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Who to believe? — 34 Comments

  1. I saw it.

    Great movie.

    But what Gowdy needs to inform the public is why was there NO air support? That was my question from 9-12-12.

  2. Forgot to mention two things:

    1. Libya is entirely Hillary’s fault.

    2. The movie perfectly shows why the West must disassociate itself itself from the ME and contain Islam to its home. Islam is incompatible with the West.

  3. I saw 13 Hours yesterday and was pleased see it was faithful to the book. And, who should we believe; the liars in the regime or the brave survivors who risked all in an attempt to protect their fellow Americans?

  4. Confusing things is that there’s apparently been at least one guy who *did* lie about the things he claimed he did and saw that night in Benghazi. Lara Logan did a 60 Minutes segment on Benghazi, and she conducted an interview of a guy who said he’d been there that night, and was describing his experience. I remember at the time thinking to myself, “Some of what he’s saying doesn’t match up with what I’ve heard elsewhere.” And shortly afterwards, Logan got in trouble because it was found that the guy she was interviewing was lying about his experience there.

    (why she was getting in trouble for someone else’s lies was never explained to me)

  5. The Dems are really showing how terrified they are about Benghazi. The movie explicitly shows the “stand down” order given by the CIA station chief, an arrogant, turf-guarding, bureaucratic asshole. It says nothing whatsoever about higher-ups.

    What the Dems are worried about is that people will go beyond the setting of the movie, and ask what Cornhead asks, “Why WAS there no air support?” Hmmmm?

    I think the defense of that compound will go down in history as one of the greatest defenses of all time, up there with Roarke’s Drift and the 101 and friends’ defense of Bastogne.

  6. junior:

    He is not one of the people whose story was used for the movie, however, I’m pretty sure. Do you have any information that contradicts that?

  7. My take away from 13 Hours is that ALL of the previous media emissions that I’d seen were wildly off.

    Bay takes the time to fully set up the layout of the two sites — necessary because most of the graphics in the public eye were/are all wrong.

    I’ve lost count of the number of times that I’ve read that the two deceased SEAL team pros ran over to the fight — essentially alone.

    Whereas nothing could be further from the truth.

    It’s also obvious that the Sec State was NOT the controlling authority.

    ONLY President Obama had the command authority to block four star generals. ( Hamm )

    HRC would be entirely out of that decision loop.

    Hamm was subsequently relieved of his command for his actions that day. He was ratted out … for attempting to come to the aid of the CIA ‘station.’

    ( The President has finks slotted all across every major command… basically imitating the political officer in control scheme used by the Soviets.

    ( These finks are the source// agency for all of the command level turmoil. This systematic undermining of command authority is new to the Soetoro administration.

    This “authority” battle was brought up in the film 13 Hours — as time and time again the various players were invoking political authority or demanding such authority from those asking for emergency assistance.

    All of this is due to the fact that Barry is a flaming control freak.

    Which is wholly consistent with being a Gonnabee.

    “Angry autocrat” is the style of ‘management’ to be expected from a Gonnabee.

    Of course, he’s the last person that should be around the Big Button.

  8. Neo –

    I’m pretty sure that you’re correct. AFAIK, the guy in question was not one of the CIA contractors that were used as sources for the book and movie. However, I suspect that it’s only a matter of time before his lies get brought up in an attempt to discredit the movie.

  9. blert –

    HRC was involved (or should have been involved) in a separate loop that is referred to in the film, namely the poor security around the US diplomatic installations in Libya. The one known inaccuracy in the film shows the Ambassador acting overconfident about the security situation, whereas in real life he was very concerned about it and repeatedly contacted the State Department asking for improved security. IIRC State has waved off the security thing by blaming it on budget cuts imposed by the Republican-controlled House. But I seem to recall that e-mails revealed that the US military had volunteered to provide security, but State turned down the offer because it didn’t want to rely on another part of the government. Hillary should be nailed to the wall for that, if nothing else.

  10. I knew of course before I saw the film exactly who lived and died. Watching I thought if this wasn’t a true story it would be ridiculous, you would never believe a made up plot in which these people managed to survive this attack. That is how good these men are at saving lives. They are the people I want protecting our country, they are the people in whom I will place my trust.

    The bureaucrats are covering their giant behinds. They are despicable.

  11. It’s also plain as day that the CIA was so massively staffed because a major operation was underway:

    Purchasing Libyan arms — for redistribution — via Turkey — to Syria.

    Ambassador Steven’s meeting with the Turk — in the very shadow of the attack — was omitted from the film.

    Also omitted is the very real prospect that the entire assault was initiated by IRAN.

    Iran LOVES to use false flag operations.

    And fanatical jihadis are so easy to rope and dope.

    The strategic aim of the Iranian gambit was to STOP the flow of CIA money and arms to Syria.

