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Cornhead reports — 19 Comments

  1. Warren Buffet and other biĺlionaire supporters of Alinsky disciple Hillary Clinton are perfect examples of Lenin’s trope; “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them…”

    Apparently, Buffett has never pondered, what the Left will do with the rich, when their usefulness is at an end.

  2. I recently sold my five shares of Berkshire Hathaway class B stock in protest. Reports that Buffet is devastated cannot be confirmed.

    I simple cannot fathom these billionaires who ride the big government band wagon. As GB suggests, they are akin to the “Lady from Niger”. But, I suppose that so long as the Democrat party needs to suck them for big money, they are safe. It is only when big government becomes self sustaining, without the worry of pesky elections, that they need to be concerned. I think the Democrats see that in their Tarot cards.

  3. Warren Buffett has lost his “magic” a long time ago. A large chunk of what BH now “earns” is from deals that only a well connected person can achieve (not exactly something available to the average joe, even if that joe were as smart as Buffett). And, even then, the recent BH returns hadn’t been impressive when compared to value index investing.

  4. Who says Hillary has no sense of humor? Going to a $100,000-a-plate dinner and talking about taxing the rich and “getting” Wall Street? What could be funnier than watching the fat cats lap it up?

  5. Hillary’s speech (on the Prompter) was totally banal and vacuous. She has had a press conference in over 200 days. She never takes questions from voters. The debates were friendly and she said nothing. She dodged questions from the Gowdy committee.

    I certainly hope the leaked emails are dynamite.

  6. BTW, not intending to impinge WB’s character, as I’m sure he is an upstanding citizen, in general, and does get credit for his self-made achievements early on.

    BUT, just want to point out that people give too much weight to what he has to say, sort of like how folks give too much weight to any celebrity.

    He has a lot of interesting things to say about investing, the markets, and valuing/rewarding corporate management. But his “expertise” does not carry over to the world of politics, particularly where there is the potential for conflict of interest .

  7. Oldflyer,

    Arguably, all of the relevant dynamics indicate that Big Government will become self-sustaining under Hillary Clinton. Which if realized, will make Buffett’s support suicidal.

    Big Maq,

    Agreed, which arguably makes Buffett an idiot-savant.

  8. GB and Oldflyer

    WEB fully benefits from Big Government. The main thing is the tax code.

    If coal is down and it hurts his railroad, he makes it up with $3b plus in free money for his windmills.

  9. Big Mac,
    I just saw on TV that Kim Kardashian is upset about her Blackberry and may be going over to a Samsung. We’ll have to see How many people dump their Blackberry stock because of this.

  10. I saw Hillary six times. Probably more than any one other than the media. The most amazing thing is to see persons enthusiastic about voting for her. The only thing I can think why they have that opinion is they are all caught up in the “historic first woman president” thing or they are getting something tangible from her election.

    The crowd was 60-70% female.

    There were also some anti death penalty people there. I almost asked them if they had read the Nebraska Supreme Court opinion about the US Bank slaughter in Norfolk. Cold blooded murder.

  11. Cornhead,

    My entirely subjective opinion is that 100% of the enthusiam surrounding Clinton’s nomination is due to her gender. They’re ‘over the moon’ at the prospect of a first woman President.

  12. I think the vast majority of sentient liberals would just as rabidly support Bernie Sanders if he won the Dem nomination because they realize that what really is at stake is SCOTUS and all that a liberal majority there would do to forward the liberal agenda of making us less of a nation of laws.

  13. “I just saw on TV that Kim Kardashian is upset about her Blackberry and may be going over to a Samsung. We’ll have to see How many people dump their Blackberry stock because of this.” – expat

    Ha! Right… one of the worst examples of celebrity – one without accomplishments of any kind. Yet, people follow.

  14. “Agreed, which arguably makes Buffett an idiot-savant” – GB

    Thanks mate, but … maybe you go too far.

  15. Buffet fought Keystone XL tooth and toenail,citing environmental concerns, like loosing tanker car business .
    He , and a lot of the wealthy business types think the Revolution will see their brilliance and place them in positions befitting their largess . Yep, like the guillotine

  16. Richard Saunders Says:
    August 4th, 2016 at 2:42 pm
    Who says Hillary has no sense of humor? Going to a $100,000-a-plate dinner and talking about taxing the rich and “getting” Wall Street? What could be funnier than watching the fat cats lap it up?
    * **
    They know she doesn’t mean them, just those other fat cats — preferably Republicans.
    It’s bait-and-switch for the rubes of the Left.

  17. They know she doesn’t mean them, just those other fat cats – preferably Republicans.

    Fat cats who are already wealthy, like Gates or Warren, tend to buy gov power in order to get rid of the competition. That way, nobody else can become as rich or as powerful, climbing up from the bottom, like the way Gates did for example.

  18. Warren and Gates and Soros, got theirs. They’ll die happy. But before they do, they will ensure nobody else follows them. It’s fine if they pour money down on the peasants like a noble showing them with feasts and games. That’s how Nobility Should Act. But that doesn’t mean any of the rest of you Peasants get to climb the ladder to where they are, which is what they use their current status and political leverage to ensure.

    That nobody else can do what they did. One vote, one time, so to speak.

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