Home » The Democrats re-enact Animal Farm


The Democrats re-enact <i>Animal Farm</i> — 34 Comments

  1. Will the leftist views of these candidates backfire on them in the general election?

    Not when their opponent is saying stuff like this:

    “The reason Russia was in Afghanistan was because terrorists were going into Russia. They were right to be there…”

    Nothing said by any Democratic candidate is as far-left as this…the most pro-Communist words ever uttered by a US President.

  2. “the most pro-Communist words ever uttered by a US President.”


  3. The rest of the article is just as hard-hitting, literate and clever, and hence will have no impact on the Left whatsoever, which will start singing “Le Marseillaise” and ordering solar-powered guillotines any day now (as implied later in the post).

    No, no—that was yesterday. Today the revolution has passed over the once-edgy Obama (“bring a gun to a knife fight”). Now to the Left he sounds more like a crabby Bill Cosby ranting about falling-down trousers.

    Recently Ocasio-Cortez attacked former Democratic vice-presidential candidate and long-time Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman for not supporting her Green New Deal. Ocasio-Cortez simply Trotskyized Lieberman as someone of so little importance that the new Democrat 29-year-old had never even heard of him: “New party, who dis?”

    Liberals at warp speed became progressives who have now become radicals who are becoming before our eyes socialists—as ending capitalism, the internal combustion engine, and so-called white privilege become, for now, the new revolutionary agendas.

    Under the new revolutionary rules, wealthy white female Warren is not all that much more intersectional than the harder left socialist Bernie Sanders.

    Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, the Clintons and other senior Democratic grandees forged late-life careers on loudly talking about this and that “community”, and dropping “race and gender” into almost every sentence. But as in every historical leftwing stampede into extremism, and eventual nihilism, yesterday’s radical is today’s reactionary. Certainly, they never quite realized they themselves would eventually lose their exemption and be rendered white-privileged incorrect.

    But wait! There’s more!

    Now the revolution cannot figure out its own hierarchy of authentic grievance groups. So it has agreed on a loose “intersectionality,” in which over a dozen and often overlapping victim cadres agree that each degree of non-white-maleness adds authenticity and become a force multiplier of left-wing radicalism.

    Progressives are like a worn rope being pulling apart at both ends. At one end, there is an effort to radicalize prior radicalization, and on the other end victimhood is heading toward parody.

    And what is left is the emblematic Jussie Smollett—the logical result of the revolution, who alone has staked out the only authentic and ultimate revolutionary stance: nihilism—a state where no one can possibly rival Jussie’s revolutionary grievance credentials because they cannot exist in a reality based world.

  4. AOC and her mates are going to deconstruct the dnc unless they are taken to the woodshed. I am enjoying this circus. It doesn’t play in Peoria. They fail to understand how djt figured out how to win the Electoral College while hrc piled up popular votes in CA, NY, IL, and MA.

    Someone should informed them the EC is not going away anytime soon.

  5. And feminism will domesticate the cows, and turn them into draught animals for the farmer… given women are just as strong and capable as the men, they wont need bulls to protect them from male farmers and their wives…


    marginalize the bulls
    uplift the cows and give them the work
    take their children, even better, make em too busy to want to be with them
    They want high taxes, do that to them too – will help with the parens patria part above

    i been comparing this to the past. but you have to be on the verge of things to see it if you dont want to.. and you dont want to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which is why you will wait till some pundit who would never reveal what would end their career, to tell you what they wont..

    The Russian fox farm experiment took about 60 to 80 years to produce domesticated foxes.


    The domestication of animals is the mutual relationship between animals and the humans who have influence on their care and reproduction

    not like they tell them who to hate, who to love, who to mate with, who is bad to mate with..
    they provide abortions, and more…
    like any good farmer would… no?
    even better… years of selective breeding and culling?

