Home » I’m surprised this critique of Rachel Maddow appeared in the WaPo


I’m surprised this critique of Rachel Maddow appeared in the <i>WaPo</i> — 37 Comments

  1. The criticism of Maddow is all about class. She’s not a trained and credentialed journalist and, despite an impressive college resume, she’s not really an academic. She’s not even a political/campaign veteran. Maddow basically started off in radio, for pity’s sake, so she’s fair game in a way that Jake Tapper isn’t.


  2. I assume the reasons are something altogether esoteric, perhaps mingled with irritation that she supplied talking points to people who have now been embarrassed by them.

  3. Maybe WaPo will start doing its job, but I doubt it.

    The story is that Obama and Val Jarrett ordered the spying on the Trump campaign and have covered it up. Samantha Power will rat them out rather than go to jail. Durham needs to squeeze her.

    BIG story. Bigger than Watergate.

  4. It’s the beginning of the CYA process to show that a) they (WaPo or whoever is talking, probably Maddow will be doing it to someone else soon) were a little wrong, and are sorry, but b) others were worse.

    Trump, Reps (maybe some GOPe, er, new Trumper GOPe?), and Trump-supporters can soon go on verbal offense against those who complain about Trump. The Trump-haters were fools to believe the lies, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

    Reps are not good at shaming others, tho. Not even Trump, who at least is good at insulting back those who insult him first.

    My fantasy:
    So, let me get this straight. You think Trump is a bully because a) he was being spied on, b) he truthfully said he was being spied on, c) the News said ‘of course no spying, Trump is lying’, d) Trump says they are Fake News; and now e) Fact – they WERE SPYING on Trump.
    e2) It WAS Fake News.
    e3) Trump WAS telling the truth, the News folk were fake.

    So, this is why Trump is a bully? Honestly saying the reporters YOU were STUPID enough to believe, that they were FAKE news?

    Ha! You’re just mad that the truth shows you to have been a fool…”

  5. }}} She was there for the bunkings, absent for the debunkings — a pattern of misleading and dishonest asymmetry.

    Aaaand this is different from almost all other lamestream media reporting how?


  6. ” . . . I might mention that one of the puzzlements of the entire Russiagate “narrative” has been the fanning of the flames against Russia – by the left. ” Indeed. I sometimes visit the statist vlogs and the comments from Stupid Left (where “liberalism” meets the Dumbest Generation) go on and on about Russia, and anyone who ever said hello to Putin is a traitor who should be shot. They come off as a new incarnation of the “liberal” caricature of Joe McCarthy. Weird.

  7. It becomes easier to understand when we remember that history does not exist for them when it doesn’t need to. Consistency means that you remember Wednesday what you said on Tuesday, and at least give a nod to it, however dishonest. Therefore, Russia? Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. Only today’s story and today’s victory matters.

    We keep forgetting this because we reflexively honor reality, and it catches us by surprise and we have to do the double-take again. We can complain all we want, but their strategy works on a lot of people, who just seem to need to be told who to hate today.

  8. Dennis Prager likes to say ‘truth is not a left wing value’ and I think this is a prime example of that. They used this issue as a weapon and whether or not it was true was of little importance.

  9. Color me suspicious of the motives of Eric Wemple and Marty Barron.

    Thomas Lifson over at AT picked up the story and finished with this:

    So, what on earth is going on? There are a couple of basic possibilities:

    1. There is always the possibility that a guilty conscience prodded real professionals to speak out, now that the dimensions of the fraud behind the efforts to falsely attack Trump are coming into undeniable focus.

    2. As Roger Luchs emailed me this morning, “I don’t think its intellectual honesty – I think it’s a signal to Democrats – warning them, so they can try to adjust their own message – before it’s too late.”

  10. You know what they say about stopped clocks.

    What’s next ? Will Maureen Dowd dump on Chuck Todd ?

  11. You think you know what the left thinks but you aren’t doing Leninthink. Leninthink means nothing is either good or bad or true or false but things are good according to the party’s need at that moment.

    Silly mortals thinking that the Left is about consistency instead of power. That’s how 2+2=5 now and lebenty-leben tomorrow.

  12. The whole “Russiagate” thing was an amazingly successful effort by the Dem elites to counter the obvious: the Russian hacking into the DNC, into Hillary’s personal and illegally used server, the hacking into John Podesta’s computer using his clever password, “password” and all the beans spilled from these places.

    The Dems converted this all into another Benghazi-“what difference does it make?”- except this time they re-invented it into a pile of rubbish with which to assault the president. They are clever, venomous, and black-hearted. They want to rule a boobocracy.

