Home » I probably haven’t watched anything on CBS since Rathergate…


I probably haven’t watched anything on CBS since Rathergate… — 37 Comments

  1. “The odd thing – or perhaps it’s the ironic thing – is that it seems to me that a lot of the people on the left driving this are white rather than black. A great many black people are upset that they are losing police protection and that violence in their communities has increased rather than decreased (see this, for example). But the leftists in charge really don’t care. The black people who are trying to tell them to stop have lives that truly don’t matter to the left, except as far as they can be used as propaganda to further the cause.” – Neo

    A small sampling of supporting stories.




  2. PS on the historical note —
    The Rathergate Expose was where I first became aware that there was such a Thing as blogs, and that people could use them against the Nabobs of Network Narrative. All of the nerdy stuff about copying and kerning actually made sense to me, because I had used the same or a similar IBM typewriter as my computer printer in about the same time period as the alleged memos.

    I do not listen to TV news (or its on-line equivalent), and had not watched the talking heads for decades, essentially since starting college, and also no longer read newspapers (as I told the sales brigade, I was such a compulsive reader that I would try to get through the entire paper, and just didn’t have time).

    My theory was that, if the world was in imminent danger of ending, someone would let me know.
    Unfortunately, the world really was preparing to get ready to end (Gramsci Marches On), but I don’t think I would have realized that even if I had been following the news.

    Since 2008, I have been making up for lost time.

  3. The new chairman of NBCUniversal News Group (Cesar Conde) is obsessed with one thing, and one thing only. It is not responsible journalism, or accurately reporting the news, which animates his thinking, but only the dogma of diversity and quotas. The MSM in this country long ago abandoned any commitment to reporting the news; the agenda of indoctrinating the viewing public is now paramount.

  4. “That would give the left even more ammunition for their campaign about how evil white people are.”

    If the Left had any historical knowledge, they would know not to rile white people. Maybe they will think it will only be “their” white people, and indeed they may have a few white soyfolkjs and white psychopaths among their ranks but they are outnumbered to about 100 to 1.

    When they get to the hardcore white folks (say the Saxons) they might, when the Saxon gets going, want to put their “Get-Whitey” concept back in Pandora’s box, but it will be too late.

    by Rudyard Kipling

    It was not part of their blood,
    It came to them very late,
    With long arrears to make good,
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    They were not easily moved,
    They were icy — willing to wait
    Till every count should be proved,
    Ere the Saxon began to hate.

    Their voices were even and low.
    Their eyes were level and straight.
    There was neither sign nor show
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    It was not preached to the crowd.
    It was not taught by the state.
    No man spoke it aloud
    When the Saxon began to hate.

    It was not suddently bred.
    It will not swiftly abate.
    Through the chilled years ahead,
    When Time shall count from the date
    That the Saxon began to hate.

  5. About those Gramsci marchers —

    Andrew McCarthy

    The goals of the revolution have never changed. It has simply airbrushed its terrorist leaders into prominent public scholars and “activists” with a passion for “change” and “justice.” The revolution has lots of money, organization, control of the schools, support from one of the nation’s two major political parties, and the media megaphone. That is why the revolution is winning. The 1960s never ended, they just paved the way for today.

    Cited by Andy:

    Teaching for “social justice” is a cruel hoax on disadvantaged kids.
    Sol Stern Summer 2006

    America’s historical ideal of public schooling as a means of assimilating all children (and particularly the children of new immigrants) into a common civic and democratic culture is already under assault from the multiculturalists and their race- and gender-centered pedagogy. Now Ayers and his social justice movement, by dismissing the civic culture ideal as nothing more than “capitalist hegemony,” subvert the public schools even further—while subsidized by the taxpayers, including the capitalists who supposedly control the schools.

    And it’s not just from his government-funded outpost at the University of Illinois that Ayers is spreading the word about radical social justice teaching. He maintains a busy lecture schedule at other ed schools around the country, and he does teacher training and professional development for the Chicago public schools. All that still leaves him enough time to give nostalgic lectures on college campuses about his Weather Underground experiences.

