Home » Victor Davis Hanson isn’t too pleased with his New Yorker interview


Victor Davis Hanson isn’t too pleased with his <i>New Yorker</i> interview — 19 Comments

  1. You screwed up. You trusted him.

    Never talk to the media; or if you do video the whole thing yourself and tell your interviewer you will release it if you’re not satisfied with what they publish.

    Smart fella like VDH shoulda known that.

  2. Always record the interview. We should have a fed. law ensuring recordings of interactions with the media is always legal. Probably never get it through the Senate.

  3. Newsflash. The media have no integrity at all.

    My mother was once interviewed by a newspaper reporter about the curriculum at her high school. She was most distressed to see what she said to the reporter cropped to make a point opposite of the one she’d intended (and opposite of the one manifest in her actual words). She got a disagreeable phone call from her old history teacher complaining that she’d misrepresented the curriculum. She had to explain to the woman that the reporter had misrepresented her. The year was 1948, when it’s a reasonable wager a great many more journalists thand do today cared about reporting and knew short-hand.

  4. If we made it an affirmative defense in assault cases that the object of the assault is a journalist, we’d get better behavior from journalists.

  5. If the Revolution turns bloody, we’ll be hunting down the Journalists and the Professors, with dogs, in the swamps.

  6. “We love to lie” (sung to the tune of “I Love to Laugh”).

    “And we love to misrepresent.” (No tune required.)

    “And we love to destroy people we consider beneath the pale (that is, people who don’t think like they damn well ought to, that is, who don’t think like we do…. Well, they have it coming to them. They deserve everything they get. Feh.).”

    And then we congratulate ourselves on our cleverness!! (We are so, so, so clever!! Oh, and moral, too! And we have history on our side!!)

    Another knife in their backs—another pat on ours.

    And what chutzpah this Hanson creep spews!! These meshuggeneh racist Trump supporters really have no right to complain. Gevalt! He—a Trump supporter!—-complaining about the Truth??!!

    Feh. He deserves what he gets. Everything. And then some.

    All of them do.

    And no one can say that we can’t demonize, degrade and destroy our opponents like the best of ’em.

    No one can make that claim.

    NO ONE!!!

  7. A person as intellectually learned and as school-of-hard-knocks experienced in the ways of the (left-oriented) world as is Dr. Hanson — I would not ‘a’ thunk it.

  8. “What.

    To quote myself responding to someone in the earlier thread:

    ” ” I’m disappointed in him, here. Why on earth did he give an interview to The New Yorker?”

    Don’t know, but at a guess he might have assumed the interview was about the book, or about his historically informed perspective on Trump, not about himself.

    I suppose victims of the progressive slander machine will eventually realize that not only is it unwise to agree to talk to them about yourself [Which VDH probably knew full well], but you cannot even give them the time of day if they claim to be late for a meeting and ask what your watch reads.

  9. So what happened to the edit function and preview?

    The second to last paragraph was supposed to be included in the second blockquote as the response.

  10. VDH should have known better. The msm ghouls are devoid of any morals or sense of honesty. Shunn them.

  11. Of course with the benefit of hindsight it is all so obvious to many what VDH should have, could have done. How many here have been in similar situations? Of course “I” would not have been so naive or foolish. Right. Think about it and what you are assuming.

  12. So what happened to the edit function and preview?

    I think Neo turns it off at irregular intervals to mess with our heads. Behind that Granny Smith, she chuckling.

  13. VDH should have recorded it — all Trump supporters, all conservatives, should be recording calls more often.

    Trump should have an org do a realWhiteHouse set of tapes of all his press, both to show what is really going on, but also to get better.

    I don’t like twitter, mostly; tho I do like that Pres. Trump uses it. 58.7 mln followers. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump

    Politics is moving farther away from the policy wonk and far more to the celebrity – PEOPLE / good publicity skills are becoming more important to getting votes than good policy.

    VDH and all conservatives do know better, just don’t want it to be true, that the Dem media truly are their enemies.
    (and edit allows me add here that I have it)

  14. DNW:

    That was me you replied to, in the prior post.

    But, yes, victims of the leftist slander machine should always have two independent forms of recording going on any time they interact with the media.

    BTW, your phrasing was “progressive slander machine” rather than “leftist slander machine”; but y’know what? I’m tired of meekly submitting to their word games, and this is an instance where I’m not going to call someone what they want to be called. When dealing with leftists, I’ve decided to go out of my way to put the word “progressive” in scare-quotes. My intent is to highlight the Orwellian absurdity of trying to turn society’s clock back to the worst errors of late 19th-century German political philosophers, and calling that “progress!”

    And as for “liberal”: I always replace that term with “leftist.” There’s nothing liberty-promoting or liberty-loving about the whole cadre.

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