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On the meaning of “pandemic” — 7 Comments

  1. Pan” is sort of “all” or “all the things”, “everything” (ta panta), where it isn’t about the horny goatlegged little fella chasing after the nymphs in springtime . . . and “demic” looks like “of the people”, “pertaining to the people”, so same root as demos.

    Springtime’s just around the corner, as it happens. Pan-ic seems to follow after horny goatlegged guy, somehow, or maybe run before him, rather, bein’ as the nymphs don’t necessarily want to be caught? Could be that like that long ago electrical blackout — with people staying home for lack of options on the town — there may come a rise in birth rates 9 months hence? People do people, betimes.

  2. Dallas County is now banning all events with more than 500 people. And yet, people will be closely interacting in restaurants, stores and events of less than 500 people. Its all smoke and mirrors. “ We have to do something!”….

  3. Stolen from WeirdDave at Ace of Spades:

    “The WHO has determined that COVID-19 is not transmittable through canine/human contact, and that any canines currently being held for observation should be released. In layman's terms, that means that WHO let the dogs out).”

  4. Whenever there is a pandemic, calling it a “pandemic” earlier would assist the decision makers in making better preparations. It will also increase “panic” and the costs of panic.

    It would be good for the news aware folk of the world to understand the “official” increased need for caution when the officials call something a pandemic.

    All pandemics will be economically costly, and there is always a desire to avoid calling any disease outbreak a pandemic, or an epidemic.

  5. Here is a page I added to one of my Astrophotography websites that I will update daily:


    Each day I’ll visit JHU’s GitHub repository and download the time series data for USA Confirmed Cases, Deaths, and Recoveries. I’ll import it into Excel and build Pivot Tables and Charts, then take a screenshot and upload it to my site.

    Ideally I would import just the time series data to my website and then let you visualize it with charting software. One step at a time.

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