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Super Ides of March Tuesday — 53 Comments

  1. It’s difficult to understand how Sen. Rubio’s ego or whatever the hell it is that motivates his decision to pursue the spoiler role sorts with “the commons”. But a kind of tragedy, yes, to be sure.

  2. Crowing when you routinely win, such as championships, such as say… the Yankees, is bad form. Crowing when finally you have your day, when finally a sufficient number of people come to see, hear, and remark on all that seemed obvious is cause for… well… crowing — and then rejoicing — and then praying in thanksgiving, and then praying for deliverance. I believe they call it the wheel of life or some such thing.

  3. ” I don’t think Kasich will drop out unless he loses Ohio …”

    I have no idea what the guy thinks he is doing. What a bloody mealy-mouthed wimp.

    He cannot seem to make a simple categorical statement without either having to backtrack immediately or else start wringing his hands in consideration of the humanity … ahh the humanity! Sniff sniff.

    He should have stayed in whatever goddamned peasant flagellant sycophant community he came from. Not that I wish to appear judgmental or condemning, of course.

  4. Could it be that Rubio and Kasich aren’t dropping out because they see that as the best way for neither Trump nor Cruz to get enough delegates to lock up the nomination and force a brokered convention, in which case, either one of them has much more of a chance to end up on the ticket than through the primary process?

    There’s no way that can’t be a consideration…

  5. The thing is, no matter what Kasich wants I doubt he’ll have 172 delegates by the end of today. That is the cutoff for having any hope of winning, because if you have less than 172, winning the delegate race is mathematically impossible.

    Rubio will probably squeak by over 172, but everyone knows he’s finished.

    So ironically, the guy with no chance may be the one to stay in the race. The problem is, it will be very, very easy to delegitimize Kasich after that. So his voters may end up going elsewhere whether he stays in or not.

    The only question is whether it’s too late for Cruz to win outright. Even if neither he nor Trump can win the delegate race, it still matters a lot who ends the primary season with the most delegates.

    Trump said he would support the person with the most delegates, thinking it would be him. If it ends up being Cruz, he’ll have to break his most consequential promise to date and I have a feeling it will matter at the convention.

  6. Could Rubio release his delegates to Cruz on the first ballot?

    Ted and Carly are the ticket with Marco at Defense. Powerful combination.

    Trump could not put together anything similar.

  7. Cruz has been averaging about 6-7% higher than he polls which puts him within striking distance of Kasich in Ohio. (last poll he was 6 back)

    He could potentially take every state except Florida.

  8. I probably went a bit overboard in condemning Kasich. It probably read like I was engaging in an ethno-cultural insult.

    But, when will politicians in this country stop apologizing for our being alive, and stop assuming that our rights to live free as Americans have to be justified in a way which those who don’t wish to, don’t have to.

    You constantly read the proposition being advanced that people should be able to live wherever they want to. Really? In your house for example?

    What then: am I under obligation to clear, establish, and provide, for those how won’t and don’t, just because they wish to affiliate? When did my life become potential property for another?

    No wonder Trump is getting so much effen support.

  9. Steve D Says:

    March 15th, 2016 at 2:45 pm

    Cruz has been averaging about 6-7% higher than he polls which puts him within striking distance of Kasich in Ohio. (last poll he was 6 back)

    He could potentially take every state except Florida.”

    Let’s hope people are waking up to reality, and the alternatives with which they are really confronted.

  10. Donald Trump?

    The problem not Donald Trump himself as such.

    The problem with the voters who support him and who willingly giving their votes to him, this is the question?

    Why those voters giving Donald Trump their votes?

    Some one needs to go why this behavior of people made them giving their vote to candidate like Donald Trump?

  11. As a trump supporter i am not jubilant..

    thats like being jubilant for the need for police…

    if a huge cadre of the population was not democided, marginalized, ignored, and have zero representation for things that they are now to be cast into ovens and attacked by leftist brownshirts…

    would trump have made it past the start?

    Though, funny thing about history, the right people seem to crop up when needed and they are often not thought of as the right people until after…

    most of what people dont like about trump are not real things to dislike nor are they unusual in history of the US… they are just not what they been told by the left all their lives they should focus on… which they were told were infinitely important points which now turn out not to matter much.

    their consentual reality is being rocked by intrinsic reality..