  13. While I’m at it, I might mention that one of the puzzlements of the entire Russiagate “narrative” has been the fanning of the flames against Russia – by the left. After all, Russia was the country about which the following exchange occurred not so very long ago – 2012, in fact. But because Obama was their hero, there wasn’t a bit of concern at the time (or later, as far as I’ve seen) by the WaPo or the rest of the MSM, just laughter at stupidhead Romney and oh-so-smart Obama:

    When Corey Robin had the audacity to contend, in what was billed as an academic book, that conservatives have no principles, merely improvisations meant to provide excuses for the rich to keep what they have, you could be forgiven for thinking he was projecting. That’s what they do.

  14. ASIDE:

    A while back i said you all should pay attention to the military stuff being developed with all that easy access to western tech and so on and so forth..

    Well, Avangard is now in service…
    It flies at 27 times the speed of sound – 20,716.3 mph
    and it can make sharp turns and maneuvers…
    It carries a nuclear weapon of up to 2 megatons

    and the 2nd prize is..
    The Kinzhal (Dagger), which is carried by MiG-31 fighter jets, entered service with the Russian air force last year. Putin has said the missile flies 10 times faster than the speed of sound, has a range of more than 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles) and can carry a nuclear or a conventional warhead. The military said it is capable of hitting both land targets and navy ships.

    you can return and sleep soundly knowing they are peace loving..

    i would be remiss if i didn’t point out that the distance from the test launch site to NYC is 5,507Mi – about 27 minutes as the Avangard flies…

  15. Assistant Village Idiot on December 27, 2019 at 3:30 pm said:
    It becomes easier to understand when we remember that history does not exist for them when it doesn’t need to.
    * * *
    The corollary is that history only exists for them when it needs to.
    For instance, the 1619 project at the NYT.

  16. Tom Grey has it right: It’s the beginning of the CYA process to show that a) they (WaPo or whoever is talking, probably Maddow will be doing it to someone else soon) were a little wrong, and are sorry, but b) others were worse.

    The reaction has begun. In the Wall Street Journal: A Horowitz Report Reveals Bias, but What Kind? The FBI gave Mrs. Clinton a pass while pursuing Mr. Trump even after the evidence fell apart. By Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. Jenkins says the bias was Insider against Outsider. The Swamp circled the wagons.

    The little wrong, sorry, but others were worse narrative is the new word for the believers. Several LA Times pieces in the last few days advanced that narrative.
    The believers will not change any time soon.

    Looking for historical examples led me to read Wikipedia about Boss Tweed. There was no sudden collapse when everyone saw the light, it took years for Tammany Hall to go away, but in the end Tweed died in jail. Hillary is the closest to Tweed IMO.

  17. it took years for Tammany Hall to go away, but in the end Tweed died in jail. Hillary is the closest to Tweed IMO.

    Tweed died in jail. Ward bosses ran Manhattan until about 1962 and ran the outer boroughs until about 1986. Not sure the cretins who’ve succeeded them are any more capable, just more inclined on the advice of counsel to stick to the corruption permitted under statutory law. (“I get you a 99 year lease from the city, you get my friend some insurance”), as well as more inclined to embrace witless sectarian causes.

    You’ve had some effective mayors in NYC over the years and there are aspects of state and city government that are run satisfactorily, but in general New York pols run the gamut from mediocre to grotesque.

  18. Ever since the release of the Muller Report I have seriously been pondering the Maddow issue: Is it even possible for a Leftist to be discredited? I first noted her many years ago pointing out how stupid Reagan was because he was promoting anti missile missile (Star Wars) research and she (who was much smarter than Reagan) knew it all was impossible. Lately she spent 2 or 3 years on Russia, explaining it all to us in detail because we are not as smart as she is. So, even though she is super smart, she gets two very big issues wrong – straight up wrong and in her unique condescending manner! At this point she should be huge embarrassment for the Left. But no, not only does she still have her job, she is a moderator at a Democratic debate! I actually tried to watch that debate, but when I saw her I had to skip the debate.

  19. On a different thread someone asked me if they they could help me. Don’t worry about it. I have a doctor’s appointment coming up.

  20. Between now and then I will probably posting nonsense. My legs don’t work anymore. And they are on fire. But I can out up with it for a few more days when my insurance kicks in.

  21. I used to be able to spell. Neo shared about her pain. Not trying to be a you know what. I can’t wait. Hopefully I will get morephine.

  22. I first noted her many years ago pointing out how stupid Reagan was because he was promoting anti missile missile (Star Wars) research

    Reagan left office when MadCow was 15 years old. I don’t think she was critiquing him in real time.

  23. It’s Devil take the Hindmost. Maddow is the easiest one to sacrifice. But don’t worry, she’ll be right on something. Orange Man Bad, conservatives Orcs out of Tolkien.

  24. Julie near Chicago, AesopFan, thank you for the kind words. I will of course hang in. My dad the sainted USCG Senior Chief and my drill instructor Gunnery Sargeant Holt made sure I am not a quitter. You can actually meet my DI. Search on the words “Pressure Point 1991.” He cleaned his act up for the video.

  25. Sorry it was Pressure Point (Revised 1990). Again, sorry. It’s not my blog so I know it is wrong to go off on tangents like this. But I can’t help myself. I am gritting my teeth waiting for tomorrow so I can schedule an appointment with my new doctor.