    If you still can’t appreciate why it’s necessary for your child’s chemistry teacher to teach for social justice, you are probably hopelessly wedded to reason, empiricism, individual merit, and other capitalist and post-colonialist deformities.

    The series doesn’t yet have a text on mathematics, but it’s sure to come, since the pedagogy for teaching social justice through math is even more fully developed than for science.

    One by one, the education schools are lining up behind social justice teaching and enforcing it on their students—especially since they expect aspiring teachers to possess the approved liberal “dispositions,” or individual character traits, that will qualify them to teach in the public schools. The National Council on the Accreditation of Teacher Education, the main accreditor of education schools, now monitors how well the schools comply with their own social justice requirements.

  6. The White Left are using Blacks as a front for their own purposes, just as BLM does. White charlatans, and Black provocateurs; e.g., Sharpton, have manipulated Black people for too long; and the practice is not abating.

    Now, however, as the engineered chaos affects more lives, and progressive democrats publicly support, or at least acquiesce in it, I am hopeful of a tremendous backlash.

    It is well that thinking Black people, such as Loury, are beginning to open the lid on the can of worms. Even deep thinkers like Charles Barkley are beginning to speak up. (I am kidding, because though he sometimes plays the buffoon, for lots of money, Barkley is very smart and usually sensible when it counts).

    PS CBS makes my skin crawl. Well, to be honest, most TV offerings have a similar effect.

  7. I resisted excerpting the rest of the long article, because most of us already know chapter and verse, but it’s worth a “refresher” reading.
    Major point: this was written in 2006, so a first-grader steeped in the social justice curriculum then is now a 20-something voter.

    We are in serious trouble.

    It cannot be repeated often enough: ideas have consequences, and bad ideas have bad consequences. The Freirian theories that carry over to social justice teaching are incapable of “liberating” the children of America’s so-called oppressed. As E. D. Hirsch has exhaustively shown, the scientific evidence about which classroom methods produce the best results for poor children point conclusively to the very methods that the critical pedagogy and social justice theorists denounce as oppressive and racist. By contrast, not one shred of hard evidence suggests that the pedagogy behind teaching for social justice works to lift the academic achievement of poor and minority students.

    Social justice teaching is a frivolous waste of precious school hours, grievously harmful to poor children, who start out with a disadvantage. School is the only place where they are likely to obtain the academic knowledge that could make up for the educational deprivation they suffer in their homes. The last thing they need is a wild-eyed experiment in education through social action.

    Astute readers here will immediately see the application of the Smithsonian’s poster on the Qualities of Whiteness.

  8. Antifa (young white know nothings) are their brown shirts. BLM their propagandists. They are the vanguard of the radical left. They believe they can abolish traditional America values and bring about a revolution. They are mistaken. When government officials refuse to enforce laws, vigilantes will. This will not end well.

  9. The story may be misreported. NB, in the economy as a whole, the ratio of employed persons to the population over 16 does not vary much by color in an ordinary labor market. It’s almost precisely the same for whites, hispanics, and the Oriental / East Indian population. For blacks, the ratio is generally about 10% lower. There isn’t this large pool of untapped (but willing) labor to mobilize (and even if there were, there’d be a matching problem).

    As we speak, about 64% of the working population is white-Anglo. The implication of this supposed plan is that you fancy your talent pool is such that a 50-50 split would be optimal for your labor force. That means (positing the distribution of their current writer’s corps reflects the that of generic employees) your current screening process has a high error rate (36 / 64 = 0.56, or a 44% error rate). Or it means your hiring managers are substituting patronage hires contrary to formal policy. You’d get that idea how? Are your competitors hiring all the hispanics your hiring managers missed?

    As we speak, there are 46 occupations tracked by the Bureau of Labor Statistics wherein non-hispanic whites are a minority, somewhere between 22% and 50% of those so employed.

