Home » Snap Brexit vote for UK on December 12


Snap Brexit vote for UK on December 12 — 19 Comments

  1. My money would be on another deadlock. The BBC and the big money will all be on the side of the EU.

  2. The fact that the Parliament wouldn’t do what the majority wanted is never going to go away. It will be felt forever as a defect in their system and will permanently weaken the UK in the eyes of the world.

  3. I bet Trump injects himself into the debate lol.

    I see another Brexit victory on December 12, which will help soften the blow of another Ruiz KO of Joshua on December 7.

  4. It reminds me of those elections over here in which Democrats continue to stage recounts until the desired result is attained. (After which, no more recounts.)

  5. The first time I read Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged”, I couldn’t accept that England and Europe were, in the novel, utterly socialist and in conflict with America.

    Who knew that she would be so utterly prescient as to be able to predict “Remainer” England and the European Union so accurately?

  6. First a little known stat from the last election:


    “And if only 50 people across just four seats had voted Conservative, instead of voting for the winning candidate, the Tories would have effectively won a majority.”

    This election is not only about Brexit. Labour party is already running around claiming that NHS (National Health Service) is for sale. To those not in UK and are not familiar with how central NHS is to the national character then think back to the London 2012 Olympics where there was no mention of WW2 but NHS theme was on prominent display in the opening ceremonies.

    Another significant issue is that in this election Labour and Conservatives are very far apart. Corbyn is quite far left from the usual Labour leaders and Johnson is bit more to the right than the usual Conservative leaders. A win by Labour will put UK quite far to the left. This will of course stop Brexit and placate the Scots itching for “independence” so that they can join EU. The exit polls from the last Scottish referendum showed that the native Scots voted to leave but it is the expats who tipped the balance the other way.

  7. Without a war, no one leaves a soviet sphere..
    and from its earliest days it was also called the European soviet
    with the idea that we would become such too
    but we have no idea how to avoid it… or oppose it…
    we would have to know what it was, to be something else
    we dont even have a common idea of what lengths and ends it would go to
    just like trying to imagine serial killers behaviors or what man does to man
    people who dont know, really have no idea of the extent of it.

    this is why the youth are all ready to fight the Nazis that dont really exist any more
    and instead embrace the soviets, who were more brutal, capricious, and random in their actions than the fascists… how could they?

    IF the brits even knew, they would never have allowed themselves into the European Union under the European Soviet in Brussels. in fact, most wont really understand how actually accurate my statement is, as they generally cant translate one of the words, and so will deny its the same thing by another name.

    from http://www.themoscowtimes.com

    I was reminded of the Soviet phantasm after reading European Council President Donald Tusk’s recent speech at the Batumi International Conference and subsequent tweet. Tusk said, “Today in Georgia I want to say loud and clear: The collapse of the Soviet Union was a blessing to Georgians, Poles, Ukrainians as well as to the whole of Central and Eastern Europe. And I’m convinced that also to Russians.” Tusk’s comment was in response to Putin’s 2005 statement that the collapse of the U.S.S.R. was the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century.

    As William Faulkner once wrote, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”

    and then there is this (same source)

    U.K. Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt provoked outrage when he compared the EU to a prison like the Soviet Union. Tusk in concert with many other European officials called the comment as “unwise as it is insulting.” He added: “The Soviet Union was about prisons and gulags, borders and walls, violence against citizens and neighbors.

    that is a simple reduction that misses the point..
    was the soviet union those caricatured evils?
    or something else?

    Interesting how Tusk can sum up what Churchill honestly couldnt…

    “I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest.” Churchill

    He had the key… And the EU was always important to the national interest..
    if you cant control these states each and separately and hold them
    you can control the entity you help set up to be supreme over the others

    The specter of the Soviet Union usually appears as an expression of nostalgia. We see nostalgia for the U.S.S.R. spoken in affective terms — a memory of past relations, tastes, smells, sounds and sights of the Soviet past. Soviet nostalgia is often derided as the folly of homo sovieticus or indicative of a creeping Russian revanchism.

    your knowledge from the past is nostalgia…
    as if you want the gulags the borders, and more back…

    Do we?

    The Soviet specter serves another purpose. The communist phantom is a reminder of the good old days when liberal democracy was in an existential, global struggle with its antithesis. But the demise of Soviet communism as a victory of liberal democracy is wearing thin thirty years on. Liberal democracy lacks a worthy antipode to reflect its grandeur. Liberal democracy’s ideological providence needs a righteous foe to sublimate its own internal contradictions.

    I guess that’s why we have open social democrats running..

    does it matter that Lenin was the leader of the “The Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP)”

    I guess not… As the things that such systems do is a fantasy of nostalgia

    so its really odd that the UK would want to leave, being tired of having the existence of a satellite under the soviet union, without a nation actually over it called that, except if you can translate Russian…

    its not that hard to understand why the UK is having such a problem leaving
    just as the satellites who were productive that the Union depended on could not leave. the model of action in abstraction already exists, in nostalgia..

  8. The “New European Soviet”

    Most Americans have only a very hazy understanding about what the EU is and an even foggier notion of how it came about. Unfortunately, most Europeans also have a very poor understanding of these things. They have only recently begun to recognize how blind they have been to the very real threats that the growing centralization of power in the EU poses to their national independence and their freedoms.

