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DaTechGuy has a question — 7 Comments

  1. “So to review Enquirer story alleging Hillary Clinton lesbian affairs, not newsworthy…”

    Many Democrats don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, and the rest are too scared to say so openly. It’s not a mystery.
    Being liberal though, the media can’t help but cover stories that confirm their biases. “A God-fearing Evangelical is really a sex-crazed adulterating hypocrite? Special report at 5!”

    On the bright side, I’m thankful that this is being covered because it exposes to the GOP base what a slime-peddling sleaze Donald Trump is.
    The backpedaling of his supporters is just icing on the cake, as the more outgoing of them realize this is not playing well across the rest of the media.

    Still, if you venture into the belly of the beast at sites like Breitbart which have been overrun with the screaming Trumpkin garbage babies, you see that many of them are still inside the bubble.

    There, many of them think this will end the Cruz campaign in short order.

  2. Eh, we’re used to the scandal double standard, and the MSM has been covering for the Clintons’ marriage of convenience and extra-marital activities forever. It’s insulting that in 2016 that they still attempt to feed us the BS loving marriage fiction on top of ignoring each one’s liaisons.

  3. Matt_SE,

    Trumpkin garbage babies? That goes a bit too far for my tastes. Most Trump primary voters IMO have decided to vent their spleen by falling for DJT’s off the cuff, constantly changing carnival barking and somehow believe his self proclaimed business acumen translates to the Oval Office. The rest are crossover dems on a mission to insert a monkey wrench into the repub primaries. So far those particular voters have been successful.

  4. Okay, I probably went too far.
    But I’ll be honest: I’m quickly developing a seething hatred for these people. Seething.

  5. Matt_SE,

    My humble advice is to ease off the seething hatred. It fogs the mind and corrupts the spirit. Oppose them, yes, with every breath. It ain’t over until its over. Even if Trump fulfills his mission and hrc is elected, it ain’t over until I die, and I have confidence my children will carry on and teach my grandchildren well. It is never over no matter how stormy the dawn. The desire for liberty never dies in the USA, however difficult it is to believe otherwise.

  6. I saw the Hillary lesbian story last year. Apart from the fact that it’s just something else she lies about, the huge problem is that Huma Abedin definitely is joined at the hip to our enemies the Muslim Brotherhood, and she has TOTAL access, as we are seeing, to all of Hildabeast’s correspondence, including classified stuff. So Hillary is literally sleeping with the enemy.

    And as for the other dames she’s alleged to have bedded, who knows how many security risks, honey traps, and influence peddlers are among them? Plenty, you betchya.

  7. @Matt – Not hatred, but profound disappointment.

    Always thought the disdainful “stupid party” label was totally unfair, especially in light of the observation of how so many “low info” liberal voters (and compliant media) didn’t bother to vet Obama in 2008.

    It is profoundly disappointing to see such a large section of GOP supporters behave the same way towards Trump, even more so when their motivation is to “blow it all up”.

    Upon reflection since 2008, and particularly since 2012 election, have come to see it all as a “Tragedy of the Commons / Free Rider Problem”.

    For whatever reasons they may have, too many have left it to others to get involved in the political process (finding, vetting, supporting candidates through to election, and holding elected officials accountable).

    So, of course, those involved and the special interests supporting the candidates have outsize influence, and no wonder what happens in DC is not what people wanted.

    Nobody’s “listening to them” because they are not even “there” to be heard in the first place!

    Many sit back believing that Liberty is a “Right”, when, in fact, it is a “Responsibility” that needs care and feeding.

    Neo is right when she says we lived in a “Golden Age”, where it seemed we didn’t need to think much, nor do much about “politics”, and that we could just “trust” everyone else to “get it right”.

    What a mistake that was!

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