    Miscellaneous personal appearance workers
    Laundry and dry-cleaning workers
    Graders and sorters, agricultural products
    Drywall installers, ceiling tile installers, and tapers
    Maids and housekeeping cleaners
    Baggage porters, bellhops, and concierges
    Packers and packagers, hand
    Taxi drivers and chauffeurs
    Postal service mail sorters, processors, and processing machine operators
    Carpet, floor, and tile installers and finishers
    Painters, construction and maintenance
    Packaging and filling machine operators and tenders
    Food processing workers, all other
    Sewing machine operators
    Miscellaneous media and communication workers
    Butchers and other meat, poultry, and fish processing workers
    Nursing, psychiatric, and home health aides
    Gaming services workers
    Cement masons, concrete finishers, and terrazzo workers
    Industrial truck and tractor operators
    Miscellaneous agricultural workers
    Construction laborers
    Chefs and head cooks
    Painting workers
    Parking lot attendants
    Cleaners of vehicles and equipment
    Postal service clerks
    Personal care aides
    Computer hardware engineers
    Tailors, dressmakers, and sewers
    Janitors and building cleaners
    Dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers
    Grounds maintenance workers
    Security guards and gaming surveillance officers
    Helpers–production workers
    Refuse and recyclable material collectors
    Hotel, motel, and resort desk clerks
    Miscellaneous assemblers and fabricators
    Tax examiners and collectors, and revenue agents
    Insulation workers
    Reservation and transportation ticket agents and travel clerks

    These are wage occupations. The salaried occupations are two: tax collectors and computer hardware engineers. The former are all public employees. Of the latter, 38% are Oriental or East Indian. So, evidently the fallacious screening process exists in every industry and you don’t have breakout companies prospering because they figure out a better process.

  10. No big deal… the big brained genetic cluster who really *are* ‘over-represented’ in writers rooms all jumped ship to digital streaming years back. Read credits or the copious inside-baseball trade blather. Denial is a River in Africa so please spare me any pearl clutching.

    CBS and the other legacy broadcast and cable channels are Legacy Sunset Industry Clapped Out Zombies serving the very old change-averse white boomer population and other groups congenitally incapable of achieving enlightenment no matter how much one belabors them with the Clue Stick. So it’s no big deal to hand over the keys to whoever is stupid enough to want them.

  11. Does this mean Democrats have decided to bring back racial segregation?
    “The Democrats Forcing a Civil War” through Antifa and BLM, writes William Gensert at American Thinker. This piece has provoked over 600 comments.

    “Through Antifa and BLM, the Democrats are preparing for war. The riots, looting, arson, and public beatings taking place every day are merely practice for the coming revolutionary conflagration. They are war-gaming to see how best to seize control of the streets and intimidate citizens into ceding their right to vote for the candidate they support. From the beginning, they forced the police to stand down. The constant drumbeat for defunding the police has sent a message to LEOs everywhere: ‘Don’t interfere’ when the insurrection goes hot.”


    Are people on the Right in denial? Or are Leftists underprepared and embracing the complementary denial?

    Commenter blademand-78 raises to utilitarian calculus of what’s coming by looking at the actual comparative costs: “they need to step down before it gets even close to a war. We don’t want it. They could all leave. For the damage they have done, it would be cheaper to ship them to Venezuela or Cuba.”

    I believe we’re past that already. The far Left have too much institutional power here, now, to ever give it up, at every level. Why would they “leave us in peace?”

    And Democrats beginning with President Bill Clinton have been well paid by Chinese stooges and the CCP. They want influence over the US for their money. And if Americans kill other Americans, that’s a welcome bonus!

  12. the message is: BIPOC cant make it on their own, they have to exist by the graciousness of their betters…

  13. ^The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon* is a popular misquotation of Kipling. Some anonymous vandal retitled Kipling’s poem *The Beginnings* and changed “English” to “Saxon” throughout. The matter has been discussed on literature.stackexchange:



  14. “…Rathergate…”

    Actually, I’d rather not….

