Home » First Tlaib says she will, and then she won’t


First Tlaib says she will, and then she won’t — 32 Comments

  1. This woman represents John Conyers old district. Conyers was a manifest jack-wagon, but he had black skin and a pulse beat, so it was all good as far as the voters in that section of Detroit were concerned. As we speak, the voters in that district are less chauvinistic and have turned over the seat in Congress to an Arab. But, we get to see what they’re content with manifest in both Conyers and Tlaib: an upraised middle finger. If Detroit’s electorate would like to know why they live in an urban moonscape, mirrors are very common.

  2. RE: Tlaib: “I have decided that visiting my grandmother under these oppressive conditions stands against everything I believe in–fighting against racism, oppression & injustice.”
    How does one fight against oppression by running away? Better would be to visit her grandmother, then go out in public, grant interviews, and see if Israel throws her out. Then she can claim that she was thrown out for public speaking.

    Brave Tlaib ran away.
    Bravely ran away away.
    When danger reared it’s ugly head,
    She bravely turned her tail and fled.

    Yes, brave Tlaib turned about
    And gallantly she chickened out.
    Swiftly taking to her feet,
    She beat a very brave retreat.
    Bravest of the brave, Tlaib!

  3. “. . . she will . . . she won’t”


    So she imagines she’ll induce “blue ball syndrome” in Israel? Ah well, congressional prerogatives, such as they may be.

  4. Let’s not forget this part of her statement: “When I won, it gave the Palestinian people hope that someone will finally speak the truth about the inhumane conditions.” I wonder how many residents of her district thought that’s why they voted for her. Pretty rich coming from a member of the “squad” that accuses Jews of having dual loyalties and undue influence on members of Congress when it comes to Israel.

  5. A total moron who does nothing for the people she is supposed to represent. This recent bungle only serves to remind us all that Palestinians are just collateral damage to the people who use them to try to make Israel look bad.

  6. A total moron who does nothing for the people she is supposed to represent.

    You’d have to scrounge to find an elected official who is inclined to do a blessed thing to benefit the people of Detroit. (Walter Russell Mead’s description of Detroit’s political class: ‘a pack of velociraptors’). The people of Detroit appear content with the sh!t sandwiches they’ve been served.

  7. “When I won, it gave the Palestinian people hope that someone will finally speak the truth about the inhumane conditions.”

    The Arabs on the West Bank and Gaza have 70 years under their belt worth of refusing to do anything sensible to improve their circumstances. The Democratic Party is a collecting pool of those who have no sense of personal responsibility.

  8. David French on the group, Miftah, that planned Tlaib’s trip:Writing yesterday, the Washington Post said that “Omar and Tlaib’s trip to Jerusalem and the West Bank was planned by Miftah, a nonprofit organization headed by Palestinian lawmaker and longtime peace negotiator Hanan Ashrawi.” The New York Times described it as an organization “headed by a longtime Palestinian lawmaker.” In its editorial, the New York Times editorial board identified it as a group “that promotes ‘global awareness and knowledge of Palestinian realities.’”

    This is a whitewash. Thanks to a Twitter thread from the Washington Examiner’s Seth Mandel — who pointed to multiple additional sources — I started looking at the articles and views published on the Miftah website, and it was like peeling an onion of evil. There was layer upon layer of vile anti-Semitism. …

    It would and should be a national scandal if GOP congressmen intended to partner with white nationalists during a visit overseas. It should be a national scandal that members of the American government intended to partner with vicious anti-Semites on their own propaganda tour.

    After its thunderous denunciations of Bibi Netanyahu and Donald Trump, will pundits, editorial boards, and reporters take a look at the scandal hiding in plain sight? Will they hold Tlaib and Omar accountable for their vile associations? Now is a good time to demonstrate their commitment to reporting on the full context of international disputes and exposing one of the world’s oldest hatreds. We shall see how they respond.https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/08/ilhan-omar-and-rashida-tlaib-partnered-with-vicious-anti-semites-to-plan-their-trip-to-israel/

  9. “David French on the group, Miftah, that planned Tlaib’s trip”

    Yet I’m pretty sure David French remains convinced that it is the morals and character of Donald Trump that are the real threat to America.


  10. John and Charles,

    It seems that you Just Don’t Get It ™ … what is important is that Her Voice Be Heard ™.

  11. You know sometimes it is ok to hit a woman, i know this because my sister told me.99th put

  12. Maybe she should travel to Gazah and “join the struggle” by firing some rockets at an Israeli kindergarten like her idols in Hamas do, then wait at the launcher to see first hand how Israel oppresses “innocent palestinians”.

  13. Can’t she be admitted then killed by Palestinian terrorists. An American representative makes a powerful target. And think of great funeral.

  14. charles on August 16, 2019 at 11:52 pm said:
    Wow, using her grandmother for political reasons – such a nice granddaughter.
    * * *
    Following her (now discarded) mentor, Barack, grandparents are just someone to throw under the bus.

    Erisguy: don’t think that Hamas wouldn’t consider it — without telling Tlaib, of course.

    J. E. Dyer dissects and destroys the Omar-Tlaib gambit as a failed attempt to move the Overton Window on US voters’ perceptions of Israel vs Palestine.


    RTWT – bonus is a nice graphic on how the Overton Window slides from one point to another.

  15. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/08/rep_tlaib_omar_and_the_three_nos_.html

    The BDS movement started with the Khartoum Resolution of 1967. Following Israel’s miraculous victory in the Six-Day War, the Arab League came together in Khartoum to implement a new strategy to defeat the Jewish State, since clearly the military option was an utter failure. The Khartoum Resolution didn’t change the objective of destroying Israel, only the method of completing that goal. This is obvious to anyone with a basic understanding of the conflict. Rather than using a standing army, the Arab League transitioned into economic warfare as a new means to achieving the same end.

    Proponents of the Khartoum Resolution point to the fact that it specifically mentions the goal of forcing Israel to withdraw from land it has controlled since June 5, 1967. Since Israel existed before 1967, they would argue that the goal of the Khartoum Resolution isn’t to eliminate all of Israel. That argument is intentionally misleading. The violence that began on June 5 was purely due to the Arab militaries (which surround Israel) preparing to invade. The goal from the get-go has been, and continues to be, the elimination of the entire Jewish nation.

    The Khartoum Resolution established the “Three Nos” that spawned the BDS movement. They said, “No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it.” Reps. Omar and Tlaib are living the Three Nos. No peace is an obvious one. Their refusal to recognize Israel is also rather blatant: their itinerary was titled “U.S. Congressional Delegation to Palestine,” a country that doesn’t exist. They make no mention of Israel despite traveling throughout it. And lastly, their refusal to negotiate. They want the benefits of Israel’s Westernized culture and privileges but refuse to speak to any Israelis. That’s simply not very diplomatic for a congressional delegation.

    Israel has every right to ban anyone who supports economic warfare from entering it — especially if such people are entering the Israelis’ country with the primary goal of advancing the BDS movement. It is clear now more than ever that America must stand with Israel against the BDS movement and economic warfare.

  16. Just the facts ma’am, just the facts.

    I still want to know how many times she has visited her grandmother.

  17. I think every member of the squad have been emboldened by the lack of leadership in the Democratic Party. The are green, freshmen congress members and they have been given too much power, too soon. It is astonishing how the the Dem Presidential Candidates mimic this crazy group of ‘girls’ while they campaign. And then there is the squad at an older age, Maxine Waters. She doesn’t live in the district that elects her either.

  18. ‘It would kill a piece of me”
    Can she try these gestures rapidly that we can quickly get to 100% kill

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