Home » And the NY Times editors prove that they do have a keen sense of humor, after all


And the <i>NY Times</i> editors prove that they <i>do</i> have a keen sense of humor, after all — 12 Comments

  1. A generation ago, Meg Greenfield was assembling an engaging editorial page at the Graham-era Post which included Richard Cohen, George Will, Joseph Kraft, Emmet Tyrell, Joseph Sobran, Edwin Yoder, and Mark Alan Stamaty. The Sulzberger’s were serving up pseudo-judicious drone; soporifics like James Reston and Flora Lewis; and drivelmeisters like Tom Wicker and Anthony Lewis. Still, wretched as the Times editorial page was, it got worse. The smart money says Punch Sulzberger had sufficient residual integrity to screen out crud so pure, something his grandson lacks.

  2. So, the DNC and the NYT think the Trump campaign WON’T bring up Biden’s support for draconian and unAmerican Title IX persecutions for alleged sexual assaults on campus? I mean, the ads write themselves: “Here are young men who had their lives ruined by false rape allegations. Here’s the old man accused of rape who wants a different standard for himself.”

    And this is another example of how our supposedly smart elite make the dumbest of mistakes, in this case their faith that the quality of the reporters working at the NYT somehow magically also elevates the editorial page.


  3. Since Biden can’t even remember which state he is in or the office he is running for, who believes he can remember something that happened years ago. And why did he choose one of the “waitress sandwich” pair to choose his VP.

  4. It’s becoming harder for me to believe the Dems will actually go through with a Biden candidacy. However, I can’t imagine a replacement whom the Dem elite might consider “electable.”

  5. I agree with Kate, Biden will not be the nominee. The only question is who will the DNC choose to lock horns with orangemanbad.

  6. They are either straining at a gnat or straining in the smallest room in their house to get to the point where they can all just dump Biden and (somehow) haul Cuomo into his place.

  7. “I agree with Kate, Biden will not be the nominee.”

    I think people may underestimate how hard it would be to find a replacement. There were a whole lot of choices during the primary and Democratic voters didn’t care for any of them. Heck, they didn’t even want Biden until they got stampeded into it.


  8. My prediction is that Biden will be the nominee. Too hard to jettison him and no need to jettison him, because that can be done later in one of two ways. Choose the VP very carefully so that everyone will understand that’s who they’re really voting for. Depending on his mental state, throw him out prior to the election and have the VP run, or (more likely, I think) invoke the 25th Amendment and have Biden removed after the election and have the VP become president.

  9. I think Neo’s right, but Geoffrey may have a point as well; however, they can certainly be shooting for both goals.

    With the Presidency, even without Congress, they can still stop all the investigations cold; the political cost would be high with independents, but the Democrats will do it anyway, because the cost of any revelations that finally get through to the general public will be worse, but a lot of the damage has been done now.
    Some Democrats, of course, won’t care whatever comes out (see the discussions about trying to present evidence to left-leaning friends in some of the other posts; it’s rather horrifying and certainly discouraging).

    With Congress but not the Presidency, they can tie up the investigations by counter-investigating them (a boutique niche for this bunch of Democrats!), stymie Trump’s agenda (with some help from our usual friends), and push through “leftist/socialist/progressive” bills over Trump’s veto.

    (Hmm. If I change that to “Leftist/Socialist/Democrat” the true problem with this Congress may stand revealed.)

    With both branches, that would be political Nirvana, even with the brief kerfuffle of sidelining Biden. And then they get the Courts as well, so, leftist Trifecta!

  10. Astonishing how the MSM readily suspends rationality, ignores evidence.
    Tara Reade confided in a future hubby while working for Biden. Later the husband testified to a judge about it when he divorced her.

    So there it is. Confirmation. Twenty odd years ago. Printed on court documents. Before anyone cared.

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