    Most of what people are saying are conclusions to assumptives that a court would never allow at all as any form of evidence of anything.

    i am still waiting for the deal killer that would let me choose otherwise..

    but so far i have more on cruz than trump, and these are more real and substantive and contradictory if you take the time to look at them. which the cruz supporters wont, and i have dug just as deep on trump.

    for god sakes people, not agreeing on asumptions is not the same as not agreeing on actual facts that matter. you would have to first agree that the point matters before you can do that.

    to try to put this into neutral territory (which none would let me do) here is the press giving 10 reasons… (and remember we are going to not ignore history of others… remember if murdering a few hundred thousand people wont get a state to not deal with another, then bombastic bs isnt going to cut it either!!)

    Ten Reasons to Not Elect Donald Trump

    1: The Man is a Jest
    history: ford falling, bidens gaftastics, etc.

    2: His “Values” are Actually Bigoted
    cant get a straight answer on this, in fact i can find both sides of the point as reasons for no… ie. he beleives in one man one woman marraige, so he is evil to lgbt (the article points that out).. he is a crypto progressive, so he is not for one man one woman marraige and really is for lgbt.

    makes no sense. does it? and regardless of what he believes, it matters if he represents people, not votes his own, which is the point of representative government.

    besides, unless trump can trump this dem on bigotry in the white house, well, there is nothing of substance here either

    Lyndon Baines Johnson 1963… “These Neg*oes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference… I’ll have them niggers voting Democratic for the next two hundred years”.

    3: He’s Not the Business Genius People Believe
    no business leader has a perfect score, and this is irrelevent given obama business accumen… or even bush given his were all failures and he made money cause of elite games in state not good business… but its a non starter when everyone else has never had a business… even funnier is they fault him for doing things that make more success and would fault him if he did those things and failed.

    he is damned if he does, damned if he doesnt

    4: He’s Too Cocky to Help America
    LBJ called his penis jumbo, wanted to outsex kennedy, and showed johnsons johnson off to get his way politically, and would promote women he had sex with to private pool..
    and obama is not cocky?

    5: He’s Not Intelligent Enough
    not a requirement either… however, he has degree in economics, went to one of the best schools, and a military academy… so thats not true at all… obama is a phantom attendee of columbia, hillary grades are sealed, etc

    6: He’s Uninformed on Key Positions
    maybe maybe not given his butler just pointed out he spends a few hours a day reading all the top press and business stuff… but thats not a killer either, you think obama was better at that stuff? how about the peanut farmer?

    7: He Has a Greedmonger’s Spirit
    but has not broken the law to earn like so many others, does not lobby congress to get laws in his favor, did not use pac money or voters money or tax money to run for office, and more… so its a personal opinion at best, slander at worst

    8: He May In Fact Be a Racist
    and the dems are not? dem kkk, dem knights of the white camelia, welfare, abortion, minimum wage, etc… and notice a reason is MAYBE… maybe he is a unicorn too and will get the strawberry shortcake vote

    9: He Has a Shady Character
    yeah, the world is full of saints in politics and shady character is an opinion.. even more so when you look at woolsey, caught stealing… neils bush, caught lying on loans and causing tax payers to bail him out… abrams, who went against constitutaional powers and acted onhis own, was convicted then pardoned… and dont even start on hillary, bernies supporters..

    10: He’s Far Too Impulsive
    so the monica lewinsky thing was planned? but that again is a nothing and opinion that may or may not be supported given the way press manipulated this… or havent you noticed all the riots by “teens” and the press unwiling to report, siding with hoaxes and even this stuff as informative

    where is the substance? where is the he hates women and pays them less? he doesnt… but hillary does.. where is the cheats on his election team? none.. where is the FEC complaining about his filings? they dont..but are asking cruz…

    i can give a list of things for each candidate that is a lot worse and meaningful than those… those are more a popularity contest… ie. its high school and your supposed to go with the handsome black haired latin man, not the not to handsome, weird tanned, red head…

    this is why the cruz supporters are mostly calling names and ignoring everything that may be a red flag of substance… to equalize the two positions, and project.

    cmon people give me some substance… those are not substantial things given history and the world political class..