    Domestication should not be confused with taming. Taming is the conditioned behavioral modification of a wild-born animal when its natural avoidance of humans is reduced and it accepts the presence of humans, but domestication is the permanent genetic modification of a bred lineage that leads to an inherited predisposition toward MASTERS

    The larger the size of the brain to begin with and the greater its degree of folding, the greater the degree of brain-size reduction under domestication

    which would explain the puzzling drop in IQ.. eh?
    A new study from researchers in Europe claims that the average IQ in Western nations dropped by a staggering 14.1 points over the past century.
    [women WERE the reserve of intelligence… what if its TRUE?]

    “We tested the hypothesis that the Victorians were cleverer than modern populations using high-quality instruments, namely measures of simple visual reaction time in a meta-analytic study,” the researchers wrote in the study, which was published online in the journal Intelligence on Thursday. “Simple reaction time measures correlate substantially with measures of general intelligence and are considered elementary measures of cognition.”

    and the scientists found out, feminism makes society stupid
    So why has there been such a steady drop? As UPI notes, previous research studies have found that women of higher intelligence tend to have fewer children on average, meaning that population growth may be driven by those with a lower IQ. And over time, the abundance of less intelligent offspring would affect the overall IQ average.

    when the reserve of intelligence is gone, out on vacation, their children are dumber and dumber and dumber and are less able to earn, less able to take care of themselves

    the effect has been measured.. its known
    the paper i sent neo was ignored, despite its harvard creds..
    guess some cant help defending their destruction..

    or do you think this process is not accelerating as the women now dont have the smarter men to pick from either… and evfen if a guy is a genius, without school, why would she be interested?

    but dont worry

    the farmers are fixing it, and we are letting them..
    the ladies are leading the way!!!!
    over the cliff like thelma and louise..

  6. Is Manju really that dense?? How in the hell can one state the fact that Russia (or in those days the USSR) going into Afghanistan because they were dealing with Muslim terrorists in their country somehow constitutes a pro-communism statement??

    Any person with any sense of logic understands that Trump’s statement is about ANY country responding to a terrorist threat and NOT an endorsement of a particular governmental system.


    Or, maybe Manju understands how the extreme left tilt of the current D party is going to hurt them and is desperately reaching for any branch before he falls into the abyss.

  7. Artfl:

    There may be some confounding variables involved regarding IQ of those who survived and their progeny such as the incredible culling of population in all of Europe that began about 1914. Not implying that the less intelligent survived and bred but that it was a catastrophe that ought to be considered.

    It’s been said that the 20th century (wars, genocide, flu pandemic, etc.) destroyed European civilization.

  8. IF you know soviet and german politics evolution in detail, this is the PROCESS
    your in the process… but did you learn to recognize it from the EXPERIENCED or did you, like leftists all around you, claim that experience means nothing and then just ignore it? to what end?

    “Us against Them”: Social Identity in Soviet Russia, 1934-41

    Resilience and Post-Soviet Identity Politics Are in Every Glass of Georgian Vodka

    The Bolshevik Revolution Reveals Six Phases From Freedom To Communist Misery
    A hundred years on from the Bolshevik Revolution, we’d do well to study the stages and trends that put free societies on the path to totalitarianism.


    how would it ever be possible for a free society like America to succumb to such tyrannical forces? I think we’ve spent precious little time trying to dissect and understand this process. – Author…

    There is a lot of overlap among the phases, but I think they can be roughly identified as:
    1.) Laying the groundwork; [early last century]
    2.) Propaganda; [1920s-40s]

    Photography has become an outstanding and indispensable means of propaganda in the revolutionary struggle. – Willi Münzenberg – in Arbeiter-Fotograf, 1931

    All news is lies and all propaganda is disguised as news. Willi Munzenberg

    3.) Agitation; [1960s]
    4.) State takeover of society’s institutions; [interim]
    5.) Coercing conformity [Current Gliechshaltung]
    6.) Final solutions.
    *(the brackets above are my addition)

    when i came here, we had not reache 5 yet

    tomorrow is a course that we have to take at work how white males are all racists… like all jews were what? oh, never mind… why would it matter before it was too late.. why would you want to stop number 6 if most couldnt make up their minds about 5?