    Since at this stage of the game—in these times of MSCM’s “Lie to the max until it becomes the Truth”—righteous Rather’s “Fake but accurate”(TM) sounds so very quaint.

    Alas, the latest revelations regarding the “newspaper” that brought us the “1619 Project” should surprise no one:
    Key graf:
    “Meanwhile, a second document released by Graham absolutely shreds a New York Times article authored by Michael Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti, and Matt Apuzzo….”

  15. FWIW – Zerohedge has the Strzok notes, as do many other outlets, but the only copy of Graham’s press release that I have seen, as well as more details that most of the pundits are omitting.

  16. neo writes,

    “The odd thing – or perhaps it’s the ironic thing – is that it seems to me that a lot of the people on the left driving this are white rather than black. A great many black people are upset that they are losing police protection and that violence in their communities has increased rather than decreased.”

    Seen at Glenn Harlan Reynolds’ Instapundit website:

    “It says something when you’re at a Black Lives Matter protest, you have more minorities on the police side than you have in a violent crowd and you have white people screaming at black officers: ‘You have the biggest nose I’ve ever seen.’”

  17. If these snivelling cretins don’t like Anglo-Saxons, wait until they find out about Full-on Saxon Saxon Blood Eagles 🙂

    (Hat Tip: Alfred Duggan, whose novels I discovered in the last year or so. Highly recommended!)

    On a totally related note, Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen on YouTube is pretty good.

  18. I have noticed that a lot of SJWs are white. Have the feeling that they probably come from pretty comfortable backgrounds too. (Probably not a lot of coal miner kids.)

    There were more African-Americans breaking from the Democrat Party before this happened and I wonder how much of what is going on is an attempt to stop this. If the Democrats loose their vote they are in real trouble.

    This news just show that people who can’t see people as individuals are attracted to the Democrats. They were the party of Slavery, Jim Crow, the Ku Klux Klan an so on after all. I worry that there are a lot of people whose brains are literally incapable of seeing people as something other than a member of a group.

  19. Is probably a Very Bad Idea for Progressive Culture Warriors to goad the Bad Whites into a place where they begin free-associating on double-barrelled nomenclature.

  20. Matthew:

    90+% of Black Americans will vote en bloc for the free stuff no matter what. For every Thomas Sowell there are 1,000 Tyrones. The sooner ‘Conservatives’ get that jammed into their skulls the better.

    The only way Blacks will vote with Whites is if it becomes an existential struggle against the Hispanics – which it may well do in the near future.

    It’s all very well to give people history lessons about Democratic Party of Yore, but it simply does not matter at the electoral level. Politics *is* Racial. Politics *is* Racial. Now raise that to the nth power.

    Just the facts. Without facing Base Reality there is no chance of victory, just more of the same old same old gradually and then rapidly accelerating slide down the slippery slope to where most of us know in our guts that we’re going.

    Good or Bad has nothing to do with this. Moral choices come *after* facing the facts.

  21. When I learned Hollywood was into child pedo slave trafficking, I stopped watching Hollywood movies, even for free. Maybe one every 5-10 years due to some personal recommendation.

    This was about a decade ago.

  22. “not one shred of hard evidence suggests that the pedagogy behind teaching for social justice works to lift the academic achievement of poor and minority students.”

    Teaching “social justice” is not a misguided attempt to lift the academic achievement of poor and minority students.

    It’s about producing cannon fodder and inculcating self-loathing in the majority of Americans. Plus, creating a meme of victimization among the rest.

    “Politics *is* Racial. Politics *is* Racial.” Zaphod

    In the aggregate, that’s still true of Blacks, Hispanics and Asians.

    In the aggregate, it has been increasingly less true among whites since the 60s.

    America has eliminated the laws and regulations that enabled discrimination. Whites overwhelmingly voted to eliminate the institutional barriers that prior to the 60s obstructed non-white socioeconomic success.