    im frustrated..
    i woudl rather have a world without need for police
    or a election without need for someone outside the system

    and i wont excuse people just cause they are running on thne side i may favor… so i am not being stupid about it. the above points are from the press… and not one of them matter compared to the other stuff of collusion, theft, bail outs, and even support of the opposition under the cover of trying to get votes (not condeming the brown shirt goons of bernie and hillary and race politics… )

    in fact, by saying the politician controls the masses
    cruz just told me he wont do a thing that those rioters dont want him to do, as he would be held responsible after his comments!!!!!!!!! so free speech is dead given that commentary… though i realize he was trying to get votes and may not actually realize that was what his point amounts to.

    if i am an honest man, do i hire crooks?

    if i am an honest woman, do i lie about events, and minimize the bad i do? or do i take ownership of such?

    substance people…
    opinions are not substance to anyone but the opinion holder and their cadre of like minded goombahs… theft, collusion, deals, support of the bad, etc… those are meaningful… but not to someone who wants those other opinions to matter when they dont among professionals..

  12. With the AZ and UT primaries coming up, it will be the first opportunity for Cruz to break Trump’s post-15th momentum. For that reason, Trump will do his utmost to win AZ, I would guess (UT isn’t really on the table).

    Apropos of that, a thought about birds-of-a-feather:

    Obama has nominated only a couple of cabinet members who weren’t political hacks, and those were due to the sensitive nature of the post: Comey at FBI, various heads of the Department of Defense. Generally speaking, everyone else was a sycophant, and it said a lot about Obama’s character that he would nominate such people.

    Trump has a pattern too. He surrounds himself with opportunists and cynics, or people who slowly became so over time. Christie, Brewer, Palin, and for Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

    For those in the know in AZ, Arpaio is a shameless self-promoter (not sure if he’s cynical or not). There are only a couple of other law enforcement people like him in the U.S. who anyone recognizes. You can count on Trump to play Arpaio’s endorsement to the nth degree before the 22nd.

    Again: birds-of-a-feather.

  13. ‘The problem with the voters who support him and who willingly giving their votes to him, this is the question?’

    Serious recklessness indeed but the why falls out of human psychology. We are getting very close to the point of no return for America. Vote wisely.

    ‘cruz just told me he wont do a thing that those rioters dont want him to do’

    Cruz has said over and over again that the rioters are responsible and that Trump has the right to free speech (just like Trump denounced Duke over and over again), yet these myths never end. I guess these poor guys will be getting blue in the face.

  14. I am not crowing yet. We don’t know the outcomes yet. We have also seen polls be incredibly wrong (see Clinton in Michigan). So I’m not thinking anything yet.

    I am more upset about Kasich still being in the race more than anything. He knows he has no path to the nomination, yet he wants to win his home state so he gets some sort of convention bargaining chip. Very very petty.

    I think Cruz has an excellent chance of winning Missouri, if you look at the 2012 election. I also think he could do well in Illinois as the southern part of the state is a lot like MO.

    No, I’m not crowing about anything yet.

  15. ‘i am still waiting for the deal killer that would let me choose otherwise..’

    None of your ten reasons is a deal killer by itself. Put them all together in one man though and you definitely have a humdinger.

  16. For those in the know in AZ, Arpaio is a shameless self-promoter

    you dont have to be in AZ to know that
    but that point is also a non point, as being a self promoter is how you succeed. if you arent, who will toot your horn for you instead?

    no one who wants to succeed isnt a self-promoter
    only people who dont want to, or cant add the word shameless to it…

    ie. its an opinion on what you think the successful would do or shouldnt do, without actually thinking of what makes success.

    its even funnier when you read the stuff on how to be successful.. the only ones that take the tack that self promotion are bad are places like huffington post and libs and leftists… who would prefer collective success and anonymity

    Success Without Self-Promotion

    does this sound like someone at the top of her field?

    Doesn’t seek attention
    Prefers collaboration to competition
    Is quick to give credit to others on her team
    More interested in the end result and in the challenge of the work than in promoting herself

    and then they wonder why they are not rewarded, have less pay, how the other evil person got more, and on and on.. makes a perfect comunist or mental person who sits waiting for a reward that never comes

    but if you go to business sites
    Why Self-Promotion is the Key to Success
    [edited for length by n-n]

  17. In the primary race, the consolation prize is the VP slot. Leveraging their delegates in a brokered convention to gain the VP slot has to be the motivation for Kasich and Rubio, if they stay in after today.