    It should astonish us to realize that the obsessions of a few wild-eyed revolutionaries can blue-pill whole populations of peaceful citizens. But it’s all a matter of conjuring up illusions and mass delusions, no matter the brand of totalitarianism.

    To achieve absolute power, Lenin focused on fomenting a class war, while Hitler set his sights on a race war.

    today they are doing BOTH and throwing religion in their too..

    he goal of all such radicals is to seize power by fueling resentment and hatred among people through various forms of “consciousness”—particularly class and race consciousness.
    and that process was delievered into every home by women, who would raise the conciousness of their family, divorce their husbands, and give their children to the revolution which made them into victims… viva la revolucion!

    The chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party of the USA, for example, founded Refuse Fascism. [and if you go back he is just copying willi munzenbergs anti fascist groups… ]

    If you’re a true student of history, you can see that this is an old movie: mobs of disaffected, alienated people being exploited and mobilized by power elites. Unfortunately, very few Americans today, especially younger generations, are inquisitive students of history.

    Skipping to whats coming up:
    6. The ‘Final Solutions’ Phase

    we are not far.. we have post birth abortions… academics have the same ideas that the nazis have… we intervene in childrens lives to medically fix them for a future state, like joseph mengele tried to do…

    we are discussing lives unfit for living.. like aspergers… holland and a few other places allow euthanasia for it!!!

    they are talking openly of using emergency powers to hald constitutional foundational powers and such prohibiting government..

    In the last phase, which is fast and furious, totalitarian elites let loose their inclination to brutally eliminate their perceived enemies.

    what do you think they would do to Trump if they could? what do you think they will have the power and wont to do AFTER him?

    after subversion of a nation is complete. It’s as though they can’t do anything but eliminate their perceived enemies because they just don’t know how to do anything else.

    In this phase, violence is considered simply a necessary means to achieving the goal of centralized power. There is not even a pretense of due process or respect for free speech. Yet there are pretexts given for eliminating perceived enemies, excuses that have the perpetrators projecting their own intentions upon their victims.

  9. Indeed, Professor Hanson is on a roll.

    The article cited in this (current) post and two other articles posted recently by Hanson in “National Review” (links below) demonstrate precisely why it was so necessary for “New Yorker” interviewer Isaac Chotiner to shamelessly misrepresent Hanson’s comments and views in that magazine’s interview—discussed in the following recent post by Neoneocon:

    Hanson clarity and sense present a clear and present danger to “The New Yorker” and those who share its bankrupt worldview—assuming he can get through to some of them (which potentiality must be blocked as effectively as possible by the said publication).

    The two recent “National Review” articles are:

  10. Not implying that the less intelligent survived and bred but that it was a catastrophe that ought to be considered.

    well, this effect was known before and was an arguiment in the old days
    erased by those who won..

    it explained the rising iq of people in general that led to the boom in mankind
    women, selected husbands… (with family) for best in breed, family, etc..
    realizing we are animals and we are from farm culture, this was wise…
    [if this wasnt wise, why can adopters sue for not telling them about childs past?]

    the smartest women who kept home (a business) and so on, which in wealthy homes was more than washing dishes… it was a partnership with divided expertise.. would coach their daughters on what made a good man.. she was protected so a bad man wouldnt ruin her future… after all, the way life is, she is young and knows less than the elders…

    anyway… whether parents or royals or family help, selection made IQ go up..

    women WERE the reserve of intelligence..

    now… lets look at the change, ignore politics, and see what the outcome of the changed dynamic is

    in the past, since before shakespeare, people were careful about marrying..
    they knew you could not get a good puppy from a bad sire, why would people be different?