  26. If Trump and his agenda win handily next year, and it could be even better than that, the Democratic Party will probably turn to pragmatic rebuilding. They lost … time for a fresh start.

    They’re going to have to pick a more-plausible combination of positions & policies, without appearing to ‘go MAGA’, outright. This can be done … not only are likely options clear, but various Democrats have publicly voiced several. Populism – hey – is not a bad fit for them, naturally.

    Allowing Women to become a casualty of gender-activism has to be driving Obama up the wall.

    They still have enough long-time (if grudging, desultory) cred among African Americans to table a livable mea culpa … and get busy stealing the new GOP playbook that is proving disturbingly (if unsurprisingly) effective. The GOP haven’t been at it long enough to really own it, yet.

    You don’t necessarily need a big beautiful Wall from sea-to-sea, but you certainly need to have control of the border. Elevate immigration. Expand refugees. Bring ’em on! [The economy needs them, anyway.] But for crying out loud … don’t be a sap.

    The Media-Democrat alliance can’t make these changes the day after the Election, not believably. We should expect to see them already part way there, ready for the possibility, during the summer. Then if they do win, they rip out all the prepared dirge=copy, and party wildly with their base.

    Meanwhile, a few sacrificial goats, a little plank-walking, will help set the stage. Rachel Maddow is a glaring early candidate. She neglected developing herself along other lines, and went too far out on a flimsy limb. Left-media will probably have significant workforce-reduction to do, anyway.

  27. njc on December 29, 2019 at 6:52 am said:
    It’s Devil take the Hindmost. Maddow is the easiest one to sacrifice.
    * * *
    Somewhat like Al Franken in teh #MeToo hey-day.
    Whose sacrifice, I point out, the Democrats are now repenting of*, not that they intend to reinstate him, but they are noticing that those who just bull their way through a crisis seem to come out ahead. Governor Northam, for instance, was too valuable to be tossed aside, and (ta-dah!) is magaically now no longer tainted.**

    Anyone want to bet on Maddow getting fired?

    * https://apnews.com/f702205106e1459ab43f5e0918d6f58c
    ** https://www.redstate.com/nick-arama/2019/12/28/wapo-columnist-we-were-wrong-to-call-on-ralph-northam-to-resign-for-blackfacekkk-pic/

  28. https://www.redstate.com/elizabeth-vaughn/2019/12/29/__trashed-893/

    One America News (OAN) filed a lawsuit against super liberal talk show host Rachel Maddow in September for a defamatory comment she made about the network in July.

    Zerohedge’s Tyler Durden noted the irony of this defense in a recent post. They are essentially “arguing that her opinions are not facts.”

    If Maddow and her attorneys are serious about this position, this would require viewers to make judgement calls on whether a statement is an opinion or a fact. Considering that most statements Maddow makes on the air are either opinions or distorted versions of facts, it would be difficult to tell the difference.

    She begins by defining OAN as “the most obsequiously pro-Trump right wing news outlet in America.” It’s easy to see that’s her opinion of OAN. But, then she says OAN “is really literally is paid Russian propaganda.” To me, and likely to most people listening, it is stated as if it’s a fact.

    The second sentence, “Their on-air politics reporter (Kristian Rouz) is paid by the Russian government to produce propaganda for that government,” is stated as if it’s a fact as well.

    If the line between opinion and fact is this unclear, the audience would be forced to work pretty hard to separate the wheat from the chaff. And very few viewers are inclined to do so. They assume a political reporter will be (mostly) truthful.

    Not much anymore, judging from the current polls about the public’s trust of media.

    Discussing the statement Maddow made, an expert concludes:

    It is very unlikely that an average or reasonable/ordinary viewer would consider the sentence in question to be a statement of opinion.

    I am the second most widely-cited cognitive linguist and sixth most widely-cited living corpus linguist. The field of cognitive linguistics draws from both linguistics and psychology and studies how language interacts with cognition.

    Maddow did not use any typical opinion-markers when she stated that OAN ‘really literally is paid Russian propaganda.’

    In other words, due to the nature of her audience, Maddow forgot the First Rule of Defense against charges of Libel and Slander: use weasel words all the time.

  29. One reason for the polarization in America is that the elites have NOT been using the opinion weasel words in their dishonest, defamatory statements.

    On national TV, or in national newspapers.

    Lawsuits against them, which are won by the victims of the lies, will be one way to help the news folk clean up their reporting, or at least make more clear the difference between a fact-fact, and weasel opinion-fact.

  30. “at least make more clear the difference between a fact-fact, and weasel opinion-fact.” Tom Grey

    Well – they have truth, we only have facts.

    Citing Slate’s story in the interest of continuing the theory that some leftists news organs occasionally try to warn their compatriots about the dangers of blind partisanship — not that they object to the sighted variety, of course.


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