Home » Fourth Freddie Gray defendant found not guilty on all charges


Fourth Freddie Gray defendant found not guilty on all charges — 10 Comments

  1. Chaos leads to anarchy leads to The Revolution, and that has always been the plan. Rules for Radicals is the textbook. Obama and his acolytes are on schedule.

  2. There’s not much evidence that the police abused force levels. After all, even if they were intentionally putting the brakes on while speeding, the prosecution would have to show that this was intent, not negligence on the part of the handcuffed.

    The police unions generate cachet value by organizing police troopers, and they tell them that they need to circle the wagons, else the crims, the lawyers, and the lawsuits will get them. And in some cases, that’s because the unions themselves are helping that along, via their connections to the Leftist alliance. So the police unions say “give us more money, more authority, more power, more political donatins, and we’ll make sure the mayor and the governor is on our side”. Which is to say, The Union Boss’ side.

    Like the trials of Socrates and Jean De Arc, which were politically motivated, they really have to fabricate evidence. Because they don’t have any.

  3. wm. tyroler:

    Yes, I wrote “trial” but meant “case.” The prosecutor attempted to try him, but the grand jury would not indict.

    I will fix, thanks.

  4. I’m doubtful that Mosby’s primary consideration is in placating the mob. She’s ambitious and doesn’t care how many innocents she leaves in her wake.

    In the larger context, Henry David above has the right of it.

  5. I’ve come to the realization that Obama and the Dems have absolutely feed this false narrative of “Hands up, don’t shoot” and needless police murders.

    I looked at some Facebook comments for a BLM group in Omaha and they are stunning. Also check out HuffPo comments.

    The atmosphere is poison. It won’t be fixed for decades.

  6. We could have achieved racial harmony and full integration 40 years ago if the white Leftists, the NAACP, the black activists, and Al Sharpton had quit “helping” black people.

  7. Neo, the case against Wilson only existed based upon lies. The prosecutor understood this, it is clear that his approach was intended to defuse the situation by putting forth a case that would spell out all the facts.

  8. Dons:

    As I said, the case against Wilson was not a good one. But compared to the cases against the cops in Baltimore, it at least rested on a legal foundation that could support some sort of wrongful death action. After all, Wilson did shoot Brown, and it was only the forensics that really proved his innocence. In the Baltimore case, the legal theory supporting the defendants’ guilt in Gray’s death was absurd on the face of it.

  9. In this case “reasonable prosecutors” WERE found who were willing to prosecute innocent cops.

    Funny how the guilty top Dems aren’t guilty enough for a prosecutor but innocent cops are.

    Hillary for Prison.

    BTW, I remember NOT supporting Gerry Ford partly because of his pardon of Nixon — I thought then that him going to jail might be good for the country. Terrible choice in Jimmy Carter, only Dem for Pres I ever voted for. (Switched to voting for Libertarians, so missed out on voting for the Conservative hero, Reagan).

    I’m pretty sure Trump will be better than Carter was; I’m certain that Trump with Reps in Congress will be far better for the US and the world than Clinton plus Dems all over.

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