    But, there are no Shi’ites in Libya.

    So, the IRGC used cut-outs, and employed the Sunnis as mercs.

    This force provided plausible deniability — very much like our use of ‘contractors.’

    The lethal mortar fire was entirely out of character for Libyan jihadi attacks.

    Reuters reported that IRGC “nurses” were captured by Sunnis in the weeks immediately prior to the assault. ( Male ‘nurses’, of course.)

    These ‘nurses’ were held for ransom by the Sunni fanatics. Tehran paid that ransom.

    The ‘nurses’ had been caught pacing off the dimensions and locations around the two compounds.

    Imagine that. (*!!!*)

    Iran has been caught — by the CIA — by General McChrystal — using Sunni fanatics to attack Americans in Iraq — over and over and over again.

    Iran uses Shi’ite fanatics where they are many.

    Iran uses Sunni fanatics where they are many.

    For some reason — it never entered into anyone’s brain that the Iranian gambits seen in Iraq would be replicated in Libya.

    This blindness lies underneath ALL of the misappraisals seen in 13 Hours.

    From the Ambassador on down, no-one could quite imagine why the Libyans would bite the hand that was feeding them sugar — and plenty of it.

    Even while the attack was underway, it never entered anyone’s noggin that they were being attacked by a proxy (mercenary) army — sponsored by Iran.

    Meaning that it was REALLY motivated to attack.

    Since the Shi’ites didn’t give a ^%$# about Sunni casualties, and were in no position to reveal their involvement, the fanatics attacked like zombies.

    Needless to say, the attackers — the fools — had no comprehension that they were assaulting the most elite troops in the world.

    They were fed a stack of lies. By the time they opened fire every attacker was DEEP inside the beaten zone of the crack snipers manning the walls.

    ( It’s not mentioned in the film, but sniper skills would be deemed an essential skill for all contract employees. Random shots or even tight bursts of automatic fire would be out of the question in virtually every scenario anticipated.

    The low level of American fire (compared to the AK-74s of the fanatics) plus darkness and flash induced blindness would cause the attacking fools to not comprehend that their fellows were being slaughtered … right up until a head shot put them down for good.

    For film purposes, Bay has the Americans standing largely still at set firing positions. In reality, the boys would be firing, shifting, firing, shifting, so that the fanatics had no fixed targets to aim at — or even spray at.

    Similar assaults — in Afghanistan — lasted all day — in the full open countryside. During such engagements, a mere four (4) American SOF put down about a battalion of jihadis with AK-74s.

    THAT’S how imbalanced the killing power is between the elites and the drugged.

  12. For the President, ANY discovery that the Benghazi fiasco was sponsored by the IRGC — and Tehran — would not fit his narrative.

    Hence, you will not see any officials coming forth with that proposition.

    The President may not control what he’d like — but he’s got a tight handle on his official lies… his narrative.

  13. junior,

    The asset was a CIA station — the imagery that it was a State Department compound was a ruse — a fiction.

    BTW, Stevens was also asking for more security — in Tripoli.

    He got shot down there, too.

    THAT decision can fairly be laid upon both Hillary and Barry.


    The President was engaged in Dirty Ops.

    ALL of the key decisions were coming from the Oval Office.

    Clinton didn’t demote General Hamm — the President did.


    Barry Soetoro hails from a CIA family — that’s what the weight of the evidence shows.

    Of course, such an employment status would never be officially admitted — probably even after death.

    His Grandfather and his Mother both were involved — highly involved — in known CIA activities and CIA fronts.

    So, it can be no surprise that Barry prefers to use the CIA for dirty ops — and that the Benghazi fiasco was more embarrassing than Iran-Contra.

    You might note the similarities.

    White House
    Gun running
    Being totally duped

  14. Iran-Contra involved TOW missiles.

    TOW missiles are exactly what the President is feeding to al Nusrah, ISIS and the other known al Qaeda fronts fighting Assad.

    “Division 30” ( Heh ) was infiltrated by al Nusrah — and so its boys IMMEDIATELY joined up with al Nusrah the second they crossed the Syrian border.

    Without American arms and diplomatic support, ISIS simply would not exist.

    The President regards ISIS as his proxy army to take down Assad. He is joined in this action by Anakar, Doha, and Riyadh.

    They are all talking one story — while funding and supplying ISIS — under the table — and via cut-outs.

    To keep the kafir totally confused, the fanatics keep re-branding their ‘brigades.’

    This allows the liar in chief to plausibly deny that he is — in fact — given TOW missiles to al Qaeda.

    You might note that ISIS is not really being attacked, by the President.

    He only intends to spank// eliminate embarrassing jihadis that have gone too far off script… say by murdering Westerners with a kitchen knife in the Arabian sands.

