Home » Trump and the Democrats respond to Tlaib’s obscenities


Trump and the Democrats respond to Tlaib’s obscenities — 11 Comments

  1. At least Cleaver called it “wrong.” Trump’s response was pitch-perfect. And no, Ms. Pelosi, it was, in fact, worse than some of Trump’s childish campaign insults. Which opponent did Trump accuse of having sexual intercourse with his mother? These vulgarities are becoming so common that people forget what the words actually mean.

  2. Hats off to brother Cleaver: “What she said yesterday was wrong. Wrong is wrong.”

    It is beyond time to recognize, and act upon, the fact that the Democrats are the true obscene vulgarians. Let us stop, on this site and elsewhere, complaining about Trump as if he were the only one at fault. His worst words pale into insignificance compared to all this Dem Motherfu*ker verbiage.

  3. Me too, me too — Feinstein is lying. There are no public speeches where Trump is obscene about his opponents that I know of — and I’m certain if there were, we’d hear it.
    Yes, like most alpha-jerk males he curses and says vulgar things in private, in personal conversations.

    Maybe even these obscenities, tho I don’t know. But it’s the Dems who are on gov’t sanctioned TV saying it, without getting fired. Often without getting fired.

    Any Rep would be crucified by the Dem press.

  4. AOC just announced she’s has “her sister’s back” with regard to Tlaib’s statement. Birds of a feather….

  5. And . . . the airhead just has to join in. We need to start planning their defeat ASAP.

  6. This is a very weird post.

    The original complaint was that Dems are hypocritical. But all the quoted responses are in fact critical of of the congresswoman, with Rep Cleaver’s being strong and unequivocal.

    That leaves us with only one hypocritical response. Donald Trump’s.

  7. “…talk incessantly about it…”

    I suspect that this is also the whole point of the Mueller “investigation”.

    Just keep that fabrication of collusion on the front burner. Keep playing that endless loop of Trump’s illegitimacy again and again and again.

    Simple. You don’t have to DO anything but let those hallucinatory and toxic fumes—that poisonous innuendo—do their filthy, destructive work. (Destructive, it should be said, of the entire country.)

    Keeping in mind that none of it HAS to be true.

    And the Democrats and the MSM will do the rest. With gusto! Brio! Panache! And all the hysteria and righteous indignation that they can muster.

    It’s called a War of Attrition.

    (And if enough of the electorate is swayed by this pollution, and if illegals manage to vote—at least one time—well then, the rest is in the bag.)

  8. The closest I’ve seen is Trump referring to “Adam Schitt” in a tweet, which had me rolling my eyes, but that’s still not in the same timezone as what Tlaib said.

    People can criticize Trump for his coarse public discourse, but they cannot criticize him for starting it. His election was in large part a result of the Republicans failing to respond to coarse public discourse.

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