Home » Good Friday and the first night of Passover


Good Friday and the first night of Passover — 8 Comments

  1. Wishing a most meaningful Passover to our hostess and our Jewish commenters and friends.

  2. At this time last year I was in Israel, a blessed pilgrimage. I wish a Happy Passover and a Blessed Good Friday to all according to one’s practice.

  3. I was in the Navy, stationed in Subic Bay, Philippines. In the late 1980s, Maundy Thursday (the date of the Last Supper) coincided with the first night of Passover, and so many of the more Evangelical Christians called our Rabbi wanting an invitation to the Seder that we rented out the Subic Officers’ Club and had the Seder catered. The giant pain in the butt was kashering the O’club’s kitchen! Our 25 Jews in the congregation had about 100 Christian guests, and it was very enjoyable. Everybody had a Haggadah, and we had reading assignments for most of them, and we sang more English songs than Hebrew, but everybody had a good dinner and a good story.

  4. Happy Passover, Happy Good Friday – a day later.

    Our Church was standing room only, there’s a great feeling in a church full of good people. The West would be better if more folk spent more time on their church communities.

  5. Every year at this time I hear the story of Christ’s trial and persecution multiple times and it never ceases to astound me. Whether one believes in Christ’s divinity, the story itself is so profound. “What is truth?” “Why have you forsaken me?”

    For those unfamiliar, on Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter) most Christians reenact the Passion from one of the Gospels (this year Catholics did Luke’s). Acting as the citizens we have to shout, “Crucify him!” several times. When I was young I always secretly thought to myself that I would have not done that had I been there. Now that I am wiser I sadly understand we humans will always do this.

  6. Now that I am wiser I sadly understand we humans will always do this.

    Yes, especially on semi anonymous internet comment sections ; )

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