Home » Germany prepares to feed at the Iran deal trough


Germany prepares to feed at the Iran deal trough — 29 Comments

  1. You can always find German companies selling machinery to less than savory places. Years ago it was found that Col Gadafi had a chemical weapons plant in Libya. Most of the equipment came from Germany. Now of course Libya did not place an order for 1 Chemical Weapons plant. But they bought pumps and compressors and mixers from German companies that knew what they were going for.

    To support the German welfare state you need a lot of exports. German stuff is well built and expensive (think Mercedes) so they go naturally to guys who will charge extra and not ask too many questions.

  2. The real European elite are busily selling their countries into the slavery that is Islam. When the heat gets too intense, they will flee to milder climes, sipping Mai Tais on a beach, while losing not even a moments sleep over their betrayal. Their front-men like Merkel are their prepositioned scapegoats.

    Some people need killing.

  3. I wonder how long it will take until the money is linked to an increase in Iranian sponsored terrorism.

    But of course Obama will hand wave any accusations away.

  4. For the record the US imports oil from Saudi Arabia [11%] and Nigeria [8%] and both countries are human rights violators and have sharia law in parts or all of their country. We have always done business with unsavory countries. That’s the downside of capitalism but it’s how it works. I don’t expect Germany to act any differently.

  5. I am anxiously awaiting the time when Barry the Onederboy and Officer Muldoon start raking in the “speaking fees” from the companies doing business with Iran. Then I can say to all my lefty friends, “I told you so.”

    Childish, I know, but still fun.

  6. MDL

    We were on the verge of energy independence when the Sauds started to pump at 110% to BK our energy industry. Doing a good job. Three BKs already.


  7. Commerce was what the Iran “deal” was always about. Airbus got a giant jet deal. Boeing got screwed!

    Watch and see. Three years from now Iran will explode a test nuke.

  8. MDL ,

    Cornhead has the right of it. We could easily end our dependence upon foreign oil. So it’s not capitalism per se but realpolitik, the special interests that oppose our drilling for oil and the Left.

  9. The deals are bad enough, but it’s the fact that most Germans won’t face up to their own selling out that drives me nuts. They are also big on China trade, and, of course, it was former chancellor Schré¶der who took a job with Gazprom when he was voted out. This BS is sold to the people as trade being better than war. Naturally, when things get tough the Amis are supposed to do the dirty work so their artsy craftsy elite can talk about how primitive we are. They did this during the whole Bush presidency, but they are a little more quiet about Obama, I guess because they don’t want to be like the racist Americans.

    The only thing that seems to have gotten to them is the VW cheating on emissions tests. This really got to their good German industry image, to say nothing of the environmental superiority.

    They did send troops to Afghanistan, but they were stationed in the safest part of the country so that the TV could should lots of pictures of them building schools while the nasty Americans killed people. They really believed that Hans Blix was going to get Saddam to come clean and cooperate with inspections. They really believed that the Syrian talks were going to work. It’s a fantasy world.

    When Merkel took office, people were speculating about how she would govern. I kept telling people not to forget that she would be chancellor of the Germans. That is exactly what she is. She has some good and some bad instincts, but basically she is treading a very narrown path between leftist nuts, businessmen who want to make money, and the relatively few sensible people in her own party. You only get coherence out of this when you skim the surface of what is happening. I can only defend Merkel because I know that that any alternative would be further left and far more morally superior.

  10. Once Iran has valuable contracts with five of the six members of the G5+1, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and Germany, the United States will find it impossible to re-impose sanctions, regardless of who is President or how egregious the violation.

  11. http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/02/02/top-german-journalist-admits-live-on-air-national-news-agenda-set-by-government/


    Obama has a similar ability to control American broadcasters, too.

    High officials within the White House are MARRIED to high authorities within the national broadcast media.

    Perhaps the most famous couple that was not exposed as married was Mr. & Mrs. Alan Greenspan. ( Andrea Mitchell )

    The news media and the White House DO NOT publicize these marriages — for reasons obvious.

    Similarly, the fact that Fox News Debate chief’s daughter runs Marco Rubio’s media operations — was never made public by Fox.

    It leaked out by Internet.

    One might note that the last debate was a Stop Cruz debate — with Marco Rubio promoted quite nicely.

    ALL of the questions were written by the father of his own media director.

    Hence, the affair was a SHAM.

    I’d say that that Fox manipulation was good for an 8 point swing… +4 for Rubio … -4 for Cruz.

  12. Nigeria no longer exports meaningful amounts of crude to America.

    Instead, it has shifted its aim up to Europe — picking up the demand for light, sweet crude created by the cratering of Libya.

    The fracking revolution produces light, sweet crude… by far the most valuable crude.

    KSA no longer produces light, sweet crude for the American market. Her production (just the light, sweet) has tailed off tremendously.

    This reality is why KSA spent huge to build the middle distillates refinery at Yanbu. Yes, it’s finally up to full output.

    It permits KSA the capacity to export to Europe — anywhere, really.

    The massive Yanbu complex takes very heavy, sour crude — and treats it with world scale process flows — resulting in middle distillates ( fuel oils, Diesel fuel ) that are very low in sulfur.

    The German deal referred to in neo’s post will create an Iranian ‘Yanbu’ — probably twice or three times the size.

    As of now, Iran has had to suffer very, very low prices — as virtually all of its exports trade at a discount to the benchmark grades we keep reading about in the news.

