mug shots of the 12 arrested Saturday night are NOT people of color.

    Where were these leaders when the mob attacked Michelle Malkin at her Back the Blue rally last month?
    “Ironically, the Denver police on the scene did not intervene at first, apparently under orders by police Chief Paul Pazen who marched with BLM protesters last month.”

    The head of the Denver police union has confirmed that Democratic leaders in the city ordered officers to “stand-down” during a rally
    supportive of officers that was attended by conservative author and pundit Michelle Malkin.

    According to Denver Police Protective Association Nick Rogers, not all officers complied with the instruction, adding that one lieutenant defied the order, Fox News reported.

    After investigating the incident, Rogers said that the stand-down order was given by the on-scene incident commander, adding that one lieutenant refused it and directed his officers to remain at the rally.

    “That’s the only reason this thing didn’t get worse because somebody broke rank and decided to not retreat,” Rogers told Boyles. “And they stayed so they could provide some assistance.”

    The talk show host asked Rogers who specifically gave the stand-down order, but he refused to identify the incident commander.

    The event was advertised by the Pro Police Rally Colorado Facebook as the sixth annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, Fox News reported.

    An attorney who helped organize the event, Randy Corporon, confirmed that Pazen requested that he either reschedule the event or move the gathering from its regular location, claiming that officers could be placed in danger by BLM counter-demonstrators.

    “He was agitated that we’re going to get his officers hurt,” Corporon told the Denver Post. “My response to him was that he should allow his officers to do their job and if people are down there breaking the law, to stop them. Because they’ll have nothing to fear from us.”

    In addition to BLM and Antifa, counter-demonstrators with groups identified as the Party for Socialism and Liberation and the Afro-Liberation Front were also on hand, KMGH-TV reported.

    (can’t copy an excerpt, but it is worth reading)

    And Chief Pazen (can we still call him “chief”? I don’t want to do any microaggressing here…) was doing so well last year — actually implementing a lot of the things that the “defund-the-police(not really)” faction claims they want.
    However, it appears that, this year, the “defund-the-police(we really mean it)” faction ain’t got no respect for his efforts.

    TJ – thanks for that link. Makes me think this meme may be trending.

  39. PS I sent the Mayor a message of thanks via his official communication page.
    We need to encourage sane behavior, when it happens.

  40. It’s come to a point where BLM supporters think every police shooting that involves a black person is uncalled for, I think every BLM protest and riot is uncalled for. I no longer take them seriously in their anger; I just feel sorry for them. These people have lost any empathy I had for them.

  41. Evers and the rest of the Democrat mayors and governors are bound and determined to show this is not your father’s Democratic party. Substituting the Taser for the billyclub was just another lefty idea that no one thought through.

    Where is Frank Rizzo now that we need him?


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