Home » Wouldn’t it be interesting…


Wouldn’t it be interesting… — 12 Comments

  1. As I’ve mentioned, among my leftiest-left friends – who are of the class who voted for Obama twice and feel let down that the Obama presidency wasn’t all they had fantasized that it might be – are Bernie-or-nothing types. They are less inclined to vote for Hillary than half of us are.

    Some of them blame Republican obstructionism, but interestingly, while they’ll defend Obama in the usual way (I’m still racist if I express an idea that I don’t agree with his every thought, word and action, because the only possible reason that I might not is because I’m racist), they feel that Obama let them down and sold them out by not doing enough or being radical enough.

  2. Unless Cruz pulls a miracle out of the hat in Indiana and decisively trounces Trump, the Republican convention will be uncontested.

    However, it was notable that Sanders says he will continue on even if he is 100% sure to come up short on the first ballot. He is surely hoping the FBI/DOJ torpedo Clinton prior to the convention. With some recent polls indicating that Clinton vs Trump is no sure thing for the Democrats, there is actually reason to believe the Democrats will try to dump Shelob in August.

  3. At this point, if not a probability, it’s a distinct possibility.

  4. K-E:

    Yes, we’re all familiar with Trump’s courtly, logical, gentlemanly, respectful manner when dealing with anyone who opposes him.

  5. K-E,

    Thank you for that link. I watched all 7 plus minutes of it and what I saw was Ted Cruz forcefully yet very respectfully stating the facts to an average, low information Trump voter.

    The “average Joe” in the hoodie with the flames on it was rude, aggressive, bullying and didn’t display the slightest bit of respect toward Cruz. Yet Cruz responded to each of his taunts with vigor balanced by diplomacy and respect.

    Seriously, this is what you consider bad optics for Cruz? This is your example of a ringing endorsement for Trump??

    I don’t get it. Honestly I don’t. I don’t know how you could watch that exchange and STILL support Trump over Cruz. It’s truly baffling.

    You and Mr. Joe Average-hoody-bully are going to get your wish. And heaven help us all.

  6. CV,

    I agree. I watched the video and saw exactly what you describe. And to think I was crediting K-E as one of the more clear headed trumpians. Sorry K-E, I wanted to respect you as a trumpian, but you present as a drunk on kool-aid trumpian with your 2:58 comment.

  7. K.E. “Cruz comes across as a jerk in this video.”

    Sorry, but that link must be broken because that isn’t the video I get when I click that link. I see some jerk of a joe public being rude to someone who is trying to be civil.

    While I don’t like Cruz – for other, and many, reasons – I also don’t see any reason for the shouting and condescending attitude towards a politician. And I say that as one who thinks most politicians aren’t worth pulling out of ditch if they happen to run off the road – let them rot I say; but, still there isn’t any good cause for those jerks to behave the way they did.

    It is a shame that this is what “politics” and “political discussion” has become in this country – see who can shout the loudest, bully the most, and call the most names.

    It is bad enough when our “leaders” do it; but, does the average citizen have to really go that low?

  8. Sorry I disappointed so many of you. I still stand by my assessment that Cruz was the jerk. Why?

    1) Cruz approached this man. Not the other way around. Cruz walked over to this guy to confront him.

    2) Cruz is a trained debater and politician. He knows how to debate, has all of his lines memorized and has been doing this for months on the campaign trail with help from a team. Man on the street is not a debater. Did not know Cruz was going to approach him. Had no warning to prepare any kind of response to Cruz.

    3) Cruz hardly ever let this man say a word. He went on and on and on with his canned content. He had no interest in actually hearing what this guy had to say. In essence, it was a shadow debate with Trump through a voter just standing on the side of the road.

    Maybe you think most people are like you. They read columns in the news, watch videos, stay up on candidates and their policies, etc.

    Well, that’s just not the case. Most average voters like this guy don’t study this stuff. And there is nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their own level of interest in pursuing news and political junk. I admit, this is an obsession of mine. But I get that many many people don’t like reading this stuff.

    The expectation that every Trump supporter must also be able to debate successful on the side of the road at any given moment is a ridiculous one. I felt bad for this guy. I think he did what he could…keep smiling and trying to deflect the Cruz attack with funny lines.

    So, yes, it did make Cruz look like a jerk. Most average voters cannot go toe-to-toe with a politician…especially without warning or preparation.

  9. Well, K-E, you disappointed because you are a cultist. I support and worked for Cruz in Iowa and Nevada not as a cultist, but because he was the last conservative standing. You have shown you are not a conservative, you are a cultist worshipping what you believe is a strong arm dictator. You and the horse you rode in on. Personally, I and mine have no need of an another leftist dictator. Obama, been there, refused to buy the tshirt.

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