    Otherwise, ISIS gets a pass.

  15. They are all talking one story – while funding and supplying ISIS – under the table – and via cut-outs.

    Heh. And the $150+billion in sanctions relief (and counting) going to the terrorist regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran (i.e. IRGC, Quds force, Basij, etc.) — which sustains the otherwise defunct Assad Regime, not to mention Hezbollah, Hamas, multiple Iraqi Shia militias, Houthis and various other miscreant actors across the region — is trifling? But no, that giant bolus of cash isn’t under the table; nope, it’s standing right there in plain sight.

  16. Yankee Says:
    January 20th, 2016 at 7:53 pm

    Why was Ambassador Stevens there in the first place?


    To meet the Turk and discuss arms deliveries to the anti-Assad elements ( AQ ) in Syria.

    That arms network was the sole and only reason for the CIA station in Benghazi.

  17. My wife and I saw the movie today-it is a great movie and is highly recommended, it was a very moving experience. We have three kids who are Marine and Army officers and have all served in Iraq and Afghanistan, mentally we put our children in these kinds of operations and thus get emotionally involved. Also, we lived and worked for about 8 years in Libya.

  18. Sarah’s on it:

    ‏@HillaryClinton Jan 20: Sarah Palin’s got Trump’s back. If you want to keep Republicans like them out of the White House, add your name now [to this petition]: http://hrc.io/1WsMbGf

    To which Palin posted on Facebook:

    It’s what you do for deserving public servants, Hillary, so darn right we’ll have our next President’s back… better than you had the backs of our guys in Benghazi.

    PS – all those blue Bernie signs really pop here in the Iowa snow!

  19. Why was Ambassador Stevens there in the first place?

    Officially, it’s never been stated.

    Unofficially, the prevailing theory is the arms dealing that others have mentioned.

  20. “I know who I believe. ”

    Actually, it should be rephrased as:

    “I know who(m) I DON’T believe.”

    Not a single word that emanates from his mouth.

    Not a single word.

    But it’s worse than that.

    He doesn’t merelyl lie because he’s a psychopath.

    He’s lies because he has a specific agenda. A definite plan. A nefarious purpose.

    And he’s getting away with it. At least, he has so far.

    With no one and nothing able to stop him.

    Who knows? Perhaps the imploding global economy will be the only thing left that can deflect this twice-elected juggernaut from achieving his ultimate goal.

  21. I wonder if this movie is shown in post theaters. If not, if there’s some command influence, then perhaps outside the wire?
    What would the effect be?

  22. The fact that there were hundreds of requests for increased security at the compound that were ignored, BEFORE the attack is grounds enough to disqualify Rodham from being commander in chief.

  23. Interesting that Obama, Hillary and S. Rice get no mention in the film.
    Makes it politically safer to get the word out.
    The great evil is, of course, that the aforementioned liars saved the election for BHO.

  24. I went to see the film as an easy way to honor our fighting men. One point not mentioned above:

    This is an absolutely gorgeous movie. I plan to see it again just for the beauty (war porn???) of the battle scenes, the office scenes, and the outdoor scenes. Some of the photography, like the views of “zombieland” at different stages of the battle and aftermath, are breathtaking.

  25. The Left is, of course, attacking the film even though it has no references to Barry or Hillary — merely showing that there was no demonstration and that the attack was planned, reconnoitered, equipped with heavy weapons, and had a clear chain of command challenges the narrative, and therefore it must be attacked.

    Unfortunately, it’s not doing all that well. I hope it can stay in the theaters long enough for more people to see it.

  26. junior…

    The government pdf passes off the Turkish diplomat as merely being escorted to the front door.


    What exactly can you expect in an unclassified document?

    The truth?

    Even at this time, the arms network is STILL sending TOW missiles to AQ front groups in Syria — with Turkey used as a cut-out.

    Without Erdogan, ISIS would fold up in a week.

    Turkey is the ONLY door to the outside world for ISIS.


    Putin has been howling about this for weeks on end.

    Our MSM shields the President by deliberately suppressing all of the details.

    Hence, Americans live in an alternate reality bubble of epic proportions.

    Similar bubbles were erected in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.

    They still exist in Iran, Red China, North Korea — and America.

    Our professional Left is ideologically in bed with the President.

    It really is that simple.

    Because of this support, Barry feels ennobled, proud, as he marches America down the road to dystopia.

    It’s all very touchy-feely and irrational — but — it is human.

  27. Harold Says:
    January 21st, 2016 at 11:23 am
    The fact that there were hundreds of requests for increased security at the compound that were ignored, BEFORE the attack is grounds enough to disqualify Rodham from being commander in chief.

    It wasn’t ignored. State pulled Stevens’ protection detail after each one, until he had none at the end.

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