  23. Geoffrey Britain:

    Correct. And more fool Whites. Do they really think that all the other races will just get with the CivNat program and sing kumbayah? This is utterly insane pathological altruism. Perhaps one could be forgiven for believing in fairies back in the 50s or 60s, but we now have decades of evidence to the contrary.

    I’ve lived over half my life outside the West in very different but arguably older, more stable, and far less flash-in-the-pan civilizations. Nobody in East Asia would ever dream of self-flagellating and degrading themselves into some imagined Promised Land. Nobody has any illusions about other ethnic groups and there are no cash and prizes for defecting to other groups.

    At best, all the USA can hope for now is some version of the Ottoman Milet System. It’ll be lucky to be that lucky.

  24. I guess I’m one of the few people here who have an interest in BIPOC writers’ rooms at CBS. I like to watch a cop show called “Blue Bloods.” The show is popular among older, conservative people.

    It’s very common for the show’s writers to slip current events into the weekly plots, but it’s rarely done in a heavy-handed way. If “Blue Bloods” is forced to add more BIPOC writers, I’ll be curious to see how it affects the writing. If it becomes just another vehicle for the social justice warriors, then my network TV viewing will drop to zero. Oh well.

  25. Zaphod writes that this is “pathological altruism.”On the surface, yes. But it is also calculated Grand political Strategy.

    What possesses the Marxist Left, though, is recycling the “Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism” agenda of the SDS-Weathermen of early 1974 — it came out of Chicago radical left labor circles, which is where Obama’s mentor Frank Marshall Davis did his CPUSA work in the 1930s and 40s, as did Valerie Jarrett’s uncle working in the same agitprop circles — and why he went there after his education to do more of the same, and for nearly identical reasons.

    The Vietnam War, US imperialism of the Cold War, were the radicals evils of the day, requiring the destruction of American capitalism and a khumbayah, commune like-CHOP set of activist goals, laced with hardcore violence.

    Merely replace the war machine rationale with racism, racial injustice, and police state hyperbole and it all falls together: violent communist revolution NOW.

    Anti-imperialism is no more specific and no less a slippery definition than the moving target that “fascism is today: it means anything big, successful and lasting that block my whinny goals (eg, parents to a child).

    Wikipedia has a refresher. But the best and most vivid collecting the dots recap of its themes comes from a Reader Review at Amazon telling us how Obama’s Red Diaper baby origins in 2010 foretold The Movement’s future with us today. It’s all there, thematically:
    It’s long but highly consistent. And now it’s the deeply institutionalised Red Monster in our face, mightily funded (Soros dropped $220 million the other day, said one new report), and demanding we kneel and beg to these crazy overlords who just demand power and our blind fealty.

    I downloaded a PDF of Prairie Fire (available online). I’ve read roughly half of the 150 pages. I could not make it through the entire book. If the authors (Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Jeff Jones, and Celia Sojourn) weren’t bomb throwing/cop killing unrepentant terrorists, you could laugh it off as bored, disillusioned rich white kids in the 70s pretending to be Che to make their lives feel relevant and important. But Ayers, et al, and those who share their views are now in control of this country; thus, it’s important, and illuminating, to read the early, non-tempered views of some of the key players in the “Progressive” movement when they felt little need to moderate their message for a mass audience.

    Ayers remains unrepentant for his crimes to this day. His connections to Obama are span decades, and are numerous: Chicago Annenberg Challenge, Obama political fundraisers at Ayers’ and Dohrn’s nearby Chicago home, both were on the board of Woods Fund, they share common friends, and shared an office for three years, and perhaps most interestingly, yet unconfirmed, Ayers claimed he ghost wrote Obama’s biography, “Dreams of my Father”. The MSM didn’t feel these facts were important for the public to be aware of during the last election.

    The book is a love letter to collectivism, violent revolution, the psychopath Che (his portrait takes up an entire page near the beginning of the book) and communism in general. It’s peppered with quotes from Fidel Castro, and other communists. The book is an America-hating screed that blames the US, correction – white Americans, for the world’s ills. Much of the book enumerates these “crimes”. It’s heavy on Vietnam, as would be expected given it’s publication date, but it, along with Saul Alinsky’s works, will fill in some gaps for those wondering, “What is going on in this country since Obama took office?”