    For some grades, the discounts are shocking… 60% off and so forth. ( True for viscous grades that need to travel in heated pipes and insulated tankers. Alaskan crude is of such a nature.)

    Only a few nations have the $$$$$ and the tech to build refineries that can handle such crudes.

    Red China
    Venezuela ( now in disrepair )
    Saudi Arabia

    Hence, the Iranians have been in a box.

    Their only customers — in volume — have been Japan, China,
    Singapore and India.

    ( Japan has ALWAYS been exempted from our Iranian dealing embargo — as Japan has no alternative. We refused to sell Alaskan crude to her — no matter how much Tokyo begged. )

    ( When Japan started to tail off its purchases — as the supply opened up elsewhere — Tehran REALLY hit the skids. )

  13. Other angle:tie commerce deals with Iran to future donors to the historic Obama library. Correlation.

  14. For the Iranians the Iran deal was always about getting the sanctions lifted. Their economy is in really bad shape and their ability to export terrorism has been relatively impotent. Now everything is starting to come up roses for them. They have already violated the agreement. They are laughing at Obama and Kerry. The knifing attacks in Israel began as the deal was consummated. There is no doubt in my mind that, just like Saddam, Iran will pay benefits to the families of “suicide murderers.” The money is now available. Expect more violence and attacks all over the ME.

    Of all the awful things that Obama has done, the Iran deal may be the absolute worst. The man has blood on his hands and has fomented bloody chaos where there was a semblance of order in 2008.

  15. Agree with JJ, I wonder when and where the bill will be paid for electing this man and how much it will be?

  16. I wonder what kind of payoff Val Jarrett got from Iran?

    From the movie “Inside Man”: Diamonds!

  17. When John Kerry tried to sell the Iranian agreement in the USA he (and Obama) emphasized the “snap back” capability — i.e., that sanctions could be re-imposed “quickly”. That is no longer the case and the agreement only came entered into effect last month. The scale of dishonesty (or stupidity) demonstrated by this administration is monumental.

  18. Just think of how much power they can grab with a minor nuclear emergency… they could rework most of society to whatever whims they want as long as they told the people post event that it will fix things..

    fabian stained glass window writ large

    “I have talked face to face with the godless communist leaders. It may surprise you to learn that I was host to Mr. Kruschev for a half day when he visited the United States, not that I’m proud of it. I opposed his coming then, and I still feel it was a mistake to welcome this atheistic murderer as a state visitor. But, according to President Eisenhower, Kruschev had expressed a desire to learn something of American Agriculture – and after seeing Russian agriculture I can understand why. As we talked face to face, he indicated that my grandchildren would live under communism. After assuring him that I expected to do all in my power to assure that his and all other grandchildren will live under freedom he arrogantly declaired in substance:

    “ ‘You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands.’

    “And they’re ahead of schedule in their devilish scheme.”

    (Ezra Taft Benson “Our Immediate Responsibility.” Devotional Address at Brigham Young University. circa 1968.”)

    “Under Socialism, you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you would have to live well.” George Bernard Shaw: The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism, 1928, pg. 470) (as quoted in The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin p. 101.)

  19. Think about the “Iran deal” just for a second.
    To keep the math simple, let’s just say Iran gets access to $100 Billion.
    A 1% commission to Barack on this deal would be $1 Billion. 1% is peanuts.
    Typical realtor commission for selling your house is 6%.
    And Barack Hussein won’t be declaring his take to the IRS anytime soon.
    Charging a commission is legal under Sharia. Barack is still headed to Paradise.

  20. Obama:
    Islam is rooted in a commitment to compassion and mercy and justice and charity….The world’s 1.6 billion Muslims are as diverse as humanity itself…. Here’s another fact: Islam has always been part of America… Jefferson and John Adams had their own copies of the Koran.

    The ambassador answered us that [the right] was founded on the Laws of the Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have answered their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as prisoners, and that every Mussulman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.

  21. “…a 1% commission…”

    Forget the commission. Just forget about it.

    Iran gets to give the finger to the American people?

    Again and again and again.

    That’s commission enough for the Confabulator in Chief.

    That’s all he needs and all he wants.

    And that $100 billion (or more) is sure going to buy a lot of middle fingers.

    File under: Sins of commission.

  22. “I wonder what kind of payoff Val Jarrett got from Iran?”

    Hmmm. Personally, I think she’s an ideological purist.

    That she’s doing it all “for free” (as it were).

    However, there may be more to this than meets the eye. Kickbacks are never to be discounted; but what form might they take in this case?….

    In any event, the money is working its way to its intended destination as we speak:


    File under: Your taxes at work.

  23. Barry….

    It reads like the driver was using the EU official as diplomatic cover — as a dupe.

    The amount involved points to this being a gang operation.

    It would not shock me if the gold came all the way from Mosul.

    Somehow I see the ultimate destination to be the West Bank.

    Bullion shipments into Israel — are common.

  24. Iranian Mullahs would be free to write fat cheques
    Let read this:

    “the Iraqi government is fully penetrated by these Iranian-sponsored groups, and many of them are now in charge of the security services, they’re on the front lines with these militias, they’re receiving American weapons, they’re receiving American tanks, they have American air support, they have American diplomatic cover. So in this case we are backing the Iranian-commanded Shia militias to defeat ISIS. But the Iraqi security forces and the Iranian-backed militias are guilty of the same atrocities and war crimes that ISIS is known for. They are beheading individuals, they are torturing, and evidence of this emerges every day. And yet they are receiving billions of dollars of advanced military equipment from the United States.”

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