    Kasich’s recent assertions on illegals has to be the most moronic yet uttered. I stand chagrined, as I’d thought that Jeb! could not be surpassed for tone deafness, yet Kasich easily managed it.

    “Never underestimate the depth to which stupidity can descend”…

  18. Great. Just f*cking great:
    Rubio vows to stay in even if he loses Florida

    I hope this is just bluster from Rubio, and that when the magnitude of his ass kicking sinks in he reconsiders. Otherwise, it’s obvious that either Rubio & Kasich are completely self-centered (and maybe delusional), or that the GOPe has decided to have a brokered convention come hell or high water.

    They’re going to burn their own party down. Fools.

  19. P.S. there’s a third option:
    The GOP establishment wants Trump to win, and they are going to continue splitting the anti-Trump vote.

    That leaves only one, regrettable option left for Cruz:
    If Rubio and Kasich refuse to drop out after today’s results, Cruz will have to publicly humiliate them as traitors to the republic (or something equally harsh).
    If they refuse to leave, Cruz must make them so toxic that their supporters abandon them.

  20. Neo,

    At this point, a two man race after tonight almost guarantees Trump’s winning outright- his advantage and support is that strong, and it is foolish to think Rubio and Kasich supporters all go to Cruz, or the same argument if it were Kasich and Cruz to drop out. What would happen if Rubio and Kasich dropped out is that their supporters would likely stay home or split between Trump and Cruz. If you don’t want Trump to be the nominee, you need Kasich to win tonight in Ohio, and for both him and Cruz to stay in the race- there are still enough proportional primaries where the combo can hold Trump under the necessary number to win outright.

    Trump could have lost a two man race a month ago, but not now.

    This is just my opinion as someone who supports Cruz:

    The party is better to get behind Trump if he wins the necessary majority, or gets very close to the number by the end of primary season (he is sure do one or the other), than it will be if a brokered convention selects a second or third place finisher (or worse!).

  21. “P.S. there’s a third option:
    The GOP establishment wants Trump to win, and they are going to continue splitting the anti-Trump vote.”

    This has to be considered. Trump is such a crony, such a known ball-player, that the establishment would love to have him. It’ll be biz-as-usual. Despite recent attempts to suddenly make Cruz seem like the establishment guy, we know that the GOPe does not want Cruz, more so than any other candidate, and the best way of beating him is dividing the non-Trump vote so that at worst, they can get Trump even if the majority of us in the voting population don’t want him.

  22. IMO Rubio’s political career is over without a brokered convention and a place on the ticket. He’s unlikely to ever win a state wide election in Florida again.  He will stay in the race if he has enough cash to go the distance.

  23. Parker,

    If Rubio loses Florida tonight (and he will), he will almost certainly drop out. He might not even finish second tonight in Florida.

  24. ‘But hiring crooks does… being a crook does…’
    More perfect dictator speak has never been spoken. Ceasar used to say the same crap about his opponents. So did Putin. So do all aspiring dictators. What disqualifies Trump more than anything else is his authoritarianism.

  25. Yancey Ward,

    Did you not see my post above? Rubio is apparently promising to not leave the race even if he loses.

  26. Steve D, would you call a person pardoned by a president an honest man when he committed the crimes he was pardoned for? What if that crime was violating an international treaty while in office and supplying weapons to Iran? What if that was funded by shipments of cocaine that created the crack epidemic, and part of that was also used to attempt to overthrow a foreign state?

    if the above person worked for Trump, would it be as acceptable that he works for Cruz on his campaign committee?

  27. “Rubio vows to stay in even if he loses Florida”

    That pretty much cinches it for me, I see no other explanation than that the GOPe has decided to go for a brokered convention. But not to push Trump out, rather to give them the leverage needed to reach an ‘accommodation’ with Trump.

    The argument will be simple; taking on Rubio as Trump’s VP gives Trump some traction with Hispanics, as it promises a Hispanic President in 2024. Hell for that, La Raza and MECHa may back a Trump/Rubio ticket. It also gains a Pres. Trump the ‘cooperation’ of the Republican leadership, which he will need to pass any legislation. Those are persuasive incentives for a ‘deal maker’.