    The last chapter, “Against the Common Enemy” is a call to revolution….armed revolution. “Our final goal is the complete destruction of imperialism, the seizure of the means of production and the building of socialism.” (See: GM, banks, health care)

    It is heavy on “community organizing” haha. “Organize poor and working people. Go to the neighborhoods, the schools, the social institutions, the work places. Agitate. create struggle. (See: ACORN, SEIU)

    See if any of these tactics sound familiar:

    1. Ayers, et al also prescribe methods for infiltrating the education system, “We believe that radical teachers should work in schools in working class neighborhoods, in community or junior colleges. Radicalize other teachers, organize the parents.” (See: Center for American Progress)

    2. Converting the young to communism, “Organize among youth. Organize among women. Communists should play a big role in these movements, these popular upheavals which spawned us. This is our strength. Revolutionize existing projects and movements, analyze real situations, intervene with a revolutionary anti-imperialist perspective.”

    3. Internationalism, “Revolutionaries are internationalists. Our job is to build international class consciousness.” (See: SEIU – “Workers of the World Unite”)

    4. Using the black community to foster communism in the US, “The oppressed nation of Black people is the leading anti-imperialist force in our country. No doubt about it. History, continuity; militancy -even in hard times. Black and other Third World leadership has, in recent years, been the most internationalist and the most militant.” (See: Reverend Jeremiah Wright)

    5. Praise for Maoist China, “The quality of life of a Chinese peasant is better than ours. The Chinese have free and adequate health care, a meaningful political education, productive work, a place to live, something to eat and each has a sense of her or himself as part of a whole people’s shared historical purpose.” (See: former White House Communications Director Anita Dunn)

    6. Changing the US, “Our movement must discard the baggage of the oppressor society and become new women and new men, as Che taught.” (See: Michelle Obama “We’re going to have to make sacrifices, we’re going to have to change our conversation, we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history and we’re going to have to move to a different place.”)

    There’s more of this, much more. If you oppose the Obama regime, and its seemingly endless collection of Marxists, apologies for America, government takeovers, and union corruption you should at least skim through Prairie Fire. It’s quite rare and expensive in print, but PDFs are available for free online. Make no mistake – Obama and his team are the originators and descendants of the Weather Underground’s particular brand of internationalist class/race communist revolution.

    What astonishingly high opinions of themselves these folks must have. They assume to know better for the rest of us in every regard, and thus lying about their intentions and methods is acceptable. They know that 90% of America finds these ideas despicable, and would take up arms to preserve our Constitution. In fact, the Weather Underground planned for this eventuality and estimated they would have to “eliminate” 25,000,000 Americans after their revolution – those who would refuse to be “re-educated” (See: FBI informant Larry Grathwohl)

    The MSM complicity in this sequel to the failed revolution of the late 60’s cannot be understated. Obama was not only not vetted by the press, they actively withheld information linking Obama to radicals of many stripes united in their hatred for the USA. For example, the LA Times refused to release a tape of Obama at PLO adviser Rashid Kalidi’s 2003 farewell bash. And yes, Bill Ayers was there too. One can only wonder what is on the tape.


    An old pop culture Buddhist truism is “what goes around comes around.” Ne’er were truer words spoke, as per the Bard. This all the poisoned fruit of Barry and his friends.

  26. Diversity dogma (i.e. denial of individual dignity, denial of individual conscience, affirmative discrimination, color blocs, color quotas). Social justice (i.e. relativistic) anywhere is injustice everywhere. Progress is an unqualified monotonic function: one step forward, two steps backward.

    in the presence and under the steady eye of the honored and trusted President of the United States, with the members of his wise and patriotic Cabinet, we, the colored people, newly emancipated and rejoicing in our blood-bought freedom, near the close of the first century in the life of this Republic, have now and here unveiled, set apart, and dedicated a monument of enduring granite and bronze, in every line, feature, and figure of which the men of this generation may read, and those of aftercoming generations may read, something of the exalted character and great works of Abraham Lincoln, the first martyr President of the United States

    Colored or of color, Black or black, perchance White Black, or 1/2, 1/8, etc.?