    given the fact that things like intelligence, sociopathy, szhizoprhenia and even violence, are things that are high in genetic linkage… you would want to know… but that takes TIME… and modern women cut their daughters loose to go hang out with wolves looking for a prince…

    so now, she mostly mates like a dog in heat… indiscriminately… hookups.. swinging..
    she does things taht bring desease and misery… and expects her loved one to join her
    her familyu has no say, so if she has a creep, and he can hide from her, thats good enough
    reputations are nothing now.

    you only have to look at the dominant change in mate selection to get IQ dropping

    but selection isnt all… take college.. 50/50 male female in 1968… really.. its in the charts.
    now its more like 70 30, and most of the men are not from the US so the women have few to date
    the smartest women are now freezing their eggs in hopes of a man to come later in life that her ideology preented from going to college and exposing his qualities for selection..

    with affirmative action and the tall tale that men dont want smart women..
    she is free to ignore that her policies take great mates, and bury them in the same jobs as bad mates!!

    oh…. then you have the whole welfare thing in which we fund underclass by taking from the lower upper prventing them from climbing…

    then you can also point out that all their advice is lower fertility and that educated women hear the devil every day all the time, while the poor undeduated lower intelligence person, is sitting around doing nothing or getting 20 to protest for a change to the system that will celebrate her or him…

    it wasnt the war
    the war facilitated the voting in of hitler
    it was a suprise detail… this is why the numbers arein percentages
    you have to work back from percentages and anyone who doesnt want to conclude refuses to do that
    like when i discussed it with neo once… pointed to all the feminist apologetics.. which also point to the fact its valid…

    ie. you dont need an academic to explain why your wet in the rain you might want one to convince you that its not the rain making you wet.. without the apologetics you might actually think water makes you wet and conclude the rain on your head is the reason!!!!!!!!!!!!

    go figure.
    but the game is almost over…

    why not watch ??????????????????

    The Chronicles of Melanie
    Official Trailer: The Chronicles of Melanie

    The Chronicles of Melanie (2016) Full Movie

    “The Chronicles of Melanie” Press Conference at Black Nights Film

    The Soviet Story
    The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences.

    so thats why you dont know about russia as much…
    they do a lot to prevent you from learning..
    the end of this will be probably cut off, which does the same
    but as i hear, its for our goodness. and so on and so forth
    wich is always the powerful persons reason…
    when do they EVER say they did it cause they want to do bad or want to hurt the other, etc?
    making everyones claims the same, eh?

  11. one day, you may know why russians smell bread when drinking vodka
    may you not know
    may you not know why slavs squat

  12. OM,

    Those confounding variables you mention may well have had something to do with it. I, myself, have long argued that success and meritocracy is in our “American DNA” because, like Hitler “shaking the trees” in the 1930s, we profited from the emigration of self-motivated Europeans who chanced coming to this country to begin a new life and left the less motivated behind in Europe.

    Furthermore, the continent of Europe has a history of divine right to rule that stretches all the way back to the Roman empire and Caesar as a god. The American idea of a government whose power comes as a contract from the people is a foreign concept to such an inbred mindset. IMO that’s why the continental elites look down their noses at those upstart Americans who are that nouveau riche family on the block lacking such European comportment and obeisance to tradition (remind you of anyone in the White House?). This is an attitude that has been adopted by our own American never-Trumpers elite posturing as European wannabes (as Barry Meislin call it above @ 4:30, a “bankrupt world view”).

    Notice I make the distinction between England and the continent. IMO this divine right to rule is decidedly weaker in England where, after the conquest of William (Duke of Normandy), English royalty balked against the French demand that the English king was in reality a vassal of and subject to the French throne. As such it is no surprise to me that we tend to view the Magna Carta of England as a precursor to our constitution rather than any continental document. It is also no surprise ot me that the English would, once again rebel against continental control (Brexit) only this time from bureaucrats in Belgium.