    From the GOPe side, it gives them a perfectly positioned future candidate for what will by 2024 be the largest minority group in America and, it gives the GOPe a candidate willing to do whatever the GOPe wants…

    I still believe that the GOPe is at the beginning of a campaign to replace its conservative base with the Hispanic block. If so, they’re going to need someone like Rubio properly ‘positioned’ in 2024.

  28. *whew*
    Rubio lost FL in a big way, exactly as expected. Then, he announced that he is suspending his campaign.
    He was just putting on a brave face for the last night, and is doing the right thing and bowing out.

    As I may have posted, Nate Silver broke down the shift in support if Rubio and Kasich drop out. Rubio results in a big net shift to Cruz, but Kasich is more evenly split between Cruz and Trump so it doesn’t matter nearly as much if he stays in.
    In fact, if he drops out after NY or a couple on Northeast states he might actually do some good.

  29. Update as of 9 pm:
    Trump gets Florida but Rubio drops out
    CNN calls Ohio for Kasich
    in North Carolina Cruz ahead by 10 points with 53% counted
    Neo’s blog provider may be hit with a denial of service attack–extremely slow.

  30. And again we close our copybooks
    And worship the golden calf
    Who writes his name in gold letters
    And slanders his foes with a laugh

    And the words of the book are forgotten
    That ”nothing’s too big to fail”
    And “abortion is always murder” and
    “He made us female and male”

    And again we forget the lessons
    And again we fail to learn
    That “The scorpion’s true to his nature”
    And “some want to watch it burn”

    And others will read our history
    And from our mistakes will be taught
    And then they will take up their copybooks
    And write what we forgot

  31. I too am having pages here load very slowly.

    So Rubio dropped out after all. Well cancel my prior speculation. Kasich has burned his bridges with Trump and is unlikely to get more delegates. Perhaps he’ll now drop out as well but even if he does, I too suspect it’s too late.

    Trump vs Hillary, what a perfect reflection of an electorate without a moral ‘rudder’… and thus, adrift at sea.

  32. If that theory is correct, that Rubio voters would go to Cruz if he dropped out, then Illinois and Florida would’ve been much closer. Missouri we can say Cruz might’ve won, same with N. Carolina.

  33. Also Kasich got his prized Ohio, can he now drop out and give his ego a rest? He should face the fact that he isn’t the GOP nominee.

  34. Rubio surprised me. He could have stopped Trump from getting 99 delegates if he had announced sooner when the polls all showed him losing to Trump by a significant margin. Now Trump is half way to 1237 and the math looks good for the donald to enter the convention with enough to win on the first round.

    Short of an indictment or a stroke, all hail The Shrew Queen.

  35. @ Parker: It’s quite depressing to me. I’m gonna point fingers at Kasich and Rubio’s ego. And then, maybe, to the Trump supporters.

  36. It is now all set up for a Trump v Cruz showdown. I like that.

    At least we will know.

  37. GRA, Cornhead, Parker

    Tis been obvious too everybody but Romney.

    Rubio is going to have this fiasco hang around his neck — for his entire lifetime.

  38. GRA,

    Trump, if he is as savy as his fan club insists, knows he can not win in the general election. Charade is the word of the day. Or else, Trump’s narcissism towers (pun intended) above and casts a shadow over our current messiah’s narcissism. It looks to me The Shrew Queen will win in a landslide that makes 1984 look like a tightly contested election.

    Yes, Cornhead, now we will know. But the odds favor the donald.

  39. I haven’t studied it but if no candidate gets the magic number before the convention and Cruz and Trump fairly split going forward, then it seems to me if Cruz gets Rubio’s and Carly’s delegates then he wins it.

    If Trump loses at the convention I don’t get why this is such a fracture. Ford eked out a win over RWR at the convention and that didn’t hurt him. Pardoning Nixon cost him the race.

    Why all these assertions the Trump people walk away if he doesn’t get the nomination? Sore losers to me.

  40. Cornhead,

    I agree a brokered convention that does not end with a Trump nomination is the catastrophe the chattering class chatters; but Cruz will have to arrive with only one or perhaps two hundred fewer delegates than Trump. And, don’t forget, the GOPe believes Trump is open to negotiation (which is true) while Cruz as POTUS threatens their rice bowls.