  27. is that it seems to me that a lot of the people on the left driving this are white rather than black

    Whites lynched whites, and post-apartheid Progressive South African blacks lynched blacks in balanced racial harmony.

  28. the message is: BIPOC cant make it on their own, they have to exist by the graciousness of their betters…

    And women, and men, don’t have four choices and Pro-Choice/abortion the wicked solution. Keep women barefoot, available, and taxable. Yes, this is a common, persistent strain of social progress.

  29. And in case you missed this recent report of a study on BLMs strategic goals, in June, derived from 2016: “ Black Lives Matter: A Thing of the Left Anchored on a Cop-Hate Strategy” — look here.

    “As to it being the edge of the Left’s wedge: Anne [Sorock’s] research concluded that BLM was a unique and powerful means — and most definitely not a fleeting opportunity — for a phalanx of causes to achieve political and cultural success. From the report’s introduction:

    Black Lives Matter as a movement represents the hopes and dreams of leftist organizers who shared with us that, until now, they had never felt such a sense of hope and excitement that their goal – as one operative put it, “total social upheaval,” and “systemic change” – could be realized in their lifetime. From veteran agitators like the Weather Underground’s Bill Ayers to a new crop of social-media-wielding female and LGBTQ leaders, Black Lives Matter is encapsulating the hopes and dreams of multiple generations of progressives in a way, they say, no movement has before.

    The three female founders of the movement have made it clear, and the message has seeded itself as far down the chain as the operatives we spoke with, that Black Lives Matter is the vessel through which all progressive causes can ?ow. LGBTQ, illegal immigration, abortion, and countless other causes are simmering just beneath the public face of the focus on police violence. Even police violence flows neatly, according to Black Lives Matter, into economic violence – wage issues, workers rights . . . The panoply of leftist groups come together under this banner.

    Cop Hate is critical and central to BLM’s strategy, because by vilifying the police, by portraying individual officers and departments in general as racist, despite clear evidence refuting “systemic” charges, it will achieve the objective of harming the principle of the rule of law. That is vital. And when that happens, the Left will strike and strike hard, and in many places, strike with impunity. Also from the report’s introduction:

    Black Lives Matter presents an alternative view of the American story, rooted in Marxism and one that thrives on encouraging division. Many have criticized its avoidance of facts about bias in policing — facts that would directly counter the Black Lives Matter narrative. Nevertheless, it has captured the nation’s attention through its use of social-media and cameras but also by recruiting the young Americans who will fill the streets with their presence and engage the public’s interest with their fervor.

    If Black Lives Matter succeeds, it will have reengineered the minds of America to view our system, our history, and our future, through the lens of division and hate. In its dishonest weakening of public trust in the police of?cer, the representative of law and order and equality before the law, Black Lives Matter weakens the very foundations of our country.

    To counter this advance, marketers of freedom must understand why they are losing mindshare to the left’s Black Lives Matter ideology if they are to effectively counter their messages and rebuild demand for our principles.

    “The beauty, if you will, of BLM’s Cop Hate strategy is that it gives protestors actual foes, living and breathing, precincts, fat, juicy targets, as opposed to faceless programs or inert principles….”

    Cop hate is the wedge by which guilt induction can be activated into violence, and violence into authority and governmental control. “Education” into cause-head guilt by neoMarxist educratic indoctrinators of the young Moronielle generation is now the norm, as seen in the floor of the Ruling Class house organ, The New York Times.

    How can any corporate citizen resist this Resistance to the Deep State’s villain, President Donald Trump?

  30. Cop Hate is critical and central to BLM’s strategy, because by vilifying the police

    The modern-day canaries in the clinic. Abort them. Cannibalize their profitable remains.