    However, it must be said that the main reason why Europeans and Americans both have such foggy notions about the EU is that the EU architects and promoters have purposely kept the real origins and objectives of the EU shrouded in deception. They had to do this, in order to foist this scheme on the peoples of Europe. If they had openly proclaimed their true objective — to end national sovereignty and create an unaccountable, socialist suprastate — the entire scheme would have been rejected overwhelmingly, right from the start.

    When former Soviet dictator Mikhail Gorbachev visited Britain in 2000, he accurately described the European Union as “the new European Soviet.”

    some quotes?

    “the most effective way to disguise their project’s political purpose was to conceal it behind a pretense that it was concerned only with economic co-operation, based on dismantling trade barriers: a ‘common market.'” – Belgian Prime Minister Paul-Henri Spaak

    The Treaty of Rome was, in truth, a constitution for a new government disguised as a treaty.

    And therein lies the actual problem…
    How to stop them from leaving, without exposing what has been going on since 1957? because if all the US states could leave, California and Illinois would lead the march to be independent of it, and each other two..

    the same process is how liberalism of the new kind was put in the US..
    This was not noticed by the people at first, because the EU founders were careful only to show their citizens the benign features of their project. It had been designed to be implemented incrementally, as an ongoing process, so that no single phase of the project would arouse sufficient opposition as to stop or derail it.

    Same with the lefts ideas here in the US, same process… if they would have started out with what is where we are now, would our past have gotten on the road to our present? would the EU?

    maybe this is familiar…

    Warnings about the true nature of the EU were routinely smothered by the globalist controlled, pro-EU press — which includes nearly all the major media organs.
    The architects of NAFTA and the FTAA openly cite the EU as the model for their proposed regional “common market” for the Western Hemisphere. For example, Mexican President Vicente Fox acknowledged on May 16, 2002: “Eventually, our long-range objective is to establish … an ensemble of connections and institutions similar to those created by the European Union.”

    IF we all knew this and other history…
    how pissed and desperate the left is in Brexit
    and even more so in the USA over Trump and negating their EU salami slicing
    would make a lot more sense…


    [the article was written by fellow freedom fighter: Vilius Brazenas]

  9. Europe tried to mend centuries of what was actually tribal warfare by creating a union after WW2. It was doomed to eventually fail. I give the EU ten years, tops. The false, imaginary center can not hold.

    I also think the center is lost in America. We will, with or without bloodshed, have to dissolve the union. The differences can not be resolved by conversation. The rule of law is soggy dead. Buy ammo.

  10. Via PowerLine Picks today


    President Trump’s dramatic intervention into Britain’s general election may have raised eyebrows, but he has made the absolutely crucial point that I have been making here.

    This is that the deal that Boris Johnson has done with the EU will damage the UK by preventing it from making beneficial trade deals with the rest of the world. It will keep the UK shackled to the EU but without the power to influence it. It will thus negate the point of Brexit altogether.

  11. What I hope for is enough Tory and Brexit seats to force a joint government, in which either Boris or Nigel, whoever is the PM, will have enough votes to actually exit the EU.

  12. There willl be a Conservative working majority – no landslide but enough seats to deliver Brexit.
    Labour will have an atrocious election because Corbyn’s ideas have no traction among voters and many currently Labour constituencies favour Brexit and the Parliamentary Labour Party is for Remain. Labour may well hold off the extremely Remain Lib-Dems in London, because there both Labour voters and Labour MPs are for Remain.
    The Brexit Party will fizzle out because they are a single issue party with little agreement even among themselves on anything else at all. It is not inconceivable that they might have a victory or two in Labour seats where voters are Brexit but for historical reasons will never vote Conservative.

  13. I’d guess, only bet less than $10, that the Tories plus Brexit party plus N. Ireland are enough to form a Conservative party gov’t willing to have a no-deal Brexit.
    Which might not be what Boris really wants; it’s not clear to me.

    Free Trade side deals is the only way Brexit wins for Britain, and if no-deal is the only way to get it, that’s what is needed.

    Most elite at least are walking back their alarmism over “Brexit means doom” — there may be some problems, and The City (finance hub of Europe) will take a hit, but won’t be knocked out.

    No-deal, or a deal with Free Trade, both seem more likely than a deal w/o Free Trade.

    I’m rooting for no-deal. From pro-EU Slovakia, which gets lots of EuroFunds for development. All such projects prominently display ads for how it was done with EuroFunds.

    Corruption throughout post-commie Europe has been hugely increased by EuroFunds corruption. Like African corruption being fed by “African aid” — where failure, and more pictures of more people suffering means more donations.

  14. I think the Tories will win in a landslide.

    Not because they get a huge proportion of the votes, but because of how first past the post wins in a very divided electorate.

    Remain will split between Labour and Lib-Den.

    Leave will vote Tory in their seats and Brexit Party in presently Labour ones.

    People who are middling about Leave will vote for it to end the present charade — which will last until Britain finally leaves. The EU cannot operate with one of its key players being a,constant spanner in the works.

    Unionists will vote Tory in Scotland to spite the SNP.

    Cue the Left to go mental when Brexit is forced through by a party with 35% support!

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