  13. As I recall, the terrorist attacks in Russia followed their adventures in Afghanistan, but I’d have to look it up. Russia was there as an extension of the old Great Game for power in the area. Bad idea. Trump probably has the timeline mixed up. There have indeed been horrifying terrorist attacks in Russia, in France, and in the US, among many other places.

    But Manju’s saying that this was a radical pro-Communist comment is, as Michael towns said, above, poppycock. Manju reminds me of a leftist who, many years ago, tried to convince me that Rush Limbaugh is a racist by cherry-picking a few stray comments from so many years on the air, comments which weren’t even racist. Limbaugh isn’t a racist, and anyone who listens for any amount of time knows it. Trump isn’t a racist, or Putin’s lapdog, and efforts to make it seem so merely paint the commenter as uninformed at best.

  14. “…with the possible exception of Nancy Pelosi…”

    Actually, Maxine Water is doing a pretty decent job of keeping up with those perky, if pesky, progs (but then Mad Max, it must be said, does have a bit of an advantage in the Victimology Olympics Pecking Order competition). Here she is at her world-class, record-setting best:

    But while she does have a most impressive amount of insane weaponry in her quiver, she does not—I repeat, does NOT—have Pelosi’s vaunted vorpal blade…

    …which will likely prove to be a huge disadvantage (along with a few other no doubt minor details)….

    No matter. Maxine Water will remain committed to the cause until the very end—-or until she’s actually committed—-whichever comes first.

  15. Like a fine wine, Hanson keeps getting better as he ages.

    The Left is finally beginning to reveal its basic insanity. Those disconnected from reality lack sensitivity to the consequential feedback that reality provides, which prevents them from effectively coping with reality. Thank God the Left has begun to self-destruct. We may be able to avoid another civil war after all.

  16. Hanson’s new book, The Case for Trump, arrived at my house today. Since he’s being vilified I thought the least I could do was buy a copy. 🙂

  17. physicsguy

    Is Manju really that dense?? How in the hell can one state the fact that Russia (or in those days the USSR) going into Afghanistan because they were dealing with Muslim terrorists in their country somehow constitutes a pro-communism statement??

    The “Muslim terrorists” were revolting against a Soviet puppet government run by the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan. The Soviet Union went in strong in December 1979 to install a better puppet, in the face of some leadership changes.

    IMHO, Trump did put his foot in his mouth.


  18. Neo,

    I will beg to differ with you on Nancy Pelosi; I think that she’s riding the tiger.


    This is the reason why I think that the Democrat party (actually, the Republican party as well) is in a state of decay. There was a time, and it wasn’t that long ago, when a young turk, like Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, would have quickly found a (metaphorical) horses head in their bedroom; especially after threatening senior members of congress. It seems that nobody has either the strength, or courage, to stand up to her or others like her.

    This is also why I think that Pelosi is riding the tiger. She may be in control right now; but if she loses control, even for a second, she’ll get thrown and then…well, lets just say the tiger will do what tigers do.


  19. KRB,

    Yes the Nancy is riding the tiger, and I agree the gop has similar, but not so deep fault lines. As a very skeptical djt voter, I am amazed how he has overturned the status quo, despite all the forces waging war against him. He has become in my eyes the crass, blustering, magnficent bull in the beltway china shop. I hope, probably futility, he stomps the china into a fine dust. This has been a long time coming, since 1913 as the ‘deep state’ sank it’s fags into the vision of the founders.

  20. The senior Dems getting put out to pasture were in the generation that said “don’t trust anyone over 30.”

    I also remember a bumper sticker I saw when I was 25: “Question Authority.” That got me thinking: Should I also question the authority of the person making that statement? Which authorities do they intend to be questioned? If I question their own authority, will that make them angry?

    It seems the former radicals grew up, still holding many of their radical views, but truly didn’t realize that their nostrums would be used against themselves. Which is what makes so many revolutions so tragic in the classic sense. We see the flaw, we warn them, we suggest better approaches – we are ignored, and sorrow and suffering ensue as they act out their fatal flaws.