    Plus, I think, but have no hard evidence, that somewhere around 10% who have, and will continue, to vote for Trump in the upcoming primaries are dem ‘ditch and switch’ voters. We are witnessing a hijacking.

  41. blert,

    With Rubio voters going to Cruz, Cruz wins by various margins in FL, Il, NC, and MO. So yes, Rubio has a lifetime albatross hanging from his neck. Soon he will, along with Boehner, be a highly paid lobbyest circling DC like a vulture circling a carcass.

  42. What Soros, BLM, and Bernie followers did in Chicago is just a taste of what is to come after Trump is officially the nominee. Here are some facts. What you do with them is your business.

    California has an Hispanic population of 15,000,000.
    The 113 campuses of California’s Community Colleges have 2,100,000 students of which 42% or approximately 800,000 are Hispanic.
    The California State University system has close to 500,000 students at all its campuses, with a corresponding 38% Hispanic enrollment or slightly less than 200,000.
    The University of California has about 250,000 students with about 20% Hispanic or 50,000.
    Total Hispanic enrollment at state colleges and universities in California is well over 1,000,000.
    There are also a number of private universities like Stanford, University of Santa Clara, University of San Francisco, Pepperdine, USC, Claremont, Chapman, Loma Linda, etc. with unkown percentage Hispanic enrollment.

    Many, probably most of the state universities have ethnic studies programs. One can assume that La Raza and other radical groups have a presence. How much of the teaching staff is radicalized is anyone guess, but it is probably significant.

    There are 112,000 people in California State prisons, of which 42% are Hispanic. These are violent, hardened criminals. There is a revolving door that transfers many of these people into county jails because of federal and court ordered suits, and then out onto the streets and back into gangs. It is estimated that there are 120,000 gang members in Los Angeles alone. How many are armed is anyone’s guess.

  43. Eric Says:

    Why Global Climate Change and Global Warming no Activists give their votes to Al Gore

  44. The Republican ‘establishment’ made Donald Trump’s nomination possible:

    It has become routine for people who obviously never ought to be president, like Herman Cain, to enjoy success in the Republican primary polls for a time and conservative fame – and speaking fees and book sales – thereafter. Sarah Palin has made a similar career without ever technically running for president, raising funds instead for a political action committee that mostly spends money on consultants, giving very little to actual Republican campaigns.


    his time, it was Ben Carson who ran a “normal” scam campaign similar to the one people were expecting Trump to run. He raised a lot of money and enjoyed a brief honeymoon in the polls before collapsing under scrutiny, sold books, and made his campaign consultants wealthy, built a brand that can be monetized on the conservative speaking circuit, and compiled a fundraising list that can be rented out to other campaigns for years.

  45. The Other Chuck Says:
    There are 112,000 people in California State prisons

    Prisoners In 2014
    The number of prisoners held by state and federal correctional authorities on December 31, 2014 (1,561,500)

  46. You may not want to make predictions, neo, but I have no problems with it:

    As Rush Limbaugh said today on the radio, “why have a contested convention if the establishment wants to back Trump or Cruz?” They can back them right now if they want.
    The only purpose to have a contested convention is to *contest* the race.
    There’s no guarantee at all that the establishment will be able to find a candidate that even most people could get behind, but there’s another option:

    If Trump’s and Cruz’ delegates add up to a majority, they hold a two man conference before the convention and strike a deal, thereby cutting the GOP out of the loop.

    I have no idea what such an agreement would entail. I also realize it seems far fetched, until you think about what the establishment is trying to get away with in comparison.

  47. Matt

    Everyone is thinking the same thing.

    Trump and Cruz can — and will either singly or in tandem take the decision out of the hands of the GOPe.

    Policy wise they are largely on the same page.

    Trump long ago alluded to selecting Ted Cruz as his ‘wing man.’

    As long as Kasich is determined to sabotage the GOP — then it’s almost certain to end with Trump with a free hand — he gets the delegates solo…

    Or he — the deal maker — pre-deals with Ted.

    BOTH know that the fix is in to keep both of them out of the running.

    The GOPe REALLY would prefer a HRCGS as Despot.

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