  31. How is Trump doing with defeating the BLM/Antifa domestic insurgency? Exactly what needs to be done, explains Kurt Schlichter to former Daily Telegraph columnist, James Delingpole.

    See 26 minutes plus to 35 minutes, here:

    Their MO turns on decentralisation and concealment, retired Colonel Schlichter turned lawyer, novelist and pundit. Here’s how he slices and dices this domestic enemy, he explains in outline how eventual success is leveraged with time, given the constraints of our Federal system and that the media supports the enemy.

    This is information warfare Is to get perceptions to align with achievable goals. Quite worth you time.

    He continues by looking at the election and evaluating their respective realistic strategies.

    “If they (Commie Democrats) win this election, Trump and his family could wind up in their prosecution, I think he understands…, so I like his odds of winning,” he says later before returning to Occupy Wall Street, which served as a dress rehearsal for mobilising for George Floyd’s death at the hand of cops on video by these far-Left extremists, says Schlichter.

  32. I still remember Dan Rather having presidential candidate Bill Clinton on his show in 1991. He tossed Clinton puff ball questions for most of the show and finally declared that all those stories about Clinton’s sexual escapades were just lies by the Republicans. Rather evidently can’t tell the difference between fake and accurate.

  33. WRT “Saxon” and Kipling. Kipling had mentioned Saxons in a couple of other pieces. He differentiated them from other English. In his Puck of Pook’s Hill, they were the villains and the Romano-British the heroes in the stories about Parnesius, a centurion on The Wall. He had his heroes meet with the Picts. His poem about a Norman knight’s advice to his son about how to rule the Saxons makes the Saxons look good, in a way, and continues the differentiating of English “races”.

    A.D. 11.00

    “My son,” said the Norman Baron, “I am dying, and you will be heir
    To all the broad acres in England that William gave me for share
    When he conquered the Saxon at Hastings, and a nice little handful it is.
    But before you go over to rule it I want you to understand this:–

    “The Saxon is not like us Normans. His manners are not so polite.
    But he never means anything serious till he talks about justice and right.
    When he stands like an ox in the furrow – with his sullen set eyes on your own,
    And grumbles, ‘This isn’t fair dealing,’ my son, leave the Saxon alone.

    “You can horsewhip your Gascony archers, or torture your Picardy spears;
    But don’t try that game on the Saxon; you’ll have the whole brood round your ears.
    From the richest old Thane in the county to the poorest chained serf in the field,
    They’ll be at you and on you like hornets, and, if you are wise, you will yield.

    “But first you must master their language, their dialect, proverbs and songs.
    Don’t trust any clerk to interpret when they come with the tale of their wrongs.
    Let them know that you know what they’re saying; let them feel that you know what to say.
    Yes, even when you want to go hunting, hear ’em out if it takes you all day.

    They’ll drink every hour of the daylight and poach every hour of the dark.
    It’s the sport not the rabbits they’re after (we’ve plenty of game in the park).
    Don’t hang them or cut off their fingers. That’s wasteful as well as unkind,
    For a hard-bitten, South-country poacher makes the best man- at-arms you can find.

    “Appear with your wife and the children at their weddings and funerals and feasts.
    Be polite but not friendly to Bishops; be good to all poor parish priests.
    Say ‘we,’ ‘us’ and ‘ours’ when you’re talking, instead of ‘you fellows’ and ‘I.’
    Don’t ride over seeds; keep your temper; and never you tell ’em a lie!”

    Some of the same in his shorts about Hugh and his sister and the young Norman knight.

    Two things: Kipling wanted to be paid for his work, so it was either a good feel for his audience–iow they thought the same about England, and Saxons in particular as he wrote–or he was lucky in his Muse.
    And it would probably not bother him much to know that the substitution had been made. The characteristics of each, according to him, were similar, and worthy.

    Something else here. The whole world to the white race for the last two centuries. “STOP BEING SO MEAN!” Okay. We stopped. How long are the arrears getting?

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