  21. Parker:

    I’m not sure we can count on the Electoral College holding. The National Popular Vote Movement is marching on, and getting closer to having enough states with the requisite number of electoral votes on board to effectively override the system. Some have argued that under the Constitution, these states cannot reach a compact to do this without congressional consent. I’m concerned that either they will get that consent, or they will have courts uphold their right to do it without consent.

  22. Today there is a report out that AOC was chosen as a candidate by a group called the “Justice Democrats” who staged a national “casting call” of thousands of people, out of which all of these new radical leftist candidates–AOC and the two new Muslim women in Congress among them–were chosen to be put up as candidates and groomed and funded by the Justice Democrat organization.

  23. I’m now reading about Josef Tiso in Slovakia, and just at the end of the First World War 100 years ago, as Czechoslovakia is being formed.

    After Bolsheviks took over in Russia, they tried to take over in Berlin, but were put down. However, in Budapest the Hungarian Bolsheviks did take over, at first — but were then pushed back by the allies.

    I read about a Catholic Jew-hating socialism of local associations, questioning of capitalism but mostly in opposition to a secular socialism based on more materialism, bigger gov’t, and stronger anti-Christian cultural control.

    One can find reasons today is similar, and other reasons why today is quite different.

    A neo-Nazi (lite) is running to become the Slovak President ; he’s around 4th of many, but over 10%. We’ll probably have a run off between a current male kleptocrat semi-socialist, and a female anti-corruption big gov’t secular environmentalist (semi-socialist). Competing socialisms, not so different from 100 years ago.


  24. Suddenly the pattern coalesces, it all makes sense.

    Surveying the news from across the nation and from all fronts, its pretty obvious that those on the Left now think that “their time has come,” that their Gramscian Long March through our culture and it’s institutions has done it’s decades’ long subversive, undermining, and replacement work, has been victorious–has achieved its aims–and that we here in the U.S. have been softened up enough that it’s time for the Left to unmask itself, and to stage a full court press for the revolutionary changes that they have always really wanted, but were afraid to say out loud, and to advocate.

    Some signs–notice the Left’s virtually total control over the majority of the high ground of our culture–over the Academy, the Entertainment Industry, and the MSM, see the increasing tide of (largely un- or under-prosecuted) Leftist political violence, see AOC, see Bernie, see the open advocacy of Infanticide, see the two new Muslim women in Congress (the Left an ally of Islam), see the emerging prosecutorial state, see the now open anti-Semitism, etc.

  25. We now seem to be entering the reductio ad absurdum phase of leftist revolution.

  26. To add to your list of indicators Snow on Pine we may cite the reach of the now vast administrative state, with the weaponization of the institutions of government power for purposes of partisan political repression on the one hand or suborning lawlessness in administration on the other. Our every mounting pile of failure to reign in this phenomenon adds to our sense of loss on the one hand and of victory on the other.

  27. Regarding the Justice Democrats’ selection of AOC, Ms. Tlaib, and Ms. Omar:

    I left this comment early this morning on the “Justice Democrats'” hunting up AOC, Omar, and Tlaib (and either one or two more, IIRC) to push their agenda. Re-posting here, with sources.


    I’d never heard of Josh Bernstein, whoever he is, until about an hour ago, when I was perusing wattsupwiththat.com. But there’s a posting there about Mizz O-C, and in one of the comments there’s a link to this video by Mr. Bernstein:

    “FRAUDS EXPOSED: AOC found thru Casting Call! 5 Dems recruited-Political equivalent of Spice Girls!!!”


    It’s about 18 minutes long, and Mr. Bernstein says that this Justice Democrat outfit went shopping (issued “casting calls”) for political neophytes whom they could promote as Democratic candidates and who would then push their agenda.

    It’s certainly an interesting video, and it includes what are alleged to be clips of Alexandra Rojas, who’s the Executive Director of the group (and who is at least more attractive than A. O-C — although she rather resembles the latter), and also of one of the meetings. And if its claims are correct, then the whole AOC candidacy and election are not the result of even her own ambition: She answered the call (sent to 16,000 possibles, IIRC), was chosen, and thus a Starlet Was Born.

    The WUWT commenter also included a link to the Great Foot’s page on the Justice Democrats, noting that Bernie and the Young Turks in the mix:



    An hour ago, I added this:

    –Julie near Chicago on March 6, 2019 at 12:10 pm at 12:10 pm said:

    By the way, according to Mr. Bernstein, the lovely Rashida Tlaib and the illustrious Ilhan Omar were also successful applicants in the Justice Democrats’ hunt for fresh new know-nothing (Mr. B. says they liked people with no experience of politics or political office) faces to push their agenda in the halls of Congress.


    If anyone knows anything about Mr. Bernstein’s reliability as a reporter, I’d be grateful to see it. Thanks. :>)

  28. The Left’s MO in all this “information warfare” is to flood the environment–the intellectual “battle space”–among others via Academia, the Entertainment Industry, and the MSM—-with so much disinformation, with so much bullshit, and to ignore, or to bury accurate information so deep, or–if it happens to be discovered and gain some prominence–to so deny it, scoff at it, and to so belittle whoever produced it, that it becomes totally discredited, becomes labeled part of a “conspiracy theory.”

    Moreover, to “gaslight” us all–to make those who oppose the Left all seem ill-informed, crazy–“conspiracy nuts,” and deluded people who wear “tin foil hats.”

    Political Correctness, forbidding certain words and thoughts, and changing the meanings of words is but one facet the Left’s all encompassing disinformation campaign.

    Balkanizing us, and pitting each one of the “intersectional” groups they have designated against it’s opposite–men-women, rich-poor, black-white, straight-gay, bi-coastal–center of the country, American–immigrant, etc.–is also a part of the Left’s campaign to create chaos, to increase ill-will, dissatisfaction, and violence, to fracture and, eventually, to destroy our social and political cohesion.

    The aim of all this is to blindside and to overwhelm us–to come at us from all directions–to so blind and confuse us, to force us to deal with so many crises at the same time, to make it so very difficult for us to actually pierce the blizzards of bullshit, to find correct information, and to clearly perceive and understand where the truth lies, and what is actually going on, that it will be very hard, indeed, for us to recognize the magnitude and deadly seriousness of the “existential” struggle we are in, it’s source and it’s nature, and to put up a winning defense of ourselves, our culture, and our Republic.

    That’s what it’s all about, and it’s not the “Hokey-Pokey.”

  29. They aren’t re enacting. They were always The Animal Farm.

    Snow on Pine on March 6, 2019 at 2:22 pm at 2:22 pm said:
    The Left’s MO in all this “information warfare” is to flood the environment–the intellectual “battle space”–among others via Academia, the Entertainment Industry, and the MSM—-with so much disinformation, with so much bullshit, and to ignore, or to bury accurate information so deep,

    That’s ironic, since that is how the main sewer m got you all to believe in their reports for the Apollo moon landing religion.

    The aim of all this is to blindside and to overwhelm us–to come at us from all directions–to so blind and confuse us, to force us to deal with so many crises at the same time, to make it so very difficult for us to actually pierce the blizzards of bullshit, to find correct information, and to clearly perceive and understand where the truth lies, and what is actually going on, that it will be very hard, indeed, for us to recognize the magnitude and deadly seriousness of the “existential” struggle we are in, it’s source and it’s nature, and to put up a winning defense of ourselves, our culture, and our Republic.

    Amazingly astute for a human. *clap clap*

    It is not a frog boiling in water and then dying. It is a frog stabled to the grill, and then quartered by pulling on it with pitch forks in more than 1000 places.

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